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Official TT Account
Jun 7, 2022
  • ALDER BARK comes from alder trees. It is usually dark gray and fissured, but on younger trees it can appear green and smooth. The branches on these trees are sticky with sap. To harvest, use claws to slice bark, then peel gently away from the tree.
    — Found year-round, but most often harvested in Leaf-bare as the bark is easier to peel off.
    — Usage: Chewed to ease toothaches.
    — Found in RiverClan, WindClan, ThunderClan, and SkyClan along the river. Can also be found throughout ShadowClan territory.

    BINDWEED is a climbing vine with blue petals, a white throat, and a yellow center. The stems contain green leaves. The entire vines are harvested.
    — Found in Greenleaf.
    — Usage: Helps hold sticks in place to keep a broken leg in place and mend it.
    — Found in WindClan and SkyClan territory.

    BIRCH SAP is a thick, sticky liquid found in or on birch trees. It has a faint woody taste.
    — Found in early Newleaf, before the leaves appear on trees.
    — Usage: Drank to help cure headaches.
    — Found in RiverClan territory.

    BLACKBERRY LEAVES Blackberry shrubs have pinkish-white flowers with five petals and produce blackberries in late Newleaf. They carry a sharp scent. They grow to be quite large and are very hardy, able to survive in most habitats.
    — Found year-round.
    — Usage: Leaves are chewed into a pulp and placed on bee stings to ease pain.
    — Found in sunny areas in RiverClan, WindClan, ShadowClan, ThunderClan, and SkyClan

    BORAGE is easily distinguished by its small blue or pink star-shaped petals and hairy leaves. They also have an easily identifiable, zesty cucumber-like scent. The leaves are soft and dark green or gray-green in color. They lose their flavor when they are dried out. The best leaves to harvest are those that are halfway up the stem, as they are most effective.
    — Found from Newleaf to Leaf-fall.
    — Usage: Leaves are chewed and eaten by nursing queens to help them produce more milk. It also brings down fevers, soothes belly aches, and relieves tight chests.
    — Found in ThunderClan near camp.

    BRIGHT-EYE flowers are pink with darker pink centers. It thrives in sunny areas within forests. They have a strong, sweet scent and attract butterflies and hummingbirds.
    — Found from Greenleaf to Leaf-fall.
    — Usage: Flowers are crushed into poultice with lovage and eaten to cure coughs.
    — Found in sunny areas in RiverClan, ThunderClan, and SkyClan

    BROOM is a large, deciduous shrub with small leaves and small yellow flowers. Flowers are often solitary, but can also come in pairs. It blooms in Newleaf and early Greenleaf and smells of vanilla.
    — Found year-round.
    — Usage: Ground into a poultice that can help heal broken bones and wounds.
    — Found along the thunderpath in WindClan and ThunderClan territory.

    BURDOCK is a tall-stemmed thistle with a sharp smell, bitter taste, and dark leaves. The whole plant is harvested so the roots can be used.
    —Found year-round.
    — Usage: The roots are washed off in water and chewed into a pulp. The pulp soothes, numbs, and heals rat bites, especially if they are infected. Also used for infected paws and other sores. If too much is eaten, it can cause a bellyache.
    — Found in WindClan territory, as well as along the thunderpath in ShadowClan and ThunderClan territory.

    BURNET has green, ferny, toothy-leaved foliage with tall spikes of purple flowers. It has a nutty taste.
    — Found year-round, but most effective when harvested in Leaf-fall.
    — Usage: Leaves are swallowed to give strength. Used as a traveling herb for cats going to the Moonstone and given to expecting queens.
    — Found in sunny areas in RiverClan and ThunderClan.

    CATCHWEED is a weed with fuzzy green balls on long stems. It grows to be very tall and the stems eventually form a tangled mat that covers the ground, killing nearby low-growing plants. The burrs are harvested from the tops of the stems.
    — Found year-round.
    — Usage: Burrs are placed on pelt to keep poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin.
    — Found in twoleg gardens near SkyClan, the Horseplace near WindClan, and ThunderClan territory.

    CATMINT is a tall, leafy, and delicious-smelling plant. It has gray-green leaves, a hairy stem, and pale purple flowers. It is easily killed by frost, making it extremely difficult to find during Leaf-bare. It is better to gather catmint once the dew has burned off of the plants. This makes it easier to gather dryer sprigs so they do not rot while in the medicine cat den.
    — Found from Newleaf to Leaf-fall.
    — Usage: Eaten to cure whitecough and greencough, but eating too much can be dangerous.
    — Found in twoleg gardens near SkyClan and in the barn at the Horseplace near WindClan.

    CELANDINE is a yellow flower with four petals. It has rosettes of glossy, dark green, heart-shaped mottled long-stalked leaves. The juice it contains is yellow. It smells like ammonia.
    — Found from Newleaf to Leaf-fall.
    — Usage: Flower is crushed and juice is trickled into weakened or damaged eyes to soothe them.
    — Found in RiverClan and ThunderClan along river banks and streams, and in SkyClan around the Sandy Ravine.

