walkin' on sunshine [open / mini-announcement]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


Romance wasn't something Quill had ever really put much thought into. He hadn't really ever had a chance. When he was a little kid, back before he joined Skyclan or even knew what the group was, the toms life had been a living hell at the paws of his 'father', a cat who'd despised him and never missed a chance to let him know. Over half the scars he wore were from that tom, and he'd a dozen more important things to be thinking about. After leaving that behind and finding Skyclan all that had been on his mind was finding a quiet place he could live out the rest of his life. He hadn't been interested in making friends or trusting those around him, and he sure as hell hadn't been looking to hook up with anyone or start a relationship.

It was only after his return from the shelter that it was ever brought up. Tallulahwings comment about him being Twitches 'Boyfriend' had been perfect fuel to tease the other tom with later, but in an odd twist it'd led to a discussion on mates and the future.

Honestly, Quill had never expected to live the normal life of a clan cat. He was a good warrior, sure, but beyond that? He knew he didn't have much to offer. His father had made it very clear just how much he was actually worth, and while he loathed believing anything that asshole said, time had only ever proven them right. Quill was nothing; he lacked the charisma necessary to be likeable, had the personality of a rock until he was pissed off to the point of comitting murder, and didn't even have looks on his side thanks to his freaky chimera pelt and mismatched eyes, looking as if he'd skinned two different cats and then stitched their pelts together to wear them for himself. All the scars, all the baggage that came with cat like him- even if he'd wanted normalcy, it'd never been something that was within reach for him.

Until, it was.

"I'd be sad too if you disappeared one day and you didn't know that I love you-"

And just like that, a door he hadn't even realied was there had opened for him, and standing on the other side waiting was none other than Bananasplash.

He'd spent so long telling himself that he didn't need it that the sudden ache of possibility in his chest had caught him off guard, and he'd been sharply reminded in that moment that 'need' and 'want' weren't the same. Maybe he could have gone the rest of his life alone, but that didn't mean he wanted to. And Bananasplash- well, he couldn't get much better than her, could he? She was beautiful and sweet and funny, and they'd known each other for so long. She was already one of the most important cats in his life, and if he tried he could picture a future with her- a good one, that didn't end like his parents had.

He'd be a better mate than his father ever was.

As the sun began to rise and the clan began to stir, Quill slipped from the warriors den with Bananasplash at his side, their pelts brushing as they made their way out into the clearing. The tomcat wore the ghost of a smirk on his muzzle, mismatched eyes bright with a mixture of pride and confidence as he leaned down to lick her cheek. "You can tell them if you want." he said, knowing she'd been dying to say something since the night prior when it'd all happened, but the clan had been mostly asleep by then and Quill hadn't seen the point in causing a fuss when the morning was just as good.


skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

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All their life they had known what love was really. Their parents showed the upmost joy in their commitment to each other that Bananasplash wanted nothing short of what they had. Alice and Heavy Stone had to be enamoured with each other at this point in their lives and six kits afterwards- she wanted that. A family of love and safety, something to be proud of and she couldn't find it better than in Quillstrike. That night she could barely sleep as she was so excited to tell Termitepaw, Flowercloud, and so many others' that she had a mate! Though she had to wait for the rising sun to come through the branches of the warriors' den, and she felt movement at her side as Quillstrike got up from the nest they now shared.

The young she-cat yawned a bit tiredly, rest hadn't been exactly on her mind after all, and she got up from the nest slowly with a lesuirely stretch. Then was quick to follow after the chimera tomcat into the clear and flushed as her cheek was licked by him. Her own deep mossy green gaze looking up at Quillstrike with a warmth and sweetness she only reserved for him. There wasn't anyone who could compare to Quillstrike, besides maybe Pigeonsong and the memory of his confession faltered her gaze a bit. Bananasplash looked out at the camp as cats started to stirr and move about for the early morning patrols and training or what have you.

Then she was given the okay.

