pafp We all have a hunger ❧ Sharing prey

Feb 20, 2024

Frequenting the nursery often these days she was able to pick up on the kits residing here and their personalities, their names. One of the most recent residents, Scruffykit, was still a mystery to her. The kit didn’t seem up for much conversation or that thrilled to socialise at all. He was at an age where kits normally should be speaking, to her understanding anyways. Florabreeze thought that she may try to make some strides in welcoming him to the clan, not that anyone hadn’t been doing it. She just found that she has a soft spot for kits and an excuse to learn something new about one of the mysterious new residents. He seemed old enough to eat prey and she thought that maybe this would be a good way to try and get him to warm up.

Walking by the freshkill pile she stopped to pick up a squirrel from the side of it, trotting towards the nursery with a pep in her step she stuck her head in and let out a cheerful yet muffled hello at those who were there currently. Making sure to stop and give an extra hello to Honeysplash and her kits before setting her sights out on Scruffykit. He seemed to have crawled out of his nest so that was good, at least she wasn’t disturbing his sleep. “Scruffykit, have you eaten yet? I thought I’d bring this squirrel for everyone” carefully she drops the squirrel in front of him.

“Make sure to share it but you can have it first, do you have any friends in the nursery you could give this to after?” It was a careful suggestion, one to test out the waters. Green eyes search for any queens that may be able to chime in with their own thoughts. He had been found near twolegplace right? Things can be kinda rough there so she wasn’t too sure how friendly he was.

  • Please wait for @SCRUFFYKIT <33
  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

unable to assess level of threat... be on high alert.

scruffykit trusts no motives of any cat within this clan. he has little ideas of why he was brought here or where he's even from, but all he knows is that he cannot trust them. he listens to their words, quietly in his own little corner, growling and hissing at anyone that gets too close. even the cats that are determined to feed him. he simply cannot let his guard down. still, he is learning more what words mean. he does not yet talk but that does not mean he doesn't understand. he is trying to, at least, so that maybe he can plot his escape.

the scent of florabreeze makes him puff up. he hisses lowly when it only comes closer and she speaks to him. he lowers himself as he growls, carefully watching her every single move before his growls stop all together.

threat level: moderate?

odd. his eyes move to the squirrel and before she can even finish her sentence fully, he is dragging the thing towards him, tearing into it as if he will never eat again. he only snarls at the sound of her saying she needed to share it. as if. this was his. it was given to him. his squirrel. no one else's. no one else could have his food. he needs it. it's his.

threat level: high. danger.

the brief movement out of the corner of his eyes makes him jolt, pulling the squirrel away and growling very low in warning. she's not taking it from him. mine. his brain insists.

kit behavior wasn’t her forte, because she had been a baby sibling and all. but, the inner-workings of a clan was something she was curious about. they can just… pick up lost kits! and take them in! skyclan’s generosity is so far, her favorite thing– even though her to-be clanmates appeared hesitant when she stepped over the borders. they’ll learn to appreciate her.

crochet’s eyes watch the young kit tear into the fresh-kill like a predator, the corners of her maw twitch awkwardly. "he sure, uhm… really likes squirrel." the older apprentice mutters awkwardly, tail thumping against the floor of camp. this might not be her place to have an opinion on, but scruffykit’s name sounds rather… odd? however, duskpool explained how prefixes can be based on appearance, so it’s still fitting for such a frazzled, wild little thing.

"i don’t think he’s gonna share that," she comments, gesturing to the bits of prey meat now strewn about the nursery.​