WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP &. [03/12] meeting


they took a few days. after their return, they just needed time. time to get used to the new title, time to clean their new den and move their nest. time to just breathe. they honestly didn't give a fuck how it looked. this was their clan now and they could do this however they saw fit. they weren't gonna sit around sulking, but they needed to make calculated decisions. not emotionally based, not paranoia induced– but rational and realistic ones. it was the way they often made decisions, unless they had let the pot boil over. they needed a better way to calm that rage, but all in due time. they stand at the rock that now was reserved for their paws. they tilted their head with a snort and a roll of their eyes. they just needed to get this over with. the sooner they did this, the sooner they could make their way to windclan. their allies had the right to know, right? you can be civil. they reminded themself.

leaping up clanrock, they cleared their throat, before calling out to the clan.

"cats of shadowclan! gather around clanrock for a meeting!"

they pause, watching everyone gather, their tail lashing behind them. they did not have the most friendly look on their face, but that didn't matter all that much, did it? they were here to address the clan, they weren't gonna fake a smile. there wasn't anything that great about the circumstances of this meeting and they sure as hell weren't going to pretend.

"a few days ago I departed for moonstone and was blessed by the stars to receive all nine of my lives. chilledstar is what i should be addressed as now. this is a new time for shadowclan. pitchstar's death will not be in vain, and shadowclan will thrive. we welcome new-leaf with all of its trivial challenges as it's a hell of a lot better than leafbare. each and every last one of us only survived through pure luck. remember that."

they rolled their eyes for a moment before speaking up once more.

"now for the fun shit. now that i am leader, i need a new deputy. so, I've decided. the best choice for this, should he accept, is smogmaw. so, what do you say? do you swear your life both to me and this clan, as to serve as the new deputy of shadowclan? as long as you can understand that my word is law, I feel we can make one hell of a leader and deputy pair."

they only wait for a moment for him to respond, before nodding towards ferndance.

"i also need to choose another lead warrior. so ferndance, step forward please. i would like for it to be you. what say both of you?"

they're now addressing both smogmaw and ferndance at the same time. they needed these two on their counsel. it would be good for shadowclan... so long as everyone remembered their place.

// alright, we are a go people !! activity shoutouts as well for @STARLINGHEART . @GRANITEPAW @FERNDANCE @smogmaw @Halfshade @Wolfpaw. @FLAMEKIT @Crowkit. @Ravenwatcher. @EERIEPAW @nettlepaw. @Siltcloud. @Maggotfur. !! even if you're not directly mentioned, I am proud of each and every last one of you!!!!!!
Stormwatcher guides himself over to the meeting at the call of their new Leader, the announcement revealing that Chilledstar was given their nine lives pulling a smile from his normally oh-so-stoic face. He thinks idly of how nice they look up there, light beaming off of their pelt. A snow-kissed ear twitches as he listens to Chilledstar continue, announcing Smogmaw's ascendance to Deputy.

"Well, I'll be damned.." He chuckles softly, not exactly shocked at the revelation but also not exactly against it either. Smogmaw was a good choice; he was level-headed, stubborn as an ox, and a little stupid. And they needed stupidity to help them lead. Stupidity was good at low levels. He waits silently for the tom to accept; he'd congratulate him later.

The ticked tabby strode over at Chilledgaze's call, her tail idly swaying behind her as the meeting was soon to begin. Announcements about their new name, about how survival had been through pure luck rather than skill (she winced to herself, remembering how hard they'd all fought to get prey from ThunderClan) and then... a new Deputy. Her eyes find Smogmaw in the crowd, offering the tabby a lopsided grin and a dip of her head in acknowledgment. She wasn't sure about the tom, but objectively speaking, he was the only choice there could've been. Old, experienced, ambitious for something, whether it be ShadowClan or problems she had not decided (and didn't really care). Chilled talked once more, mentioning in a taciturn tone how they needed another Lead Warrior. That made enough sense, seeing how their last one had been a snack for some very angry puppies. What she was not expecting, however, was for the leader to call her name. It almost sounded weird in an official capacity - no one tended to speak it calmly or fully, and it took her a second to realise that they were in fact addressing her.

