private Want To Be Like You | Asking for Advice


The Forgotten One
Apr 3, 2023
( ) Being a tunneler had been called upon her to her younger self, a young kit still discovering the world and lay of the land. Sootstar was a marvelous tunneler and Cloudedsky liked to think she she shared that same skill. She trained hard under her mother's watch, learning the catacombs and do's and don'ts of those very tunnels. She adapted to not rely on her eyes, but her other senses—hearing, taste, and smell. As with any tunneler, it took some getting used to but with effort and time, she proved to have a knack for tunneling. It fueled a certain adrenaline within her, satisfied the tingling within her patched paws and the urge for adventure. Did her mind often wonder what life would have been like if she was a moor runner? Of course. She loved running along the moors just as they did, swallowing her uneasiness for being above ground. She learned to appreciate it just as much, though her skills were rather lacking in it.
She wanted to be useful under and above ground. She wanted to be the best she could be, and if that meant some extra training—then she'd do it without a second thought. Her body wasn't long and lengthy like the rest of the moor runners, she didn't have the speed as they did to race the moors—but, she packed the power. Muscles were toned from the constant digging and moving heavier objects from the tunnels, shoulders broad and strong from the task. She may not be able to be as successful along the moor top at hunting, but perhaps her battle prowess could be heightened right? She had watched Bluepool with Scorchstreak, how she moved and her quick but precise movements. Cloudedsky could learn to do the same, but in her own way.
The young warrior had been searching for her aunt, seeking out that similar tabby pelt until she finally spotted her amongst a group of warriors. Cloudedsky smiles, practically prancing over to Bluepool and stopped before her. "Hey, Bluepool!" She trills, sunburst eyes pinching as her cheeks pushed against them in her smile. "I wanted to ask you something..." Ivory whiskers twitched for a moment as she trails off, hoping she wasn't interrupting anything. There's no way she'd deny her, right? Bluepool was an experienced fighter, she'd want to pass on any knowledge wouldn't she? There's only one way to find out. "I just was hoping to maybe, maybe you could train me in fighting. I want to be better. I want to be one of the best, honestly—and I feel like you could help me with that, if you'd like to." Her neck pulls forward as she looks to Bluepool with an almost pleading look, hopeful that she'd agree to it.

auntie/neice time :3
( You should see me in a crown ; I'm gonna run this nothing town )

Bluepool was thankful to have been born when she had been, to have been born in the marshes and not in the moors. Don't get her wrong! She loves her moorland home but she recognizes that, had she been born in WindClan she would have been assigned to be a tunneler at her birth. Her small size would have instantly guaranteed her a life digging around in the dirt and not running free under open skies. Not that she thinks being a tunneler is a horrible fate, just not something that was for her. She admires her sister, some of her children, for their bravery. Stars knew Bluepool herself would have a heart attack at even the slightest indication of a cave in, just the thought of being trapped in the earth with no way out is enough to make her feel light-headed. She would much rather brave the hawks thank you very much!

Her blackened ears flick as she hears a familiar voice calling her name and when she turns she is surprised when her golden-colored eyes alight on her niece. She did love being an aunt, loved her family very much, but it would be a lie to admit that she was particularly close with any of them. Especially the ones who were tunnelers. Sometimes it felt like the tunnelers of the clan lived different lives than that of the moor runners, one that she wasn't particularly too interested. She is, however, interested in what it is Cloudedsky wanted to ask her. "What is it?" she asks, interest piqued.

She listens as the gray furred warrior speaks, and as she listens she can feel her heart begin to melt. She wanted to be the best, and she thinks she can help her do that? Wow. She doesn't think she's ever had anyone actually look up to her before, at least not that she knew of. Scorchstreak had told her she thought she was a good fighter but the best? "Of course I can!" she says excitedly, pushing herself to her paws. "When did you want to start? Now?"

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( ) That once pleading look within her irises soon melted into something more vibrant as Bluepool accepts her offer. Her frosted cheeks pinch into a smile of excitement and relief, not quite sure what she'd do if her aunt did deny her. Cloudedsky supposed she could go to Mintshade; after all, the disheveled shadowed molly was a profound fighter too—but she was quite a bit unhinged, wasn't she? She loved it, loved that gurgling cackle that twinged with a bout of insanity. It always made her laugh. Perhaps it was best to start with Bluepool as she held more control and a certain dignity that Cloudedsky yearned to adapt to even as a tunneler.
The young woman nods her head to the lead warrior's question, beckoning her with a feathered tail. "Most definitely! If you have time right now, that is." She didn't want to interfere in anything that Bluepool may have been apart of, but something told her that her aunt was just as ecstatic as she was about this. She crosses across the peat and sandy hollow of camp on swift steps, halting just for a brief moment to ensure the blue tabby followed her. "Sootstar of course trained me in combat when I was an apprentice, but it wasn't a priority obviously. She wanted me to be completely confident in myself in the tunnels, but I want more than that. I want to be a profound fighter as I am a hunter. I want to defend my clan with everything I have." The compassion that filled her voice was palpable when she spoke of her home, just as any loyal warrior should be. Albeit, something else settled in there too—a willingness to prove herself far beyond just her clan but also to Sootstar. It wasn't hard to notice the subtle changes she had made towards Cloudedsky since she had her other siblings, and the ashen and white molly held no ire towards them still. She was just yesterday's news in the eyes of her mother, but soon that would change. She just knew it.
( You should see me in a crown ; I'm gonna run this nothing town )