Rigid legs moved in a routine motion. Right, left, right, back, left…
She almost trips on an upturned root but is able to steady herself with a shaky breath, recounting the information that had been stuffed into her ears a mere few hours ago.Salamander had her kits… we need to go get them.
She had wanted to cry at first, more in frustration than anything- who was Salamander? Who were these kits?Cinderfrost, she took on her old name.
Silently, Roepaw mouthed her adoptive mothers new-old name. It still sounded weird to her.
She couldn’t even bring herself to look at her companion, a gentle-hearted warrior named Sunnyday. She was too envious of him, the fact that he had gotten to spend time with her mother while she was casted to the side as an after thought, that she was the last to learn of the kits until now, as the two were on the way to get them.Was I ever the family to her, that she was to me?
The mere thought almost petrified Roepaw, but she had to shove it aside, and keep her eyes on the path before her.
Forestry soon faded away as they emerged from the tree-line, Thunderclan’s scent abruptly cutting off as the two continued on.
Many faded scents filled Roepaw’s senses, but then only ones she could pinpoint were Shadowclans and Thunderclan’s- then thought of the marsh group made bile rise in the tabbies throat.
Sage eyes scanned their surroundings, sharpening on a thin figure, only about five or so fox-lengths away.
"Mama!" Roepaw cried out, all of her worries and frustrations gone to the wind when the apprentice finally recognized the silhouette. She broke forward- her stunted legs desperate to close the gap between them.
A tiny head poked out from behind her mother, illuminated eyes glowering onto Roepaw, and she skidded to a stop.
"O-oh…" Roepaw gasped softly, almost having forgotten the little ones that they were here to get.
Gingerly, Roepaw leaned forward, and several other small figures, darkened by the moonlight, wriggled around.
Roepaw would never be able to describe it, but sudden warmth swelled in her heart, and her head tilted softly. "Hi there, I’m Roepaw… I’m your big sister" the tabby introduced herself, flickering an emotional but joyous glance to Salamander. "What…what’re your guys names?"

@Prowlingkit @TOADKIT @hollykit @Sunnyday @ava


Sunnyday hadn't been able to keep Salamander from his mind for a single second. Worry was the primary emotion plaguing him as he fretted over her safety, her health, and of course over her pregnancy. Though the pregnancy was now at an end and young kits had been gifted into the world. Unfortunately, they had been born into a world that lacked the protection and care of a clan. The rogue life was a difficult and dangerous one, and it was a real kit killer. It was this harsh truth that was laying the path towards a very difficult decision.

Another lie had been sown that morning, the tale that he was taking Roepaw out for a little training session and patrol along the border. Either ThunderClan was growing too trusting or he was getting better at lying. Still, if it stopped them from being disturbed then so be it. The travel through the clan's lands had been straightforward enough, and he happily crossed the border into unclaimed territory with a level of boldness developed from experience. Besides, there was a familiar face awaiting them and he longed to drink in Salamander's scent. However, even he was made to hesitate as he was reminded of the reason for Roepaw and him being there.

"Goodness! So many new faces!" Sunnyday was truly in awe as he gazed at the kits, already overcome with feelings of attachment. He gave a hard swallow as he steeled his nerves in a bid to stop himself from breaking down. "I'm Sunnyday, your... your father." He spoke the words with a warm smile and his heart swelled within the confines of his chest. They weren't his on a biological level, but by StarClan he'd do everything in his power to keep them safe!


Protective Ragwortkit stood in front of her blue mother, in front of her litter-mates. She was not very intimidating, but mighty she stood anyways with her thick pelt puffed up. Despite assurances that they were only meeting good cats today, yet unsocialized Ragwort was still weary. The great big world was dangerous, it had been dangerous to them during their time as loner kits and it had been dangerous to their mother through her entire life.

Of course her mother was right, it was only good cats who approached. ThunderClanner's she would learn to identify them as. The younger one claimed to be Roepaw, their sister, the older tom claimed to be their father. It was a term that meant very little to Ragwortkit, what was a father? Where had he been? Where had Roepaw, her new older sister been? It was all dearly confusing to young Ragwort... far too much for her young brain to process all at once.

Ragwortkit cannot shake the deep anxiety she feels in her stomach, she looks to her mother for assurance. A nod, words of affirmation, anything. And her siblings, what did they think of these two cats who labeled themselves as kin?