Ferndance stepped forwards, her whiskers twitching as they continued their announcements. Lead Warrior... I would like for it to be you. Shocked, the warrior exhaled loudly, gaze lit up as if witnessing her first aurora. Lead Warrior was supposed to be important, wasn't it? Sometime had passed since ShadowClan had had more than one. She wondered if Boots and Olly would be proud of their little daughter, now all grown up and acting as one of ShadowClan's newest Lead Warriors. Would they be happier she'd found a purpose or happier that she now had more access to food and shiny things? Or would they be worried she would rot if she rooted herself in one place for too long? Her eyes briefly wandered to the camp entrance, contemplating where her parents may be now - probably off on some adventure whilst she got to starve and be sad about leafbare's events. A twinge of sadness appeared on the ticked tabby's smile before she shook it away, focusing back on the newly named Chilledstar. Clan life was not without its difficulties, but at that moment, she realised she wouldn't trade it for the world. "I accept." She giggled quietly, accentuating the noise with a nod. "I am a very responsible cat, you won't regret your decision."


Smogmaw has found himself perpetually at Chilledgaze's beck and call throughout the preceding days. From sunrise to moonhigh, the inkspill feline demanded his utmost patronage, and in a way, this stint of surveillance conditioned him to their leadership. No longer does he anticipate the precarious tone of Briarstar's favoured to lay down the law. He has grown used to their grating voice, and when Chilled-star demands the presence of their underlings from Clanrock's summit, the tom is drawn to their words in a nigh automatic manner.

He settles at Halfshade's side, the succour she provided being something he sorely missed during his trip. Umber eyes, semi-squinted and all-observant, consider ShadowClan's new leader closely. A slight nod follows their assertion about luck; at times, it felt as though Pitchstar had been doing his damndest to dispose of his clanmates, what with his reckless policies and throwing everyone into harm's way on the regular. They are lucky to have survived Leaf-bare under his reign. If Smogmaw carried a shred of optimism with him, he would presume the clan to learn from their past mistakes and fall short of repeating them in the future. Smogmaw isn't much of an optimist, though.

At the shift in topic to who they must choose as deputy, his neck lurches forward on impulse. Every syllable from there onward weighs heavily in his mind. As someone who dwells on conjectural scenarios obsessively, Smogmaw knows there's no soft-pedaling the importance of this decision. Thus, as he is decided upon by Chilledstar, he flinches.

"Absolutely," expels the tom, obliging a somber expression to veil his dubiety. "My life to you. My life to this clan. I will ensure ShadowClan's betterment in the face of other clans' deception." A speech rehearsed time and time again had the need ever risen for it. "You have my word."

The moment is fleeting, and soon Chilledstar's focus changes to Flickerfire's replacement. Ferndance is an excellent choice, chiefly because he can't see her possibly spilling clan secrets (or rationally being accused of such). He gives her a deferential nod, from one position of authority to another.

Oh, how he has wanted this for quite some time—an end to Briar's dynasty, for one, but above all, the proliferation of his own influence.


Starlingheart does not want t leave her den, her nest, she wants to stay curled in the moss with her body curled tightly in on itself, her think, scraggly tail pain over her eyes so she does not have to see what the world looks like without her mother, her father, her brother, her aunt. She has lost nearly every singe cat that she held dear to her either through betrayal death or distance. Each time was like a claw ripping through her heart, each loss pushing her closer and closer to her gray-furred den mate. He wouldn’t leave her or betray her right? She clings desperately to that hope because he is all she truly has left now. She cannot turn to her siblings, that had already been proven when her mother had passed.

Despite her deep desire to stay in her nest that almost wins despite Chilledstars beckoning call. Chilledstar and not Pitchstar or Briarstar. It feels strange that a family member is not standing on that rock, addressing them. But her brother had thought them to be a suitable replacement and despite everything she still had faith in him, even when others didn’t. So she drags herself out of her nest, her eyes dull and her pelt dusty and moss flecked, she does not bother to pick the scraps from it now. Later, when the grief subsided she would but for now she couldn’t bring herself to.

She only listens quietly as Smogmaw and Ferndance are promoted, staring at her paws nearly the whole time.

// sorry she’s a depressed girl rn dhdhdhd
Congrats to you both!! Well deserved!!!

Pitchstar's body had been lying cold for a while now, underneath its grave. Chilledgaze had taken their time to adjust. It was no easy task, Dogfur was sure. These groups had laws, religions, codes. It was entirely unlike what he had experienced in the twolegplace. And yet—Dogfur twitched and he felt an itching in his throat—it was a peaceful transition of power. He wondered who had killed their former leader, if they had known what sort of man they struck down. A rotten and stinking one, for sure, yes—yes, but he was the head of something far more noble than a petty murderer.

