pafp watch the manic rhapsody .. spar gone wrong

Lilacfur was not used to this, feeling such intensity with so many emotions at once. Grief, guilt, seething rage and debilitating sadness all at once. It crushed her where shining pride and honor once stood. She felt ready to cower and submit to it but, where was honor in that? She had to overcome this, somehow she had to rise above. There were others that had lost more than her, and she had to be there to support them.

A brief flash of smoky fur passed, prickling the same as hers. Lilacfur narrowed her eyes in thought before moving ahead, catching the warrior's attention.

"Wanna fight it out?"

She hadn't expected a yes, but that's what she was given. A quick spar to throw around in camp, rid the tension that had sunken into their pelts and move on. The older molly had taken the first strike, the first few blows that battered her muzzle sent her back a few steps. Lilacfur snapped at the air where her paws had been less than a second before the chimera backed off to circle her again. Her teeth snapped sharply together as her gaze tracked the other's movements, keeping her breath steady in short puffs.

Lilacfur kept herself ready, and as Scalejaw flung herself forward again the rosette latched her teeth into the thick of her mane. With more power than she intended she had caught Scalejaw midair, the mollys claws tangled in thick pale fur. Small scratches scored over her chest and she moved threw the older warrior aside like old bedding. Claws retract and a loud CRASH followed the collision of Scalejaw's body against the wall of brambles.

Lilacfur gasped as she hurriedly approached, stumbling over her own paws as she rushed to apologized. "Stars! I'm so, so sorry Scalejaw. I didn't mean- I didn't think you'd- ah, I can fix this. Here, let me..." She lifted a paw to carefully brush and comb the thorns from the thicker parts of Scalejaw's coat, heart hammering in her chest as she prayed to every star she may find forgiveness.

-- @scalejaw
[ sad hello's and mad high low's ]
———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
The days had blurred together lately. The kits being lost, then returned. Granitepelt's, and Siltcloud's, trial. Blood spilled in camp and on the marsh grounds, and emotional wounds twisted open and lay bare in the informal discussion. All of it weighed like a stone between her shoulderblades. Little did she know what was coming in the future would make it worse before it got better but, what was Shadowclan without a little drama?

She had passed Lilacfur with her fur prickling, and it seemed the other warrior shared the sentiment of the current-going-ons. Scalejaw came to a stop, orange eyes looking over Lilacfur. Moments later, she nodded her head. "Sounds like a good plan."

The fight had begun and finished before Scalejaw even truly knew. She had never had a true chance to spar Lilacfur in full- no, it was normally Scalejaw teaching or guiding, but spars were different. As her neck was latched onto, she inhaled sharply- paws latched forward in instinct, attempting to get a good grab as to not be thrown. Her brain caught up quickly, claws retracting to leave bare hints of her presence against Lilacfur's chest. It felt akin to slow motion how she sailed through the air, body somewhat weightless. And for a moment, she wondered if this is what birds felt like.

The cracking around her ears and the thorns digging into her body were the only indication she had landed at first, but the general loss of air in her lungs quickly reminded her. She lay still for a long moment, a groan leaving her, vision tilted towards the sky. Gray clouds were smooth against the surface, the weak leafbare sun shining light down on them through the filter. Lilacfur's words summoned her back to the present, and Scalejaw sat up- thorns remained buried in her side and back. Finding her way out of the briar, a slow and gentle laugh left her.

"Stars, Lilacfur. I had no idea you could do that, or that I could be thrown." She was very amused, all laughter and no anger. She turned her head, trying to get thorns out of her side opposite of Lilacfur. Her eyes squinted and flinched at each pull, and tiny dots and wells of blood covered her flank. "Don't apologize. Better to know you can throw a cat like that against our enemies then to be pinned, like I planned on."

Scalejaw's head popped up- the grin wide on her mouth was undeniable. Scalejaw was impressed.

[penned by dallas].
An impromptu spar staring up right in the middle of camp was not entirely common, as such events were usually planned to take place near the training grounds, but sometimes they just... happened. In tense times like these, Roosterstrut couldn't say he didn't understand the need to physically vent frustrations. In fact, a spar sounded pretty appealing to him right about now, but he'd find another time and place to schedule it surely.

Curiously, pale green eyes take note of today's matchup - Scalejaw and Lilacfur. Scalejaw was a formidable fighter, one that Roosterstrut had always looked up to. Lilacfur, on the other paw... He is certain that she could hold her own, but the older warrior would be a pretty tough opponent to—

Scalejaw is sent flying. "Holy-" The red tabby tom's jaw draws agape, features slightly wincing once she makes an impact against the brambly walls of camp. It didn't appear that Scalejaw was hurt, thankfully, and Lilacfur was quick to rush over and check on her.

