private WATER & GASOLINE // iciclefang

// @iciclefang

That ShadowClan medicine cat - or, medicine cat apprentice, she supposes - has been inside Mothermouth for what felt like moons. Everyone is settling down, getting comfortable while they wait. Some cats are coming up with strategies and gameplans for the journey, others are saving their energy and dozing off. Stormywing herself is getting impatient. She paces wildly , tail lashing as she waits to get a move on. "Ughhhh," She groans loudly, slipping up onto a boulder to flop onto her stomach. "How much longer is this going to take!?"

A bored whine leaves her as her cheek presses against the cool stone, half-lidded eyes traveling about the expanse of rock until they notice a familiar tortoiseshell drawing closer. Her brows raise in recognition, ears perking, and as the other warrior comes near there is no doubt in her mind. It's the condescending she-cat from the bridge. She'd recognize that annoyingly pristine pelt anywhere - seriously, does she do anything but groom? Stormywing lifts her head to call, "Oh, you gotta be kidding me. You're coming?" How had she missed her? She supposes the group is a large one; a cat is easy to lose in the lot of them.
The one medicine cat apprentice had forced the journeying cats to stop at Highstones. Somewhere within Mothermouth, Iciclefang imagines the young black-and-white tom curled up next to the mysterious Moonstone… she’s heard a little about it, and though she’s curious, she dares not attempt to breach the tunnel to peek. StarClan would have made her a medicine cat if they’d wanted her down there, after all, she reasons. She takes a moment to flop onto the grass, giving glossy marbled fur a thorough grooming. In the weakening glow from the sunset, the golds become burnished ambers, the blacks dark as pitch.

She stops only when her stomach begins to rumble. She sighs—it’d been hours since her last meal, a trout shared with a Clanmate. Iciclefang rises to her paws, planning to search for prey, when her frosty gaze catches a familiar scarred chest. She tenses, her lip curling away from perfectly white fangs. “Well, if it isn’t the prey thief,” she says, her eyes narrowing. “ThunderClan didn’t have anyone better to send, I guess… how sad for them.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
Stormywing rolls her eyes dramatically, shifting onto her side so a straightened foreleg sticks out over the edge of the rock but she can see the tortoiseshell a little better. "Come up with a better insult. We already know that prey ran over the border 'cause you were too slow to catch it first." Irritation causes her tail to lash back and forth - damn this fish-breathed RiverClanner for always being able to get under her pelt.

"Why did you come? RiverClan couldn't wait to get rid of you?" She retorts, finally getting to her paws. Her head ducks low beneath her bristling shoulders, eyes tracking the other's movements. She couldn't blame them if they did want to send her away. The tortoiseshell seems truly unbearable. And now she has to spend every day with her for the next how many moons? The thought makes her stomach twist with displeasure.
The gray tabby’s eye roll is infuriatingly exaggerated; Iciclefang can sense heat sizzling from her short fur. She can hardly keep the scowl from gracing her own muzzle, however, at the other warrior’s retort. Truth be told, she had been too slow. The vole had been quicker, and infuriatingly, so had the ThunderClan cat. She does not dignify this with a response, however. Her eyes flash indignantly. “Is prey-thief not as creative as fishbreath? My apologies.” She tilts her head, her smile just as smug. “I thought I was being creative, but I suppose you have more time on your paws to craft these stunning nicknames than I do…

And now she’s asking her why she came. Iciclefang’s smile fades at the corners. “What business is that of yours?” Her voice is sharp now, sharp as the claws she itches to draw. “How minnowbrained. Right before we left, I was given my first apprentice… and now I have to wait StarClan knows how long before I can start his training.” Her frustration is palpable. She can’t tell the annoying tabby the truth—that she’d come mostly to ensure her littermate would not be killed—so she tells the other part of the truth. “My father and sister have yellowcough.” She flicks the tip of her tail, as though the information means nothing to her. She won’t share her vulnerabilities with this cat.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
She seems to have struck a nerve, and for a moment she is pleased. Her smirk extends as she hops off the rock she had been lounging on, stalking closer to the RiverClanner with her tail lashing. She tries not to let the fact that the annoying tortoiseshell has an apprentice bother her...she's been waiting for her own apprentice for some time, but the day has still not come. The thought that this infuriating cat has gotten one before her is a grating one, but she bites her tongue about it. She'd rather be run down by a monster before admitting that victory she has over Stormywing.

