The stark feline would slip out of the warriors den quietly only briefly casting a quick glance over his shoulder hoping that he hadn't woke anyone up from their sleep, it was one of those days that Hailstorm had woke up a little earlier than usual but he spent that time keeping himself busy and readying for the rest of the day that awaited him. He sat down in the middle of camp taking the time to groom down his unruly fur from having been tossing and turning in that last hour of his slumber, he lifted up a paw and let his tongue carefully move over the fur there then began to fix the fur around his face and ears. He moved onto his back that was a lot messier, Hailstorm grimaced briefly before shaking his head and putting in the work. After he fixed himself up, well, he would stretch out and make his way out of the camp carefully deciding that he would go on a quick solo hunt and catch something. One of his long ears flicking slightly to ward off a bug as his paws carried him out further through the territory and made sure to tread carefully not wanting to step on anything that could potentially alert the prey nearby.

Once he found a good spot that had plenty of foliage and shrubbery, Hailstorm would stop in his tracks and both of his large ears would begin to turn ever so slightly to catch the small scuffling noises of smaller prey like mice. He had to be a little more cautious and careful with his steps considering that the plants could only do so much to hide him and his snowy coat seeing as that was the only issue that ever presented itself to him whenever he chose to hunt. It was as if he was a small mound of snow that continued to walk within the woods despite the change of weather, a dumb little flurry that chose to stick around. The thought itself was enough to make him snort underneath his breath in self amusement, Hailstorm would lower his body carefully hearing a small noise in the distance. Permanent flurry or not, he had to make sure he didn't scare anything away while stalking for prey.

Taking in a deep breath, he slipped further into the foliage around him and his eyes locked onto a small rodent in front of him looking around for food much like himself; a vole. He'd lift a paw upwards letting it hang in the air for a good moment then pounced forward managing to catch its little leg and flung it into the air where he would leap forward, his jaws locking onto its tiny body and swiftly killing it. He would land on the forest floor carefully and glanced around to make sure he hadn't caused too much of a ruckus and scared anything else that could've been around him. With vole still secured in his jaws, he continued to search for any smaller creatures that he could pounce on and snag along the way. He would prove to be successful in his hunt and bring back some mice and two voles. Hailstorm stepped into camp quietly and noticing that the camp was a bit more livelier than he had left it.​

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Live was a word for it.

Batwing had pushed from the den in the times that Hailstorm had left- it seemed that he had actually managed to sleep in the den tonight without too much issue. (Meaning, he had a single nightmare! Good job Bat.) He had decided to stretch out on his belly in the camp sun, rear toes pointed backward and short fur soaking up that sunlight. Early morning was his other favorite time of the day. The birds chirping overhead, the sun casting it's rays down upon his fur since they had last kissed the ground the previous day. His nose was up in the air, but the way his face scrunched and his ears were lowered, he wasn't just enjoying himself.

The deaths and injuries recently- they replayed in his mind. Howlingstar. Raccoonstripe. Scaleclaw. That was a particularly harrowing one to come across. He exhaled through his nose, bringing his head down to normal level and turning his head towards the entrance. Green optics followed the white tom as he moved into camp, carrying a piece of prey in his jaws- vole. It wasn't Batwing's favorite, but it did make his stomach growl. A small reminder that despite what happened in the past, his body and time was still marching forward. He had to move with it, or get swept up in the current. So, with that in mind, the smaller pushed to his paws.

"Hailstorm." He called to the other in greeting, padding over to meet the other by the freshkill pile. Meet them halfway, or something like that. "A fine catch. Bit of early morning hunting for you?" He questioned, his head tilting. There may have been a plan forming in his head, something about getting a hunting patrol together with just him and the other. Maybe. ​

Not quite awake, Sloestrike wasn't long after Batwing in emerging from the warriors den. Ears askew and lids low, the small tom was a bit of a sorry sight. The buzz of his head called for just a little longer but he did his best to ignore it. While no longer under Howlingstar's training, old habits die hard, and he'd rather rouse to alertness halfway out of camp than on top of mossy comfort.

Hastily hooking a sooty paw over his nose, Sloestride let the morning's rabble pass him by. It was as he rubbed against his cheek, whiskers flat against two-tone fur, that he noticed a pale shape enter camp. The contrast drew the warrior's sleepy eyes, the sight of prey swinging from the figure's mouth cranking them a little wider.