Dogfur licked his lips repeatedly, his face twisted in a strange sort of grin as if he was trying to hide some other emotion. His yellow eyes sought out the familiar ticked pelt of Ferndance and slunk over to her side. His head was bowed, crooked, and he looked up to her with a look of approval for her new position before she would step forward. Smogmaw was not extended this silent congratulations.

How long would it be until another rogue dispatched Chilledstar? Maybe a rogue guided by the clever ambitions of a stone-gray tabby cat. Dogfur's lips parted in a wider grin and his unsheathed claws tapped against the frost-freed ground. Tap, tap, tap—his brain buzzed. The heartbeats were numbered now.

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Chilledstar, Chilledstar, calls a meeting. Theres a sharp intake of air from him as his eyes flit over his apprentice, jerking their head towards the rock before they depart from his side, expecting Eerie to come over and sit besides them. As much as he wants to, Spectermask cannot find himself meeting his best friends gaze. Whether its fear of the unknown, fear of the divine, he's not sure.

Smogmaw and Ferndance are called up, one a deputy, one a council member. He feels nothing short of relief flood through his veins as he realizes his name was not one of them. Spectermask had never had the desire to become something more, no, but would he eventually? No, he decides. They had enough religious hate bestowed upon them from their parents, from Her herself that he feels no desire, nothing but cruel emptiness as his eyes stared at Chilledstars paws. One white, the rest black, a sight that he had so dutifully committed to memory. Their face set in monotone grace as they speak, signature roll of the eyes.

Why do they feel so different, so far away? Specter only shakes his head. Today is not the day to tackle his issues, today is a day to celebrate Chilled's achievements, all that they've worked for. Finally does he let green eyes meet blue, a smile gracing his features. Today he was proud of them, of the cat they've become.
  • Crying

It is a relief to find them taking action so quickly, her striped form coming to a stop next to Smogmaw with a light lean in greeting but her focus more on the monochrome cat perched on the clanrock before them. Strange, so strange, to not see Pitchstar there screeching about something or another. It would take time to get used to it she imagined. She didn't miss him, not like poor Starlingheart did and she glanced back to the medicine cat's den to find her there dejected still even as ShadowClan finally moved forward. She would also need time and the torbie hoped nothing further would throw its weight down upon her back. She'd lost so much already and so young. It was a wonder she held it together so well.
Chilled was never known for their eloquence, so when she turns from the den to look back to the meeting she is not surprised at the words thrown out so casually without the authoritative air their previous leaders held.
Whether Chilledstar realizes it or not, the fact they took action and got a deputy the moment they returned was already a massive relief. Stars forbid something happened and the clan was left to figure out a new leader and deputy on their own. The extra bonus to it was hearing Smogmaw's name. The torbie arrived just in time to catch it, mismatched eyes widening with surprise that the new leader had seen such promise in her surly tabby that they would make them their second-in-command over any other cat. Her head turns immediately to the tom at her side to gauge reaction and he is more than a little pleased, she can tell. She recalls all her jokes at him, the few mentions of Smogstar that lit his eyes up like a kitten delivered a feather gift. It was hard to imagine him as a cat with ambition given his grumbling about but she knew in some part is was some kind of show; at least, most of it was.
"Deputy Smogmaw~" She purred, a rougher bump to the shoulder at his side and a smile; she'd not smother him in public but this had the makings of something very interesting.

Ferndance's promotion was met with just a stare, a quiet sigh of both amusement and disbelief that the silly molly was apparently now in a position of authority. Well, you win some you lose one. Maybe she'd liven the place up. Who knew. Either way this was all very nice to witness. The possibilities for a good future were a little less bleak than before.
"Good on you Ferndance, behave yourself now." She was not going to. She was going to light something on fire. Or several things on fire. Halfshade already knew. She just hoped it wasn't ShadowClan.
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❪ TAGS ❫ — It was strange, seeing someone other than Pitchstar address the clan. The adjustment in ranks was still something to get used to... to say the least. Roosterstrut had no idea what he was in for today.

When it was finally time to announce the choice of deputy, Roosterstrut eagerly awaited in anticipation. Who was to be next in line for leadership now? Who else would the clan look toward for guidance and direction? He's had a few guesses floating around in his mind for a few days now, but he could have never predicted what would come next:

"The best choice for this, should he accept, is Smogmaw."

Jaws part in utter disbelief, green hues widening as he struggles to comprehend what he's just heard. No, that wasn't the best choice! Anyone but Smogmaw! Why would Chilledg—Chilledstar do this?

