pafp watch this, pow!

. ° ✦ Kittenhood was hard to get bored in when there were so many wonders to enjoy for the first time. Wonders that many of the older warriors knew would quickly be seen as normal enough to not even deserve a glance, but until then Bravekit gladly indulged in discovering everything that he could. Leaves and stones were his favorite once he noticed not all of them were exactly the same. Some leaves were different colors as they shed from their branches. Different sizes and even fluttered down to the ravine in different ways. Some twirled and danced even without wind, and other slowly drifted down with a feather-light touch.

Today had been no different and with Tigerpaw out of the medicine den, his interest in her became stronger as he watched her grow healthier by the day. Learning she was his fathers apprentice only drove him to her more, nearly associating her at the same level of his family. That afternoon after what looked like the return of a patrol she had congregated with some other apprentices to eat, and that was when he made him move. Bravekit stalked forward with partially coordinated paws. Anyone with a trained ear might be able to hear him with ease but didn't give him any notice.

A playful pounce onto @tigerpaw. had marked his prize, taking his place on her back right above her tail. Bravekit yowled triumphantly and held on with tiny pin-sharp claws. "I've got you RiverClanner! You won't be crossing here again." A finishing blow delivered and he lunged forward to sink his teeth into her ear a bit harder than he intended.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that tangles easily. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Wide fuzzy satellite ears.

it was so nice outside of the medicine den. she was free and she couldn't get over that. the leaf Bravekit gave her had somewhat remained intact, and she kept it in her nest as if it was her most prized possession. Batwings kitten gave it to her, and she couldn't help but see it as even more endearing. this was her first leafbare, and seeing that things had changed was exciting. there was different smells, different sights- and even the apprentice was eager to explore it all.

she wasn't able to eat all that much, so she would be sharing food with another apprentice, trying to contain her excited normal chatter and calm her breaths to make correct replies. if she talked too much would they grow annoyed? she didn't know. she'd listen to the others talk, and munch on the mouse, not even noticing Bravekit sneaking behind her.

"AAA! ow," a yelp of surprise came from her as tiny claws gripped onto her back, a shout, and then a harsh bite onto her ear. her form quickly shot up, trying to escape by shaking her pelt that he clung too. "too hard," she whined. she wanted to play with him, that was always fine, but this hurt.


I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE — The tom had been within the medicine cat den carefully lining his nest with feathers and cannot help but feel himself get distracted and linger in his own thoughts for a heartbeat until the sound of a triumphant yowl broke him away from his mind. He thinks nothing of it until he hears someone go ow and instinctively, Hailstorm rises from where he had been sitting and emerging from the den only to lock his eyes onto the sight of both Bravekit and Tigerpaw. The fur along his back rising slightly when Tigerpaw immediately stands trying to shake off Bravekit and that's when the lumbering giant decides to step forward to make sure that neither of them ended up hurting each other any further. He leans forward in an attempt to gently grab the chocolate kitten by the scruff if he hadn't been shaken off by the molly and if he had succeeded in gently scruffing the tomkit, he would set him carefully onto the ground.

"Bravekit, you mustn't play with your claws out. You'll end up hurting someone," The older tom says gently to his best friend's son wondering where Batwing is but decides that he would remind the kitten, "Or biting too hard. Both are sharp and painful." A small frown on his maw though he's not upset at the little kitten knowing that he hadn't realized or had gotten so caught up in pretend that keeping claws and teeth to himself had flew over his head completely. He turns to Tigerpaw with concern in his gaze soon asking her with a tilt of his skull "Are you alright?" He needed to make sure that tiny kitten teeth hadn't pricked or caused any serious damage though he doubts it, if anything, it would be an easy fix to patch up with cobwebs and poultice.

    ✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ACHES & PAINS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ILLNESS
    ✧✧✧✧✧ BROKEN BONES
    ✧✧✧✧✧ KITTING
    ✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS
  • dge7u2t-148923d9-4a3f-4c3f-b8e7-4e97c3a4cb2b.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    50 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength, his large size, and wits
    peaceful powerplay allowed

leafbare was hard. her muscles ache as she drags herself back into camp, the all day in and out of hunting patrols seeping into her marrow and causing a weak pulse of pain about her entire body. she has nothing to drop in the pile this time, but it was her third time back ; only returning when her paws stung too much to continue, eyes wind - whipped and watering when she steps through the gorse tunnel. the sloping walls of camp blocks the harshest of the winds and she sighs shakily at the relief of it, thick fur jutting in each direction still from her venture. she almost misses the battle cry, a triumphant howl that has her gaze lifting groggily from the ground and towards bravekit. bravekit was always screaming.

instead, she sees hailstorm, bending his great head down to pluck the chocolate tom by the scruff and lift him from tigerpaw, his most recent victim. the girl seemed genuinely pained as she stepped forward, stepped closer first on her way to the warriors den, and then distracted by the gentle rumble of their snowy medic’s voice. gentle placating. for some reason, she thinks of little wolf — of them, curled together, soft and purring. hailstorm would have been a good father, and that wayward thought sends an electric bolt of sadness through her chest.

he would make an even better medicine cat, she tells herself, but it is little consolation. freckleflame wonders if she would ever have to pick between love and the stars, but it is a farfetched thought. stardust did not run through her veins, but love did — she draws near with a purr of hello, voice soft so bravekit would not take her warmth for forgiveness, ” look at you, fretting like a queen. “ it’s teasing, a little nudge at his shoulder ; he’s settling into his job well, unsaid but there nonetheless.

then, towards the two youth, ” he is right, though. you don’t wanna hurt tigerpaw for real, do you? we gotta be gentle with our clanmates. “ usually, at least.

  • i.
  • Untitled262_20231202152333.png

    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a thick, broad - shouldered figure.
    unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while bearing a wide, bright - eyed grin. she seems to sing confidence from every laugh, every word.. that can't all be for show, can it?

    ——— ˙⋆ — prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.

Yelps of pain had drew Redwind's attention as well, ears shifting forth as she watched the kitten's attempts upon play. A chuckle eased from her throat, amused by the scene. However, she had agreed with her fellow clanmates. Claws and teeth weren't the way to go. She wondered if the little spitfire would learn from the gentle talks and removal. "Oh.. A fiery one you are! May our enemies fear you when you're older. Although, we must save that for the real bad cats, shouldn't we?" Redwind cooed before shifting her attention upon Tigerpaw, "Seems someone has favoritism in you. As everyone asked, are you fairing now, dear?" a gentle sniff was directed in her direction to detect any injuries, a visit to the medicine den was the last thing needed in this season. How much damage could a kit be capable of? ​
. ° ✦ His goal isn't to be thrashed and shaken around by his target, but that is exactly what happened. Bravekit, unaware of how painful his sharp teeth and rough play could be, let out a shocked gasp as Tigerpaw quickly jumped to her paws to rid him like a fly. In his momentary fear Bravekit reacted by sinking his claws further in, only pulling back when Hailstorm scruffed him off the apprentice.

Back legs curl into his stomach and though Hailstorms correction was gentle, lacking any rough discipline he still looked up at the pale tom with round, glassy eyes. As though Hailstorm had just berated him. He glanced to Tigerpaw as she whined in pain, obviously from him and she curled further into himself submissively.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt Tigerpaw, I just wanted to play." His voice squeaked and cracked from the weight of his own guilt. I didn't know! What if she hates me now? He blinked sadly at Freckleflame and Redwind. Despite their soft tones and gentle words Bravekit couldn't help but feel like the worst warrior in the forest, the most horrible Clanmate, for harming Tigerpaw.

A shaky, hushed voice. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I was bad."
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that tangles easily. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Wide fuzzy satellite ears.

tigerpaw didn't mean to have bravekit scolded. nor throw him, even if it meant more painful claws digging into her flesh. she gritted teeth in a wince. "no no, im okay- just... spooked," she concurred, giving a nervous smile as a cue she was lying.

"bravekit didn't mean it! it's okay, I uh... was a bit overdramatic," she mused, that nervous smile remaining. her ear- her back- it stung like the brambles and thorns she crawled into one time. the tiny piercing seemed to hurt a lot more than tussles and fighting training.

she didn't like lying, but she just didn't want to see her friend so upset. "hey- no bravekit," she said softly, her body pressing gently to his and attempting to lick the top of his head in hopes it would calm the fretting kit. "you're my friend- I know you didn't mean it! you did amazing for fighting off a big bad riverclan intruder!" She wanted to comfort him, moving in all the sudden and gently using a paw in attempt to jab softly towards him.