walking in a winder-wonderland // snow clearing

Jan 5, 2023
God, this was going to drive them mad. Camp was busy and cats were coming and going- while they remained in their spot. Unable to leave camp, Honeysplash was patched up with cobwebs and the like. They spent a lot of time sitting outside the medicine den and watching her clanmates wonder around. It made her feel so useless. She felt like she had missed so much, like there was so much to make up for in terms of her place here in the clan. She wanted to be useful, to help, but she couldn’t even go outside without her wounds threatening to open up. Plus her broken leg was also making things very difficult as well.

Today though she would not waver any longer. She needed to do something other than sit here outside of Dawnglare den waiting for someone to talk to her or say hi or something. Though Starclan was cruel in some ways and a heavy snow fall had come through the camp. Honeysplash had grown tired of picking through the snow to get to the fresh kill pile and back. So, she had made herself get up and start at the medicine den.

She found a piece of flat bark off a nearby tree, she’d rather not go into detail about how hard it was to peel off a large enough bark piece, and use it to push snow around. She was making a path from Dawnglares’ den entrance and their brow furrowed as they worked. Intending to do it alone, but they wouldn’t say no to any sort of help.

Prompt- snow fills the camp to the brim! Organize a clean up and start shoveling! ​


living in a world so cold
*+:。.。 "For someone who worked so hard to stay alive, you sure are quick to flirt with death again" Orchidpaw would trill, amusement lighting up his face with a shine he couldn't say he entirely felt. The last few days had been such a chore. That rogue attack had seriously ruined everything. All his scheduled naps, all the creative plans he'd wanted to test in getting out of work - ruined. Of course, he'd never actually pick those things above helping his clan through this dire time, but the stress of being serious 20/4 seven was going to start giving him grey hairs and that was unacceptable! Though so was having sore muscles and bags under his eyes, but the young man wasn't about to slow down in his efforts to be Skyclan's greatest defender if it meant no one else had to face those rogues ever again.
But compared to the patrols, the endless - and often futile - hunting, and the brain-numbing guard duty, shoveling snow didn't seem too bad. Although Orchidpaw frowned at the idea of matting up his fur with ice chunks, he'd set the complaint aside as he carefully watched Honeysplash work. Turning his attention to the nearest tree, he struggled for a moment before ripping out his chunk of bark. Joining Honeysplash, he'd follow her movements until he was working alongside, shoveling the snow away with fluid movements. It made his nose itch with the cold, but the idea was a great one, especially fi anyone else got injured and needed a quick, unencumbered trip to the medicine den.

"How're you feeling by the way? Open up any of your wounds? I won't snitch on you to Dawnglare but I don't think he approved of this physical exertion" Orchidpaw would say, smiling playfully and hoping it properly translated as him just injecting levity into the moment. Orchidpaw was nothing if not supportive of rebellious good deeds.

    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Skyclan — Apprentice
    Son of Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw
    Brother to Cherrypaw, Eggpaw, Glimmerpaw

    Physically medium | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently
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Reactions: Honeysplash
it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
Rarely more than a few words, even full-blown sentences were once in a blue moon, Littlepaw remained silent during Orchidpaw’s stew of questions, simply glancing at the other, hoping his reading skills would aid him in this lonesome time, to catch the quiver of a brow, or the subtle twitch of lips, anything that told him the newcomer was in pain.

He wasn’t familiar with Honeysplash, gone long before he had been welcomed into the world, no more than a stranger in his eyes, but others see her as family, as another part of their growing clan. It wasn’t new, seeing strange faces in camp, kittypets and loners joining by the pawful that it made him wonder if they could sustain this many, now in the depths of leafbare where coming by prey was a rarity (or in Littlepaw’s case, he was still getting the hang of chasing prey).

Unlike them, Littlepaw was small, if he stood beside them, no more than the average-sized kit which didn’t stop him from using his smaller build to shovel snow despite the teeth-chattering cold seeping into pale flesh.
thought speech
A voice spoke up beside them and turned- slightly startled by the sound. They had been so focused in their movements that they hadn’t noticed this young cat approach them. They furrowed their brow as it took a moment to process as the young apprentice walked over to a tree to grab a piece of bark as well. Flirt with death? She didnt think it was nearly flirting with it and more so playing a game of sorts. Like a kit who wouldn’t quit.

Then he returned to join by her side and she had slowed her movements before giving a slight chuckle, “I havent opened anything yet- i just can’t stand sitting around much longer,” She said softly, “I just want to be of use again,” She had spent so long away from everything that she felt the need to make up for it. Even if meant hurting herself further.

Honeysplash paused for a moment before continuing in her movements of shoveling snow, “You’ve gotten so big since i last saw you, Orchid,” She murmured sweetly and nudge the young apprentice with her muzzle against his shoulder, “Last i saw you, you where just a little fuzzy thing with the loudest cry,”

Then another young apprentice join them in their shoveling and Honeysplash smiled slightly, “Hello- I don’t think we’ve met yet,” She said to Littlepaw and gave a small twitch of her tail, “How is both of your training going?” She addressed both of the apprentices’.


living in a world so cold
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Reactions: Tawnyclaw
Speak his name, and he shall appear. Not enthusiastically, no. Hardly ever, but when it comes to blood and bones, he is quite obligated to show his face. He wears not the same mirth that Orchidpaw did. As stupid as the smile he wore was, he still had more sense than the apparently mouse - brain that was his patient. " Indeed, I did not, " the Medicine Cat butts in, lifting a critical brow. How Honeysplash even managed such feats on the bone - dust that surely were their legs, Dawnglare hadn't a clue.

