WASTE MY TIME - hunting

Charcoal paws pound against the forest floor, kicking up dirt and moss, and other debris as he chases after his prey. His sides heave, but he does not waver or slow. The rabbit he chases searches desperately for a warren it can jump into but there are none around and he keeps its browning pelt in his sights easily. His mouth salivates as he draws closer and then finally pounces. Swiftly, he delivers the killing blow. The rabbit dies with a squeal. Burnpaw pauses for a moment to send a thank-you to the stars for the prey.

He fully plans on taking the creature up and returning triumphantly to his mentor and fellow apprentice but something makes him stop short. A familiar smell fills his nostrils and he shivers. He is still crouched over the rabbit when he realizes he is right by the Sky Clan border. A couple of paw-steps and he would have gone over it. Just like when Morningpaw died. He digs his claws into the earth and takes a few deep breaths.

He keeps expecting to see someone emerge from the bushes on the other side and chastise him for being so close to the border or even worse, try to talk to him. What would he do if he saw Howlpaw or even worse, Snowpaw over there? He is not certain, especially of the latter. He closes his eyes and curls his claws further into the dirt, taking a few steadying breaths. Finally, he feels nothing but a vague emptiness a pit in his heart where his brother and sister had once been. Did they even care they had new half-siblings? Do they regret their choice to abandon their mother and their family? To abandon him. It's a selfish feeling but he hopes they are miserable knowing they would never know Skykit and Duskkit the same way he does.

Finally, when he hears a rustling in the underbrush, he picks up his catch and turns to face whoever it was approaching him.

// mentor and fellow apprentice tag you guys dont have to reply and no need to wait for them! @Flycatcher @. Roepaw .

Flycatcher watches from afar as Burnpaw begins his hunt. The black tom is old enough that he doesn't need much supervision anymore, but still Flycatcher keeps a careful eye on him, taking notes of how he moves, and if he's acknowledging the wind and his surroundings. He chases after his rabbit with speed and determination, eventually disappearing out of his line of sight. Flycatcher doesn't need to see him to know the kill was successful however, as a shrill squeak pierces the air.

He waits for Burnpaw to return but when it takes a while, he pushes forward, stepping through the underbrush, and seeing Burnpaw turn to him with the rabbit in his mouth. "Excellent catch, Burnpaw," He commends, giving him an appraising look. "Did it put up much of a fight near the end?"
જ➶ Not as big as the other apprentices he trails behind but tries his best to keep up. He wants to learn how to hunt and he has been picking up pointers here and there. Practicing on bugs from time to time as he tries to get his hunter's crouch right. Though for the time being it is a little off he is quick to observe and correct himself if need be. So as he tottles after his father he tries to see what Burnpaw is doing. But the other is so fast and gone after a rabbit. The smell of that prey escapes him and he wants to go see and watch. Yet before he even takes a step forth the squeak of the prey fills his ears and he finds himself bounding over, pushing through the grass. A wide smile is upon his muzzle then as he looks at the rabbit that Burnpaw has in his jaws and his blue green eyes light up with excitement. "That's so cool! And you caught it!" He breathes out as he wiggles his haunches. Maybe he should try to catch a rabbit. He is sure that he will be able to get one like Burnpaw