pafp Wascally Wabbit || Rabbit loose in camp


Rise high, high above your rivals
Jan 17, 2023

Clambite had gone out hunting with her brother to offer him the positive reinforcement that no one was giving him. This clan was so critical and negative!!! Honestly!!! How was Snailpaw supposed to thrive if nobody even believed in him????

That's why Clambite took it upon herself to fill this void. She offered him encouragement and sure enough, in the midday sun that was finally beginning to warm the moors, Snailpaw caught a nice rabbit.

She was so proud of him!!!

"Nice rabbit Snailpaw!!! You did great!!!!" She said, loud as usual. "My brother is so cool!!"

And if anyone said otherwise back at camp, they would get a big smack in the face!!

"Let's get it back to camp, and if your mentor says anything stupid I'll put his face in the mud!" She added. She'd been wanting to beat up his mentor for a while now.



The apprentice's hunting had never been insufficient by a WindClan standard, they just didn't like doing it. Compared to fighting, it was a breeze to end the life of prey, yet, the squeaks of younger rabbits still sent shivers down the classic tabby's spine at how helpless they sounded. It wasn't easy being a predator that didn't like to predate, that day, they'd tried their best though. A heavy rabbit hung limply from Snailpaw's jaws after a brief chase, the encouraging noises lining their ears from their sister providing the ample fuel they needed to finish the run before they ran out of stamina. Pride and discomfort battled in the feline's sapphire gaze as they tasted warm blood on their tongue, their head arched sweetly towards Clambite as she bound over to offer him praise. A gentle chuckle escaped them as she proclaimed to the moors that he was, in fact, 'so cool', a fact that had been contested too much as of late. It didn't feel cool being such a coward, but... at least they still looked good doing it. A mention of their mentor caused Snail's eyes to widen. "Ah uh, please don't do that! It's fine, honestly."

'Only another moon'. It had been a few moons since they'd started saying that, but this time, it seemed to stick. They'd failed their assessment again due to things our of their control, even if they had no desire to be a warrior anymore, there was no way they wouldn't be one the next time they got a shot at hunting out on the moors. Time and time again they'd proven they could kill bunnies, they just couldn't do it when it mattered. Presuming that Clambite would help them bring the heavyset lapine back to camp, the journey would be full of little quips and comments, breaking the silence of the dreary moor with a mixture of shrill laughter and loud exclamations. Most comments were meaningless gossip but to Snailpaw, they were the world. They were certain that Clambite was the only supporter they had left, and they'd do anything to cherish the bond they shared with their excitable sister. Letting go of the rabbit near the growing fresh-kill pile, Snailpaw would stick out their tongue and rub vigorously on it with a white paw, trying to remove the fur from between their teeth. "Sheesh, I can't believe newleaf has made the rabbits so big already. You'd think they— WAAAAAUGH."

A fallow figure suddenly knocked into the apprentice, sending them careening into the soft earth. They watched with a mixture of alarm and fascination as the rabbit, who had seemingly been playing dead the entire time, began charging around the camp madly in search of an exit, its paws faster than any lagomorph that Snailpaw had seen before. Their mouth parted in shock - they'd been sure they'd killed it! It hadn't moved for ages, maybe they hadn't applied enough pressure to their killing bite? Panic filled the tabby's thoughts as they scrambled to their feet, moving to the main entrance of the camp to block off the rabbit's escape. They'd just received endless praise, they couldn't fuck it up now! Crouched there, they craned their neck in Clambite's direction, sending a frantic order their sister's way. "Stars above! Get it Clam!"


A fawn fountain of fur, bursting in a blur from the corpses that surrounded it- for a moment, Mallowlark thought he might have been hallucinating. In the embrace of new spring sunlight, had he drifted into that strange state between sleep and wakefulness, where images could conjure and dance in frost of you wearing the coats of reality? Stunned blinks flashed over his moon-wide gaze, bewilderment set upon his face with- of course- an astounded smile. No, no, this was reality as wonderful and peculiar as ever- a rabbit, using its small mind to fool those who hunted its kind! He almost felt as if they should let it go as some sort of reward...

