✦  .   ˚ .   Being far from camp has made everything strange. His paws and mind twitch with all that needs to be done, all that has become routine since his place as deputy. Is this what Badgermoon had dealt with, day in and day out? The routine of it, the disturbances. Thinking about the traitor is strange now. To think that he had tried to wound their leader and still made it away– that he had left a family behind him, and for what? He thinks of Scorchstreak and her children so far away, in a journey he cannot truly fathom, and mourns what they will return to. One paw rubs over his eyes before he remembers the earth that he stands upon, grittiness left behind. A cough and a shake of his head, and a low chuckle that is not born of genuine amusement. Home is a thousand places, splintered apart. He misses each of them now.

"WindClan!" A strange call in the midst of unfamiliar territory. "I know that we have much to mourn, but we do not have time to rest as it is. If we are to regain our strength, there is much we must do." He waits, then, for those that are able to gather. How many wounded do they have? How many will catch the illness they have so desperately avoided? Sunstride's mind rebels against the very thought. They cannot ail further than this. He will allow only for recovery. "If you are wounded...as callous as it may sound, you must push yourself past this. If it is too much, and you need to rest, you may, but seek someone who may replace you first. This must be done, as small as these tasks may seem."

After a moment of consideration, allowing his words to sink in, he exhales his worries to the best of his ability, and inhales enough strength to get them through this. "@VIOLETHEART, you will take @Morningsong~ and @FOXGLARE and gather what you can for nests. Do not stray far into the forest– check closest to Fourtrees and the path of our border. If you see any sign of rogues, you are to tell me as quickly as you can." The warrior's gaze is sharp and unyielding, utterly demanding. After he ensures his words had settled in, he nods.

"@GRAVELSNAP, take @mothmoon and @Thriftpaw in search of cobwebs and moss. Again– keep far from the heart of this forest. We have many wounded, and though our herbs remained behind, Wolfsong has said that these are what we need most desperately at this time." Where they would even begin to find such things in this territory, he cannot know. Luck and common sense would guide them. Thankfully, it would seem that Gravelsnap had plenty of the latter. Perhaps Mothmoon or Thriftpaw would provide the former.

Finally, his gaze seeks out Bluepool. The molly had been through much with him as a lead warrior, and it is thanks to her that they had pulled away from WindClan in time to survive. He will rely upon much the same instinct now, singling her out amidst the crowd. "@Bluepool, I want you to check on our border. @FOGBOUND, @VENOMSTRIKE, and @redpaw, I want you to follow. You will obey her every word– do not put yourselves in any danger. I wish only to know the extent of damage to our lands, and if these rogues defend more than our camp."

It is not all of them. There are more that he may ask the world of, and maybe even a few that would try to provide it. Yet in this moment, he knows only his own exhaustion. He wants to return to his nest, and curl around his kits. He wants the burning smell of Wolfsong's herbs, and the comfort of the moon far above his head, unmarred by tree branches. He will not push them further. Not when he can hardly push himself. "That is all I will ask of you, for now. Do as you must, and rest."

  • OOC. since these tasks are very routine, please let me know if any of you guys would like an obstacle in your threads! i am more than happy to give ideas or post something myself as a surprise to all involved >:3 to clarify, they will not be violent surprises like WHOA a badger, but simple things that would require quick thinking and engagement to overcome.
    ——  a tall auburn tabby with thick fur and bright glacial eyes. sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond it, with fur that flames red and deepens to a burnt amber with every stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of them. he radiates confidence and self-assured authority.

  • "speech"

XXXXXHowlingstar may have let the queens and kits into ThunderClan’s camp, but her wiser, sterner side had prevailed when it came to the rest of Sootstar’s brutes. Raccoonstripe pads alongside @RAINBOWPAW , giving the young tom a moment to catch up. They had just come across the WindClan deputy barking orders, trying to create some semblance of normalcy amongst his Clanmates. He feels a certain amount of sympathy for the moorland refugees—to be driven from one’s home is a dreadful thing, and by rogues nonetheless, starless heathens that they are. The tabby flicks his tail tip against his apprentice’s flank, meeting their gaze.

XXXXXThat’s Sunstride, WindClan’s deputy,” he murmurs. “He does what Flycatcher does.” He lifts his dark gaze to the attending WindClan cats, then gives the swirl-pelted tabby a dip of the head. ThunderClan had their own to tend to, so he would not offer his assistance—he’d not been given leave to do so, even if he’d wanted to—but Rainbowpaw could learn a lot from watching another Clan in such a weakened state, he thinks.

Cottonpaw's ears perk when she hears Sunstride stir. The behemoth tom offers menial tasks for some of their healthier and well off warriors to complete - moss and cobweb gathering, for the most part, though it seems that Bluepool is holding up her end of the bargain and being sent off to the border. The blue-grey she-cat knows she will not be selected for these patrols, as being both accident prone as well as Wolfsong's apprentice, she's better off in their new sandy camp. All the same, she wishes to help.

"Sunstride -" she stands and steps towards him, ears folding back as she does, "If you have some time on your paws, do you think we could talk? I just..." Her gaze falls to the wayside, words trailing off for a second. Her thoughts feel borderline mutinous, but she hopes that in addressing their deputy, that gross feeling in her chest will go away. "I have something to ask of you," she decides, tail twitching.​
Round tufted ears perk at Sunstride's call. The tabby would approach, head low between rolling shoulders and stood to lurk behind the rest of his Clan that had gathered. He listened with an ear pointed toward the auburn tabby while something else- someone else caught his attention. Raccoonstripe and his apprentice's arrival broke the muddled scent of WindClan, and he regarded the pair with a respectful nod.

By the end of Sunstride's call, he had not been assigned for collection or border checking. Hollowcreek still remained, though, present in case one of the leads wanted an extra paw or something within the sandy ravine could be done.​
your entire existence gives me a headache, go stand over there .
He had been licking at his other injuries when their deputy called to them, unfamiliar as it was, Fogbound applauded him for it, so soon after their camp was ransacked. He wondered if they would rescue the sick or leave them to die. He raised onto heavy paws, grunting in discomfort, but otherwise stayed upright despite the stretch and burn of the gash running from his scapula down to his flank—a distinguishing feature for the tom, he was certain.

It would leave a rather nasty scar, but one Fogbound wasn’t too concerned about. His face on the other paw … not without scars, but disfiguring his face with the shallow cut to his cheek, staining the white of his fur ichor. He sighed, tail flickering.

He leveled Bluepool a curious gaze, turning to watch Venomstrike and Redpaw, tail curling. “I will do what my lady requests.” He hummed, dipping his helm elegantly, tone offering nothing away. His wounds mattered little, barely a trickle, but certain to fester if he didn’t seek Wolfsong, but that was for after. “Let us hope their stupidity continues.” He grumbled, nose crinkling.
thought speech
Decidedly, the apprentice chose not to resist the duties. He had only recently received treatment for the gnarled claw marks across his back. Left complimentary by the massive gray rogue he had failed at fending off. The bleeding only ceased at their arrival to Thunderclan, but for the entirety of the walk, it had clung to the apprentice's pelt in a gelatinous consistency. Causing him to feel the sting and queasiness. Stepping next to his mentor, the youth refused to look at Fogbound. Still peeved from the warrior's earlier musings that twisted the cat's stomach in knots.

His back felt agonizing, and he'd hardly managed any sleep since they arrived, but he knew every cat was suffering. There was no room for arguments or spats, just as Sunstride said. Instead, he solemnly nodded, keeping hold of his uncharacteristic silence.

Life outside of the moors was no longer something that Bluepool was accustomed to. The trees and the foliage that surrounds her feels like too much, everything feels like it’s closing in on her. She feels cramped, with barely any room to stretch her legs. A part of her wishes they could have stayed, could have fended the rogues off of their home but when she looks around at the wounded she feels a twist in her chest. They never would have won that fight.

There is some semblance of comfort when Sunstride calls for WindClan to gather, starts to call out patrols. She finds safety in the routine, as strange as it is to feel such a thing in such a place.

She settles among her clanmates, golden eyes resting on the deputy of their clan, on Sunstride. He calls out her name and she cannot help the small thrill she feels at the idea of going back to the moors, even if it is to survey damage and not to retake their home. It has not even been a full day and yet she was finding herself feeling homesick. Her claws dig into the soft earth but she sends a nod in Sunstride’s direction, an indication of acknowledgement before she seeks out those she was assigned to patrol with. "If you all are ready then we will leave immediately" she informs them, her cropped tail twitching in the air behind her.

  • ooc : — ​

  • she / her
    WindClan lead warrior & moor runner

    - - a small, silver tabby she cat with short fur a cropped tail and yellow eyes
    toyhouse [ ]

    - - Reckless. Impulsive. Spontaneous. These are all the words that may come to mind if asked to describe Bluepool. She is an incredibly loyal cat who loves her family, her friends, and her clan fiercely. She is well known for her outspoken behavior, often just speaking whatever is on her mind or diving into things without really stopping to consider the consequences of her actions first. Once she has set her mind on something it is difficult to get her to change it.
    ESTP-A 'the entrepreneur'

    skilled fighter ; decent hunter
    SOOT CLAW X PEBBLE BREEZE; sister to sootstar and mintshade

Whatszat?! She was awoken from her nap by Sunstride's call. She doesn't hide her groan and rolls to her side, closing her eyes while listening to Sunstride bark orders. The fact that he asked the wounded to push past their pain and continue work was not at all fun to hear. At least he admits it's a shitty thing to say, but ughhhh... I don't wanna. But it's not like we can sit here and do nothing at the same time. The kits and queens are at least in Thunderclan camp. She vaguely pays attention, her ears perking at the mention of Fogbound going with Bluepool and a few others. She's more so worried about Redpaw who before things went to shit being reprimanded and hoped that he wouldn't be bothered too much with times like these. She doubts Fogbound would refrain with messing with the apprentice, but she would like to believe that he would take it easy on said apprentice.

Sunstride said for those too injuried to ask for replacements, but she wouldn't do so. I'll just wait for Violetheart's group to come back and help them make nests. If anyone asked she was saving her strength. For now she would doze off and wait till the others returned to see where she could help out or where her paws were best suited.

The moors, open and spacious with a labyrinth beneath them, was all Sootspot had known. Adrenaline from the fight had kept the worst of his worries away, but now that they had had time to 'settle', and he could no longer feel the tunnels at his back and sides, there was a gentle agitation to the blue fur of the tom. He doubted he was the worst affected, his clanmates were used to space and the snarling trees and grasping underbrushes did little to give them such, all the same, he was bothered. Shifting through the patches of grass like a stalking weasel, the small cat lifted his head as Sunstride listed off the patrolling cats for the day. Only a few, all the same, the absence of a certain group was easy to spot. He tilted his head downwards, watching Sunstride like a rabbit on the moors for an explanation; there was none. The corner of his lips turned upwards into a smile so passive-aggressive it was a wonder it did not seek to kill the Deputy then and there, his faith may have been shattered into a billion pieces, but the chimera still found himself praying for a patrol-maker who knew how to use Tunnelers, even in dire straits.

He wouldn't complain about being duty-free normally, but if there was anything he had learned about the council since their repeated treachery, it was that there was always an angle. A disrespect for tunnelers? A belief they could do naught but dig? Or something darker, more dastardly than the chimera could wrap his head around? On and on he searched, all he could pick up were cobwebs, causing his pupils to pinch. "And would you have your... other Warriors do anything, ser Deputy?" He asked, innocently enough to anyone who did not see the tension behind his polite expression.

Being set down in this sandy clearing, with trees covering the sky from sight, Violetheart felt that bit more separated from StarClan than he was used to - not uncomfortably, seeing as the ancestors managed to reach all the Clans, but it was certainly an unfamiliar feeling - that, and the tentativeness with which Howlingstar had welcomed the WindClanners onto ThunderClan's territory. He understood, of course; he couldn't blame the ThunderClan leader for that cautiousness.
Looking to attention when Sunstride called for WindClan's attention, Violetheart listened quietly as the deputy doled out the responsibilities that would give the refugees a sense of normalcy. It would certainly get everyone's minds off of their current situation, if only slightly, and the brown tom was prepared to bring back all he could with his patrol to make nests for his Clanmates. If they were lucky, the rogues would still be rolling in the pleasure of having taken WindClan's home from them, a thought that made Violetheart's stomach turn. Not for long, he reminded himself silently.
Giving a nod of understanding, Violetheart turned to pick out Morningsong and Foxglare's faces from the crowd.
"Are you two both fit and ready to head out?" He asked as he approached them.
They have been on edge since they first set foot into ThunderClan territory. The rogues currently occupying their homeland are bad enough, but to share a land with the forest cats is unbelievable. He only hopes that the ThunderClanners don’t expect him to grovel or offer his thanks. He would rather have gone anywhere but this place, where trees obscure the very sky above. Still, their apprehension means little in the face of what their clan needs, and so they make their way over to stand before Sunstride as the deputy gathers cats to go on patrols in this strange territory.

To their surprise, they are asked to lead a patrol, and Gravelsnap visibly straightens up as Sunstride speaks. They listen attentively to every word that the older tom says, nodding along stiffly once or twice to show that they are listening. Once the deputy is finished, though, they turn to seek out Mothmoon and Thriftpaw amongst the gathered cats. If they manage to find either of the two, they offer a flick of their tail and state plainly, "We leave as soon as we’re ready and able." Their clan needs all the materials they can get to help Wolfsong get them back into fighting shape. The sooner they drive those rogues from their territory, the better, and they’ll all need to be at their best in order to do so.
[ you put the fun into dysfunction ]
✦  .   ˚ .   It is good that they prepare themselves. Motion and control, action without complaint. Something within the deputy loosens at their acceptance– most of them, at least. It is not Sootspot that speaks to him first, yet it is there that his mind zones in upon. He is not the most attentive of cats, that much Sunstride will admit. The machinations of another's mind stood beyond what he cared to learn. Even he could not miss the tension within the tunneler's eyes. Was it something from his mother that worried him so? The treachery of those before? Perhaps it was nothing more than the time he had spent in unfamiliar territory. There is no easy way for him to soothe. "I will be working with ThunderClan to establish hunting patrols," he assures, "and some of you are to await Sootstar's orders. There is...much else to be done." His ears catch the rustling of earth beneath Raccoonstripe's paws, the low murmur of words he cannot quite ascertain, and Sunstride will not betray the full truth of their plans to ThunderClan's waiting ears.

He answers the tom with a dip of his own head, a weak-warm smile that is as tired as it is genuine. As much as he may appreciate the trust that has been given him, this is not their home, and these cats were not his clanmates.

He had turned his attention from his own too soon, and with her older brother handled, Sunstride returns to Cottonpaw. His gaze is softer for his mate's apprentice than Sootspot, or any of the warriors he had commanded moments before. She seems concerned. It is certainly a feeling that he shares. "Of course, Cottonpaw. Once they have departed, I will seek you out. Perhaps once they have returned, you could begin to better care for our wounded." It might keep her mind off whatever troubles her, at least.

  • OOC.
    ——  a tall auburn tabby with thick fur and bright glacial eyes. sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond it, with fur that flames red and deepens to a burnt amber with every stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of them. he radiates confidence and self-assured authority.

  • "speech"
He's still weary from his wounds, but he understands Sunstride when he speaks. He can't afford to rest right now, and at least his wounds aren't bleeding anymore. His only worry is that they may become infected. He'll be of use to no one, then. He could even die from it if he isn't careful. But its no use pondering on what ifs at the moment, and Morningsong lifts his ears from where he lay to listen to the rest of Sunstrides orders. He forces his eyes to stay open no matter how badly they want to shut.

His head lifts at the sound of his name being called and he sits up. Nesting materials.... At least that didn't sound too strenuous. Reopening his wounds would be awful. He'll bleed everywhere. What if he bled out? What if he attracted predators? That would be horrible. Thankfully, walking around and collecting moss and other soft things sounds perfectly fine. No catastrophes to be seen there.

He catches Violethearts gaze and nods. "I'm ready to head out." He says.

His mind is still on its path of doom. What if he bleeds on the nesting materials? What if he ruins them? What if something gets in his wounds and REALLY causes an infection?

AWFUL. Its bad enough that there's SAND everywhere stinging his wounds, now he has to worry about BUSHES and.... And all this other green vegetation everywhere! But he is doomed to suffer silently.... He'll get over it.​