camp we’re your rebels } intro


aka the Dark Warrior
Sep 1, 2023

⋆✦⋆ It was another day for the tortoiseshell apprentice. No, a luckier day than most, he'd think as he ducked his way through the gorse tunnel and into camp. His mentor, Asterflame (npc), padded along in tow.

"The Dark Warrior has returned once more! And now witness his greatest, newest victim!" The acerbic cheer of Dreampaw crashed through the evening quiet of fellow Thunderclanners going about their business as usual. Behind him, he pretended (as he always did) to not hear his mentor's lazy snort at his obvious cry for attention. It wasn't uncommon for Dreampaw to dramatically announce his leaving and arrival to camp, in fact, he did it every day.

This time was somewhat different. The apprentice's shout had been partially muffled (perhaps to some cats' relief) by the plumpest and juiciest squirrel he'd ever seen. And he'd caught it with his ever-improving skills all by himself. He was more than proud to show off this catch, parading it through camp with purposefully slow steps toward the fresh-kill pile.

Normally he took to consuming any prey he'd catch while hunting right away, much to his mentor's disapproval, and then he'd bring back anything extra…assuming there was any.

Even while taking his sweet time it didn't take him long to reach the fresh-kill pile and Dreampaw bent to slump the admirably large squirrel down among other prey. A sigh of relief passed his black lips but he squared his shoulders and stood tall, as if to emphasize both the heaviness of his catch and his strength for carrying it all the way home. "With this behemoth slain, every small creature of the forest shall quake in fear, haha!" Imagining all the squirrels, and mice, and shrews and so on panicking from the success of his most recent hunt brought an elated and sinister grin to his maw as he seemed momentarily and completely lost in his own fantasy.

  • name ▹ Dreampaw
    gender ▹ trans ftm + he/him
    age ▹ 9 moons
    ages real-time in the 1st of every month.
    sexuality ▹ pansexual

    clan ▹ Thunderclan
    rank ▹ apprentice

    created on ▹ September 1st
    penned by ▹ yamitisane

  • short description ▹ lithe, short tortoiseshell tom with hazel eyes.

    physique ▹ lithe, smaller than average height, stature lends easily to agile feats
    notable features ▹ a strong menacing gaze
    eye details ▹ hazel eyes

  • traits ▹ confident, creative, delusional, impulsive, prankster, dramatic, mischievous, prideful, antagonistic, awkward, likes to play the villain, adorably the chuunibyou archetype, seems egotistical but it's mostly for show because he doesn't mind putting his friends and clanmates first

    personality ▹

    The self-proclaimed 'Dark Warrior,' Dreampaw is mischievous and proud of his power. He appreciates a good prank or joke and has earned himself disapproval from his peers for his fondness of causing trouble. He's easily excited and makes decisions on a whim, often driven forward by his impulsive nature. Although he hates losing, he sees every defeat as 'preparation for victory,' and waits patiently for opportunities to present themselves.

    Despite the title he gives himself, Dreampaw isn't as sinister as he claims to be. Rather, he's simply an eccentric and somewhat socially awkward youth with a taste for theatrics. Even so, he knows how to portray an intimidating persona that, combined with his impressive natural skills and thirst for power, help make him live up to his self-appointed title.

  • generation ▹ gen 1
    status ▹ single / crushing on: gingerpaw

    parents ▹ npc x npc
    offspring ▹ n/a

    mentor ▹ Asterflame (npc placeholder)
    apprentice(s) ▹ n/a

    friends ▹ n/a
    enemies▹ n/a

  • interaction notes ▹ willing fighter / not always the most calculated but has a strong spirit and is fully confident he can succeed in nearly any encounter even when all the odds say otherwise / persistent / has no issue in fighting dirty, being cruel, or interfering with others' battles

    adept at ▹ quick on feet, very agile in his moves, can climb well, not often discouraged and not often does he break his personal facade
    inept at ▹ staying focused, keeping track of time, skills that require brute strength, expressing thanks

