wanderlust —


second chances 08/28/2023
Mar 1, 2023
.don't rush something you ———


——— want to last forever.
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HIS TAIL TWITCHED, MISMATCHED HUES STARING OWLISHLY AT THE patch of flowers he stumbled on, head cocked, trilling softly. “Pretty.” He mumbled, crouched down to paw at the soft petals, gaze crinkling.

Yukio had originally wandered out following a bee, slipping out without so much as telling anyone. Although … He wasn’t even sure if he should be out. The ticked tabby blinked, glancing down at his protruding stomach with a twitch of his whiskers. Silly me. He chuckled, easing into his soft paw pads.

The feline frowned, head cocked, glancing up at the canopy of pines that loomed above the small tom, fur ruffling along the knobs of his spine. Oh! Oh! I can get some more things for the nest! Maybe the others would love some too. He thought with a happy chitter, paws kneading the ground. He didn’t think the others would find a few flowers in the nursery.

He gasped, gaze brightening. Maybe I can add a few touches? I wonder if they’ll let me … I hope I’m not overstepping. His gaze dimmed at the thought. He was a bit of a handful, wasn’t he? It wasn’t intentional. Truly. He never meant to cause trouble. The queen’s thoughts drifted to Kyungmin, brows furrowed. Should I…? No. Quinn wouldn’t like that. He hummed, bobbing his head.

Should he try to hunt..? Mason or Keane would always do it while he stayed with the clowder, but even when Youkai ( no, Duskpool ) tried teaching him it didn’t ,,, end well. He snorted at the silly memory, grinning behind his paw.

He wanted to pull his own weight. Kyungmin had always been quick to anger when he didn’t. Yukio didn’t want to anger any of the cats that accepted him into their home even if he was just another mouth to feed. He didn’t like not being able to help.

The cream-ticked tabby trilled at the thought, curling into himself as he stared at the patch of flowers, paws lazily swatting at the stems with an airy laugh.

thoughts speech


It felt good to be up in the trees again. There was something familiar and comfortable about the feeling of claws anchoring him to bark and the gentle sway of the branches int the wind. The large chimera tabby had taken his own advice at the meeting and kept to the treetops whenever he was outside of camp, more at ease the closer to the sky he could get. The month he'd spent in that hellhole, trapped alone in a metal box, had been seered into him, and there was no way in hell Quillstrike was giving any twoleg the chance to catch him a second time.

He was no idiot- he knew how to learn from his mistakes. It was a trait first picked up back when he was walking on eggshells around his father, but one that was only perfected after becoming Thistlebacks apprentice.

He was really only patrolling as he made his way through the branches of the pines, his tall, muscular frame oddly at home, exuding a natural agility and power as he made his way along. Seldom was he ever in camp for long, only ever found there if Twitchbolt or -more recently- Banansplash were around, and his little stint at the shelter hadn't shifted that drive in him to be out and about. Hell, if anything it'd only made it stronger. Quill had been going stircrazy in that place, and the more of the forest he could surround himself with the better.

It didn't take long for him to come acrosss something unusual, though.

"Your not supposed to be out here alone." he called down to the obviously pregnant cat, tone flat and mismatched eyes sharp but unreadable. "A predator would make an easy meal of you out here, and the twolegs wouldn't hesitate to snatch up a pregnant cat." he warned them in that same tone, lips almost set into a frown as he pictured either of those things happening. Quill didn't know Yukio, but that didn't mean he wanted to see them torn apart like Twitches parents or left to give birth alone in a cage. Surely they'd lose all their children to the twolegs if that ever happened, selfish bastards.

He didn't order them back to camp though. Instead he settled on the branch, easily slipping into the role of sentry in his spot above the forest floor. He knew what it was like to need some air, and while he may be scolded by some of the other cats for not immediately escorting them back to camp, Quill didn't seem to bothered. A part of him wanted something to come and try, to give him an excuse to draw blood and let out some of his pent up aggression.

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

.don't rush something you ———


——— want to last forever.
———————— ————————
UNAWARE OF HIS SURROUNDINGS WHILE A VOICE PULLED HIM out of his musings, blinking owlishly up at the other curiosity. Oh! He glanced around, maw parted in a silent ‘o’ at the realization. He had gone further than he intended, now just realizing he actually didn’t know where he was.

Mismatched hues blinked, glancing up at the other with a curious chitter, grinning sheepishly. “S, Sorry!” Tail swishing against the ground, paw fiddling with the flower stems. The cream-ticked tabby blinked, confusion dusting across his features at the comment. “T, They do?” Paw tapping his chin. He wasn’t sure what to make of that, less confused about how twolegs would scoop him up than being eaten by a predator.

His maw parted in confusion, head cocked with a questionable hum. The second his twolegs had discovered he was pregnant ( of course, Kyungmin had warned him about it, but he had been certain they wouldn’t ) had abandoned him—kicked him out without a second thought as Kyungmin’s cruel laughter rung throughout the clearing.

Yukio winced at the memory, going back to staring at the patch of flowers. “W, Well—” He grinned, “Y, Your h, here now!”

He would have thought the other would have directed him to camp, but even then Yukio would have gotten distracted, prancing off without a second thought to chase after something even if he was pregnant. Ah—He chuckled, humming sheepishly. “W, Where are … are we e, exactly?” He muttered. Oh, dear. Did he go left or right? No … He went straight or was it diagonally? “Oh, daises!” Mismatches optics zeroing in on several daises, waddling towards the flowers with newfound interest.

thoughts speech