camp walking on moonlight - reveal


The paw steps across the camp had felt like walking on clouds. Her eyes were locked onto one pelt, and one pelt only. The closer she closed the gap between them, the more the butterflies began to flutter in her belly. All those moons of waiting, all leading up to this. There were so many thing she wanted to say, so many thoughts going to through her mind. How many kits would they have? What would they look like? What would they name them? What personalities would they have? Would Stormfeather and Falconheart be upset?

She locked eyes with him, and greeted him with a trill. He was eating with some of their clanmates, but she didn't care if anyone overheard them. The news would spread regardless, nothing ever remained hidden in the clan. Her mind was still whirling with thoughts, until she pressed her cheek into his shoulder fur. She closed her eyes, taking in a long breath. He had always been her rock, her stability. Even when she had first joined, he had always been able to comfort her. The butterflies settled momentarily, and she pulled away from his touch, sitting down just beside him.

"I hope you are ready to put those climbing lessons we talked about to use..." the fiery tabby breathed, her voice tightening with happiness. "I'm expecting!"

  • please wait for @Flycatcher to respond, then the thread will be open!

  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Deputy of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring none
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 29 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse


It was another good day. Although the winds were a bit on the chilly side still, the weather was finally beginning to warm slightly with the approach of newleaf, making it more bearable to sit outside and chatter for longer periods of time. Flycatcher is sat chatting with his clanmates, sharing a tale from his youth before the clans, speaking of his elder sisters. He had been thinking about his sisters a lot in recent days, especially after encountering Stormywing's heartbroken wailing. It made him wonder what Moth might have said if she were here, what words she might have said to comfort her child. He, like several others, had done his best to offer comfort, but he suspected whatever his niece was mourning would not easily be moved past from.

Flamewhisker's trill in greeting alerts him to her presence. The lead warrior turns his head to greet his mate with a smile, and leaning slightly so she could press her cheek against his shoulder. He shuffles slightly to make room for her among the group, raising a brow at her comment about climbing, before shock floods his features at her announcement. "We're expecting kits?" He echoes, looking at her to see if she was certain. "Oh, Flamewhisker that's wonderful news!"

Flycatcher could not help but purr at the news. Despite what had happened with their last litter and the loss of Lilykit and Butterflykit, he was excited to welcome more kits into the world with her.
𓍊𓋼 The cream tabby tom never means to eavesdrop, but what reaches his ears in camp can't be easily controlled. He sits nearby his father, listening idly to the stories of his aunts with an easy smile on his face. He'd grown up without aunts or uncles in his life, only his cousins who are around his own age and his sister; his smile wilts a bit, as he thinks of Stormfeather's injury and Stormywing's sadness. His family has had nothing but rough times recently, it seems. But Falconheart has to look for the sun even during dark nights, right? He has to—he has to stay optimistic. Everything is going to turn out okay, even if the wheels of panic are already spinning in his head.

He's sitting close enough that when Flamewhisker speaks, he hear every word. Expecting. It takes him a couple heartbeats to understand what his mother means, but his ears perk as he realizes. Flamewhisker is pregnant.

"Kits?" He bounces to his paws, keeping back a few tail-lengths even as he purrs with excitement. He doesn't want to interrupt the moment, not when both his parents look so happy. "That's amazing!" He can't think of anything else to say—excitement and anxiety wash over him in waves as he grins brightly at both his parents. He's going to have younger siblings! He's going to be a big brother... Maybe if he asks nicely, he'll be allowed to kitsit. He wonders how many kits there will be, whether they'll all live... And what will their names be? He can hardly believe how great this is; his mom is having more kits! Maybe things really are looking up, after all.
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Flamewhisker’s voice, joined by the cheers of her mate and son, catches the lead warrior’s attention. Tufted ears flick upward and mismatched paws bring him away from his nest. “So you’ll be joining Roeflame and Moonwhisper in the nursery, eh?” A drawling voice comes from the warriors’ den entrance. A dark tabby sits at its center, his teeth flashing in a smile. He supposes it’s not terribly shocking that Flamewhisker and Flycatcher would want another litter, now that Falconheart and Stormfeather are grown. He watches the happy family crowding together for a moment, before a thought enters his mind, beaming and strong.

This is my chance. With Flamewhisker in the nursery and Flycatcher recently stepping down, Howlingstar would need a capable cat to stand in for her as deputy… Raccoonstripe’s eyes gleam, though he does not verbalize his thoughts. “Congratulations to you both,” he purrs. His work has only begun. He'll have to prove himself the most useful, the most hardworking, and he has plenty of young lead warriors clamoring about him, their ambitions unknown.