    CHAMOMILE is a small white flower with a yellow center, growing on long, thin light green stems. It has a mellow scent of honey and apples.
    — Found from Greenleaf to Leaf-fall.
    — Usage: Eaten to strengthen the heart and soothe the mind. Also used as a traveling herb to give strength.
    — Found in twoleg gardens near SkyClan, as well as RiverClan, WindClan, and ThunderClan territory.

    CHERVIL is a sweet-smelling plant with large, leafy, fern-like leaves and small white flowers. Its roots are knobby and brown. It tastes similar to anise.
    — Found from Newleaf to Greenleaf.
    — Usage: Leaves and roots are chewed to extract the juice; juice is then used on infected wounds or swallowed to help bellyaches. Also given to kitting queens for pain.
    — Found in RiverClan territory along stream banks, along the thunderpath in WindClan, at the Carrionplace in ShadowClan, at Snakerocks in ThunderClan, and at the Sandy Ravine in SkyClan.

    CHICKWEED is a tall-stemmed plant with fat, almond-shaped leaves. In Newleaf, small, delicate white flowers bloom. It tastes fresh and grassy and thrives in moist, shady areas.
    — Found from Newleaf to Leaf-fall.
    — Usage: Eaten to treat greencough, but isn’t as effective as catmint.
    — Found in RiverClan territory, at the Horseplace near WindClan, in ShadowClanterritory, near Sunningrocks in ThunderClan territory, and in twoleg gardens near SkyClan.

    COB NUT come from hazel trees and smell delicious. They are very distinctive looking with green husks over their shells. The nut itself is medium in size and oval in shape, and tastes sweet. Some clan cats use these nuts to lure prey out of their burrows.
    — Found from Greenleaf to Leaf-fall.
    — Usage: Chewed into an ointment that soothes slow-healing wounds.
    — Found in sunny areas in RiverClan territory and in SkyClan’s camp.

    COBWEBS are long, thin, shiny strands spun into a web by spiders. They are very common and found anywhere where trees are.
    — Found year-round.
    — Usage: Pressed over wounds to soak up and stop/slow the bleeding. They may also be used to bind broken bones and hold poultices onto wounds.
    — Found in RiverClan, WindClan, ShadowClan, ThunderClan, and SkyClan in tree roots.

    COLTSFOOT is a flowering plant with yellow or white flowers resembling dandelions. It grows best in Newleaf and has large, rounded leaves resembling a foal’s hoof. It has a sweet scent, but tastes very bitter.
    — Found year-round.
    — Usage: Chewed into a pulp to use on cracked and sore pads, and swallowed to ease breathing and kitten-cough.
    — Found by the Falls in RiverClan territory.

    COMFREY has large leaves, small bell-shaped flowers which are pink, white, or purple, and fat brown roots. It has a tangy smell and favors moist, grassy areas.
    — Found from Newleaf to Greenleaf.
    — Usage: Roots are chewed into a poultice and used to repair broken bones, soothe wounds, soothe wrenched claws, treat itching, soothe inflammation on stiff joints, and treat burns. Roots can also line nests to ease stiffness in wrenched shoulders.
    — Found in RiverClan, WindClan, ShadowClan, ThunderClan, and SkyClan.​
  • DAISY LEAVES Daisies have a rosette of small, thin white petals surrounding a bright yellow center. These are supported by a single stem which grows from a group of thick, dark green, oval-shaped leaves.
    — Found from Newleaf to Leaf-fall.
    — Usage: Leaves are chewed into a paste to treat joint pain. Also used as a traveling herb.
    — Found in RiverClan, WindClan, ShadowClan, ThunderClan, and SkyClan territory.

    DANDELION is a common yellow-flowered plant with long, hollow stems. After flowering is finished, the flower transforms into a sphere made out of hundreds of smaller white florets with seed heads at the bottom that connect to the flower head. It is hardy and has a mild bittersweet scent.
    — Found from Newleaf to Leaf-fall.
    — Usage: Leaves are chewed to act as a painkiller. Flowers are chewed into a pulp to soothe and heal bee stings. Roots are eaten to help cure the effects of meadow saffron poisoning.
    — Found in RiverClan, WindClan, ShadowClan, ThunderClan, and SkyClan territory.

    DOCK is a common large-leafed plant with a tangy smell and taste. It grows to be quite big and is dark green in color.
    — Found year-round.
    — Usage: Leaves are chewed up and applied to scratches to soothe them, but will sting when applied. Leaves are placed in nests to ease pain of wounds during sleep. Leaves can also be rubbed onto sore pads to soothe them. Often used by medicine cat apprentices to help practice healing on clanmates.
    — Found near the stream by RiverClan’s medicine cat den, along the thunderpath in ThunderClan, and in twoleg orchards near SkyClan.

    ELDER LEAVES come from elder trees and are often found in 5-9 leaflets. The trees are actually low-growing shrubs.
    — Found from Newleaf to early Leaf-fall.
    — Usage: Chewed into a poultice to soothe sprains.
    — Found on riverbanks in RiverClan and ThunderClan, and in SkyClan’s camp.

