camp warpath ~ reporting back from Skyclan

They made it in time. Skyclan was warned about Windclan's invasion, and now the other clan had time to prepare instead of getting ambushed in the middle of the night. She pictured the surprise on Sootstar's face when they were greeted at the border, and she smirked with satisfaction. Even though her muscles were exhausted from running, she kept their pace brisk, wanting to report back to Howlingstar as soon as possible. She doubted Sootstar would try to attack their clan after already fighting Skyclan, but who knew with the Windclan leader. "I hope they get a rude awakening." she said to Oakfang, glancing over her shoulder to make sure he was still with her. There wasn't a doubt in her mind that he was just as tired as she was, but making it swiftly back to camp was their next important task.

As they reached the camp, she glanced longingly at the warrior's den...her nest called out her name, but she had to ignore its pleading. She spotted the familiar brown tabby in the center of the camp, and she felt a sudden boost of energy...or at least enough to carry her easier across the camp. "We made it in time, Blazestar took a battle patrol to stop them. No Skyclan kits will be harmed tonight." she reported, dipping her head slightly.

back written a few days!

When she had heard about the WindClan battle patrol her first thoughts were that ThunderClan would send a patrol to march in and defend SkyClan alongside them, that she needed to protect her kits that still resided there, that she needed to protect him as well. But she knows that she cannot ask for such a thing, not from her mother who has already done so much for her. It is a kindness that they are even warning SkyClan at all, she knows. So she anxiously waits for news, claws dug into the dirt and tail lashing furiously behind her.

When Flamewhisker and Oakfang push their way through the brambles and into the camp she shoots up and trots over, forcing herself not to run to the her red-pelted friend to hear what news the molly had to bring to their ears. She is not too comforted by the thought of Balzestar leading the battle, what if something happened to him? Sootstar was a fierce she cat and so were all of her goons. It looks like she would continue to worry until she could get word of the battles outcome. Still, she tries her best to conceal how she feels and instead she smiles at her old friend, though all she can muster is a tired, half smile. "You did good friend" she says quietly. It was brave to do what Flamewhisker and Oakfang had done. Even braver for her mother to stand up to the WindClan tyrant.

Berryheart had known simply from observing the acid-green glares from Needles to Fluffy that WindClan and SkyClan were not on good terms. Their claws had crossed certainly more than once; though, it was no surprise. WindClan had bared fangs against every Clan but their own; something close to friendship, perhaps simply from his mother having watched Needles grow into what she had become. But that silent truce, that void of violence, was not equally an absence of any distaste. Berryheart let his mind wander to a likely possibility; that now, Big Mama had given Needles a reason to see them as lesser. A reason to fight them.

His pelt would prickle numbly for that day, the thought of injury and death rampant in his mind. It was not a sprawling sadness, though... simply an acceptance of a reality.

A blazing figure burst into camp, barrelling over to his mother; congratulated by Shady, the askant-eyed medicine cat noted the return of the rest of Big Mama's patrol. From where he lay, absorbing the pale night-light, he listened- clearly displayed by the angle of his ears. A long blink occupied his expression, languid in its indulgence- and when his eyes opened again, a steely expression settled more obviously upon his face. "Mhmm..." he hummed, agreeing with his sister's congratulation. ThunderClan had done a good deed, he was sure- the stars would smile upon his motherland her warriors for this act.
Still, his belly coils taut. That WindClan had stood so closely upon their borders, a patrol so prepared to tread through their territory– it was right of Howlingstar to send them off, to stand tall in face of her fears. But that did not make it easier. Soon it will be for another reason entirely that Sootstar comes chasing them down. It will be a hunt. One for ThunderClan blood, this time. They should begin their preparations.

Part of him worries that they will not have made it in time. Or, worse, that they would not have evaded in time. He knows the logic of their territories, knows that travel times were on the side of the warriors who knew this forest. Even with this knowledge, his heart thrums. To see them safely returned takes the wind from his chest. Along the others that welcome them back is the broad tabby tom. His eyes are wide and melt to warmth, exhaling a breath he did not know he held. "We have made a dangerous enemy in doing so," he murmurs, not a reproach– at Howlingstar's back, he would stand for his remaining moons. "We should prepare."

  • ooc:
  • owlear_clangen.png
    ──── owlear. senior warrior of thunderclan. cis male.
    ──── approximately 90 moons old, yet still youthful.
    ──── pansexual and single,   though with past flings.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with long, thick fur and a broad-shouldered build. despite his age, he is still a strong, imposing tomcat with clear, attentive eyes. though they are a muted hazel, they seem to twinkle with silent wisdom and a warm, deep-seated joy.
  • "speech"
( ) The sound of the patrol that had been sent off to Skyclan returning would make Hailstorm perk up and walk over from where he had originally been. His large ears would angle forward listening to the report that the patrol had gotten there just in time to warn the Skyclanners which was relieving though it was a better sight to see his clanmates had evaded the potential battle and returned without injury. Although, it was worrying to think about if Windclan found out that Thunderclan had intervened and warned Skyclan. He could only imagine that they would be next as Sootstar's target and they'd need to prepare but Hailstorm wasn't certain if the Windclanners would launch an attack right after battling Skyclan.