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· RAGWORTKIT, female — she / her
╰ ‣ named for her health & strength at birth .
╰ ‣ 2 moons . ages on the ??
╰ ‣ thunderclan kit . loner born . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, oak and maple trees , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue furred . long-hared . a very furry head, chest, and tail

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Hufflepuff, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Kind-hearted . Honest . Loud .Justice-seeking . People-pleaser . Gullible . Empty-headed . Humorous
╰ ‣ Though she is all brawn and no brain, Ragwort tries her best and carries a bleeding heart to all whom surround her. She takes the role of "big sister" with her siblings and friends, never failing to have their backs, take care of them, and defend them when needed (sometimes even jumping the gun). While she doesn't offer the best emotional support (not due to a lack of trying) she gives the best hugs and is great at giving cats distractions with her shenanigans.
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty relating to others . wears a bleeding heart

· GRIME x CINDERFROST, sister to toadkit, prowlingkit, hollykit
╰ ‣ unknown sexuality.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

"Go with you? But I want to stay here with mom" hissed a lanky little thing. Almost luminescent yellow eyes glared at this Roepaw, Sunnday as they called themselves- claiming to be their sister and father. The little black cat wanted to stay with Salamnder, their mother and they didn't fully understand why she couldn't come with them! Why was Thunderclan the only option? What could they possibly offer compared to their mother? Forget only good cats approached! There wasn't anyway they were going to leave her side, he needed her.

"Mom, why is Thunderclan our only option? Why can't we go with you?" They demanded with a stomp of a little black paw, and a hateful gaze at Roepaw then Sunnday. These cats were strangers! Thunderclan was strange! The only thing that made sense was their mother- even though her instruction where confusing. Prowlingkit was chastized for their outburst, and a lick to their head only angered them further.

Velvet black fur bristled along their shoulders and back, small tail puffing out wildly, "I hate Thunderclan! I hate it," They hissed harshly with tiny claws stuck out and a lash of their puffy black tail.

He presses close to blue fur, a chill in the air carrying a shiver in his brown form.

A big change is coming. It's inevitable, and they stand waiting for it. Waiting all too long in the cold for faces Toadkit had yet to see, but whose names had been held in his mother's words before. Roepaw and Sunnyday. Strange names that Toadkit has yet to understand, descending from a clan whose name fills his siblings' protests. ThunderClan.

Gone were the days of being a loner, of his mother's warmth in cold lands. Once new faces arrive, he and his siblings would be ThunderClanners too. He doesn't want to go. Doesn't want to leave his mother's side.

They arrive. Prowlingkit's protests continue. They don't look anything like Toadkit had imagined them, but then again, what had he imagined, when Salamander had told them Roepaw and Sunnyday had come to get them? What does he imagine now, as they claim they're his sister, his father?

Roepaw asks what their names are - shouldn't she already know, if she's his sister? He knows all of his actual siblings' names. So why doesn't she know his?

If they were family, why hadn't they lived here with them? Why couldn't they stay here now? Why couldn't Salamander come with on this journey of theirs?

"I don't wanna go," he whines, pressing closer to the warmth of his mother's fur.

A patchwork of pale blues is the first to meet her gaze- but the kits is scrutinizing, and Roepaw almost wants to shrink back.
Sunnydays introduction is jovial- much more glowing than Roepaw can even think to muster right now.
Instinctively, she lowers herself- though only taller by a few inches than the kits- she makes it so she is just a tad lower than their eye-level, just as Cinderfrost had done the night the ashen molly had rescued her.
Gingerly, she reached out a paw towards the first she-kit, letting the brown and ivory limb rest at ease at the kits paws, a gesture of good intentions.
When Prowlingkit speaks up, Roepaw's gaze blinks towards him.
I want to stay with mom.
"Me too, but our mother is giving us our best chance at life right now" Roepaw replied, struggling to keep her voice soft and steady, embracing being the older sister readily- the strong older sister, Roepaw silently added to herself.
She looks up to Salamander, hardly catching the small glint of emotion in the older mollies eye.
"Six moons ago, our mother found me in the woods. I was scared, just like you guys, and I had no clue what the future would hold. The adjustment wasn't easy, but mama made sure that I was embraced and accepted, she never left my side when I needed her… she taught me that no matter where you go, or what will happen, as long as you have family in your corner you will be just fine"
Roepaw began, her murky gaze passing from one kit to the next, "you may not know much about me, but I'm your family, in every aspect that matters. I promise you, it will be okay" she concluded, shifting backwards as Salamander would curl into her children, saying her own soothing words to them.
Finally, however, her gaze turned to Roepaw.
"I've missed you so much…" Roepaw whispered to her, voice finally cracking over the weight of her emotion.
A somber exhale escaped her as she felt the familiar and comforting touch of her mother rest her forehead against hers.
There was only a moment where soft-spoken words left the older mollies mouth, but nonetheless they made Roepaw want to cry, to scream and kick and proclaim that the world was cruel and merciless.
Instead, she only nodded as she stepped back, blinking tears from her eyes. "I love you too, mama."
She looks to the kits now as Salamander would begin to say her goodbyes to them, a swarm of unspoken promises to her baby siblings whisking through Roepaw’s mind.
I promise, I promise, I promise…