    stats ▹
    strength ◆◆◇◇◇​
    stamina ◆◆◇◇◇◇​
    speed ◆◆◆◆◇​
    charisma ◆◆◆◇◇​
    intellect ◆◆◇◇◇​

    hunting ◆◆◇◇◇​
    swimming ◆◇◇◇◇​
    climbing ◆◆◆◆◇​
    fighting ◆◆◆◆◇​

  • ▹ Clanborn and raised in Thunderclan. wip as events occur in roleplay. Sometime during his later kithood, he developed his 'Dark Warrior' persona along with his true gender identity and considers this self-defining moment of his lofe that he is fond of.

    WIP as events occur in roleplay!

The Dark Warrior has returned once more! And now witness his greatest, newest victim

The call from the apprentice echoes through the camp, and she alike many others turn to glance in his direction. It was not an uncommon event for him to announce his exits and returns, but she found herself curious tonight. There wasn't anything else going on at the moment, just some chit chat about how the weather had been lately. The fiery tabby dismisses herself from the conversation, and pads over to greet Dreampaw and his mentor at the fresh kill pile. "What a mighty catch." she says, glancing at the squirrel with over exaggerated admiration. "That must've put up some fight." Squirrels were her favorite prey...even if she were only simply boosting his ego, it would take some effort to keep her away from claiming the catch for her dinner.

  • flamegal.png

    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormpaw & Falconpaw
    — 24 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — funny guy art by waluigipinball

Flamewhisker and him had been casually discussing the weather- the heat was beginning to eat, but it still surrounded them like a cloud of flies. Hot, heavy, and nasty. His ears twitched as the apprentice, ever so boisterous and proud of himself came padding back into camp, holding a plump squirrel. As much as Batwing wanted to snicker at the apprentice, it was a pretty sweet catch. He pushed to his paws as Flamewhisker started over, his tail swaying behind him.

His ears twitched, and burning curiosity just didn't keep his mouth shut. "Dark Warrior, huh? When did you earn that title?" Batwing glanced sidelong at the apprentice's mentor, a tiny grin on his lips, but his gaze shifted back towards Dreampaw. ​
*:・゚✧ Gingerpaw didn't even bat an eye as his friend announced himself to camp with such vigor. For many reasons. The first was that Dreampaw did this every single day that it was so routine that he just treated it as something normal. The second was that he wasn't really paying attention and it was just oh, Dreampaw's back. The most important reason of all was that Dreampaw was his friend and they'd known each other since they were kittens. Many others like Asterflame might have seen this as Dreampaw begging for attention, but he didn't see it that way. This was just his friend being himself. amber eyes watch as batwing and flamewhisker decide to converse with his friend.

he would find himself padding over to group, making it a point to dip his head in respect towards his friend's mentor before flicking his tail in greeting towards dreampaw. the catch like flamewhisker says is a mighty catch, the plumpness of the squirrel is proof of such. he is beaming with happiness when flamewhisker shows approval towards dreampaw. batwing on the other hand asks dreampaw about how he earned the title dark warrior and the truth of the matter is... Something. He can't help but tilt his head, "Can the dark warrior even tell us?"
Rainbowkit doesn't wander a ton. They like being in the nursery, and playing with their siblings, and napping... But they also like discovering new things, sometimes, and how could they not pay attention when apparently, someone fierce has just entered their camp? At the call, the kit would curiously come walking over, whiskers twitching in interest. They wonder who this amazing, Dark warrior was, only to be surprised to find out it was this weird cat. Rainbowkit had seen them around before, they didn't think they were so great an important... Or did everyone get cool titles like the dark warrior when they were older? Rainbowkit kind of hopes not, because that would be a mouthful to say for everyone all of the time...

What a mighty catch, the cat they know is Flamewhisker exclaims, and Rainbowkit would peer over to look. It was very big and fuzzy. He'd like to bring all that fluff to the nursery, and they'd stay warm forever... Can the dark warrior even tell us? Rainbowkit tilts their head at that. " Is it a secret? " they ask. Secrets are silly, but secrets are fun. " I'm reallyy good at keeping secrets, " the kit claims.

