WATER LIKE MISERY // Hunting, Prompt

Aspenhaze is out on a cold afternoon, trying their best to fish on this hunting patrol despite the awful weather. On top of the icy layer coating the stream, clouds have started to roll in. Their whiskers twitch as they sense the oncoming rain, but they hope that it won’t be too soon. They’ve been successful so far; maybe just a few more catches and they’ll be on their way, hiding in the warrior den until they’re needed once more…

As soon as their paw hits the water, droplets of rain start to fall down. They mumble, pulling up the pike in their grasp and then putting it down in the pile of prey they’ve collected so far. Soon enough, the drizzle turns into a downpour, and their long fur is sent sinking onto the ground. It’s freezing to the touch, and the memory of the camp flooding comes to mind.

It happened right before Aspenhaze met their mate, so it’s burned into their mind more than the snow of Leaf-bare on soft paws. It was an unpleasant time to be certain, but there’s some warmth there despite. They almost felt like one big family, working together more than ever…it’s nostalgic in a weird way. Cicadastar is certainly missed, but alas, not much they can do on that end.

They need to get back to the problem at hand, anyways. “Cover our catches as best you can, everyone! We need to run these back to camp as quick as possible.” The last thing they want is for anyone to get so cold they end up sick, after all; this Includes themself. How frustrating. They lick their paw and pick up a couple of fishes in their mouth.​

Rain was normally peace brought to Petalnose. It was soothing to let the rains cover her coat and soothe from the heats beating upon them. However, when rain came with leafbare it was as if icicles were clinging to the coat and bringing on the brink of white cough. Brows furrowed with an annoyed huff, grasping her fish and bounding to her mate's side protectively with her tail attempting to flag over their body. It wouldn't cover everything but it was hoped to keep a part of them dry. She hadn't wanted them to be sick again. Not when they were ripped away from her once, worrying where they would live or survive through the deadly sickness. "Less gow." A muffled call to dismissal, growling at the rain the stars brought upon them in the lethal season. Her gaze swept over the patrol, hoping they would abandon it just as fast as they started it.



While the rest of the patrol tried to fish, Nettlepaw slinked through the dead reeds nearby, hoping to catch something of his own. He manages to scent a bird, but unfortunately, misses his pounce. The crow explodes from the undergrowth with cries of panic and rage, disappearing into the stormy skies above. Though Nettlepaw is almost completely blind, he can see the shadows that have swallowed the sky, normally such a bright beacon of light, now dim and dark. Ominous. There's a scent in the air, a smell which he has learned indicates nearby rain. Sure enough, by the time he returns to the rest of the patrol, what had started as a manageable trickle has turned into a furious downpour. Thunder rumbles overhead, as water drenches the boy's thick coat and leaves him shivering.

"I'll h-h-help c-carry pr...prey." Nettlepaw manages between freezing breaths, leaning down to snap his teeth into one of the fish. He's used to being soaked down to the skin, but this was different. The wind made him feel as if he might turn to ice. His paws were going numb. He could hardly talk through his chattering teeth. The apprentice trails behind Aspenhaze, sticking close to their side for warmth. He knows Petalnose is close, too. Silently, Nettlepaw wonders if the warriors were used to this sort of thing. Would he have to get used to it, too? I hate leaf-bare, the boy decides. Snow was bad enough, but freezing rain was a whole different level of cruelty.