Bananasplash looked up at Quill once more with her gaze flashing slightly in excitement- she could finally tell others? She had been waiting for the go ahead since last night and she was already teeming with bubbly energy. Green hues looked around for a moment as the cats started to come forth and she bounded over to the first group of cats she could find with a giddy giggle, "Quillstrike asked me to be his mate," She whispered at first with a paw to her muzzle as if it where some grand secret before she bounced on her toes, "I'm Quillstrikes mate!"


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Thistleback prowls towards the happy pair with a mean scowl, and waves a paw in front of the cream and white molly’s face and eyes. " not blind? … hmm " he asks and drops his paw, lips threatening at a smirk as he looks between the two.

" well " he cocks an eyebrow and tosses Quillstrike the fakest look of snobbish contempt he could muster, " there’s worse things to be, I suppose " he jokes but his tone is flat.

" congratulations, kids " he purrs hoarsely, aiming to touch his paw roughly to his former apprentice’s shoulder. Offering Bananasplash a kind smile on a rugged maw, before stepping away to let their peers congratulate them. He thinks back to all the times he had seen Quillstrike attached to Twitchbolt at the flank, this- wasn't expected. If there was anything that repelled the brute though, it was other people's lovelife. Then it's the memory of Pigeonsong's confession that makes the warrior pause in his steps, well- here's to hoping the man takes it well. Stuck with unreciprocating feelings, one could hope the warrior's confidence would hold against this new era to Skyclan. The piebald seeks Pigeonsong out now, with idle turns of his chin.

  • — thistle's way of being happy for em

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22
    Father of Coyotepaw, Eveningpaw, Briarpaw, Damsel, Sunflowerpaw, and Rosepaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

❪ TAGS ❫ — Amber eyes flicked over at the sudden burst of commotion coming from the middle of camp. Usually not one to stick his nose into anyone else's business, Slate couldn't exactly avoid a public announcement. Quillstrike and Bananasplash were mates now, apparently. He didn't know either of them too well and, frankly, he didn't care. Was he supposed to?

With a blink, Slate grumbles under his breath, "Uh... 'kay." What did they want, some sort of applause? Showered in gifts suited for newly-pronounced couples? Slate didn't understand why folks had to make such a big deal out of their personal lives; he'd certainly hate it if everybody in the entire clan knew about his business.

Feeling awkward as hell and not knowing what else to do, Slate twitched an ear and quietly stalked off to try and find someone to accompany him out of camp. He didn't care who it was, as long as it would get him out of there.
This sort of interaction would be the first of Cheddar's! Having lived as the only cat within their home for so long, socializing with the SkyClan folks was an exciting new journey for the round tabby. Of course, Cheddar loved to talk! He found being around so many cats fascinating, and enjoyed the different ways they all carried through conversation. Discovering so many different interests, delights and habits among the cats that lived here.

When Cheddar saw the pair sitting beside one another, oddly facing the majority of the camp, he became curious. These were telltale signs of an announcement! He lingered a bit of a distance away until one of the two were ready to speak- Bananasplash it seemed. The pair looked so elated just looking at one another, it was hardly difficult to guess what this may be about. Cheddar wondered, was that a common tradition? They must be truly betrothed to share to so many souls at one time. They were truly proud of the love they had for one another.

"Congratulations mine own friends! I wisheth a life of loveth and grace to the both of thee. This is a joyous day!" Cheddar celebrated with them much more loudly than their peers, but he sounded purely genuine.​

Quillstrike and Bananasplash stand together, an announcement declared. They're mates now, apparently - the former daylight warrior is giddy as she shares the news. And, Greeneyes? Well, Greeneyes is only confused by what's been placed before him.

Had he been wallowing in grief that much, to not know what was going on?

Quillstrike and Twitchbolt, they were basically inseparable, weren't they? Greeneyes had thought they were together. And, Bananasplash - she was hardly older than Greeneyes himself. Weren't they both too young to be settling down with someone? Or had he missed the memo on that too?

Greeneyes doesn't see himself settling down right now, at least. He doesn't even think he's really thought about loving someone enough to become mates with them, either. Maybe it's just different for Bananasplash.

