pafp WANNA HEAR A PIZZA JOKE? // dad jokes


Sep 24, 2022
) A gloomy day with sleet raining down heavily and making any plans for heading out into the forest a miserable one. Needless to say that Bearheart had no intention of venturing out. He'd rather stow himself away in the warrior den and skirt any invites for duties. Though it seemed that he wasn't alone either, and a quick glance back over his shoulder revealed that others were present in the den with him. A miserable looking bunch at that. Well, that wouldn't do, not at all!

A grin plastered itself across his features as he dared to approach the nearest victim- cat! "Hey, did you hear about the kitnapping?" Bearheart queried with a tilt of his head, giving a pause for the other feline's response before continuing. "It's okay, he woke up. Ha!" Just the one joke? Oh no, he had an arsenal ready and he was about to unleash it all. "Ya know, you never see owls being amorous in the rain. It's too wet to woo."

// @Hailstone

[] There was something strange about staying in the warriors' den. Of course he belonged here, he was a warrior after all, but it was just weird that he couldn't go home. With the sleeting rain it was impossible to head home for the daylight warrior and it worried him. What would his humans think if he didn't show up? They would be worried sick and he'd be trapped in the house for the next two days before being able to leave again. His freedom was numbered by how late he stayed out in Skyclan, and this night he had spent it in the warriors den with the others. It felt more isolating when no one wanted to have their nest near his but he couldn't blame them off the bat.

Though one cat seemed to beg to differ about his rather dull mood; Bearheart. They never interacted much but the chubby tomcat was also a fellow kittypet, or once was, and what assaulted his ears made him groan a bit. The joke was lowkey funny in a way but also at the same time it wasn't what he wanted to hear right now. The blue tabby lifted his head up and looked at Bearheart for a long moment, face stoic and bordering on rageful, before a little snort left a pink nose.

"Paw-durn me, but are you fur real?" He questioned back rather deadpanningly, but that was because his voice was so monotone and had no indications behind it.


  • Haha
Reactions: DogTeeth
) Bearheart was on edge as he watched Hailstone, still unsure as to whether the other found his jests amusing. Then bingo! The little snort made the fat tom's features brighten instantly and he let a roar of laughter break free when the puns were shot back. Oh! Now it was war! "Hey now wait a meowment, are you kitten me? My sense of comedic genius is paw-some!" He purred as he puffed out his fur with a look of glee. "You know, perhaps we got off on the wrong paw. We should hiss and make up!"
  • Haha
Reactions: DogTeeth
Finchfang had been caught in the rain earlier and abandoned his one-man hunting patrol, resigning himself to trying again later and going hungry. He chose to cope with the weather and his lack of caught prey by curling into a tight ball in his nest in the warrior's den and ignoring everyone around him, which worked very well until he heard a bright voice chime out from somewhere else in the den. A kitnapping? Don't worry, they woke up...Oh, StarClan help me. he buried his head deeper into the moss-and-feather heap that was his bed, trying valiantly to pretend he was asleep. Or perhaps dead. Or maybe they would mistake him for a lump of old bedding. His escape attempt seemed to be working, at least until he heard another voice chime in and respond in kind, which only encouraged Bearheart. Finchfang squeezed his eyes shut and stayed absolutely still, willing himself to lose his hearing. The elders' den sounds lovely this time of year...
  • Haha
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The extremely undiginified sound that escaped her would have normally been cause for embarrassment but she had hit a point in the clan where she realized she was far from the strangest cat here and what was the point in stiffling her delight anymore; there was no fear of judgement or discourse, she had already recieved a name and the acceptance of their leader and so she howled in hiccuping and hystiercal laughter from where she sat nearby. The simple task of grooming her tail had ended early in face of the absolute ridiculousness that Hailstone and Bearheart were engaged in and out of the corner of her eye she spotted Finchfang as well looking so fully done with the two of them that it made her laugh all the more harder.
It started as a trill that dissolved into a wheeze and gasp before she was able to regain enough breath to continue laughing without making such a squeaking sound.
Finally she was able to raise her paws, patchwork and mismatched to cover her mouth and stifle them enough she could breathe again, tears pricking at the corners of her equally mismatched eyes before Pumpkinpatch was able to compose herself long enough to properly join the conversation, "M-Meowdy Fur-llas!" She squeaked out.
Orangeblossom groans, presses her muzzle into her nest, and swats a paw blindly at Hailstone. Her paw misses, and the ginger-and-white molly raises her head in a bleary squint at her way-too-cheerful denmates. Bearheart and Pumpkinpatch, the usual suspects, and Hailstone enabling them. Like Finchfang, she'd gone hungry so that some of the apprentices could have strength for tomorrow after a long day; and, again like the brown tabby, wonders if there's another den available to escape the torture of puns. Is it too late to go stay with Alice tonight? Her grouchy mood is exacerbated by her hunger, and the look she fixes the trio of warriors with is a deeper scowl than usual.

"How 'bout you shut the fur-k up and let me sleep?" She mumbles, setting her head back on her paws. She'd never admit it aloud, but the initial kitnapping joke would have made her laugh had she been in a better mood.


  • orangeblossom, warrior of skyclan
    — no apprentice.
    ✦ 25 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with brown eyes. torn left ear, scar on right foreleg.
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.


[] So this was a thing now, this was happening on this rather nice winter day. There was a crack in the stoic facade of the blue tabby cat as amusement wavered through him like a warm blanket on a stormy night. First it was Bearheart coming at him again with another pun, and then Finchfang looked very disappointed to be sharing the same air as them. Then sweet Pumpkinpatch stammered out her own joke that had him snickering behind a blue paw; that was one was pretty good. Lastly there was the sour warrior known as Orangeblossom, and while she seemed annoyed with their jokes still made one herself.

The large blue tabby crawled over playfully towards Orangeblossom and gave a light poke at her nose with a large, tabby paw, "Fur-eal? Could say we're a bunch of catter-brains," While the tone was monotoned and flat, there was still a little playful spark in those green eyes. Hailstone then scurried away from the she-cat before he got hit for daring to boop Orangeblossom, "We're just kitten around, Ora!"


) The mixed reviews were rolling in, with Pumpkinpatch's reaction serving only to encourage him despite Finchfang and Orangeblossom's more negative ones hanging over him. He had no intention of stopping now, they'd just have to lump it or risk getting wet trying to ditch the fun. And oh why not, he could even squeeze in some friendly flirting whilst he was at it. He turned towards Pumpkinpatch at that point, grinning nearly ear to ear. "Hey, what do you call a beautiful pumpkin? Gourd-egous!" Now the tom swept his sights towards Orangeblossom with a devilish snigger. "Orange ya glad to see us? Talk about a sour attitude."
  • Haha
Reactions: DogTeeth
pricklekit | 03 months | demi-girl | she/they | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold #4f7942

Slipping over to the group, the mottled cream and blue feline watches for a moment, simply content to listen and observe. Heavy lidded green eyes narrow onto Bearheart as she settles herself down, paws tucking neatly beneath her and tail wrapping around tightly. "This is a cat-astrophy. The bare mew-nimum of a joke." her voice is monotone, expression just as deadpan as ever, save for the unholy gleam in her gaze. "Cat puns - really?" Head tips to the side languidly, her black stained paw trailing along the dirt, drawing shapes and patterns absently. "What has more lives than a clan leader?" she says, "- A frog, because it croaks every day."