My father and sister have Yellowcough.

The tabby's steps falter, her brow lifting in surprise. "Oh..." She replies, for once at a loss for words. Guilt that she'd even prodded the subject twists her gut and she can't help but let her ears fall back, her head ducking a bit in shame. "I'm sorry." She may despise this molly, but she'd never wish that someone's kin would fall ill with the very disease they are trying to retrieve the cure for. She falters, standing in front of the tortoiseshell with a wandering gaze that lingers on the ground. Finally, she breaks the silence she created. "My sister has Yellowcough, too," The warrior admits reluctantly, tail giving one more lash as her gaze lifts ever-so-slightly to meet the other's icy blue. Just like that, it drops again, hating the fact she feels even a smidgen vulnerable right now. She kicks a stone awkwardly, sending it toppling down the rocky slope.
Iciclefang watches the way the tabby’s face changes at this information. “Oh,” she says. Iciclefang blinks. “Are you surprised? It seems most cats here have kin who are ill.” She says her sister has yellowcough, too, and the RiverClan warrior dips her head. “I would say I’m sorry, but we are here to make sure they recover,” she says mildly. When the scarred she-cat drags her bright golden eyes to meet Iciclefang’s, she tilts her head just slightly to the right. The other cat does not hold her stare for long—she drops it, instead opting to awkwardly kick a pebble down the steep slope they sit upon.

After a heartbeat, she sighs, resigned. “Well. I may as well know your name, if we’re going to be forced to work together.As much as I’d rather not. The RiverClan warrior lifts her paw and begins to stroke the back side of it with her tongue. “I’m Iciclefang.” She begins to wash, pressing the damp appendage into the sleek fur on her cheeks. “What is your name, ThunderClanner?” She resists the urge to hammer in prey thief just one more time.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
Stormywing lifts her gaze again, hiding her surprise that the she-cat is even interested in her name. Doesn't she hate her? She straightens herself, ears folding back inquisitively as she sizes her up, chin lifting. Iciclefang. Her eyes trail up the white blaze that travels up her nose. The name is cold, sharp. It's somehow extremely fitting. Biting her tongue for a moment in thought, she decides she'd better return the favor if she wants this journey to be a pleasant one. "Stormywing." She flicks her tail as she speaks and rolls her shoulders back casually. "Does this mean I can't call you fish-breath anymore?" She can't help but tack on as a jest, stony face cracking into a grin.
The other warrior introduces herself after a moment. Stormywing, she says. Iciclefang nods, gaze flicking from burning yellow eyes to the scar hatched across her white chest. “I’d say nice to meet you, but our meetings so far have been anything but pleasant,” she says mildly, blinking expressionless blue eyes at the ThunderClanner. “I suppose if you want to keep calling me fish-breath, you can, but it might earn you a cuff to the ear.” Her smile is small, more of a smirk than anything.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
Stormywing can only scoff at her statement, rolling her eyes halfheartedly. She is already preparing to turn away, but her ear flicks back when Iciclefang manages to crack a stiff joke. She glances back, a smirk on her own face as eyes glitter with amusement. "Fair enough. See you around, Iciclefang," She emphases the tricolor she-cat's name, pointedly not using the unoriginal insult. She waves her tail in farewell before padding down the slope towards a group of ThunderClanners. She doesn't want to stink like fish after hanging out with a RiverClanner too much, after all.

// quick outro!
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