"It's better to be prepared than not... And be ready for whatever is potentially coming our way." He thought to himself having listened to what Owlear said, his warm gaze turning in the direction of Howlingstar to see what her final decision in all of this would be. He'd do as much as he could to help out.

flamewhisker and oakfang came rushing in, news of a job well done was quickly bestowed upon howlingstar. it would brig relief to many that they had made it in time to allow skyclan a chance at fighting in the territory rather than camp. congratulations ensued, approval towards their noble bravery. nightbird stood stoic, eyes flickering towards the tabby leader for her reaction. they had aided skyclan best they could, pushed themselves into their conflict with windclan. thunderclan had no place in it. the air of neutrality between them and the moor dwellers was now sullied, and with a clan as temperamental as windclan, that surely was not a good thing.

owlear is quick to suggest that they needed to make haste in preparing for a conflict of their own, and while she hoped it wouldn't come to that it was far from a bad idea. she hums a quiet approval, tail twitching as she looked back to the trio. "were you seen on the way to skyclan?" she asked no one in particular, hoping the answer was no. denying another clan to cross their borders for war was far more excusable than beelining to the target and warning them.
Little Wolf is the first to approach them, which wasn't much of a surprise. After the news had gotten out when Howlingstar returned to the camp, there was no doubt that Little Wolf wouldn't have heard. While the news she brought back wasn't much of a relief, at least they had made it to Skyclan first. Now their neighboring clan had at least somewhat of an advantage against the night hidden Windclanners. She tipped her head as a nod in response to her friends quiet words, the corner of her mouth pulling back as part of a smile. There was no reassuring she could was still a dangerous situation. Part of her had wanted to stay and help fight, but she knew it wasn't her battle...or at least not yet. It seemed the rest of her clanmates seemed to share the same fears that she did...they now had a reason to be on Windclan's bad side. For many moons they had managed to keep clear of the moor-dwellers, but how long would it be before Sootstar was on their doorstep.

"We will be alright for now." she responded, glancing at each of them as they spoke. That part she could at least say with some confidence. Windclan would need time to lick their wounds...Skyclan would keep them busy tonight. Nightbird spoke last, asking if they had been spotted. "Windclan had to take the long way around, there's no way they would have spotted us." But it won't take long for Sootstar to piece the puzzle together. she added grimly in her head. "But regardless of the outcome...Howlingstar made the right decision. There was no way we could let them cross, and especially not so they could attack Skyclan's camp in cover of darkness." Her nose flared just at the thought. Battles didn't belong in the camp...not where there were kits.

WindClan had some fuckin' nerve, to ask what they did. As probably the only Clan left in this forest that WindClan hasn't made mortal enemies out of, perhaps they truly figured that ThunderClan would happily roll over and let them scoot past to attack their neighbors. Much as she hated it, she had family in SkyClan. Selfishly or morally speakin', Wolfwind wouldn't feel right not letting SkyClan in on what's what. She stands beside her family here– Berryheart and Little Wolf to acknowledge Flamewhisker. The thought that WindClan may have been lookin' to harm kits in the first place makes her pelt prickle.

We have made a dangerous enemy in doing so, Owlear points out. Wolfwind frowns at him, even though she knows it's true. Were it anyone but Sootstar, Wolfwind wouldn't be so quick to think so, but... well. Wolfwind sighs, " With a warning, I'm sure even KittypetClan could get a good few swipes in. Hopefully enough that WindClan doesn't immediately bust into our camp for round two, " she grumbles. At least a lot more of ThunderClan would be there to meet them, this time around. " We'll be ready for their tiny asses if they ever come fer us. "

An ear flicks with Nightbird's concern, and Wolfwind only flexes her claws, hasty eyes lookin' over the horizon as if WindClan would come streamin' through the trees right there and then.
After sending Flamewhisker and Oakfang to SkyClan, Howlingstar had remained hidden in the undergrowth, silently following the WindClan patrol from deep within the forest. She only had to make sure they kept their word and did not cross the border. As soon as they'd gone out of sight, she'd hurried back to camp to tell her clan what had transpired. All that there was left to do was wait.

She is pacing back and forth in front of the Highrock when her warriors return, reporting they had made it in time. She perks up, relief melting her anxious features as she moves to intercept them along with her clanmates. "You both did well. StarClan bless your swift paws," She trills with a gentle smile, weariness weighing it down. She is tired - they all are. Owlear's troubled words earn a glance, and while she hates to say it, she's afraid she agrees.

"We tried to remain neutral with WindClan for as long as we could. Sootstar knows I did not seek an enemy in her, but she has forced my paw. We have to be prepared for their retaliation." They are bloodthirsty, through and through. "Battle training takes priority from here on out with our apprentices. There will be two night-guards instead of one for the unforeseeable future." She looks to Flycatcher nearby, giving him a nod. As deputy, he is in charge of placing the night-guards and of the training of apprentices. "But tonight, we can go to our nests knowing we did what we could to prevent the unnecessary deaths of SkyClanners. Who knows what might have happened if WindClan was able to catch them off-guard?"
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