WANTING WAS ENOUGH // thunderclan patrol

// @OAKFANG @Silverlightning @skypaw .
No need to wait for them to post!

The day is unbearably hot. She can hardly stand to be out here, pelt burning beneath the merciless sun. Even as dusk settles over the land, it brings no relief. The tabby's jaws are parted to pant as she leads the patrol along the bank, allowing her paws to splash through the water. Now, she is no fan of water, everyone knows this. But she is willing to let her paws touch the stuff if it helps to cool her down. She will try anything. "I don't know about you guys, but right now I'm a little jealous of RiverClan's swimming!" She trills lightheartedly, though exhaustion plagues her voice. Ears falling back against her head, she peers over the river to spot another patrol appearing from a patch of reeds. She pauses, her feet remaining in the shallowest of the water, to call, "Good evening; I'm sure you're all making this patrol as quickly as you can, too, hm?" It's in reference to the sweltering heat, and also an attempt at cordial conversation. She is done with the tension of moons past.
Mosspaw would never forgive and Mosspaw would never forget. Of that much, she was certain. She remembered her when Ashpaw had returned to camp, waterlogged and barely concious, leaning on Iciclepaw, now Iciclefang, for support. She remembered the sinking feeling in her gut when she could not immediately find her mother. She remembered all of it as she stared across the border, and her eyes narrowed.

This was the second time now that she had been greeted so warmly by a Thunderclan patrol, and it still sat poorly with her. That it was Howlingstar herself to offer such kindness almost made it worse. Of course they were eager to make amends, she thought bitterly, now that they had taken what they wanted.

Still, she would not start a fight without her superiors command, and trading barbs with the leader of Thunderclan would achieve nothing. "We are." Mosspaw said simply, managing to put a chill in her words in spite of the warm climate.​
(๑✪ᆺ✪๑) prancing just a few paces behind mosspaw enters the stout figure of chicorypaw who seems to be prattling on about her latest dream to poppysong who follows in tow. "—and then with a BIG yank, i pulled out the biggest salmon anyone as ever seen! cicadastar was so impressed he made me a warrior on the spot and told me i—"her ramblings are cut short when pale green hues catch the sight of thunderclan's patrol just across the river led by howlingstar who sounded a bit tired when exchanging mild pleasantries with them. now, chicorypaw understands they are a bit at odds with the forest cats over what happened at sunningrocks or atleast that's what she was told considering she wasn't even born yet when it happened but even so the apprentice was not one to ignore a potential conversation. "hi thunderclan, i see the sun hasn't melted you yet! say, do you guys ever roll in mud to keep cool since you can't swim like us? i rolled in mud once but waited too long to get it out and it ended up getting all dry and icky–" words are prattled out in a friendly chirp, her thick tortoiseshell tail sweeping to and fro.

mentor tag — @helly
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Snakeblink doesn’t have gentle memories of Thunderclan — only the feeling of teeth and claws tearing into his flesh, and Flamewhisker’s fur slipping from his grasp as the river swept her away. He knows that they do not hold him in their heart either: he remembers full well the way both warriors glared at him, last Gathering. The occasional friendliness of their patrols put him ill at ease as a result; it feels like a trap. By the tone of her voice, Mosspaw echoes that caution.

At least he can see Windclan’s hostility clear in their faces and unsheathed claws. The forest cats are more difficult to predict.

He turns his body, both facing Howlingstar and putting himself between her and @CARPPAW. His face twisted into a grim smile he calls back, faux-casual: ”Yes, your appreciation of our territory is well-known — it did, after all, so dramatically shorten our patrols on this border!”

Did he ever enjoy the added effort of reaching Sunningrock to lay their scent around it? Certainly not in the colder seasons; but it’s the principle of the thing. Despite his wariness his ears flick in barely-concealed amusement as Chicorypaw prattles on: she, at least, was never given reasons to distrust Thunderclan. There's something to be thankful of in that.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • he is being SO passive-aggressive for no reason
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 43 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

don't try to rush your enemies .
Oakfang hummed in agreement, ear flickering to peer at the Riverclanns spilling out to scent their own borders, tail flickering to listen to the jubilee voice of an apprentice. He grinned, amber optics flickering in amusement. “Can’t save I have rolled in mud, but I’ve done enough traveling on the sea that I’ve become rather fond of the waters.” He’d call, flickering to stare at Snakehiss. Being a bit obvious, aren’t we? He couldn’t help the flash of amusement dance across a frosted muzzle. My. My.

He moved about, rubbing his scent along their own borders, humming softly to rub a paw absently against the lush undergrowth. He turned, peering across the border with a cheeky glint. “Perhaps you should have done a bit more.” He had not been there, instead, waiting in camp with Whitelion and Spiderlily—Honeywish had been there, but a look of melancholy danced across handsome features at the thought of his deceased friend. I hope you are faring better in the land of stars, my old friend. He nearly laughed. I’m spending far too much time with Whitelion, I’ve begun to sound like him of all things.
thought speech

Once again, she finds herself on a patrol with cats who talk entirely too much. If it were up to her, her patrol mates would consist entirely of her, Fernpaw, and Jaypaw. But alas, none of them were warriors yet. Perhaps when they were all grown that dream could come true for her but for now…. She lets a breathy sigh escape her maw. Chicorypaws mouth, as per usual, is moving faster than Dipperpaw can process her words. She mostly does her best to tune her out but the other apprentices words are like an annoying buzz in her ear and she finds herself growing more and more irritated as they make their way to the border. She just hopes there’s no- fish guts! She had been hoping not to have to run into a ThunderClan patrol. The small talk was insufferable in this heat and it seemed her clanmates were, stars knew why, willing to entertain it.