  • rainbowkit & [ raine ] [ bow ] : sunfreckle xx rabbitnose 2nd litter. littermate to sunshinekit & emberkit. younger brother to mousepaw, sparkpaw & frecklepaw.
    —— amab. they / he ; fine with gendered terms ( tom / boy / brother / etc . . . )
    —— currently 3 moons old.

    a typical size for their age. warm - faced and bright - eyed, rainbowkit sports boyish features and an easygoing smile. early signs of a thick ruff to come can be seen in plush cheeks and a thickening tail. sports long curling whickers and a dip of sun - red down the length of their neck.
  • this is for cute purposes begone.


♪ Like a moth to a flame ♪ ---- Mothpaw was just getting ready to leave camp for an evening patrol with his mentor before he heard Dreampaw's hollering. He looked over with annoyance, only to see Dream's catch. Surprise filled the young tom's face, he doesn't recall seeing a squirrel that big yet- He wonders if this is a common accordance.
The tom eventually makes his way over to admire the catch. Such a large catch for a smaller apprentice, he thought to himself in awe. Mothpaw doesn't take a moment to wonder how he managed to kill it, "Where did you manage to snatch this? he asked. The most the tom has managed to catch were mice and smaller rabbits, but he's never had the luck finding anything bigger than that... Mothpaw now eagerly waits for his upcoming climbing lessons.

  • Lyrics - Moth by HELLYEAH

  • - Mothpaw
    - 9 ☾
    - Tom, He/Him
    - Single, Bisexual


⋆✦⋆ At a cat as renowned as Flamewhisker voicing her approval, Dreampaw couldn’t stop smiling. He’d beam and meet his hazel eyes to her brilliant green, ”The bushy-tailed burden struggled with all the strength of the beasts in the land…ah but it was nothing the Dark Warrior couldn’t handle.”

Batwing had joined them and dropped a question. It was an inquiry he hadn’t prepared himself for and his ever-so-evil gaze would halt in wild contemplation. He’d flick his own flaming tail in a rushed return greeting to Gingerpaw and then to Rainbowkit and Mothpaw who joined the crowd by the fresh-kill pile, too.

”Ha I, the Dark Warrior, undeniable keeper of many whispers of secret knowledge cannot disclose such things,” his burning gaze would hold first Rainbowkit, then Gingerpaw, Batwing, and so on with no mercy but all mystery and excitement of his ongoing spectacle, ”Should I make an ill-fated slip of my tongue of something better left unspoken, it would be my regrettable and honest duty to dispatch you all. For it is by the call of destiny and the stars that I am the Dark Warrior. It is of no importance when or how I was bestowed such a title, all that remains eternal is that I shall be–now and forever more!”

Leveraging back on his haunches he had lifted both his forepaws, claws-unsheathed and toes splayed, to drift them up and down in the air in front of him to add to his overly flowery declaration, stopping suddenly to slam his paws back against the earth as he finished his final sentence with impressive vindication. He was the Dark Warrior and deserving of his self-proclaimed title. He didn’t feel the need to prove he was right to anyone for he believed in himself fully and that was enough.

With a brave smirk resting comfortably on his countenance, Dreampaw raised an eyebrow at Mothpaw. Granted, he quickly lowered the quirked brow and chilled the ego as he remembered Mothpaw to be of his age and calculated that the gesture would be somehow disrespectful to his peer for simply asking a good question. And the interest was well-deserved. If they could get more squirrels like the one he’d hauled home today then it be easier to feed the numbers of cats who were sick and couldn’t leave camp to hunt for themselves.

With a glance to his own mentor Asterflame, he nodded to his fellow apprentice, ”We found that squirrel of stupendous size to the nether woods as one nears where our grand frontier meets with the slightly less grand Skyclan. Perhaps there are other behemoths like it waiting there to be plucked up by thunderous claws.” His description of the southern forest area near the Skyclan border sounded more or less like an invitation and he couldn’t wait to return there sometime soon himself in equal hopes of finding big game.