    FENNEL is a tumid herb with 4–5 hollow stems and distinctly divided feathery foliage. Its leaves are thin and spiky. It smells bitter and tastes like mint.
    — Found from Newleaf to Leaf-fall.
    — Usage: Stalks are broken and juice is squeezed into the receiver's mouth to ease hip pain, often during kitting.
    — Found along the riverbank in WindClan territory.

    FEVERFEW is a small bush with flowers resembling daisies. It has a sharp, tangy smell and small, soft leaves. It thrives along water.
    — Found from Greenleaf to Leaf-fall.
    — Usage: Eaten to reduce body temperature of cats with fever or chills. Also used to heal aches and pains, especially headaches.
    — Found along water in RiverClan, WindClan, ShadowClan, ThunderClan, and SkyClan territory.

    GOATWEED is an upright, branching herb with oval leaves. Its stem is soft, but becomes woody with age. Its stem and leaves are covered in white hairs.
    — Found year-round, but notably more difficult to find in Leaf-bare.
    — Usage: Eaten to ease grief.
    — Found in RiverClan territory.

    GOLDENROD is a tall plant with bright yellow flowers. It has long woody stems and blooms in Greenleaf and Leaf-fall. Its flowers smell like anise and taste bitter.
    — Found from Greenleaf to Leaf-fall.
    — Usage: Chewed into a poultice to help heal wounds.
    — Found on WindClan territory, and along the thunderpath in ShadowClan and ThunderClan.

    HAWKWEED is a small green weed with yellow and orange flowers. It has fibrous roots and a slightly bitter taste.
    — Found from late Newleaf to Greenleaf.
    — Usage: Eaten to cure whitecough and greencough, but isn’t as effective as catmint.
    — Found in clearings in ThunderClan territory.

    HEATHER NECTAR comes from heather flowers, bell-shaped purple flowers that grow in abundance on the moorland. It has a very sweet taste.
    — Found in Greenleaf
    — Usage: Added to herbal mixtures to sweeten the blend and make swallowing it easier.
    — Found on WindClan territory.

    HONEY is a sweet, golden-colored liquid made by bees. Since bees need flowers to make honey, it can only be harvested during Newleaf and Greenleaf. However, honey doesn’t go bad, so it can be stored in the medicine den throughout the cold seasons. Whole honeycombs are often harvested as it’s easier than collecting just the honey from hives.
    — Found from Newleaf to Greenleaf.
    — Usage: Eaten to soothe infections, coughing, and smoke-damaged or sore throats. It also helps cats to swallow other herbal mixtures and gives energy to cats. Moss can be soaked in honey and given to cats to lap at instead.
    — Found in beehives within trees in RiverClan, WindClan, ShadowClan, ThunderClan, and SkyClan territory.

    HORSETAIL is a tall, bristly-stemmed plant with fleshy stalks. It thrives in marshy areas. It is easily identified by its horrible scent, but tastes grassy and mild.
    — Found from Newleaf to Greenleaf.
    — Usage: Chewed into a poultice and applied to wounds to treat infections and stop bleeding.
    — Found in ShadowClan territory.

    IVY LEAVES grow on ivy vines that trail along the ground or grow up trees. The leaves are glossy, green, and broad. The leaves are carefully nipped off to preserve the plant.
    — Found year-round.
    — Usage: Used to store herbs on.
    — Found in ShadowClan territory, in the ThunderClan medicine cat den, and on the northern edge of SkyClan territory.

    JUNIPER BERRIES are purple-blue berries from the dark green, spiky-leaved juniper bush. They have a fragrant, spicy scent and bittersweet flavor. It takes three years for berries to ripen; they begin as flowers, and by the third year, the berries can be harvested.
    — Found year-round.
    — Usage: Chewed and eaten to soothe bellyaches, give strength, help troubled breathing, and calm cats. Can also be crushed and mixed with ragwort leaves to place on joints for pain.
    — Found at the Horseplace near WindClan, and ThunderClan and SkyClan territory.​
  • LAUREL LEAVES are green, smooth, and leathery. They are stiff and strong, able to hold some weight without breaking.
    — Found year-round.
    — Usage: Used to make herb wraps.
    — Found in WindClan and ThunderClan territory.

    LAVENDER is a small, purple flowering plant. It is a branching and spreading shrub with gray-green leaves and long flowering shoots. It has a delicate, sweet scent.
    — Found from Newleaf to Leaf-fall.
    — Usage: Placed under a cat’s nose for them to inhale to cure fever and chills. Also rubbed on dead bodies to hide the scent of death.
    — Found in WindClan territory and in twoleg gardens near SkyClan.

    LOVAGE is a tall plant that bears lacy, thick green foliage. Its flowers are yellow and umbrella-shaped. It has a rich scent and a leafy, earthy flavor.
    — Found year-round.
    — Usage: Leaves are mixed with bright-eye and eaten to cure coughs. Ineffective on its own.
    — Found along the stream in ShadowClan territory.