Perhaps if he were a bolder cat, he could cause an uproar about this. He could vow to disobey orders from Smogmaw, ignore whatever the mackerel tom had to say, pretend like he was dead to him. However, Roosterstrut couldn't bring himself to do so. No matter how many haunting memories Smogmaw prompted with his presence alone, no matter the bitter blood between the two, the older man was now his superior. He would never outright disrespect a superior; that wasn't how his Mama raised him. That wouldn't be what Goose wanted for him.

No, Smogmaw was deputy now, and that was final. The tom himself had even accepted it, basking in the glory of newfound power and influence over the rest of the clan much to Roosterstrut's own horror from the sidelines.

The orange tabby couldn't even manage to utter his own congratulations to Ferndence's promotion, the only upside to this meeting so far. He wants to flee so badly, escape the mentions of the man's name, get him out of his damn head. "Get over yourself, Roosterstrut." The warrior—no, the deputy—had snapped at him the other day. He's certain that Smogmaw would say the same exact thing to him now, in this very moment. Hell, Roosterstrut almost expects him to come waltzing over, challenging him for a reaction. He wouldn't put it past him; the older man seemed to like to test him enough with all of the fox comments.

A troubled look began to manifest onto his features, so much so that Roosterstrut ducked his head and glanced away from the crowd in the hopes that no attention would be drawn to him.
  • Haha
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There's a stillness in the world. The type that was far from tranquil, despite it. Stagnant air that could drive any cat mad. Watching, waiting, a white streak appears over the cliff.

And just like that, it's broken– clumsily shattered at the call of Chilledgaze. It's grating, how different it is. Already a change, when Sharppaw had been still been alive to remember the inky visage of Briarstar's pelt. One after another, they dropped like flies without carrion to buzz over. She was sure Chilledstar would be no different. While Pitchstar had screeched his insecurities, Chilledstar only stood with frustrating blankness. Either that, or crying at the scene of a crime. Sharppaw had been taught not to do that. Had no one told them?

They continue to state the obvious. That Greenleaf will be better than Leaf-bare. The less obvious is a reminder so pointless it can't be anything but mockery. That they're lucky to be alive. Did they think they'd forget? Did they think they were stupid enough not to remember? Dismantled by a single bite, that's all it had took. An adult – they cry in the name of a senile man who would not remember them, and now they roll their eyes in the face of their deaths? No mention to those of them who'd excelled. To Batchirp, who returned home with a thick hare. Maybe not seeing them given that satisfaction is gratifying, but Sharppaw knows that that isn't fair.

The fun shit: naming who'd be the one doing this once every last life is snapped from them by a straggling raccoon? Sharppaw does not hide his grimace. And they say it so very casually, without a care in the world, like it was an unassuming young warrior they had merely named deputy.


It's a wonder his neck doesn't snap, with the quickness with which he turns to the name. Smogmaw replies with nonsense, and Sharppaw can only stare, slack - jawed. It's a pile of half-truths– half-lies, isn't it? They'll make a great pair, they say, and Sharppaw can only focus on the sudden itching at the back of his head. Suddenly there – suddenly he wants to run, but he can't find it in himself to stop from looking.

It only gets worse from there. They name Ferndance as lead warrior, and from there, sharppaw cannot bare to do anything but turn away.

She hangs her head; defeat, at last.

chilledstar watched the reactions with a gentle flick of their ear. they knew smogmaw wasn't the most liked cat around... and if they wanted to be selfish about it, they likely would have picked someone they had a closer friendship with. but this wasn't like that. this couldn't be an emotionally based decision. it was tactical, it was strategic and most importantly, it was theirs. they didn't have any outside influence, no little birdies whispering in their ear of who would be a better choice. it was simply a choice they needed to make. with a nod of their head to both cats, they moved on to the other ceremonies. there was only one, but some cats needed new mentors. leafbare was a lot more devastating than they'd originally thought.

"good. now, crowkit. please step forward."

they wait a moment and watch the kit before nodding.

"crowkit. do you swear upon your life that you will protect and honor shadowclan, and shadowclan alone, until it is your time to walk amongst the stars? to learn from your mentor all it is that you could possibly learn, until you yourself become a warrior of shadowclan?"

a brief nod and they continue.

"with this, I give you your new name. you will now be referred to as crowpaw. train well, little one, for the forest is unforgiving. your mentor will be pinestep(npc)."

they gesture to the npc before turning their head to halfshade and then to loampaw.