If they had not been starving only a moon ago, perhaps... but they still needed all the food they could get, and within the walls of camp here was presented to them gettable food.

Ill did he hide his amusement, giggles stunting his speed- but he gave dogged chase nonetheless, fighting the rising water of his overwhelming laughter. It dizzied him, the speed and the exertion- but he'd help, he'd help. Bigger than most, Mallowlark was outdone in speed by most WindClanners- but hopefully, darting in this manner and attempting to corner the rabbit would open up an opportunity for someone else to use their superior agility to lunge for it.
❪ TAGS ❫ — It was not often that everyday life in WindClan's camp went awry. Aside from the whole traitor-causing-a-scene thing, everything was... a bit boring. Wake up, go on a patrol, come back and eat something, laze about, perhaps go on another patrol if you're lucky, then sleep.

So, when a live rabbit is seen darting about camp, Snakepaw's attention is most definitely grabbed.

These creatures, compared to the likes of him, are pretty sizeable. Some rabbits are his size, if not a bit bigger. Snakepaw has not managed to successfully catch a rabbit yet, only mice and birds, so he decides to try and seize an opportunity when it's presented to him. Once the rabbit hops in his direction, the black tom waggled his haunches and pounced, claws outstretched. He could catch it! He could be the hero today!

It seemed that fate had other plans for him.

Gracelessly tumbling onto the ground the black tom goes, an audible "oof" escaping his maw. Snakepaw shook the dusty dirt off of his pelt, trying to regain his sense of balance. "What the— AGH!" No time for the frustration of a lost catch! The rabbit darts his way again, and before Snakepaw could react, it had quite literally run over his face. Its hind paw jams onto the green eye of the apprentice before hopping off elsewhere, no doubt sending a jolt of pain to the youth's brain and triggering an instantaneous reaction from him. "Oh, my eye! It clawed my eye!" Snakepaw wailed, writhing on the ground and clutching his paws over his face. Realistically, it wouldn't even be considered an injury at all, but at the moment all he could focus on was how much it hurt.
Ambertail had sought only a moment's respite in the safety of camp. Though most of his time was spent beneath the soil, shielded from the seasons as they swept past, the coming warmth was a gentle promise that he wanted to sink into. If only for a moment. And only a moment it surely was. The small tomcat is splayed on his side near the edges of their lowered camp halfway between the sunshine and the shade. His upper half is sun-warmed while his tail cools, and even if his eyes are half-opened, he drifts towards peaceful slumber. But of course, such things were never meant to last. To the shrieking of clanmates and the familiar scrambling of prey-paws across dirt, Ambertail jolts upright.

Unseeing eyes still manage to pinpoint the sound, his face absolutely focused. "There's a tunnel near camp. It will head that way. Snailpaw, you should hear a killing bite." He finds his own paws but does not yet give chase. Perhaps he intends for the apprentice to redeem himself? Or perhaps his clumsy paws could not quite compete aboveground. Either way.

  • ooc:
  • ──── ambertail. tunneler of windclan. nb, he or they.
    ──── adult, though precise age unlabeled as of now.
    ──── sexuality unknown. a strange windclan cryptid.

    ──── a tiny, yet proportionally long-limbed tortoiseshell with unfocused amber eyes. though they retain their color, ambertail is blind. those who don't know as much may be confused, and will certainly be met with dry responses from the tunneler himself.
  • "speech"

Oh boy he was so glad he was in camp that day!. Dazzlepaw had been resting bored out of his own mind in truth when his attention catch sight of Snailpaw and Clambite arriving back at camp with a rabbit!. It was not Clambite who had the rabbit carried in their jaws though but Snailpaw themselves!. Had they catch that?. It was huge!. A grin would expose his teeth knowing all along that Snailpaw had it in them to catch something as impressive like this!. There was a brief thought that crossed his mind if he should get up and walk over there to give his congrats but it was then the real show started!.