    LUNGWORT is an herb with dark green leaves speckled with gray. It is hairy with drooping pink flowers that turn blue. It has a sappy scent and tastes very bitter, often needing honey to help swallow it.
    — Found from Leaf-bare to early Newleaf.
    — Usage: Eaten to cure yellowcough.
    — Found in RiverClan, WindClan, ThunderClan, and SkyClan.

    MALLOW LEAVES are large, fuzzy, three-nubbed leaves from the flowering mallow shrub. Mallow has a sweet rose scent and the flowers bear five white petals with violet veins. The stems and leaves have a rough texture from the hair that grows on them. The leaves are best harvested at Sunhigh when they are dry and won’t rot. The leaves taste sweet.
    — Found year-round.
    — Usage: Eaten to soothe bellyaches
    — Found along the river in RiverClan, WindClan, ThunderClan, and SkyClan.

    MARIGOLD is a small, low-growing flower ranging from yellow to bright orange. It has dark green leaves and a reddish stem. It has a bitter scent and tastes citrusy. It grows best near water.
    — Found from late Newleaf to Leaf-fall.
    — Usage: Petals and leaves are chewed into a poultice to stop infection, stop bleeding, and treat inflammation in stiff joints.
    — Found most abundantly in ShadowClan, but can also be found on the riverbanks in RiverClan, WindClan, ThunderClan, and SkyClan.

    MINT is an herb with downy, serrated leaves ranging from green to purple and yellow in color. Its flowers are small and white or purple in color. It has square stems and its flowers are often arranged in clusters. It is aromatic.
    — Found from Newleaf to Leaf-fall.
    — Usage: Rubbed onto dead bodies to hide the scent of death.
    — Found by the river in RiverClan and by the ThunderClan nursery.

    MOSS is a spongy, soft green shrub without true roots, commonly found on trees or in marshy areas. It is harvested by gently peeling off surfaces with claws.
    — Found year-round, but unable to be harvested if water is frozen.
    — Usage: Used to soak up fluid; can be used to bring water to cats or to soak up bleeding if no cobwebs are present. Also used to clean up messes (i.e. vomit) and store mouse bile.
    — Found on trees in RiverClan, ShadowClan, ThunderClan, and SkyClan territory. Also found at the Sun-Warmed Pool in WindClan.

    MOUSE BILE is a foul-smelling, yellowish-green liquid harvested from a mouse’s gallbladder. It is stored in moss.
    — Found year-round, anywhere mice are present.
    — Usage: Bile-soaked moss is dabbed onto ticks embedded in pelt to kill them.
    — Found where mice are present in RiverClan, WindClan, ThunderClan, and SkyClan.

    OAK LEAVES are round, ruffled leaves that fall from oak trees. They have a bittersweet scent and mild, nutty taste. They are to be stored in a dry place until usage.
    — Found year-round, but most commonly collected in Leaf-fall.
    — Usage: Chewed into poultice and applied to wounds to stop infection from setting in.
    — Found in the ShadowClan camp and in ThunderClan, and SkyClan territory.

    PARSLEY is a long-stemmed plant with ragged-edged, crinkly leaves. It has a sharp scent and tastes cold and fresh. The plant produces small yellow flowers.
    — Found in Newleaf.
    — Usage: Eaten to stop a queen from producing milk if their kits have died or if they’re producing too much milk. Also cures bellyaches.
    — Found in RiverClan territory by the gorge.

    POPPY SEEDS are tiny, round black seeds that are shaken out of a dried poppy flowerhead. They smell and taste nutty.
    — Found year-round.
    — Usage: Chewed on to help a cat sleep, ease pain, or soothe shock or distress. Not recommended for nursing queens.
    — Found in ThunderClan and in twoleg gardens near SkyClan.

    RAGWEED is a ragged-leaved plant resembling a fern. Its hairy stems range from green to light pinkish-red. It has a pleasant smell and tastes like wheat.
    — Found from Greenleaf to Leaf-fall.
    — Usage: Eaten to give extra strength and energy.
    — Found along the thunderpath in WindClan, ShadowClan, and ThunderClan and in twoleg gardens near SkyClan.

    RAGWORT LEAVES come from a tall shrub with yellow flowers. They are dark green, wrinkly and taste foul, but smell even fouler.
    — Found year-round.
    — Usage: Eaten to keep strength up. Can also be chewed into a paste and mixed with juniper berries to help aching joints.
    — Found in RiverClan and ShadowClan territory.

    RASPBERRY LEAVES are soft to the touch, but have jagged edges and are silver on the undersides. They are found on raspberry bushes. They have a sweet scent and intense taste. The leaves are best harvested after the dew has evaporated at Sunhigh.
    — Found in Newleaf.
    — Usage: Eaten by kitting queens to ease pain or stop bleeding.
    — Found along the thunderpath in WindClan and ThunderClan.

    ROSEMARY is a tall herb with needle-like leaves and purple flowers. The evergreen-like leaves are dark green on the upper side, and the underside has a dense covering of short, white, wooly hairs. It’s easily recognized by its pungent scent.
    — Found year-round.
    — Usage: Rubbed onto a dead cat’s body to hide the scent of death.
    — Found near the ThunderClan warrior’s den.

