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Feb 8, 2023

It is as though Moorpaw's energy has been siphoned right from her system, like the fading warmth of a sunbeam on a cloudy day. Her chin rests upon folded paws in the far reaches of camp, where she can ogle the passerby yet remain discreet amid the bustling activity. What with the heavy sunshine of the new season, which clung to her petite frame like the stickiest of saps, the girl felt an inexplicable heaviness within her. It's a stark departure from the vibrant apprentice Moorpaw had been moons ago. Zipping and dashing across the hollow on a whim's notice, on steps light and agile, a restless blur of motion and curiosity.

Every so often would a blast of energy cascade through her veins, sure. She still jumps on the backs of clanmates in need of it, and she rarely holds her tongue when a good joke or insult leaps to mind. But, as her emerald gaze lingers on her fellow apprentices and snippets of their conversations hit her ears, the girl realises she simply doesn't hold the same amount of excitement for the warrior life anymore. Whether it's the recent murder of her mentor weighing her down, or the view she'd gotten of Juniperfrost's lifeless form in the dead-centre of camp, something has shifted within Moorpaw. The once-clear path ahead was now obscured with uncertainty.

Maybe, she's just sad. Does Vulturemask have anything to fix that?

She sighs. Half-lidded eyes fall upon her paws, and she idly traces patterns in the grains with her claws.

// @HARRIERPAW , @BLUEPAW , @cottonpaw , @Adderpaw

"All I'm saying -" Cottonpaw loves a good conversation, especially with that of her siblings. It brings her back to their nursery moments, although the topics have shifted from what prey tasted better (airborn or tunneldeep) to what ambush tactic would serve them best against the other Clans. WindClan has always been known as a force to be reckoned with, and as such it's of no surprise that the apprentices tempt their own versions of what could happen and what wasn't viable.

Nonetheless, her tail twitches against Moorpaw's side, a subtle way to encourage her sister into the conversation as she continues, "- Is that those tunnels reach right into the swamps! Some of us smaller cats could easily take on some scrawny ShadowClanners," her tail lashes again, more playful in its gesturing. "It's not our fault that you're built like a dog, Harrierpaw, and can't fit into the tunnels. You'd just have to miss out on the fun in that case." Cottonpaw flashes a grin, taunting her brother with ease.​
Bluepaw is half a foxlength away from her littermates, cleaning an ivory paw and listening with a twitching ear to Cottonpaw’s rambling. Her chattier sisters speak so much that she rarely has to part her jaws, and she appreciates that. She’s content to listen and observe most of the time. At some point, though, Bluepaw begins to notice Moorpaw isn’t adding her voice to Cottonpaw’s. The gray she-cat narrows her eyes thoughtfully, raking them over her eldest littermate’s pelt like claws.

The energy seems to have been sapped away from her. She doesn’t look interested at all—even at the prospect of a battle with ShadowClan. Bluepaw tilts her head, cheek fur swaying, though her expression remains neutral. “Moorpaw, don’t you want to fight ShadowClan? Maybe the moor runners can do something else… I don’t know what, though.” She shrugs, relishing as she always does she and Cottonpaw’s specialness.

Her near-twin remarks Harrierpaw is shaped like a dog, and Bluepaw snorts in a manner very like her father—the one unlady-like gesture she exhibits. “More like a fox. A fox with a badger’s shoulders!” She casts Adderpaw a look, as if to say, You too.

Life doesn't discriminate
A disgruntled huff blasts from the tom's nose as he lashes his tail behind him, head lifting from broad paws. "I expect a thank you when our bulk becomes your saving grace." Adderpaw replies. "We're the first line of defense." He didn't mind bantering with his siblings, it kept them close, or so he assumed. Adjusting his weight he sits up, pushing a lone pebble along to signify shadowclan's camp. "I think we could cause a big enough distraction to let you tunnelers slip into their camp or something unnoticed." A two pronged attack was a good strategy right? He looks between Harrierpaw and Moorpaw to gauge their reactions although he notes her lack of enthusiasm in their current conversation.
Between the sinners and the saints