₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Her fighting was getting better, it was still sloppy on some parts but she was doing her best and pushing herself. Beepaw knows that under Smokethroat's training she could very likely achieve it remembering the stories that her fathers told her before she slept in the willow den of blood and glory, the scars that marred her father's features being proof of what he could do and accomplish. She wanted to be just like him one day, a figure that could protect and defend her clan well. She's smaller than the other apprentices by a little but she doesn't let that stop her in the slightest trying to use her size to her advantage and she manages to dodge the other apprentice recalling Sablepaw's lesson having slowly begin to perfect the skill. Her eyes go wide when the other apprentice knocks her over and the breath from her lungs, she's dazed for a few heartbeats only able to hear the thumping of her heart and blood rising to her ears. Beepaw blinks once or twice trying to figure out how she would get out of this one, she's scrambling in her mind for solutions knowing that if she hesitated like this during a skirmish or fight then she would be dead.

It was hard not to think of death when yellowcough had inflicted a lot of her clanmates and threatened their lives as they hung on by a thread, she closes her eyes for a moment and reopens them finally having come up with a way she could get the upper hand on her slightly larger opponent. It wasn't another apprentice anymore in her mind but an enemy, her paws reaching forward before small claws dug into the shoulders of the other and with all her strength, she used her back legs to lift them slightly off of her with a powerful kick and used her front limbs to pull them sideways so she rolled them until she stands above the other. The smoke furred molly stepping back slowly and letting out a puff of air from her maw, her eyes wide and trying to process everything. She sheathes her claws quickly and her mouth parts as she begins to apologize "Oh sorry! I didn't mean to do that... Are you okay?" Concern lacing her words as worry is present in her bicolored gaze.

/ feel free to have your character be the other app or just an npc
mentor tag ; @Smokethroat

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 3 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of smokethroat & cicadastar
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ❥ penned by bosstaurus
Where Beepaw had been focusing on her fighting techniques, Ratpaw had been trying her best to practice swimming and fishing. Though she had promised Salmonshade on their first outing together that she would be the best warrior possible to take back the Sunning Rocks from ThunderClan she had discovered quickly that fighting wasn't what she was best at. Though she still wanted to learn how to fight she often found herself losing in spars much like this one, so when she found herself knocking over Bee and getting the upperpaw on her, for a moment she was surprised and proud of herself. Pride turned to confusion quickly though as she soon found her shoulders burning and breath taken from her as the younger apprentice not only clawed into her shoulders but kicked - hard - into her stomach, causing her to almost keel over onto the other before she found herself thrown to the side and rolling until Beepaw had the upperpaw.

An exhale of air came from Rat as soon as Beepaw jumped off, and as soon as she was asked if she was fine, Ratpaw could only nod her head at first before clearing her throat and catching her breath. "I think I'll be okay... just need to sit out for a little bit." She found herself saying between breaths, head shaking slightly as she went over to the side to rest, though brows furrowed as things were processed and Ratpaw found herself looking over towards Bee for a moment, cogs whirling as she tried to figure out what to ask, maw opening and closing for a moment before they finally came to her - "What happened?" She had never seen Beepaw like this, going so hard and so seriously with the training that she injured someone. Even if it wasn't that bad of an injury, it was an injury nonetheless and Ratpaw could only hope she didn't get in too much trouble for it.
  • Mentor ping @salmonshade
  • rat_colored.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 5 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - too young for relationship
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
Carppaw was off to the side, watching the two friends spar. It was hard not to space out these days. Her head was swimming with thoughts, churning like a bad.. sickness. She swallowed gently at the thought of it. The sound of them colliding had Carppaw shaking her thoughts outwards, eyes opening wide as she watched Beepaw's claws sink in. A soft 'oof' left Carppaw as she watched Ratpaw be flung, ears lowering as she fought the urge to stand up.

Short words- and apologies- were shared. Carppaw couldn't fight the urge to speak up, leaving her mentors side and approaching them. "Are you okay, Ratpaw?" Carppaw echoed, vision dropping towards Rat's shoulder. Her ears perked up, offering the chance for explanation- even if it wasn't what Ratpaw was specifically looking for. Perhaps it was the longest sentence Carppaw had uttered all week. "Oh! Well, Beepaw closed her eyes and got all serious, then when she opened her eyes, she pushed you up with her hind paws and flung you aside with her front. Really smart, actually, but it looked rough!" Carppaw's words tumbled out.

Seconds later, she snapped her maw shut and her eyes blinked, turning her vision away. ".. Um, I can see if Snakeblink can help with your shoulders?" Carppaw asked, turning her gaze to see if her mentor was present.

// @Snakeblink mentor ping


——————————————————————————————— sinkin' in your ocean

Eyes lingered from a distance. Spars were something Petalnose had a fair share of and enjoyed getting involved in, she also enjoyed watching them. She enjoyed seeing how their generation would be with battle smarts and general physical capabilities. Beepaw was getting knocked over and she found herself feeling a taste of disappointment. The two fathers held battle experience, Smokethroat held apperant strength that seemed would be inherited by his daughter. Not only that- Smokethroat was mentoring his daughter. A small hum was made, shifting a gaze to Ratpaw. There was some pride for her, it was surreal to see the same kitten she encouraged bravery into in order to bring down a toad into someone who was practicing battle tactics of a cat around her size.