    Rush has long, narrow leaves and lavender-colored head stalks. They grow as tussocks or more isolated stalks. It has a fresh scent.
    — Found year-round
    — Usage: Used to bind broken bones to hold them in place.
    — Found in the meadow in RiverClan, at the Sun-Warmed Pool in WindClan, and in ShadowClan territory.
  • SORREL grows as a rosette and the flowers are small, round and red, green, or yellow in color. Its leaves are large and sharply pointed. It has a sour smell and taste. Medicine cats know to harvest these leaves often, as regular harvesting encourages new growth. Young leaves are preferred.
    — Found from Newleaf to Leaf-fall.
    — Usage: Eaten to build up appetite, and also used as a traveling herb.
    — Found outside of SkyClan’s medicine cat den.

    STICKS are long, thin wooden protrusions that grow on and fall from trees.
    — Found year-round.
    — Usage: Bitten to distract cats from pain, most often for kitting queens. Also used to mend broken legs.
    — Found where trees are in RiverClan WindClan, ShadowClan, ThunderClan, and SkyClan.

    STINGING NETTLE is a plant with pointed leaves, white to yellowish flowers, and green, spiny seeds. It has a peppery scent, and the crunchy seeds have a mild taste. Its leaves and stem have a distinctive punchy, spinach-like taste.
    — Found from Newleaf to Greenleaf.
    — Usage: Seeds are eaten to induce vomiting if poison has been ingested. Leaves are chewed into a poultice and applied to wounds to bring down swelling, and can also be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones. Stems can be chewed to fight against infection.
    — Found in territory and in twoleg gardens near SkyClan.

    SWEET-SEDGE is a plant with thick green stems, grass-like leaves, and long buds at the top. These buds bloom into small, greenish flowers. It is very aromatic and its sap is thick, pale yellow, and bitter-tasting. It grows year-round but its sap can only be harvested twice a year.
    — Found in Newleaf and Leaf-fall.
    — Usage: Sap is swallowed to ease infection.
    — Found around RiverClan’s camp and in ShadowClan territory.

    TANSY has round yellow flowers and has a very sweet, strong scent, making it good for disguising a cat's scent. It has a stout, almost reddish stem that branches near the top. It has a bitter taste.
    — Found from Greenleaf to Leaf-fall.
    — Usage: Eaten to cure coughs, soothe throats, and prevent greencough. It can also be eaten to help with wounds or poisons. Should only be eaten in small doses and should never be given to pregnant cats.
    — Found near the Twolegplace in RiverClan, near the thunderpath in WindClan, and outside of SkyClan’s medicine cat den.

    TORMENTIL is a downy plant with serrated leaves and four-petalled yellow flowers. It has a strong, aromatic scent to it and a sharp taste.
    — Found year-round.
    — Usage: Roots are chewed into a poultice to treat wounds and extract poisons.
    — Found in WindClan territory and in twoleg gardens near SkyClan.

    THYME is an herb with small, delicate, thick, and sticky leaves with a distinctive fresh tang.
    Found year-round.
    — Usage: Leaves are chewed on to calm cats in shock, or to ease nervousness and anxiety.
    — Found
    — Found in WindClan territory and in twoleg gardens near SkyClan.

    TRAVELING HERBS This is a mixture of daisy leaves, sorrel, chamomile, and burnet. They are eaten to suppress hunger pains and give cats strength. Often used for trips to the Moonstone, as cats are not allowed to eat before communing with StarClan.
    — See Burnet, Chamomile, Daisy Leaves, and Sorrel.

    WATERMINT is a light green plant with oval-shaped leaves and purple flowers at the end of its spiky stems. It has a minty smell and refreshing taste.
    — Found from Newleaf to Leaf-fall.
    — Usage: Chewed into a pulp then eaten to ease the suffering that occurs with bellyaches.
    — Found in shallow streams in RiverClan and in shallow pools in ShadowClan.

    WILD GARLIC grows in patches and has a white bulb with green leaves. The bulbs bloom into small white flowers. It has an extremely sharp and tangy scent.
    — Found from Leaf-fall to Newleaf, not able to be harvested.
    — Usage: Rolling in patches of wild garlic draws out poison from rat bites and prevents infection.
    — Found near the entrance of ThunderClan’s camp and in ShadowClan territory.

    WILLOW BARK AND LEAVES Both the leaves and bark are used from willow trees. The bark must be peeled off, but the leaves may be pulled directly from the tree or found on the ground around the tree. The leaves are elongated and oval-shaped with a felt-like covering of fine white hairs. Willow bark and willow leaves taste bitter.
    — Found year-round
    — Usage: Willow bark is eaten to ease pain. Willow leaves are eaten to stop vomiting.
    — Found in RiverClan territory.

    WINTERGREEN is a low-growing wildflower with shiny evergreen leaves. It bears small white flowers in Greenleaf followed by bright red berries that often persist through Leaf-bare. It is easily identified by these red berries. It has a strong, minty odor and flavor.
    — Found year-round.
    — Usage: Leaves, flowers, and berries are chewed into a poultice to treat wounds.
    — Found in WindClan territory and the border between ThunderClan and SkyClan.

