pafp We are a different beast ♡ SNAKEROCKS

Mar 30, 2024
*+:。.。 "It's crazy how Gentlestorm needs to collect yew from there" the cream and white mutters, pausing in his steps to stare through the break in the treeline. He'd been warned of this spot ages ago when he'd first been released from his camp imprisonment. Here, where the rocks piled almost as high as the high rock, yet stood an unholy counter to Howlingstar's symbol of life and honor. From this distance, the snake rocks looked quite harmless. They looked almost tempting. The sun gleamed off of every stone, almost more tantalizingly more so than the sunning rocks. Even as the sun-baked uncomfortably on his pale back, he couldn't imagine a more comfortable resting spot than the top of that little mountain, the rock warming his belly and limbs while the sun blanketed him from above - he'd practically be swaddled in cozy heat! The thought makes his paws twitch, longing to step past the line carefully trained into him never to cross if it meant getting to savor a rare afternoon nap where no one would dare disturb him.
But that's what makes the trap so ingenious.
In the corner of his eye, he noticed something thin whip along one of the rocks. Squinting, he struggles to find where the movement had come from - or where it had gone - but he's certain - there, where he would've chosen to lie down had he foolishly listened to his impulses, a large vine-like thing slumbered, half in and half out of the shadows. An adder...he trembled for a moment at the sight of it, every biological instinct within him screaming to not go near. "How many do you think are hiding in the rocks?" he asks, glancing at @Houndpaw. Looking back at the rocks, he twitches an ear before swallowing thickly, "Do you you think the first cat to find out these rocks aren't safe discovered the hard way?"

    DMAB— He/Him
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently

A half committed to paying attention hum filters from Houndpaw at her denmates commentary. “You'd think the snakes would be generous enough to not try and kill us if we went to collect it?” Her tail flicked high towards the sky as she chuckled, now that would be a sight. Having snakes bow to them as they carried out such a task, can snakes even bow? Probably not but a girl can dream. Wrathpaw wasn't the only one who dreamed of a deadly sleep, a final rest for sure but the chocolate smoke was certain that up until an adder's fangs tore through her flesh it would be peaceful. It was a wonder if the snake venom would aid in a slumber or if they'd be too busy writhing in pain to enjoy a sleep aid such as that.

They weren't particularly eager to see that through, content enough finding rest on the grass or in high enough branches. She made it a personal challenge to find a good resting spot in any situation but even she wouldn't dare sleep by the snake rocks. Glancing to her side at the cream and white apprentice next to her, she would wager that Wrathpaw had considered this before. Who wouldn't? It was a tempting spot after all. They stretch tired front legs with a grimace as the sun beams hot and unrelenting, her longer fur was a blessing in the colder seasons but she'd happily consider it a curse right now.

“Maybe there's a hundred? More?” that was probably a gross over estimation but it was fun to think about. Less fun if she considered them trying to over power the clan one day, could they do that? “Do you think there's a whole snake clan there, would they consider snake rock to be their territory?” What would it even be called? SnakeClan? Not her best work but they blamed it on the fact that snakes are probably uncreative. Finally the muscle ache gives way and there's a sigh of content. Standing to her regular height they tilt their head inquisitively at Wrathpaw.

“Mm probably” there's a heavy sigh as they consider the possibility. “No doubt that cat tried to nap there, I would have” that wasn't really saying much with the lazy reputation they tried to uphold. “I'm sure it was quick though, we should say thank you to the stars for that cat or something tonight. We wouldn't know about the dangers otherwise.” It was pretty sound logic, at least to her.