Mosspaw is as least curt, but Chicorypaw, of course, runs her mouth. She cannot help but roll her eyes as the other girl talks about rolling in mud but she makes no comment. She looks at Snakeblink from the corner of her eyes, wishing that the warrior had just kept his mouth shut. No sense in that one she thinks. If it were up to her they would have simply nodded at the opposing patrol and gone on their way but now… A ThunderClanner suggests that they should have done more and despite the fact that she had not been present at the battle she feels her pelt rippling. Her clan had fought with the ferocity of LeopardClan! How dare these mouse-hearts suggest otherwise. She holds her tongue but her tail lashes furiously behind her in an indication of her frustration and for a moment her claws curl into the dirt. She fixes the ThunderClanners with a hard stare, her features pressed into a thin line. Her face would not reveal the anger boiling just under the surface but her body language betrayed it. Still, when finally she does speak her voice is even, devoid of the anger she feels. "I’m going ahead." she informs the rest of the patrol as she stalks off to mark the border a bit further off. She wouldn’t leave the eye sight of the rest of the patrol, but she did not wish to be here anymore. The heat and this miserable chatter was going to make her want to claw someone’s ears off.
Iciclefang walks gracefully a foxlength behind Snakeblink’s patrol, her eyes skimming the river for shadows. Though this is a border patrol meant to leave their scent, the tortoiseshell is in a fishing mood, as it often is when she wants to lose herself in thought. She sees nothing, though—too much movement on the surface, casting their own darkness and scaring away the fish. The irritating banter between ThunderClan and RiverClan warriors certainly don’t help, though she can’t help but snort at Snakeblink’s retort to Howlingstar’s attempt to be friendly.

She watches Dipperpaw’s expression darken at the ThunderClan tom’s retort back, but Iciclefang isn’t fazed. She finds herself thinking of the gray tabby she-cat who’d stolen her catch near the Twoleg Bridge, who’d even happily munched the bit of fresh-kill that had almost been Iciclefang’s… The mirth disappears from her own face as she searches the other shore for a sign of the mouthy she-cat. It appears she hadn’t been assigned today… too bad. She hopes she’ll catch the irritating she-cat trespassing someday so she can show her what real skill looks like.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white markings and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
Howlingstar's expression softens as an apprentice rambles to them cheerily. She chuckles in amusement as Oakfang responds to her question. The thought of mud cloaking her pelt almost makes her shiver with disgust; she can't imagine how heavy and thick it would feel plastered across her pelt, damp and drying. All lightheartedness, however, is wiped away at Snakeblinks comment. She levels the lead warrior with an unamused look. Leave it to RiverClan's council to bring themselves shame every time they open their maws. "Don't bother with it," She tells Oakfang, an ear flicking. "That one wants a reaction." She will not act like an apprentice shouting insults across the river. Sunningrocks has been rightfully claimed by ThunderClan for several moons now; if RiverClan wants to bring it up at every border patrol, she'd let them exhaust themselves with the bored repetition. She flicks her tail and tips her chin up before silently rubbing her pelt against a nearby rock.
Salmon is silent as she stalks behind the rest of the patrol members, trying to bring up the rear. One would never know what could happen- and also, she wanted a quieter place to point things out to Ratpaw. Her own apprentice was much more important to her and getting a quiet place to work with meant more information that could be heard, applied to in daily life.

"This is near where I took you swimming. Thunderclan border." remember their transgressions against us, blue eyes flicker down to the white-coated apprentice. She thinks back to what Ratpaw had said about Sunningrocks, the day she had been apprenticed, and a small hum of approval rumbles in her throat. Her eyes just slightly narrow as Howlingstar drops her façade. Of course, they don't like being reminded of what was Riverclans at heart. She turns her gaze back upon Ratpaw. "Pay them no attention. Do not waste your breath arguing with those who cannot be reasoned with." she instructs quietly, a life-lesson bestowed upon her as Salmon goes to move past the other stopped warriors, hoping to mark just a little bit ahead of the group where Dipperpaw had gone off to. After all, if Thunderclan had trampled upon their territory, whose to say they're better than Windclan?

  • @Ratpaw
  • dg5qxk9-f1e272c6-c705-4449-95a5-6dfb1b0a3b3c-removebg-preview.png
    -> salmon ,, salmonshade
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 30 months
    -> warrior of riverclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with low white and blue eyes
    -> “speech, ff91a4” ,, thoughts
    -> lesbian ,, single
    -> smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
    -> image by @wrendoings [ disc ]
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
The river dwelling cat's ire over the loss of their territory is yet again brought to light. It is a conversation he tires of hearing whenever assigned to patrol this side of the border. As if guilt tripping thunderclan every opportunity they had would help them gain what they have lost. "How childish..." He murmurs in response to Howlingstar's comment. Silverlightning's gaze sweeps over Snakeblink momentarily with analytical intent before panning his attention elsewhere. Complaints were nothing but hot air. His thick, bottle brush tail flicks idly as he moves to rub against a patch of greenery. He nearly finds himself looking back instinctively in search of Mousenose, only to swiftly remind himself that she is a warrior now, sent to her own patrols.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road