    WOOD SORREL is a medium-sized weed with green, heart-shaped leaves and five-petaled yellow or white flowers. The flowers can also be pink or violet depending on the species. It has delicate, reddish-green stems and a sour or tart flavor.
    — Found from Newleaf to Leaf-fall.
    — Usage: Placed on wounds to help them dry up and scab over, speeding up the healing process.
    — Found along the thunderpath in ShadowClan and ThunderClan.

    YARROW is a white-flowering plant with green, jagged leaves, a tangy scent and a bitter taste. The stem is covered in wooly hairs. It is known to attract butterflies.
    — Found from Newleaf to Greenleaf.
    — Usage: Leaves are chewed into a poultice and given to cats to make them vomit up toxins. Poultice can also be applied to wounds to extract poison and applied to cracked pads to soften and heal them.
    — Found at Snakerocks in ThunderClan and in SkyClan territory.
  • DEATHBERRIES are red berries from the dark-leaved, poisonous yew bush. They have a deceivingly sweet taste. While the bush is evergreen, the berries can only be found part of the year.
    — Found from Greenleaf to Leaf-fall.
    — Usage: Kills a cat within minutes when consumed. However, if the seed is carefully removed, the flesh can be eaten to cure infection. This should only be used as a last resort.
    — Found in RiverClan territory, higher up the ravine from ThunderClan’s camp and in SkyClan territory.

    FOXGLOVE SEEDS are tiny black seeds from the bell-shaped flower of the foxglove plant. They have a bad smell and taste spicy.
    — Found in Greenleaf.
    — Usage: Upon ingestion, will very quickly cause paralysis, heart failure, coma, then death.
    — Found in WindClan territory and in clearings in ThunderClan and SkyClan.

    HOLLY BERRIES Holly is an evergreen flowering plant with dark green, spiny leaves that produces red berries with no medicinal value. The berries have a bitter taste.
    — Found from Leaf-fall to Leaf-bare.
    — Usage: If ingested, acts as a mild poison. Causes vomiting, belly pain, and loss of appetite, but is only deadly if ingested in large quantities or if the cat is very young or very old.
    — Found between the gorge and Beech Copse in RiverClan, in ThunderClan territory, and in SkyClan’s camp.

    MEADOW SAFFRON is a short plant with large purple flowers. It seems to emerge directly from the earth on slender stems with six sleek, glossy purple petals and orange anthers encased within. Its shiny, lance-like leaves die back before the flowers appear. It has a fresh scent and tastes sweet.
    —Found year-round
    — Usage: If ingested, it will cause vomiting, lethargy, and difficult breathing. Not poisonous to prey, but if prey has consumed it, the cat eating the prey will become poisoned.
    — Found in meadows in RiverClan and in ThunderClan territory.

    DEADLY NIGHTSHADE is a small shrub with faintly scented, bell-shaped flowers that are purple tinged with green in color. Its berries are shiny and black when ripe and have a sickly sweetish taste. It has long, thin branches and oval-shaped leaves.
    — Found in Greenleaf.
    — Usage: Given to cats who are slowly dying to give them a quick death. Very poisonous.
    — Found in ShadowClan and ThunderClan.

    WATER HEMLOCK is a highly poisonous plant that grows in ditches and marshy ground. It has green or white flowers with petals in umbrella-shaped clusters. It grows on thick stalks. It has a fresh scent and tastes sweet.
    — Found from Newleaf to Greenleaf
    — Usage: Upon ingestion, causes writhing, pain, and foaming at the mouth. Death follows within an hour.
    — Found at the Horseplace by WindClan and in ShadowClan territory.
Please note, these recovery times are assuming the patient is being treated with the appropriate herbs and is resting. Lack of proper treatment will result in longer recovery times and sometimes a less successful recovery. Several doses of herbs will often need to be given to cure most conditions.

  • WHITECOUGH is the most common chest infection known to the clan cats. It is mild, but if left untreated, can develop into greencough. Cats usually catch it during Leaf-fall and Leaf-bare. It is highly contagious and spreads quickly.
    Symptoms: Coughing and/or wheezing, headache, slight fever, loss of appetite
    Treatment: The best cure is catmint, but the less effective hawkweed can be used to keep symptoms at bay if catmint is unavailable; tansy, honey, or bright-eye/lovage mixture to ease coughing; borage, feverfew, or lavender to treat fever; birch sap to treat headache; sorrel to stimulate appetite
    Recovery Time: 7-10 days

    GREENCOUGH is the more severe form of whitecough and develops if it’s left untreated. It can be fatal for elders and kits, and has claimed the lives of many cats.
    Symptoms: Coughing, fluid in lungs, difficulty breathing, fever, rheumy eyes
    Treatment: The best cure is catmint, but the less effective hawkweed and chickweed can be used to keep symptoms at bay if catmint is unavailable; tansy, honey, or a bright-eye/lovage mixture to ease cough; borage, feverfew, or lavender to treat fever; coltsfoot or juniper berries to ease breathing
    Recovery Time: 1-3 weeks