Hailstorm and Batwing congregated not too far from him, so he thought it tactful to croak out a quick, "Nice." The dip of his umber nose helped somewhat to explain what he referenced, pointed to the vole. The pair's conversation rolled past, clarity coming beat by beat as Sloestride finally woke up properly. He needed to do something, probably. Definitely.

Berryheart's waking world was often fickle in its persistence. The tortoiseshell would rarely claim he was up and about for the day- mainly because, most days, such a claim would be a lie. Whether he woke for an hour or three, he would eventually retreat to soak up sunlight and energy, to live in a dream even for fleeting moments. A nap awaited him at the end of every excursion. Such was the way of his happiness.

This awake state, now, coincided with the end of an early-morning hunt, it seemed... as was observed aloud by Wings, as a catch clamped in Cloudy's jaws was deposited. A vole... how long had it been since he had tried vole? Whenever he was given a choice, Berryheart often opted for squirrel. It was his favourite, after all... though curiosity gnawed at him, a thought that he might grow bored of even his preferred option. Therefore, it could do no harm to branch out, if he was offered the option...

Snoopy's observation, a truthful christening of nice, moved Berryheart's head in a nod. "Indeed," he murmured from beside the warrior, pupils unmoving from the meal.
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After a couple of late nights out in the territory to watch for the boars - and in one occasion just talking with Batwing - Leopardtongue had decided that last night she would stay in and actually sleep while the sun was gone for once. The late nights out finally caught up with her, and the warrior slept soundly through the night... and almost through the morning. If it hadn't been for the sound of others stirring around her and the distant sound of others speaking in the camp she probably would have been able to sleep through the day. Ears pricked up first, listening to the words that were being spoken the best she could before her head followed, though slowly. There wasn't the feeling of urgency, no scared voices, and it caused the female to relax slightly as she woke up. Stretching in her own nest for a moment, eventually the rosette feline walked out into camp, eyes blinking the sun away for a moment before she looked over towards those speaking.

Hailstorm had brought back food, and apparently by himself. It wasn't unheard of, and it was appreciated, but she was surprised he didn't wait for at least one other cat to go with him considering how dangerous the territory was now. "Are you getting all your leaving camp out of the way while everyone else is asleep Hailstorm?" She would tease lightly, a smile on her maw as she walked closer so that she wasn't shouting across camp and waking up those who were able and willing to sleep in. She didn't eye the food, didn't think about eating so soon after waking up, just simply walked over to talk with her fellow warriors.

  • "speaking" // thinking // action
    Leopardtongue - 32 moons - she/her - ThunderClan - warrior
    MEDIUM physically // MEDIUM mentally



Upon hearing Batwing beginning to speak to him, Hailstorm would twitch the tips of his large ears and offered a smile though it took him a moment to realize that the vole was blocking the sight of his maw and probably looked like he was awkwardly staring so he placed it down next to the fresh kill pile. "Batwing," He would say in response of hearing his own name slip out from Batwing's mouth then felt a ghost of a sheepish smile appearing on his face hearing the others inquiry about him having gone out rather early. Admittedly, it helped him think and clear his mind which he needed due to all the recent events. "I'll admit it was quite early but I like seeing the first rays of sunlight and the coolness of the morning," Hailstorm decided to say after going over a few answers within his head, his warm eyes focused on Batwing for another moment until he noticed more movement from the corner of his eye. He had made sure to be careful out there and not make too much noise to draw attention to himself despite how big his paws were. Perfect for crunching leaves unfortunately.

The sight of a rather drowsy Sloestride made him rather amused though he figured that everyone would be resting up since that would've been for the best after the last few days, the sight of the lrey he had brought in having been enough to somewhat wake the other from his groggy state. He would nod respectfully in the direction of the other warrior before speaking up once more "Good sleep?" The inquiry directed to both of the toms standing near him, Hailstorm's warm gaze focusing on Batwing once more though his attention was drawn away once more when he saw Berryheart joining the trio. His amusement grew when he realized that Berryheart's gaze was fixated on the vole he had brought back, he necessarily wasn't hungry since he hadn't really worked up the appetite quite yet.

He used a careful large paw to push the vole in the direction of Berryheart and offered a small nod. Another voice would brush against his hearing in a rather soothing way, he glanced up and away from the vole to see that it was Leopardpounce. "Mhm." A grin on his maw as he added in his own teasing voice, "A lot easier to do so while everyone is snoring away." Though he made the mental note of going out in hunting parties than solos especially their given situation, Hailstorm was good in that aspects if not oftentimes a little forgetful. Maybe he'd join another hunting party or patrol later if he's able to... Staying in one place for too long wasn't his strongest suit. ​

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