"loampaw, you are in need of a new mentor. we honor your last one but now you must work with another. may she guide your paws to victory. halfshade, you shall mentor loampaw. share with her your knowledge. and try not to get her killed."

small joke, but they brush it off with a flick of their tail.

"that makes this meeting done. go. you're all dismissed."

and with that, they make their descent down clanrock. they stretch out their body with an overexaggerated yawn, before making their way to spectermask, bumping their head against their chin.

"how'd i do? oh my stars did i have a fur sticking up on my flank the entire time?"

they lowered their voice so only their friend could hear, as they laughed gently. sure, they had things to do. but they'd always make time to mess with spectermask.

//@Halfshade @Crowkit.

please let me know if i missed anything for this meeting !!
it's a little ironic that starclan blesses certain individuals with nine lives made for them to rule over future generations yet here shadowclan sits, gathered around at the base of clanrock peering upwards at their newest monarch because their previous predecessors failed to stay alive for more than a season. while these passed fews days have been filled with stagnant activity, geckoscreech would've continued life as normal. there was no point in pretending to mope and mourn for a cat who she harbored little care for, what's done is done and all they can do now is to keep pushing forwards.

the feline begins their announcements by stating they were granted their lives and was to be referred to as chilledstar now before going on about how this was a new chapter for shadowclan, that they survived their previous hardships through pure luck and with new-leaf upon them it will be their time to thrive. next comes the more important part of this whole meeting, who was going to chosen as the next deputy. geckoscreech finds herself sitting up just a bit more, ears angled forwards in wait as chilledstar proceeds to extend this special offer to none other than smogmaw.

she isn't quite sure how to feel in that very moment.

smogmaw is a very capable warrior, possibly the best fit for said position really, but the idea of having to be bossed around by someone with such an insipid personality makes her slightly less enthused about it. ferndance is also called to join the council, a replacement for the other one. it's a decent choice she supposes. regardless the lead warrior joins the ripple of congratulations that sweep through the crowd and after the apprentice ceremony and re-assignment of a mentor, everything is drawn to a close leaving the woman to flick her focus over clanmates to gage their reactions.

Granitepaw drifts, aimless, to the clearing in their camp. His features are blank with a mounting panic that squirms in his chest like an insect trapped under an unfirm paw. Chilledgaze has returned. They don't seem any different to him -- and they don't look at him with any malice -- but his flesh begins to feel hot and flushed beneath his short gray fur.

Did Pitchstar tell them? Did StarClan tell them? Granitepaw will spend the entire meeting studying Chilledstar's face. He will not find any clues there.

He presses his flank to Starlingheart's, who looks at their new leader with a similar unhappy gaze. Granitepaw fights the urge to tremble, though he is taking his strength from his friend as much as she is giving it. "None of this means anything to me," he murmurs to her. Smogmaw takes Chilledstar's former position. Ferndance takes the dead Flickerfire's. The difference is inconsequential to him.

He places his face into the warm, sweet place at the back of her neck and leaves it there. "Don't worry," he says quietly. "I'm here." Worthless words, but his presence is enough, isn't it? It always has been before.

I killed you brother, he thinks, and for one wild moment, he's terrified he's spoken it aloud. Granitepaw stiffens noticeably beside her. He must never think it again. He musn't. It's too close, too close to the real thing, too close to betraying what he's done, what Siltpaw has helped him do.

Crowkit becomes a paw and if Crow finds their gaze they'd only stiffly nod, he would offer his support in other ways but verbal. Or maybe not, there are too many 'paws' in the clan now and he finds himself only caring for Eeriepaw. He shakes his head only for Loampaw to be next, mentored by a molly that makes him flick an ear. Another shake of the head, he only lets it gloss past his ears. Meetings dismissed after all of this.

And then Chilled jumps down and a rare purr rumbles in his throat as he watches them and only them. They move towards him, bumps their head against his chest and he feels content enough to rub their cheek against theirs. Their laugh is music to his ears and hes glad they've settled in so well. "You did fine." he pulls back to smile and theres a fleeting fear that things will change. Blue eyes seem a little different now that he looks up close- overthinking it, hes overthinking and he told himself this would be about Chilled. "I'm very proud of you." they'd murmur in to their ear. Pride, yes… But he cannot escape the pool of dread that only builds and builds. "Lets go and talk, okay? Away from here." he’d finally confront it, he’d let them know his fears. Things would be alright as he turns to lead them away from the former meeting.