Didn't she choose a gift for Pigeonsong, when Greeneyes was giving out gifts? Maybe it was just because Quillstrike wasn't here, but, even so...

When did this happen?

"Oh, uh... Congratulations?" he offers, looking between the two. They're nowhere near the pair he would've thought to be announcing such news, but he supposes any good news should be celebrated these days.

It was unfounded, this feeling. It bubbled in his gut like magma, hot and spitting, singing the thumping muscles of his heart. I'm Quillstrike's mate, Bananasplash chirped; happiness brimmed from her like the sun over the horizon. Stunned into silence, he stared, eyes as wide as ever. To those who did not know him so well, the expression on his face was not so different from his regular panic- but it was distinctive shock, shock that lay beneath his flesh and broiled, and- and-

"Huh...?" His gaze flickered toward Quillstrike, caught the smile on his face. Liar, he thought before he could stop himself. He was lucky it didn't spout out of his mouth- thankfully he had at least that much restraint. He'd said he'd not thought about mates- hadn't told him there was anyone in his life who he even liked romantically, let alone loved. Surely he should have been told. They told each other everything. But- but Quillstrike and Bananasplash were mates. They didn't just like each other, like-like, like apprentices did. It was love- apparently. That was what mate meant, right?

The clan probably expects me to find a mate soon. Quillstrike's words echoed in his mind. Bananasplash's did, too- I was a little jealous of you. His jaw tensed, and his muscles squirmed beneath shuddering skin. Was this- really, really, what they wanted? Was he not- not good enough, that Quill would not have told him that he loved someone?

He felt the realisation barrel into him like a hungry fox, and his eyelid flickered, seized, one-two-three times. You're an idiot, it started quiet, and tumbled into something louder. You're an idiot! Twitchbolt did not know whether it was himself or Quillstrike he was thinking of. Himself, he decided. Even though he could wish Quillstrike had told him his feelings, it was not the chimera's fault that Twitchbolt had never asked. And- it was equally not his fault when, despite how he'd always thought himself better, he felt his stomach floundering in his chest like a fish plucked from the river.

It was never going to be you. A quiet thought- one that Twitchbolt often shoved back into the depths for fear of ruining something good, like he always did. He had already ruined it, hadn't he? Ruined any chance he had, and- there was no chance in the first place. Their discussion that night had betrayed that. A smile, tight-lipped, shuddered upon his face. A small curve, but there. Wide eyes flickered to Bananasplash. "Good for- for-" he swallowed, showing his teeth in a grin for a moment. It did not last long. "For you guys."

His gaze met Quillstrike's, then- finding him where he stood. You're an idiot, the voice in his mind said again. Which one of them it spoke to was beyond Twitchbolt's understanding. How could you not have realised before? What right did he have to feel this way- when he had only ever denied it, that he had never admitted it even to himself. Besides- it was never going to be him. When Quillstrike had idly thought of a settled-down life, he had never pictured a small, scruffy, bicoloured tom at his side.

I've never thought about it, Twitchbolt had said. But he had. He had been lying, too, though accidentally. When he had thought of his future, never being able to picture it without Quillstrike, this was what he had been thinking of.

"You thought about it, then," he joked. He was not a bad actor- it was entirely convincing, in fact. But though his tone was light, the envy-hued depths of his gaze were mirthless.
penned by pin ✧
Pigeonsong's stomach turned from his position beside the warriors den. This had been coming for some time and he was well aware of that fact. He'd told himself that he would be happy for them and he fought hard to suppress the pains in his chest as he watched Quillstrike pad into the clearing. The tom looked so proud, as he should, anyone would be proud to have such an amazing cat by their side.

He knew his feelings were selfish and he pushed them down as he watched her announce the words that might've broken him if he'd been weaker.

"I'm Quillstrikes mate!"

Using all of his strength, he forced a smile onto his face. If she was happy then he was too, that's what he truly wanted to believe, to feel and yet that promise rang hollow as he watched them standing together. There was no anger in his gaze, just grief. She'd avoided him ever since his confession and now he felt like maybe this was her sign for him to leave her life completely.

