pafp Warsong Gulch || Game Invention

Sparkpaw was having a rare moment of brain usage. Yes, the wheels were turning... He was becoming INSPIRED. An idea had struck him. He was tired of all the old games they played... He wanted to make a new one! One that would help them out in battle, too? Something to help with strategy.....

And so... Sparkpaw began staring blankly at the ground before him as he thought. A stick and a leaf before him, he poked the leaf through with the stick. Ha. Hold on, though. He could.... If he had another one....Two teams? Yeah...Yeah, that sounds good! An objective was needed though.... Hm.....

He thought and he thought... Tilted his head and poked his tongue out.... Until it struck him! Steal the other's flag! Oh, and bring it back to yours to score a point! Yeah! Then players would have to work on their teamwork and strategize how to get the other teams flag!! Man, he was so smart!

He quickly ran of to make another flag with a stick and a different leaf and brought it back to the one he had made.

He hadn't used his brain this much since he was born, probably.

He ran up to the first apprentice he saw to tell them about his totally amazing new idea. Mothpaw happened to be his victim this time.

"HEY! HEY I GOT AN IDEA FOR A NEW GAME! I'LL CALL IT CAPTURE THE LEAF. ITS GONNA BE SO COOL. YOU WANNA TEST IT OUT WITH ME? WE'LL PROBABLY NEED MORE APPRENTICES FOR IT TO WORK SO WE GOTTA FIND THEM TOO." He practically shouted at her. He was always told to lower his voice, but.... He didn't know how, honestly. He was just so excited! He wanted to test his cool new idea! Good thing you dont need eardrums to run!

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