  • name ▹ Dreampaw
    gender ▹ trans ftm + he/him
    age ▹ 9 moons
    ages real-time on the 1st of every month.
    sexuality ▹ pansexual

    clan ▹ Thunderclan
    rank ▹ apprentice

    created on ▹ September 1st
    penned by ▹ yamitisane

  • short description ▹ lithe, short tortoiseshell tom with hazel eyes.

    physique ▹ delicate, smaller than average height, stature lends easily to agile feats
    notable features ▹ a strong menacing gaze
    eye details ▹ hazel eyes

  • traits ▹ confident, creative, delusional, impulsive, prankster, dramatic, mischievous, prideful, antagonistic, sadistic, awkward, likes to play the villain, adorably the chuunibyou archetype (evil eye variant), seems egotistical but it’s mostly for show because he doesn’t mind putting his friends and clanmates first, speaks in third-person person often, likes to eat

    personality ▹

    The self-proclaimed 'Dark Warrior,' Dreampaw is mischievous and proud of his power. He appreciates a good prank or joke and has earned himself disapproval from his peers for his fondness of causing trouble. He's easily excited and makes decisions on a whim, often driven forward by his impulsive nature. Although he hates losing, he sees every defeat as 'preparation for victory,' and waits patiently for opportunities to present themselves.

    Despite the title he gives himself, Dreampaw isn't as sinister as he claims to be. Rather, he's simply an eccentric and somewhat socially awkward youth with a taste for theatrics. Even so, he knows how to portray an intimidating persona that, combined with his impressive natural skills and thirst for power, help make him live up to his self-appointed title.

  • generation ▹ gen 1
    status ▹ single / crushing on: gingerpaw

    parents ▹ npc x npc
    offspring ▹ n/a

    mentor ▹ Asterflame (npc, red and high white tabby tom with van markings; focused, somewhat easily-going and worried in regards to dreampaw)
    apprentice(s) ▹ n/a

    friends ▹ gingerpaw
    enemies▹ n/a

  • interaction notes ▹ willing fighter / shows no mercy / not always the most calculated but has a strong spirit and is fully confident he can succeed in nearly any encounter even when all the odds say otherwise / daring but also plays smart when he has prior knowledge on a certain opponent or challenge / persistent / strikes to kill or disable in real battles with a cold-blooded lack of hesitation / has no issue fighting dirty, inflicting fear upon opponents, being cruel, killing, or interfering with others' battles

    adept at ▹ quick on feet, very agile in his moves, can climb well, not often discouraged and not often does he break his personal facade
    inept at ▹ staying focused, keeping track of time, skills that require brute strength such as carrying many things at once or heavy objects etc, expressing thanks

    stats ▹
    strength ◆◆◇◇◇​
    stamina ◆◆◇◇◇◇​
    speed ◆◆◆◆◇​
    charisma ◆◆◆◇◇​
    intellect ◆◆◇◇◇​

    hunting ◆◆◇◇◇​
    swimming ◆◇◇◇◇​
    climbing ◆◆◆◆◇​
    fighting ◆◆◆◆◇​

  • ▹ Clanborn and raised in Thunderclan. Sometime before his apprentice ceremony, he developed his ‘Dark Warrior’ persona along with his true gender identity and considers this self-defining moment one that he is both proud and fond of.

    WIP as events occur in roleplay!



♪ Like a moth to a flame ♪ ---- He stared at Dreampaw for a moment before speaking in a very confused tone, "... Right." The tom does not think he has heard another cat talk like Dreampaw before, especially other apprentices. Mothpaw got the point, and knew exactly what he was talking about; However, the extra vocabulary broke his young brain. He did a quick nod with gratitude and confusion, then turned back around toward the camps exit, outside his mentor waited for him. The tom started walking without saying another word.

  • Lyrics - Moth by HELLYEAH

  • - Mothpaw
    - 9 ☾
    - Tom, He/Him
    - Single, Bisexual