A surprised mrrow leaves his lips, finally breaking his silence after having watched the engagement from the sidelines, "Didn't know you had that in you, Lilacfur!" He comments, not intending to be condescending to her strength, but he genuinely cannot recall a time when Lilacfur has demonstrated such brute force in a spar. Her typical appearance, including a thoroughly groomed and proper coat, certainly does not convey the muscle that lies underneath. Like Scalejaw, Roosterstrut finds himself genuinely impressed as well.

  • 71513786_Ne4CXSqgC0cf8km.png
  • fTqY7b3.png
    —— he/him; warrior of shadowclan
    —— heteroflexible; single
    —— red tabby tom with long hair and pale green eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
Frostbite hadn't been paying attention initially until the quick movements of the spar caught his eye. At first he thought the worst, that the fight was sincere, but the lack of action around them showed him otherwise. So, he drew closer to watch Lilacfur and Scalejaw spar next to Roosterstrut. It came to his realization that he himself had never sparred with anyone. He always kept to himself and observed. Perhaps in the future he will invite someone to be his opponent, if he ever feels like it.

The spar starts off normal, and he's pleased with both of their combat abilities. But what happens next throws him for a LOOP.

His eyes widen as Lilacfur grips Scalejaw's scruff and throws her into the brambles! He didnt know she could do that. It has been noted.

"Remind me to never get on your bad side..." He says to her. He's unsure if Lilacfur could do the same to him but if she could? He's not messing with that.

"Scalejaw's right, I bet an enemy wouldn't even see that coming." He says. Can you imagine your enemy throwing another cat at you? He's never seen anyone do that before, at least. He'll keep it in mind for next time he needs to fight.​

I don't mind if the world spins faster

Well, Nightwhisper wasn't expecting to witness her mother getting thrown into some thorns. A shocked look appeared in her one yellow gaze as she trotted to the scene, her tail swishing a bit before looking between the two cats. Frostbite and Roosterstrut commented on how impressed they were by Lilacfur tossing the older warrior like that. Humming a bit the tip of her tail swished a bit.

"Well, I wasn't expecting to see my ma get tossed in such a manner," They softly spoke with a bemused look on her face, eyes drifting towards the older warrior while a soft touch of worry splayed on the warrior's face. Their ears perked slightly before gently stepping forward and pausing to scan from where she stood. It seemed that Scalejaw was okay so a soft sigh pressed from Nightwhisper's lips before their gaze drifted over to Lilacfur.

"Could you show me how you did that?" they would ask in gentle tones while a soft smile appeared on her lips. Truth be told, their enemies would probably not attempt to mess with them much if all knew that they were throwing cats around, but of course...could Lilacfur even pull off what she did again? Would seem everything had happened in the heat of the moment due to the tension that had been ripping through the air.

Of all the reactions to gather, Lilacfur hadn't expected any that she was met with. Part of her thought to be thankful her prayers were answered to quickly, so easily that maybe StarClan had not turned their eyes away from her. Scalejaw is laughing, finding her sudden flight through the air far more laughable than the tabby thought. As she brushed away and gently plucked what thorns she could, she couldn't help but wince at the sight of deep red rising above her skin.

How can she not feel mad at me? Not even the slightest bit irritated. In fact, Scalejaw was smiling!

Her Clanmates quickly gather to see the result of their ill-ending spar and Lilacfur wished to hide away as heat rushed to fluffed cheeks. Roosterstrut's expression matched Scalejaw's own in impressed surprise, Frostbite's eyes are twin moons in surprise, and Nightwhisper, Scalejaw's daugher even lacked any displeasure. It's a shock that she wasn't expecting, but she's glad. The prior tension that felt capable of being bitten into had disappeared within moments.

"Ah, haha, it's not what I was trying to do! Promise..." She explained nervously, sweeping the thorns into a careful pile so no romping kits or excitable apprentices ran through them. "I learned from Fleabounce on accident. She was training me to fight and I was already bigger than her by eight moons. So I panicked and she had a similar fate as Scalejaw." Bravely she looked to the mess made to the bracken and sighed.

"I can fix that, too. The apprentices shouldn't have to clean up after my recklessness. I can show you after that's done, Nightwhisper!"

[ i need the clouds to cover me ]