other Walking Mans Road || Intro




Ah, what a wonderful morning. Birds were singing, the sun was shining...... The air was crisp and cold. A beautiful fall morning with the trees in wonderful shades of red and orange.

Rancor enjoyed such sights. The forest he lived in was small, sure. A small piece of solace that gave way to a meadow, just by the thunderpath.

To say he lived under a rock was......

Well. He did.

He made his burrow under a fairly sizeable boulder, big enough for him and his brother and just a little extra space, just in case.

He left his den and decided it was time to take a stroll. He followed the thunderpath at a distance, wondering who he would meet today. He began to pick up the scents of other cats, so he figured his question would be answered soon.

He slinked on, eager to meet some potentially new faces.
♡ You let other woman make a fool of you ♡

"My My, you're a new face." A voice as smooth as velvet and as inviting as a siren's call would come from above the tom cat's head. Should he look upwards, he would spot the tri-colored molly with scorching orange eyes blinking slowly down at him like an owl spotting a mouse. "Don't believe we've met before, handsome." She would continue to greet, her paws carrying back down the tree with surprising grace and balance.

She would land before him with a soft thump and she would smile warmly at him as she dipped her head in greeting, "The names Milk, what can I call you? Haven't run into you around here before."


Well now! Not the greeting he was expecting! He raised a brow at the Molly who spoke to him.

"Well now! I wasn't expecting to be greeted by such a lovely lady!" He replied to her with a grin.

" My name is Rancor, pleasure to meet you, Milk." He said, looking over this new stranger with his sapphire gaze. Was she a threat? He didn't know.

"What is a rose such as yourself doing out here this fine morning?" He asked. May as well converse! No harm in it.