we are fickle, therefore. pickles | INTRO


the ol' punch and judy?
Jul 8, 2022

Stalking low in the ferns the ringlet furred young warrior prances over the melted snow with a new confidence. quiet for once as his pale ember eyes glimmer, the brownish red fur rustling on the other side of the pine bark sheild. It edges, and he’s decided. It’s a squirrel, and it’s on the ground.

He kicks off, ready to round the tree and notslip. He looks at the ground briefly and whips around the corner to face-

A large head with big looped ears, beady large black eyes wielded by a swiveling jaw. A nose and muzzle stuffed with grasses, it rears its head in startle and panic pours into Blacksheep’s legs as he skids to a fearful halt.

AH- haha… not a squirrel. Um. Definitely, not. Run away he laughs nervously, paws slipping in the mud. The wooly warrior spins on his heels and rolls in a flurry of desperate flailing paws.

Claws finally purchase on the sludgy ground, and he kicks off quickly. A pelt appears and he dives over the slope of a back. Comically landing on his shoulder and toppling over. Sucess was a relative term, at hiding behind his clanmate? he had been successful. Landing on his paws was neither her nor there at this point.

“ go get it!… I’ve got your flank “ he chirps.

  • — TL;DR It's a grazing doe !

    ✧ black moggy with coarse curly fur and light amber eyes.
    ^ wears a silver necklace collar


Crouched against the sodden earth, Silversmoke's attention lay solely on a robin pecking at the earth. The melting of the snow had given the plump thing quite the feast, with ease, it plucked a worm out of the earth and hopped sporadically around to try and stop the pink thing from moving so much. It was distracted, the hunt was in the bag, and then.... 'Run away' Loud enough for the bird to hear, it flew off with its prize, curses flying from the tabby's coarse jaws. He shoved through half-dead bushes and shrubs, ignoring the way they tugged at his long fur - his clanmate's safety was more important. There was a flash of black before it disappeared in a flash, the strands of silver fur across his body spiking as the threat of combat loomed over him.

The feeling of cool mud splashing against his heels caused the tabby to hiss, pirouetting to face the creature responsible. His eyes burned with indignation at the cowering. Before he had the chance to demand an answer, the curly-furred tom demanded he gets 'it'... whatever it was. Flattened ears twitched, he unsheathed his jet-black claws and took a few steps forward to assess the threat. It didn't take long for him to be greeted by a large animal in the distance, its legs like sticks and its head almost alien in shape. He looked between Blacksheep and the doe, maw gaped incredulously. If he didn't dislike kittypets already, then this interaction would've taken him over the edge. Silversmoke's arrogance in battle did not extend to animals that dwarfed him, he knew what a deer was and figured it would be capable of kicking his whole clan to death if it wanted to. Thank StarClan they were herbivores. "Really?!" He asked, fur bristling as he spoke. "You want me to get that?" He wanted to make sure he hadn't misunderstood Blacksheep's intentions. Perhaps there was a rabbit trapped behind the cervine, or maybe there was a fox cub just out of his line of sight.

Time passed and he lowered his head. No, of course Blacksheep was referencing the doe. "Get on your paws. It's not dangerous, and I'm not gonna hunt it either." The large feline stopped being a barrier between Blacksheep and the impossible prey, he began to sulk away, hoping that viable hunting options hadn't been sacrificed in the farce. "Fucking kittypets..." he grumbled under his breath.

"Language, please.." Fireflypaw chirps up as he moves along the bushes, peering through foliage to look at the blurry figure of a deer in the distance. Her ears swivel, teeth grazing on the nutrients She provided. He looks almost satisfied that there wasn't anyone actively trying to hunt it, turning back to the two toms with a huff. "Leave it be," His voice is a hushed whisper, eyes shutting comfortably to rest. He nudges Blacksheep with a paw, giving him a gentle smile. "Don't mind him, he's always.. Odd towards those with backgrounds he doesn't understand himself." Sure, he wasn't completely sure how Kittypets lived either- but as far as Firefly was concerned, Blacksheep was SkyClan.

As he catches up with Silversmoke, he settles into a peaceful silence. One, two, three, four- four seconds, and then Firefly couldn't help himself. "Anyone want to roll in the mud?"

Tracking had always been his strong suit- the there was a strong scent upon the deer, one that immediately sent the fur along his back prickling into a barrier of brambles. Forward did he dare to encroach, venturing through the undergrowth toward the threat- but to his surprise, happening upon it the sight was surrounded by a group of his Classmates. Immediately did his stalk crumble into a backwards scrabble, paws a brown-and-white blur beneath him as he near-collapsed into the leaf-spotted arms of a bush.

Scruffy pelt poked by the branches, by some miracle he managed to heave himself to his feet, eyes fixated upon the beast and only daring to flicker to the faces surrounding him for fleeting moments. In his brain he tallied them, named them; Blacksheep, Silversmoke, Fireflypaw. The first used the second as an opaque veil, and the third... seemed more concerned with fun than the creature before them. "What, with that thing around?" he exclaimed, voice cracking into the realm of incredulousness. "What if- if it gets spooked, and- and it runs us over while we're- we're rolling in the mud? That'll- that'll just..." He couldn't fathom enjoying himself until the deer was long gone. They ran fast and stomped hard, these things...
penned by pin ✧