Then claws were drawn and she found herself stiffening, although.. she wondered and stopped herself. They needed to sort it out. They needed to solve the problem. It was how she learned their age. Petalnose watched for a moment, sitting on the sidelines to decide when to get involved. It seemed, it wasn't even a birds stride of wings before they seperated and apologized , "I am impressed how you both handled it on your own. But try not to let that happen again, understood? We can not afford any more cats in the medicine den." It was genuine praise through stoic tone, then firm at last. Her eyes landed on Beepaw at her last nudge. Her tongue would have been more scolding if it weren't for her respect of her father's authority. Softer to these youth she forced herself to be but acts of harm towards clanmates she wouldn't let anyone get away with.


Stalwart and silent as ever, the tom lifts his head curiously to see Ratpaw go down; he had only closed his eyes for a moment. It was as though a switch had been flicked in his usually quiet and docile daughter and she had turned to lashing out a little more aggressive than normal. While it was good to understand that their training was serious and meant to save their lives in future battles it reminds him of Cicadapaw's little episode and he finds his brow furrowing in concern.
"Well, I can't say I'm not impressed with the tenacity as well but as Petalnose said-let's not maim our clanmates." He's amused, if anything over witnessing Beepaw's efforts. Smokethroat remains where he is sitting, quiet in his observations and more than content letting the apprentice's sort out their own mess.
"Ratpaw, take a moment. Carppaw can swap in. We'll have to keep an eye on that shoulder." Ravensong was still quite ill so any future injuries needed to be avoided carefully.
"Claws in, you lot." Smokethroat liked the enthusiasm but he didn't like the extra work to keep blood in their bodies without a medicine cat.
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ She could feel her heart ache in the slightest when Ratpaw says that she'll be okay and needs to sit out for a little bit, Beepaw shuffling her paws and nods to her mumbling another quiet apology to the other molly. When her friend asked what had happened the bicolored apprentice searches through her mind for an answer and still feels a little tense but the sound of Carppaw's voice is enough to make her gaze lift up, she can't help but feel some amusement bubble within her. "I don't know... I'm sorry for hurting you, Ratpaw." She admits finally with her bat like ears pressing themselves against her head and briefly steps forward to touch her nose to the apprentice's cheek before mumbling quietly enough for her to hear only "I'll make it up to you... Promise." She offers a small smile though her attention would switch over to Petalnose as she nods in understanding, there's no pride in having overcome and gotten the upper hand during the spar especially since she had hurt the other. "Yes, Petalnose. I won't let it happen again," She says solemnly and promises to those gathered around with a dip of her head.

When Smokethroat chimes in, she gives another nod of her head before focusing on Carppaw who would swap out for Ratpaw and become her new sparring buddy. Beepaw let's her body relax finally as she gets into a crouch ready for whatever the other smoke furred molly would throw at her "Go ahead, Carp." Her bottlebrush tail sweeping behind her and readying herself. Maybe she'd ask Cicadapaw to spar with her later and see if they could swap skills... She felt at ease around him.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 3 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ❥ penned by bosstaurus
Carppaw's ears wiggled in enthusiam as warriors- deputies, even!- approached to take a look at the situation. There was nobody at fault. They'd have to learn to use their claws eventually, Carp thought to herself, but it was clear now wasn't the time. She tilted her head with a warm grin on her face, tail swaying behind her. With everything going on, it was just a bit of fun to spar and do things.. normally. Normally, right? Carppaw hadn't felt like that in a moon or two.

Nothing had felt normal since the sickness, not that Carppaw knew was a true 'normal' was for camp. Smokethroat's words dragged her out of whatever trance she had put herself in, and with a happy nod, she pushed to her paws and moved to face Beepaw. She hadn't done a TON of training with this kind of thing, but she'd be okay to give it her best, right? Tongue poking between her teeth briefly, then disappearing, as she settled down into a battle stance.

Her face shifted into something serious. Which, was kind of funny, considering that Carppaw wasn't all that serious.. ever. Beepaw tells her to go ahead, and she nods. "Okay-" She cut herself off from rambling on, inhaling softly. She rushed forward, aiming to slam her shoulder into Beepaw, hoping to throw her backwards and off balance. If that was successful, she'd leap to pounce on Beepaw, attempting to pin her down.


——————————————————————————————— sinkin' in your ocean

”Stealing my apprentice already, Smokethroat?”

Snakeblink pads up to the little group, his comment made out of amusement despite what his flat affect would have them believe. Stars know Carppaw will not get the majority of her battle knowledge from him: she will learn more under their deputy’s watchful eye than in moons of Snakeblink’s limited training.

Sitting between Petalnose and Smokethroat with a nod to both, he jerks his head towards Beepaw and follows it with a pointed look at Ratpaw. ”A fierce one. She takes after you, it seems,” he tells the dark tom. ”Though I don’t think her claws are as sharp as her father’s yet. Should we go find some cobwebs for your shoulder or will you be alright?” That last part he directs at the apprentice herself, craning his neck to get a better look at the sparring injury and check that it isn’t more serious than Petalnose and Smokethroat’s calm reactions led him to believe.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 45 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo