WAYWARD | foxglare

general.--(--you told me think about it, well i did--)
--sun - fox - foxpaw - foxglare
--15 moons old / created 05.15.23 / ages on the 15th
--cisgender male / he/him pronouns exclusively
--moor-runner of windclan / formerly a twolegplace loner

appearance.--(--now i don't wanna feel a thing anymore--)
-- A large, scarred white and golden tabby tom with steely grey eyes. / irl reference
-- Foxglare has grown to be a large tom, with broad shoulders and a barrel chest dissimilar to many of his more willowy clanmates. His thick medium-length fur is much denser than it appears, with a triple-layered coat due to his Siberian heritage. It's white with light ginger tabby patches splashing his coat—from which he'd derived his given namesake, Sun. His eyes are a blue-grey color, steely and intense seemingly by default. He takes on an air of stoicism, having a very serious resting face with a seemingly permanently furrowed brow.
--( injuries )--large scars on his upper back from a kithood encounter with a fox, a torn ear from an altercation in the twolegplace.
--( proportions )-- 12.5 inches tall, 16 lbs.
--( genetics )--LH red tabby w high white, 50% siberian
--( smells like )--wet oak wood and dewy sedge
--( sounds like )-- leon kennedy, often speaks lowly, with a vague texan drawl.

persona.--(--i'm tired of begging for the things that i want--)
--(+) principled, empathetic, hard-working, intuitive, compassionate, patient (/) strong-willed, athletic, reserved, serious, imperturbable, moralistic (-) distrustful, closed-off, self-righteous, single-minded, broody, explosive, vengeful, violent
--In many ways, Foxglare is quite restrained. His face is often schooled into a straight-faced expression, seemingly by reflex. This could be in part by a compulsive urge to avoid vulnerability, he keeps his cards very close to his chest and is especially uncomfortable with big displays of emotion.

Taciturn and prone to taking things quite literally, it may seem like he's simply a dense individual, but some of those around him may wonder what it is he's holding back. He speaks plainly enough, preferring to be direct rather than leave anything to be read between the lines, but at the same time, it's obvious he is careful with his speech. His tendencies towards stiffness of stature and curtness of speech would seem like little more than a cooled standoffish personality to those who are sympathetic, but warier onlookers may find him difficult to trust.

Beneath a sturdy armor of stoicism lies a raging storm of emotion. Foxglare is a highly emotional creature, who is capable of loving deeply, yet his hatred burns just as deep. (wip...)

--( tropes )-- lawful good, ISTJ

relationships.--(--i'm over sleeping like a dog on the floor--)
--Crying Dove x Agamemnon, adopted by Houndthistle
--sole survivor of a litter of 3 / adopted half-brother to Fennelkit & Thistlekit
--unwitting nephew of Lichentail, cousin of
--bisexual / single
--considers Sedgepounce friends / trusts no one outside of himself

interaction.--(--imagine living like a king someday--)
--physically difficult / psychologically difficult
--mentored by npc / mentoring sunlitpaw / previously mentored no one
--hunting [70%] / combat [90%] / agility [40%] / strength [95%]
--attack in #7194da or @ / peaceful powerplay allowed

miscellaneous.--(--a single night without a ghost in the walls--)
--penned by eezy / last updated 04/05/24
-- pinterest/ playlist
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