  • ooc:
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring none ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

"You're what?" The shocked trill flutters from Howlingstar's jaws from where she'd been sitting by Flycatcher, listening to his story. Flamewhisker and Flycatcher are having more kits! A large smile easily finds its way onto her face as she leads forward, a purr thick in her throat as she looks between the two of them with gleaming eyes. "This is amazing! Oh stars, this is so special. How far along are you, do you know?" Within a half-moon, she's sure to be moving into the nursery with the other queens. She looks to Falconheart, grinning in response to his glee about being a big brother. She looks to Raccoonstripe, who offers his congratulations from nearby. Briefly, she wonders if he and Nightbird will be joining the crowd soon. She wouldn't mind more grandkits.

But this is not about her family - this is about her deputy and lead warrior having more kits, kits that will be blessed with honorable bloodlines and big pawsteps to fill, just like their siblings before them. "Newleaf will be kind to ThunderClan; our nursery will be so full!" She expresses, but it isn't negative. No, she is beaming.
As Flycatcher's excited purr rumbles beside her, she leans her head against his shoulder. She couldn't wait to meet them, to name them. To watch their first steps, and speak their first words. She couldn't wait for Flycatcher to bring them out to meet their clanmates like he had for Stormfeather and Falconheart. To tell them the stories that Little Wolf had once told. She closed her eyes, imagining them scampering around their paws right now. Her heart swelled with joy, but her day dream was swiftly interrupted by other voices.

She opens her eyes to see Falconheart jump to his paws. That's amazing! he exclaims. Relief washes over her at his excitement. She had assumed their son would be happy, but she was still worried about his sister accepting it. "You will be a wonderful big brother." Flamewhisker purrs, her gaze resting lovingly on him. Who knows, maybe Howlingstar will let him mentor one of them. Even though it wouldn't be for several moons, there was a high chance that her son would be getting an apprentice with all of the litters coming. An extension might have to be built onto the apprentice den!

Raccoonstripe's voice was next, and she turns to face him. She would be joining Roeflame and Moonwhisper soon. Regardless of how her skin crawled at the idea of being confined to the nursery for six moons, the benefits outweighed the downsides. She couldn't wait to have little ones once more. "Thank you." she purred, smiling softly at him. It wasn't too long ago that she had teased him and Nightbird about bringing kits into he clan. His mate had teasingly claimed to want six kits. Nightbird didn't strike her as one that would want kits, but then again, neither had Moonwhisper.

The deputy turned back to face Howlingstar, dipping her head slightly in embarrassing at their leader's excited trill. "Around a half-moon along." she confirmed, licking her chest fur a couple times. She had been partially worried about Howlingstar's reaction, but it seemed the tabby was just as excited as she was.
  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Deputy of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring none
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 30 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse

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Skyclaw continues to find himself in situations he desperately does not want to be in. He had been approaching Falconheart, wanting to simply chat with his friend, when the other sprung up and started speaking with his parents. A few wayward steps closer and Skyclaw learns, very quickly, that the nursery is about to gain another queen. Great StarClan, he feels dizzy just thinking of all the little tots who would sooner trip him up - and the fact that they'll stay 'kits until they're six moons old!?

"Agh," the mottled tom stops abruptly, "I'm... going hunting," he says, dipping his head towards his deputy in a sort of awkward semi-congratulations. StarClan knows they'll need more mice than happy faces. He spins and leaves, lips pulled taught into a thin line.

[ in & out! ]​
Palepaw had never really thought about whether or not she would want kits someday, she was still too preoccupied with her training to think about anything beyond becoming a warrior. What came after that was too distant and complicated to think about at the moment. But for all her grumbling and sarcasm, she did admittedly enjoy playing a game of mossball with the clan's kits every now and then. It had been a while since Thunderclan had seen any knew lives, so her interest piqued as she wandered past the large group of her clanmates and overheard Flamewhiskers news. With a soft grin, the lilac molly stepped up beside Skyclaw, her gaze falling to the happy couple who were currently celebrating their soon-to-be new arrivals. "Congrats, that's wonderful" she mused happily to the deputy and her mate, though she caught Skyclaw's tight expression out of the corner of her eye as he pulled away from the crowd. Her ears flickered curiously at his reaction, but she quickly turned her attention back to the exciting news at hand.
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