pafp Was a bug, little bug || bug watching

Frostbite was having one of those days. He couldn't catch anything no matter how hard he looked, and his hunger made him space out more than usual. The snowy white tom lay off to the side, paws tucked under him as he stared at the ground.

He was no stranger to missing meals. It happened often in the mountains, especially in the winter. Even when he tailed other predators, there was no promise of leftovers.

He had hoped that living in a group would make things easier, but ..... He was learning that was not the case.

He wanted to tell himself he loved his clan, but he really didn't have too many connections. His fault, really. He wasn't the most social guy.

And so here he was, watching a bug skitter around. It kind of looked like a little pebble. Would roll into a ball when he poked it.

Understandable, little fella.

Unfortunately, your every move is being observed and judged by a giant snowball that would rather do this than socialize. No pressure
