WARSONG || apprentice sparring


It's getting colder as each day drags past. Nettlepaw can't help but wonder what the forest will be like, under the snowy veil of Leaf-bare. With herbs and prey scarce, how would the groups fare against WindClan and their stake on Highstones? While a part of him itches to fight, another wonders if it would be best to wait until new-leaf's return. It was Smokestar's decision, and either way, the boy would support his leader in the battle that was to come. Before that, however, he'd need to better his skills in regards to combat. Thus far, Nettlepaw hadn't won any duels with his clan-mates, though he had found that using under-handed tactics benefited him well enough. Now, he finds himself in the Beech Copse once more, facing off against another apprentice, whom he would be sparring. Blind as he is, Nettlepaw faces them with a determined expression masking his face.

"Come on, then. Don't hold back." The boy demands, tensing himself in preparation for the other apprentice's attack.

((sparring. feel free to be the other apprentice. mentor tag - @PIKESPLASH ))
( )  If Starlightpaw keeps throwing themself into battle, they're certain to get good at it. They'll need to be, need to be strong enough to take a life as their siblings have done, to not get lost in the swirling chaos of a fight. She's known true combat before, and though sparring cannot hold a candle to it, it'll certainly do well to prepare her. And to prepare her clanmates as well; her opponent today is a unique one, sightless eyes staring through Starlightpaw rather than at her.

Her mind wanders... How best to take advantage of the other's weakness? He can't see them, so sound will be the deciding factor. If her paws were quieter, maybe, but she is no ShadowClanner. Yet the crow-hearted rat-eaters will certainly not have mercy when time comes to face them -- even if WindClan is the more immediate threat, it's best to be prepared. She should show no mercy, just as an opponent would not. ...Is it cruel, he wonders, to strategize so coldly? Nettlepaw is a clanmate, after all.

His words snap her out of it. Don't hold back comes sharp and decisive, and a sharp-toothed smile settles itself on her face. "Same to you," Starlightpaw responds easily, tone level. He does not attack immediately, paws drifting quietly across the ground as he searches for the right angle. There isn't one, at least to approach from. After a moment she charges forwards; it's a similar attack to what he used against his mentor, but this time Starlightpaw does not wait for the other to act first. He reaches out a paw to whack the other apprentice across the side of his head -- to disorient him, hopefully.

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Though he might be blind, Nettlepaw's hearing is uncanny. Even with Starlightpaw's attempts to muffle their steps, the young tabby can track her with radar-like ears. He still can't see to dodge, though. A bothersome conundrum he would have to learn to overcome, or simply meet head-on. He had learned in his struggle against Cicadapaw, that he did not need to see an enemy, if he could tangle himself with them. Starlightpaw's strike thrums against his head with a echoing sting, and the young tom grunts. Ouch! But rather than disorient the youth, he immediately lunges directly at the other apprentice, feeling the displacement of the air around them, smelling her scent, sightless eyes pierce the soul as he takes the plunge and dives head-first at his opponent. I hope this works!

Nettlepaw attempts to wrap his fore-paws around Starlightpaw's neck, pushing the two apprentices close together as he twists sideways in the hopes of sending both of them crashing to the ground. Should he manage that, his back paws will aim to pummel their soft belly, though Nettlepaw keeps his claws in their sheathes for now.
THE HERMIT ─── Swirls of mimicking smoke-like breath provided a signal for his arrival as the broad shoulders twisted to push past some dying brittle frames that had once held abundant foliage. Upon seeing the clearing unfold against his foggy vision, the warrior halted with brief surprise that two apprentices seemed to be training, Nettlepaw and Starlightpaw. His velvety ears swiveled gently towards their direction as he glanced down briefly behind him towards his own apprentice, Bumblepaw. He was not entirely too sure how he could truly bond with her as she seemed quite a contrast to him but Rookfang knew he was the one responsible for their relationship and needed to initiate such a unique connection. He gave a brief tip of his head towards the sparring figures of warm and dark hues, "Let's watch. This will help you learn different methods before trying to find which is best fitting for you." With that, the scarred tom headed over before allowing himself to settle into a stiff sitting position, thick jagged pelt curling around his cold paws.