He winces at the thought but as stubborn as his feelings are, he will honor his promise to her. Even if she'd decided she didn't want to be friends anymore.

The sandy tabby wants nothing more than to be happy for the new couple but his heart refuses and so he pushes it away, denying his feelings the right to control. Deep down he knew he was better than this, sulking like some kitten in the nursery. It just hurt so much and he felt so guilty for burdening her with his feelings to begin with.

"Congratulations." He'd call, a small sad smile on his face. Pigeonsong's honeyed gaze lands on Thistleback's own as he tries to find a polite way to excuse himself from camp.


Ignorance was bliss they said, and that couldn't be truer for Quillstrike as he stood there basking in the warmth of this new feeling, watching with bright eyes as Bananasplash all but shouted it to the first batch of cats she saw. The chimera almost chuckled, the thought of her hauling herself atop the highbranch to announce it to the entire clan momentarily coming to mind.

"Fuck off." he scoffed at his mentors comment, though the words were clearly good natured if the amused huff that followed it and the smirk on his muzzle were any indicators. Truthfully though, the chimera had thought something similar when Banana had first confessed. He had no idea what her want him out of every other cat in camp, but he wasn't about to squander the chance he'd been given.

" congratulations, kids "

The touch to his shoulder felt like approval, and it only farthered the toms belief that this was right. Sure, he and Banana were still fresh into adulthood, but what was the point in waiting when they'd already confessed their feelings? It wasn't like they were going have kits *tomorrow*, after all.

"Thanks." he replied, watching as Banana practically bounced on her toes in front of Slate and Cheddar.

While Quill was clearly pleased with himself, this whole announcement things was entirely for Bananasplash. As happy as the tom was with these new developments in his life, it wasn't really in his nature to go making a big deal out of something like a relationship. Hell, he hadn't even really believed in relationships a few months back, but he knew he could do the things a mate was supposed to, and Banansplash was a good cat- things wouldn't end like they had with his parents, not with them.

He let his mate - the word still sounded immensely foreign in his head- to deal with the majority of the cats who uttered their congrats or joined in with their celebrating, watching things from a few strides away with Thistle.

Until a familiar mahogany and cream pelt came into view.

Quill recognized the struggle that hit his friend as they faced Bananasplash, sharp eyes honing in on the spasming eyelid and delay in response as the other warrior tried to process this new development. He felt a little bad for springing it on them like this, but to be fair it had been sprung on Quillstrike as well, hardly a planned event he'd been pouring thought into.

It had just happened. Had just made sense.

When Twitch finally forced the words from their mouth and his friends gaze eventually landed on him, Quill made his way over to stand before them.

"You thought about it, then." not a question, Quill noticed, and he shrugged.

"I guess so." he agreed, not picking up on the fact that something was off. "We're probably gonna go hunting after this. You coming?" he asked, though it was clear he was expecting the answer to be 'yes'. He and Twitch *always* hunted together in the mornings, so why should this be any different?

His attention was momentarily stolen by Pigeonsongs approach. The other tom looked... kinda bummed? Quill accepted his congratulations with a nod of gratitude, wondering if the other cat was still just tired. He didn't know them well, but they were pretty good friends with Bananasplash if he remembered right.

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

( ) Deersong walked into camp just as the announcement left Bananasplash's mouth and the cream and mocha molly paused in her walking. This was...unexpected. Her aqua gaze flickered over to Twitchbolt just a fraction of a second, though it would remain half-closed in her usual whimsical stare. She would drop off her catches at the fresh-kill pile, nudging her own mate's shoulder good-naturedly, having heard his words, and then stopping before Bananasplash as Quillstrike walked over to Twitchnbolt and cooing softly, "Far out, you two. Welcome to the family, pretty kitty."

She would offer Banana a warm smile as she tilted her head, "You take care of our Starchild, yea?" There was clearly nothing but affection in the older molly's tone for Quillstrike, and a portion of that was now aimed toward his proclaimed mate.

