sensitive topics WE ALL STILL DIE . joining



Theres blood on her paws, metaphorically and literally. His blood, her blood, her mind is static as she aimlessly walks. The image of him is burned behind her eyelids, gored in the shallow grave she had dug for him after the attack. She shudders and feels the familiar rise of bile in her throat and it just doesn’t feel real anymore. It never did in the first place. She didn’t know how they found their shared den, she doesn’t know how her colony members didn’t hear the cries of agony, she doesn’t know why they had broken in and immediately went for him.

She doesn’t think it’ll ever leave her mind, his screams, the flash of claws, spurts of blood that covered the den as they catch on throat skin and tear. She has tried, fought so hard to keep him safe, bearing her own injuries, but to no avail. As soon as she had fought one off, there were more, and she couldn’t get through the bodies. As soon as she had broke free, she had ran to his side, heard him take his final shuddering breath. Bird hadn’t even cried, just sat there for what felt like hours, staring at his body in disbelief. She had spent her whole life with him, he was her childhood friend, her forever lover, and now he was gone just like that. It wasn’t fair, they were supposed to be partners, it wasn’t fair.

Shes shellshocked, numb as she stumbles, crashing straight in to a thorn bush with a yelp. It reopens her own wounds and she finally becomes aware of how bad she hurt, now noticing how weird her ear felt. Tenderly she reaches a paw up and finds the issue, a nick, and she doesn’t know why but she finally starts to cry. They’re silent tears, but the look on her face is contorted in to agony.

Her day just couldn’t get any worse than this.
A yelp cut through the silence of the forest, startling Emberstar from her hunt. She leapt to her paws, her hunt forgotten. Her gaze scanned the treeline about her. Nothing.

Scenting the air, she picked up a rusty tang somewhere in the distance. Worry wormed its way into her heart. There weren't any screams that she could hear, not since that single yelp. That was either a good sign, or a really really bad one. Either way, she needed to hurry. The molly raced through the trees, bounding over roots and darting through underbrush, careless for the sound she made. She tracked the sound to its source, ready to confront whatever grisly scene awaited her.

Instead, all she found was a single, bloodied molly, crying all alone. From a distance, there was no way to tell how injured she was, but not all of the strangers blood was hers. There was too much of it, for one, and most of it was on her paws. The Thunderclan leader knew the signs of a battle to recognize what must have happened. She imagined Howling Wind would want her to go get backup, or run this bloodied trespasser off their territory, or show at least a shred of caution.

Emberstar wanted to help.

"Heya." She called out from afar, approaching slowly. "I'm Emberstar, I can help you, if you need it." Well, not her personally, actually. "I know someone, who could treat you wounds." She corrected herself. "How injured are you?"
When shes approached, shes almost sure its an angel of death here to sweep her off her paws. Pupils shrink in fear, for the molly of gold looks almost heavenly in the evening sun and theres a low sound of mourning that comes from her throat, but it sounds so distant, so... not hers. For the second time today, Bird is struck with immovable fear, the kind that settles in your stomach, makes your legs leaden. What else could she do but cry? She was at her most vulnerable, after all. "I-" the words catch in her throat and it aches, where does she even start? Her throat is hoarse from screaming bloody murder, and at the thought of it she flinches back further in to the thorn bush.

Theres a hiccupping gasp as she shakes, her vision blurring as she catches a glimpse of her blood-stained paws once more, his blood. "He's dead..." the angel would not know what shes talking about, but if she truly were one, then she would. She would know all of what had happened. Her question about how injured she was confirmed that she was a living creature. Not one of the Stars, thank you, Bird would have another mental breakdown if she were one.

"Throat... Ear, right side. I- I don't know how bad." shes shaking so bad now, can barely recognize her own voice, so far away, so far gone. "They- they KILLED him!" and then shes full on sobbing, no longer silent tears, gasping for air as she tries to hang on. The reality sets in. He's truly, truly gone. Forever, she wouldn't ever see him again. Her boy, her boy... Never see his smile. Ever. Never. Now she truly knows how the widows feel.
Their eyes met and Emberstar froze, suddenly uncertain. It unsettled her, to have someone looking at her with such fear. She stayed as still as she could, uncertainty flashing in her eyes. All she could think to do was to try and not make any sudden movements, attempting to appear as small and nonthreatening as she could. The last thing she wanted to do was startle this stranger into running.

She winced in sympathy as the other molly told her that "he" was dead in chocked words. Whoever "he" was. Still, she had no clue how to help. Her memories of the great battle, of lifeless bodies she had once called friends on all sides, told her that she couldn't. That just wasn't something she could accept though. Wordless and wide-eyed, she stared at the stranger.

Emberstar came back to life as she finally heard something that she could help with. A list of injuries; throat and right-side ear. She stepped forward once more, tail lashing once in worry. The throat was a scary place for an injury. It couldn't be too bad, the leader told herself, or the molly wouldn't be able to speak.

"If you can follow me," she offered in cautious, warm tones. "I can get you somewhere safe, where my friend can treat your wounds. Can you do that?"

conversation mixed with the tang of blood quickly stole the attention of the black molly.

her paws carried her quickly as she navigated the territories terrain with ease. as she arrived at the scene, she took a glance over emberstar, not yet seeing the other she-cat. the leader seemed fine, but as silvery eyes looked to who she was conversating with, her heart dropped.

a stranger, of unknown origin. she showed up here bloody, distraught, and talking about some murderous 'they'. nightbird's ears tilted back as she listened to the two. she wished she could lie and say she worried about this stranger's wellbeing, but that was not what had her concerned. something, or someone, had attacked this newcomer. from what she had overheard they had killed before, what was stopping them from following to finish the crime?

"were you followed?" was all she piped up to inquire in an urgent voice. it may be easier to feel bad for the girl once she knew her home was safe.