Maldicion... Rookfang thought as his heavy eyelids shut themselves even lower, rich blue tinted with gold now becoming slits of stormy blue as he tried to ignore the brightness around him. With the clearing, there wasn't a lot of shading or area that could provide a shadow for him to sulk into, and with his vision still struggling to recover from the wounds he had received, the male was not in his prime. Yet, he knew bitterly not to push anything too far especially if there was a creeping rise of suspicion for a war to unfold against Windclan. That clan had become a prime example of deranged mentality and he was not impressed by their empty excuse of why Highstones was now suddenly only theirs. He wondered if they would ever back down if the other clans with Riverclan went against such a possession attempt. He kept the thoughts silent for now as the fanged warrior observed the strike and then Nettlepaw's reaction, curious to see how the blind child would against one of Smokestar's children.

[ ooc | apprentice tag @Bumblepaw ] ​
Truth be told he was nervous watching his apprentice spar again. Last time it had been with Bumblepaw and Cicadapaw, which didn't start off to well. His apprentice he learned was far too critical of himself and in that regard he can empathize with Nettlepaw. However, it is troublesome that his apprentice pushes himself too much. Growth doesn't come fast. It takes time. If it were possible then everyone of them would be made warriors in a day. Ferngill is an excellent example. Despite the tom's setbacks he was able to become a warrior in the end. One may view his story with pity, but all Pikesplash can see is strength. He cares little if Nettlepaw doesn't become a warrior until he's the same age Ferngill had been when he became a warrior.

All he can do is watch the pair and ensure none of them get badly hurt. His frame trembles when he watches his apprentice get whacked across the head. Cats! I hope he won't be too upset about it. He is pleasantly shocked that Nettlepaw uses this to his advantage whether or not it works has yet to be seen, but he is already proud of the tom for not giving up. Despite the lack of sight, he has faith in Nettlepaw to hold his own. After all, Nettlepaw had sensitive ears. The little tom still had trouble pinpointing cats and especially prey by scent alone, but in time he had a feeling that Nettlepaw would grow to be an impeccable tracker.

Two dark figures are seen and he turns his attention them briefly. It is none other than Bumblepaw and Rookfang, whom he offers a nod of his head and a flick of his tail in greeting. He wishes to speak to them, but catches wind that Rookfang has assigned a task for Bumblepaw and it would be best not to interfere. It would seem they were all interested in seeing how the two apprentices would manage.
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 47 moons
    — bisexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
Bumblepaw observed the training session between Nettlepaw and Starlightpaw with a newfound vigor. Both the presence of Rookfang and Pikesplash caused her fur to stand at attention. Making amends with the pale tom had, of course, alleviated her stresses, but the fiery urge to pummel Windclanners boosted her ego. Having run away from her last tussle, the ebony she-cat made it a point to take special observance. She sat obediently at her mentor's side while the two apprentices tussled and devised ploys.

Rookfang's words about learning different methods resonated with the youth. Her tail flicked with discontent, but the eagerness to please drowned out any complaints. Silently, she admired Nettlepaw's determination to face the challenges of training despite his hurdles. It reminded her of the strength and resilience she had seen in her clanmates during the recent events. The impending battle with WindClan weighed on everyone's minds, and Bumblepaw felt a sense of duty to improve herself despite the hesitation.

Swallowing harshly, the petite feline stayed as still as nature would allow it. Yellow gaze fixated on the promise of another round. As the sparring continued, Bumblepaw couldn't help but wonder about her own training with Rookfang. Her hesitation had proven a headache, but eagerness seemed to override it. The contrast between her and her mentor was apparent, yet she remained open to whatever lessons he had to offer. She knew that each warrior had a unique style, and one day she would have her own.

The molly turned her attention to Rookfang, breaking the silence."What do you think, Rookfang?" she asked, her eyes reflecting genuine curiosity. "About their techniques and strategies?" Her parroted words felt peculiar, but she hoped for pleasing results. Her eagerness to absorb and improve shone through her words, and Bumblepaw waited for Rookfang's insights with anticipation.