    BLACKCOUGH is the advanced form of greencough. Once the illness reaches this stage, it is not likely the cat will survive it. The best course of action is to make them comfortable as they prepare to join StarClan.
    Symptoms: Severe wheezing and coughing, runny nose, coughing up blood, sweating, high fever, weakness/lethargy
    Treatment: There is no cure. Herbs can be used to treat symptoms, but will not cure the disease at this point. Honey is the best thing to give for comfort. In some cases, deadly nightshade may be used for a quick death
    Recovery Time: None, death usually follows within a week

    KITTEN-COUGH is an illness that affects the respiratory system. Only kittens with their underdeveloped immune systems come down with this infection.
    Symptoms: Coughing and/or wheezing, headache, slight fever, loss of appetite
    Treatment: Coltsfoot is the only cure; tansy, honey, or bright-eye/lovage mixture to ease coughing; borage, feverfew, or lavender to lower fever; birch sap to treat headache; sorrel to stimulate appetite
    Recovery Time: 7-10 days

    YELLOWCOUGH is a highly contagious and deadly illness that often occurs as a plague. Clan leader permission must be granted to fall ill with this disease, as it more often than not causes an epidemic.
    Symptoms: Loss of appetite, fever, difficulty breathing, delirium, sore throat
    Treatment: Lungwort is the only cure, but symptoms can be eased; sorrel to stimulate appetite; feverfew, borage, or lavender to treat fever; coltsfoot or juniper berries to ease breathing; honey or tansy to treat sore throat
    Recovery Time: 1-3 weeks
  • INGESTING POISON There are several ways that a cat can ingest poison: eating or drinking poisonous substances or plants (kits are the ones who usually fall victim to this, being curious and unaware of the danger), eating poisoned or rotten prey, or drinking tainted water.
    Symptoms: If only a small quantity of poison is ingested, the cat usually just receives a bellyache, but larger amounts can cause death. See above for the symptoms caused by different poisonous plants.
    Treatment: Yarrow and stinging nettle to vomit up poison; dandelion cures meadow saffron poisoning; borage, chervil, juniper berries, mallow leaves, parsley or watermint to soothe bellyaches caused by mild poisoning

    SMOKE INHALATION occurs when a cat is caught in a fire. This condition ranges from very mild to deadly depending on severity.
    Symptoms: Throat will be tender, swollen, red, and raw; may develop a cough and shortness of breath
    Treatment: Soothed with honey or tansy; coltsfoot or juniper berries may help with breathing
    Recovery Time: Varying, some may never fully recover and will have shortness of breath their entire lives

    ADDER BITE The bite of an adder is venomous and can be life-threatening. As adders are usually only active between Newleaf and Leaf-fall, the clans do not need to worry about them in Leaf-bare. Not all adder bites inject enough venom to kill, though most bites are serious, especially if infection sets in.
    Symptoms: Pain at bite site, bleeding, swelling; shock, lameness, paralysis, trembling, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, rapid breathing, coma; if not treated, death can be caused by organ failure; symptoms usually take anywhere from minutes to an hour to set in
    Treatment: Tormentil and yarrow can be used to extract poison from wound; cobweb, horsetail, or marigold to stop bleeding; marigold, broom, tansy, tormentil, or wintergreen used to treat wound; stinging nettle used to treat swelling; chamomile, juniper berries, poppy seeds, or thyme for shock; willow leaves for vomiting; burnet, chamomile, juniper berries, ragweed, or ragwort leaves to give strength
    Recovery Time: 3-7 days if not fatal

    RAT BITE The rats at the Carrioplace are riddled with disease, which is why hunting them is such a risk! If bitten by one of these large rodents, there is a high risk of infection. Of all the clans, ShadowClan knows these risks best.
    Symptoms: Fever, vomiting, headache, muscle pain, joint pain or swelling, rash around bite site
    Treatment: Burdock root and wild garlic are the cures; cobweb, horsetail, or marigold to stop bleeding; marigold, broom, tansy, tormentil, or wintergreen used to treat wound; fever can be managed with borage, feverfew or lavender; willow leaves for vomiting; birch sap for headache; dandelion, poppy seeds, willow bark, or feverfew for pain; daisy leaves, juniper berries/ragwort leaves mixture for joint pain
    Recovery Time: 3-10 days

    CARRIONPLACE DISEASE Hunting rats is dangerous for more reasons than one. If one is able to avoid being bitten, they can still become careless and bring a diseased rat back to camp. It is highly contagious once even a single ShadowClanner comes in contact with it.
    Symptoms: Troubled breathing, violent coughing fits, fever, loss of appetite, trouble sleeping, exhaustion
    Treatment: Coltsfoot or juniper berries to ease breathing; honey, tansy, or bright-eye/lovage mixture to treat coughing; lavender, borage, or feverfew to treat fever; sorrel to stimulate appetite; poppy seeds to induce sleep; honey or ragweed to give energy
    Recovery Time: 2 weeks
  • JOINT ACHES A condition usually associated with elders, joints gradually degenerate with age, causing pain and difficulty to move. Damp environments can cause the appearance of this condition, so apprentices must make sure that the moss they gather for bedding is completely dry. Joint aches may begin to be felt in senior warriors and worsen as they age into elders in later years.
    Symptoms: Joint pain, stiffness, inflammation
    Treatment: daisy leaves or juniper berries/ragwort leaves mixture for joint pain; comfrey root or marigold for inflammation on stiff joints
    Recovery Time: N/A; flare-ups happen sporadically and more often in old age