"Well, congratulations." Orangeblossom offers, fond brown eyes tracking the familiar cream-and-white pelt of Bananasplash as her sister goes bouncing around with excitement. She's been hiding away in the nursery more often now, heavy and waiting, but she's glad that she's poked her muzzle out to hear this news. Yet, at the same time, she's slightly confused; any cat with eyes could see the hopeful looks Bananasplash had been giving Quillstrike, but half the cats without vision could see the looks the dark chimera had been giving Twitchbolt for moons on end. The dynamic must have shifted among SkyClan's young warriors after returning from the shelter, or even while they'd all been gone ...

"Welcome to the family, Quillstrike. You treat her well, got it?" She warns, though she's not particularly harsh about it for once. He knows full well that she'd throw her weight around if he did - not as the SkyClan deputy, but as Bananasplash's older sister.

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3
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Questions filed within his helm as the young couple speaks, a mated pair they were now? Auburnflame tilts his head lightly to one side as he saunters over towards the gathering group, ivory whiskers indicating that he was in deep thought. I always thought her and Chrysalispaw would end up together with as much time as they used to spend around one another. Did they stop talking or something? He doesn't know, but either way, a smile would pull upon his lips at the newly named couple. His steps are light, traversing towards them and lingering upon the chimera with a mischievous glint within his icy gaze. Orangeblossom's protective nature over her sister was noted, and of course, he decided to tag along with it. "Congrats to ya both!" He trills, stopping just in front of Quillstrike with a widening smile. "You'll do good to make sure she's taken care of, won't ya? After all, I'd hate for you to end up water logged, yeah?" The calico would pause, letting the suspense of his words fester in the air before breaking out into a hardy laugh. "HAH! I'm just kiddin'." He flicks Quillstrike's shoulder with the tip of a plumed tail before moving on, his gaze settling on Twitchbolt now. The younger tom looked—shocked to say the least.
The calico studies him for a moment, whiskers twitching ince again and them it hits him suddenly. Quillstrike and Twitchbolt. Of course! Those two had been practically inseparable lately, and the budding relationship that lingered there reminded him briefly of that bond that he himself shared with Silversmoke. Uh oh. Pink lips purse into a straight line, now realizing just how palpable the tension in the air. How could i be so stupid? Even Pigeonsong seemed upset over it, a small smile that feigned on the pale tabby's lips as he congratulated them. With a clear of his throat to break the silence, he casts a glance back at Bananasplash and Quillstrike before finally taking his leave.

//awkward encounter out lol

Chrysalispaw's emotions were a tangled and thorny thicket, as though they waited to waylay him at the last moment, like insects feasting on the flesh behind the fur-coat. Nosing through them would only lead to disaster, though he hadn't the foresight nor the willingness to do so. He was a catgut's suture of a feline, a tempered glass house upon a stone-studded brook. The boy's vocabulary could never hope to parse through his wanton anger nor his inexplicable sorrows like they were simply too complex for his own language, and his tongue would become just as twined as his heart. He avoided that, for the sake of his own dignity - or, whatever dignity he perceived himself to have. After all, the false king still wore a crown, no matter how the crown happened upon his head.

When he stared at Bananasplash, he felt some sense of bubbling dread comb over him as though floodwater would inundate him, leave him with just enough air to choke in the saltwater. Why did he even feel that way? Banana and Quill were happy together, weren't they? It was a typical love story, sickeningly sweet and sappy. Was he jealous? (Would anyone love him as he was?)

"'Grats. Hope you're both happy with it." The tom practically spat the words out of his mouth, a snort escaping his nose like a hot desert breeze, an uninviting flush against the dunes. He was never the kind type, never one to bother himself with candied love that seemed too apt to break beneath calloused claws. He didn't need it. He found the scraps of grace to quickly walk away from the crowd, spinning on his heels from whence he came, as though he were a mere specter to the spectacle. That was what he was after all, a haunt to his own world. He left his own sentiments a festering open wound, as the breeze ate at the naked being, and would soon reduce it to its pitiful pit.

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