private WASH THEM AWAY \ oneshot

Jul 27, 2022

Every night he lay in wait for something different- and every night he was provided just that, but not exactly the way he had wanted. With each slumber came a new dream, prophesying another day to come. When he dreamed of squirrels, there came bountiful squirrels in the next hunt. When he dreamed of flowers, he felt pulled by those same flowers in the land of the living, and felt connected to the Stars once he had reached them. When he dreamed of clamour, it came at the borders baring teeth. But different was beginning to become... not enough. His bones grew weaker, his body frailer; the Stars had to act fast if they were to have him perform his ultimate destiny. What he lay in wait for now was something more- that final piece of the jigsaw that would slide into place and would finally inform him of why he walked this earth, why StarClan had chosen him. He lay in wait for his Truth.

Settling down in his nest, Trufflepelt felt great anticipation ribbon-dancing in his heart. Tonight, it must be... never had slumber seemed so appealing. StarClan was calling him to bed, they must be, so they could tell him in his dream... they could tell him...

He was there, in the plane of his mind- but everything was dark, dark, different. Surroundings soaked in pitch, he saw nothing- nothing but a figure, cat-shaped, hunched and aquiver with sobs. Never had his paws had a more purposeful walk as they carried him over- the tears glittered with unseen starlight, and their eyes looked beyond seeing. Beyond saving. This figure before him- they were the epitome of suffering. What suffering could do to you...

How he loathed it. The wrong in the world, what damage it could do. Some had suffered unfathomably, and suffering bred yet more of the same- he hated it. He wished he could rid the world of all suffering, before- before-

The figure continued to weep, their keening becoming louder, deafening, croaking. It scraped in their throat, distraught cry- he could almost feel it tearing out of him. And their tears did not slow- they cascaded, building up and settling. Glistering tears began to fill the space, water rising to ankles, shoulders- submerging...

And there, floating in the glimmering water, the figure grew limp. Drowned in the ocean of their suffering, he had known no more terrible sight. To die in this way- to be destroyed by your own sadness was the most horrible of demises. And yet he had stood idly by- he had watched, let them die to their suffering instead of trying to help. This... this was a lesson. Above them, star written, lay a paradise. A place void of suffering, filled with joy- and when there was no pain on the land below, both places would become truest heaven.

He knew now his duty, as gilded eyes fluttered awake and a cinnamon form shouldered past the slumbering masses to stare with gratitude and joy at the Stars. His ultimate destiny- it had finally been given. I cannot let suffering destroy ThunderClan. I cannot let sadness and pain hinder this wonderful place. A silent vow made, his eyes fluttered closed, frigid inhalation twisting through his throat. I shall purge any suffering I find, and send it to You to remove.
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