    TOOTHACHE A toothache is caused by a cracked tooth, cavity, or an infection in the mouth. Toothaches can make it difficult for cats to eat.
    Symptoms: Tooth pain, difficulty eating, excessive drooling
    Treatment: Alder bark to ease pain
    Recovery Time: After treatment, patient should feel immediate relief

    FEVER is an abnormally high temperature of the body. It is not a disease in itself, but it usually signals the presence of an infection, such as greencough or an infected wound.
    Symptoms: heightened body temperature, sweating, chills, headache, muscle aches
    Treatment: Borage, lavender, or feverfew
    Recovery Time: 1-5 days

    CHILLS are mostly associated with cold weather or being submerged in cold water for a long period of time. Although this condition is mild and is not a disease, it can claim lives. Kits and elders are at a higher risk of dying when they get a chill.
    Symptoms: Shivering, low body temperature
    Treatment: Lavender is the best herbal remedy, but licking a cat’s fur the wrong way is good to get the blood flowing again
    Recovery Time: 1-3 days
  • WOUNDS are injuries where the skin and muscles beneath are torn, cut, or punctured. They may put a cat’s life in danger due to blood loss, infections, or organ damage. Wounds are the most common injuries due to the nature of clans; the cats are often fighting rival clans or predators to defend their clan or territory. Minor wounds heal on their own in no time, but severe wounds must be treated by a medicine cat.
    Symptoms: Bleeding, swelling, inflammation, possible infection
    Treatment: Wound should first be thoroughly cleaned with a tongue or damp moss; cobwebs, horsetail, or marigold to stop the bleeding; goldenrod, broom, tansy, tormentil, or wintergreen to treat wound; wood sorrel to speed up healing; cob nut, comfrey root, or lining the nest in dock helps slow-healing wounds; stinging nettle for swelling; marigold or oak leaves to prevent infection; chervil, horsetail, stinging nettle, sweet-sedge, or (as a last resort) the flesh of deathberries to treat infection
    Recovery Time: 1-3 weeks depending on severity of wound

    SPRAINS are injuries to ligaments of a joint, caused by being stretched beyond their normal capacity and possibly torn. It causes severe pain and decreased ability to move the joint.
    Symptoms: Pain, decreased mobility
    Treatment: Elder leaves applied to sprain; comfrey root used to line nest; lots of rest
    Recovery Time: 1-2 weeks

    JOINT DISLOCATION is the displacement of a bone from its normal joint. This most commonly occurs at the cats’ shoulders and most often is caused by a fall from a great height, being hit by a monster, or a limb being forcefully pulled.
    Symptoms: Dislocated joint, numbness at site, swelling, pain, decreased mobility
    Treatment: Poppy seeds fed to patients to make them sleepy before the limb is forced back into the joint; comfrey root or marigold for swelling around joint; dandelion, poppy seeds, or willow bark for pain
    Recovery Time:3-8 weeks depending on severity

    CRACKED PADS The paw pads may crack while walking long distances on hard surfaces, or they may crack due to cold weather. Elders are especially prone to this condition.
    Symptoms: Bleeding, lameness
    Treatment: Coltsfoot or yarrow to treat pads; dock to cool and soothe pads; burdock root if pads become infected
    Recovery Time: 2-7 days

    BROKEN BONES A broken bone is usually the result of an accident, such as falling down from a high place or being hit by a monster. Cats most often break their legs, and while medicine cats try to bind the bone, the injury usually results in the cat remaining disabled for the rest of their life. Most recovered cats adapt to their new disability in order to continue their warrior duties.
    Symptoms: Pain, balance issues
    Treatment: Poppy seeds, dandelion, or willow bark given for pain; broom, comfrey root, or stinging nettle applied to site to aid healing; cobwebs, bindweed, or rush are used to bind a stick to hold the broken limb in place for healing
    Recovery Time: 2-3 months, but will never go back to normal without human intervention

    KITTINGAfter two moons of pregnancy, it is time for a queen to give birth to her kittens! Labor may last anywhere from 4 hours to 3 days.
    Symptoms: Restlessness, panting, contractions
    Treatment: A stick is given to the queen to bite on for pain; fennel, chervil, or raspberry leaves to ease pain; raspberry leaves to stop bleeding (if any)
    Recovery Time: 1-3 weeks

    BEE STINGS When agitated, bees may sting cats, especially when trying to collect honey from their hives. After stinging, the barb may be left in the cat. The barb releases venom which causes irritation to the skin.
    Symptoms: Mild swelling around site of sting, tenderness
    Treatment: If barb is left in, gently pull it straight out with teeth; blackberry leaves to treat pain; dandelion to heal sting
    Recovery Time: 1-2 days
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