walking in embers // rta

The pain he had roosted in had been feverish, from bleeding cracked pads to shoulders wound tight and tense with never-ending taut. Thistleback had revealed himself to the medicine cat pair to his own patient reluctance. Muttering his grievances, it was a hard thing to do for a stony man who didn’t bother himself with mild hindrances. All it meant was that Snowpaw’s final training was once again slowed to a crawl. So with paw pads still sore, and muzzle twisted in an ugly grimace he emerges from the darkness of the herb den. Shoulders rolling with ached muscle as he returns to the world after about four sunrises of rest.

" morning " he greets someone kindly as he settles to the ground once more, this time with the lowlight from the smothering clouds above painting over him as the limbs sway and groan angrily with the gusts of wind combing through roughly. the wind had been howling well through the night as well, Thistleback’s bleary grey eyes turn with his nose to the sky.

" the canopies are a bit dangerous today " he wondered if anyone was trying their luck with the wagging branches and the nettles bristling so angry. " but I should take my apprentices …. somewhere " Thistleback drags an aching paw down the center of his skull between his jagged war nicked ears. Body unwilling to return to the land of the living just yet.

  • — apologies my friends for my week of MIA , a bad bug hit me and my family and it drained us and I couldn't work or write at all <3 now I'm catching up on hours but I'm back and ready to write ! Thistleback has ICly been in meddie den resting for cracked pads and sore shoulders. Body finally hit a brick wall but he's back too

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22
    Father of Coyotepaw, Eveningpaw, Briarpaw, Damsel, Sunflowerpaw, and Rosepaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
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Reactions: Floppie

Out of all things Jinn had not been expecting for one of the lead warriors to greet him that morning. Perhaps it was a sign that his new found clanmates had started to warm up to them?. Whatever the case might be the silver lynx did not hesitate to greet them with a warm smile. " Morning sir, it's nice to have you back with us again." It was never a pleasant feeling to know when one of their clanmates health not were on the top. Now when he was one of them it was expected of him to share this concerning feelings whenever one of them were to unwell to do their daily duties. A face to miss.

The weather change had not come unoticed and it for sure was something to keep a watchful eye on. Jinn himself had been more cautious this past day or so wondering if it would get worse before it got better again. " It sure is. I really hope everyone will stay safe on a day like this." In particular he hoped that Talon would be extra cautious today when being out there. To think he would care so much about someone...

Jinn blinks his eyes awake from his daydreaming world not could he afford to forget about the company he was having right now. One of the higher up none the less. Apprentices?. Thistleback had more than one then?. " Let me know if you need some assistence. Some bad weather has never bothered me before." he offered but it was up to the lead warrior if he should accept it or not. Jinn wouldn't get offended whichever one he decided. Maybe it wasn't his place to begin with to help train the apprentice. It was difficult to be new at times to know where his place was and...wasn't. Hopefully mistakes wouldn't get too frowned upon in this clan.


Howlpaw was chewing contentedly on a pigeon wing when she heard the familiar sound of Thistleback saying hello. Howlpaw lifted her head to say hello back but noted he appeared to be speaking more to Jinn at that moment so settled for a toothy grin instead. Oh, it was good to see him back up and about. Thistleback had been something of a regular fixture in her life since she was a small kit and after he had been resting in the medicine den for a while recovering from cracked paws and a sore shoulder it was good to see him up and about again.

"I don't think I'd fancy climbing in this weather," Howlpaw commented when Thistleback made a comment about the canopies. It made her almost glad to know that Slate wasn't comfortable climbing or hunting in the trees. "I'm surprised the birds can even sit still up there. I was certain they'd be blown off!"

Whilst Jinn offers their assistance in whatever way possible, Howlpaw considers Thistleback's words about wanting to take his apprentices somewhere. "Maybe the rockpile?" She suggested. "It's more on the ground but could be fun for the apprentices to jump and clamber over the rocks to stretch their legs."

Almost completely by association had Twitchbolt acquired a certain level of respect for Thistleback, despite the... less than savoury disposal of the murderer from a few moons back. Quillstrike's mentor, someone who his friend had never lost faith in- who Blazestar hadn't either. And he... he liked to think he knew the gruff tom by now, knew how much he cared for SkyClan. Thus, when he saw the piebald tom exit the medicine cat den and lie himself down, greeting Jinn, he met the sight with his usual genuine but dithering smile, the one that just about met his tired eyes.

"Um- glad to see you better, Thistleback," he hummed as he approached, stopping beside Howlpaw. At the general assertion that a climbing trip would be ill-fated, the mahogany-and-white tom solemnly nodded his head. "Yeah, it's a- shame, really." Twitchbolt swallowed, mismatched eyes finding the thrashing treetops. It had never been a secret that he had enjoyed climbing- from the first day of training it had been a particular passion. But if Twitchbolt was anything, it was unendingly cautious... though it might be worth keeping an eye on the rowdier and more disobedient apprentices, even if Thistleback seemed to have his own on a taut leash.
penned by pin ✧