In one second the rabbit had looked dead and lifeless only for it in the last second jumped out from the freshkill pile like it had come back from death and chaos broke itself free across the camp. Everyone tried to capture the poor thing, The whole camp was in chaos!. Dazzlepaw watched how his clanmates run around like headless chickens!. It was a funny sight and he figured he should probably help out too. " Come on guys!! dont let the rabbit get away!. I believe in yooooou!!." he cheered them on all the way from where he sat showing no sign at all to get up and join into the chase. Why should he?. It was so much more fun to just watch!.

Dazzlepaw tried to hold back his laughter, he promise he really did tried!. But he just couldn't. In the end he cracked once he saw Snakepaw got knocked out by the rabbit in one single blow! and started to laugh so much until his own stomach started to hurt. This was just to funny!. The whole clan actually working together for once to catch the poor rabbit. Maaan, he almost felt bad for it.


Grains collect in her pelt as she lays sprawled on the camp floor. The girl lounges a fair breadth away from the nursery's brambly entrance, about a fox-length she'd wager, keeping watch on the various going-ons in WindClan's busy heart. Her own heart pounds, her breathing labored, because being a rather energetic kit is tiring! So she observes, lazily, silently, breaking into a biiiig yawn while some apprentices and grown-ups gather round the fresh-kill pile.

Every inhale and exhale makes the girl even sleepier. The burdens of her day-to-day life (few and far between as they may be) would vanish with the air leaving her nose, and before long, Moorkit finds herself entrenched in an immense state of relaxation.

Of course, the peaceful air is shattered only when she starts to give into her drowsy inclinations. The immediate shouting causes her to lurch awake, a glint of outrage in her emerald eyes as they jolt open. Moorkit does not stay furious for too long, mind you; when she gets a load of the problem at hand, she breaks out into a fit of side-splitting giggles.

"Bunny!" whoops the midnight-furred kit. "That's a bunny! In camp!" Her vision pursues the fleet-footed creature, almost struggling to keep up with its wild escape attempt. If it up and bolted from the fresh-kill pile, it had to have come back to life! Can bunnies have nine lives too?

Her laughing grows harder as the thing evades her clanmates, until her throat catches up with her, and she starts to cough instead.

The camp erupted with noise as the lagomorph sprinted to each foreseeable corner of it. A few times it tried the walls, its paws connecting with the steep edges, only to leap off when they couldn't scramble any further as if they were a budget SkyClanner with a tree. Snail's pupils darted left and right, trying to keep up with the rabbit. They watched as clanmates moved to shepherd the prey into a more desirable location, wincing when it decided that it didn't appreciate Snakepaw doing it too. The bicoloured tom howled with pain and briefly, Snailpaw's asymmetrical ears flattened to the sides of his skull. 'Heh... sorry Snakey.' They flinched as Ambertail addressed them. They'd just passed the responsibility of a killing bite onto Clam, why did they have to do it now?! Their paws flexed and shuffled as they sunk their haunches toward the mulched earth, their heart beating faster and faster until they were certain it would give out entirely. At least Moorkit seemed to be enjoying herself, but with the promise of a scolding for putting the clan's darlings in danger by not biting down hard enough on the rabbit, they decided they'd have to kill the rabbit even if they didn't want to.

Snailpaw moved forward a fox length. When they saw the rabbit make a beeline for something they could only assume was the tunnel that Ambertail aforementioned, they lunged. Intercepting the fleeing creature, Snailpaw threw their bodyweight into the animal, knocking the pair of similarly sized animals off of their feet. Their shoulder collided with the ground but before they could even register that they'd bruise later for their recklessness, they slammed their paws down atop the rabbit. It flailed as it squealed in terror, threatening to kick the marbled tabby with a strength that had previously injured warriors. They contorted their body awkwardly to avoid the same fate and sunk their teeth down into the soft flesh of the bunny's neck, their eyes narrowed as they increased the pressure. The creature's horrific screams were cut off by a soft crunch, and with it, Snailpaw closed their eyes in silent acceptancethe animal's fate. As much as he hated it, they needed to eat, their clan needed to eat. He let the animal fall limply from his jaws, fresh rivulets of blood trickling from its neck. This time, the rabbit was dead.

They took a second to catch their breath, a nervous chuckle escaping from the tabby's parted muzzle. "Hehe... sorry guys! I thought I killed it earlier."