It is his personal philosophy that he ought not to care more about any injury than the bearer themself did. But this— this was ridiculous." You will be of far more use in Newleaf with a leg you haven't ground into blood, " He is unwilling to entertain this idle chatter. Poor excuses for Honeysplash to keep on her poor leg, is what it was. Though if she refused, Dawnglare would simply leave her be, and not continue wasting his herbs on someone so oblivious. He would cast a glance to the two apprentices currently hounding her... or perhaps she was hounding them. They were all hounding him, was something he knew for certain.

Not with much patience, he would nudge Honeysplash back towards his den. " Save the reunions. They can always come visit. "

  • geLHt4I.png

  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 60 moons old as of 1.1.24. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
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Reactions: wolfie
After his late-night guard work, he'd taken the privilege of sleeping in for the day. Face heavy with stress lines and tail tucked across their chilly nose. Sounds of discussion and odd scraping roused him from his slumber, a blue eye blinking away any remaining sleep. "Best get the day started." Hauling himself from the comforts of their nest, the tabby bowed into a stretch, hoping to alleviate the stiffness in his joints. This cold's gonna drive me nuts. Grumbling nonsensicals, the warrior padded to the entrance, only to be met with neck-height snow. "Oh..." With a sigh, he began making quick work of the buildup.

Pawing mound fulls and shoving through with little couth. Once free of the pile, he spotted the commotion near the Medicine Den. Dogbite's torn ears perked, taking in the scattered conversation with interest as his apprentice's black and white coat stuck out amongst them. A touch of pride welled in him to see the other working alongside his clanmates. His attention was quickly grabbed as Dawnglare's patient made small talk, but the seasoned medic being the far more stubborn of the two urged her back inside. He hated the cold, but if Honeysplash was eager to exhaust herself, the least he could do was pick up the slack.

Trotting closer, he spoke in a sleepy manner, his voice warm and scratchy. "We need you well and rested. It's best you listen to Dawnglare, Honeysplash." His own knowledge of herbs and healing was minimal at best, but he had seen the white-red tom work wonders. They'd be foolish to question their work in any capacity. Raising his feathery tail, he offered aloud, sitting his rear to the frigid earth as they spoke. "I can take over from here if you like? Cleaning up this snow would do us all some good." They tilted their head with a quizzical look, awaiting the cream tabby's response.

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 31 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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Reactions: wolfie
"A cat with a broken leg tryin' to move snow is about as effective as a mouse tryin' to move a boulder." The lead warrior rumbled as Dawnglare nudged Honeysplash back toward the medicine cat den. Slate could not entirely blame her; his sanity would chip away if he had to spend an extended amount of time in that stuffy, smelly place. However, Honeysplash only risked injuring herself more. Slate himself had never broken a limb, but from the sounds of it, recovering was to be taken seriously.

So, that left the others to pick up the work. Dogbite offered their help, which inspired Slate to add, "I'll do it, too." What good was he if he couldn't utilize his strength to benefit the clan? Slate would much rather be cleaning or strengthening the defenses of camp than, say, telling stories to kits. "Anybody who has the muscle for it, help us clear a path. Everybody else, just keep outta' our way, yeah?" A kit or apprentice attempting to clear snow was futile, like barely making a dent in the surface. It was best to leave tasks like this to bigger folks. The work would be over and done quicker if there weren't a bunch of cats getting in the middle of things, either.

The burly Maine Coon padded toward where the path had begun to clear and used his large paws to scoop piles of white powder off to the side. Small huffs of air escaped his nostrils and blew into the chilly air as he worked diligently.

    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles

No one else seemed to be very pleased with the abundance of snow that had materialized in the clearing. At first Pricklykit didn't seem to grasp why, but as her paws sunk into the earth with each step, she grew to understand. The accumulated frozen condensation was beautiful, but proved troublesome to little Pricklykit who liked to flit around the camp like a bee in new-leaf. She was hard to keep track of, and surely the queens would be relieved the moment she was shuffled off to the apprentices' den and no longer of their concern. Her energy was as plentiful as the snow her fellow SkyClanners were attempting to remove. She was just about to begin kicking it away into crystalline clouds behind her paws when Slate specified that those without muscle should refrain from tending to the situation. She paused for a moment, then insisited.

"I have muscle!" She promised as she pressed her dappled frame against what next to her looked like a mountain of snow, putting all of her strength into moving it-- fruitlessly. She kept at it for some moments, letting out a frustrated grunt here and there before sighing and sinking to the ground in defeat. "Okay, maybe not that much muscle..." She admitted sheepishly as she watched the more capable cats carry out the task.​

pricklykit // black smoke tortoiseshell with yellow-green eyes // she/her // kit // 5 moons // skyclan

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it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
“Littlepaw.” He responded blandly, barely glancing up from his task, paws numb to the cold as he carried on shuffling it out of the way. “Fine.” He added, glancing up, catching sight of his mentor, limbs stiffening. Was he doing fine? The apprentice frowned, turning away from the warrior to stare stiffly at the others, glancing at Dawnglare and then at Honeysplash with a frown. Do you want to stay even longer? He wanted to comment, wondering if he’d get dumber once he became a warrior, if he became a warrior, Littlepaw still felt uncertain, but those were thoughts for when he was alone, preferably in his nest tucked away with his back toward everyone.

Eerie blue hues shift to Slate, unable to help himself but think that line was directed toward his scrawny frame, but Littlepaw was unfortunately stubborn, and often guided by his temper. Less now since … everything, but still present. “Not much.” He muttered to Pricklykit, brow raised. “Cold. Go back inside.” He finally added, not wanting to give Dawnglare another reason to waste herbs on something that could have been prevented.
thought speech