camp We Are Grace. We Are Power.《PATROL ASSIGNMENTS 》

As the dead of night grows pale, the sun begins it's daily rise over the horizon. Dark, brooding clouds shroud the lightening sky above with the promise of rain. But, rain or no rain—patrols had to be done. With Buckgait confined within the nursery to be due any day, Cicadastar had divided up her duties amongst his concil and Cindershade was up to bat next. She had emerged from the warrior's den with haste, a familiar ambition blooming within her chest as she settles herself within the middle of the clearing. Her clanmates had already began to stir for the day, blinking sleep from their eyes and readying themselves.
She takes a moment to gather her thoughts, velveteen ears beginning to flick as the sky gives way to rain—a gentle sprinkle of water wetting her dark fur. "Gather up for patrols!" Her rasped voice rings across the grassy clearing. "I don't want to hear whining about the weather." A narrowing of chartreuse eyes, gleaming in the dimming light for anyone who dared to complain.

" @HOUNDSTRIDE. , I want you to gather your apprentices with @WOLFGLADE and @Crawlingroach to head for the ThunderClan border. Make sure those markers stay fresh." She finds the large chocolate tabby within the crowd as she calls for him, then tracing over for Wolfglade's other larger form before falling upon the gangly black tom. ThunderClan will know that RiverClan won't be so easily swayed. They will retaliate for their rocks, Cicadastar has vouched for it and she awaits anxiously for that day.

" @Snakeblink ! I want you to to patrol the WindClan border with @Redpath and @MUDPELT , gather your apprentices with you. As I stated with Houndstride, make sure those markers stay fresh as well. Don't need any other WindClan vermin tumbling over the borders, again. And if they do? We take no prisoners." Her words become sharp and thick like very claws at the mention of heather and rabbit droppings, the revolting stench violates her nose at the very name. Soon, she thinks. Soon they will feel the claws of retribution and vengeance upon them.

" @willowroot ! I'd like you to also take your apprentices for the SkyClan border. @Petalnose and @CLAYFUR will accompany you. Pass on our prayers for the safe return of their clanmates. I can only hope that maybe Gloompaw is with them and alive." Ivory whiskers twitch at the thought of the former medicine cat apprentice, a brief dread passes over her and her claws slide from their sheaths finally to grasp into the soil to anchor her. So much grief and hardship has happened these past few moons, the shaded lead warrior could only hope better times ahead.

"Now, time for hunting patrols. I'd like for @CICADASTAR , @LIGHTNINGSTONE , @Oddfish. and @DARTERWING to gather and hunt where you see fit. Bring your apprentices as well. " Her gaze flits to their River King wherever he may be, nodding to him in hope of approval of her choosings so far.

"Next hunting patrol, I will lead with @Sablepaw and @Pinepaw . I'm taking @DogTeeth and @Lakemoon . with me. Gather up by tne entrance and wait for me there." She hopes that both of her apprentices are up and ready to go, stretching her neck in hopes to catch a familiar glimpse of cinnamon and black.

Now, for other patrol assignments. " @BEESONG , I'm going to be sending @RAVENPAW. @dovepaw. and @CRAPPIEPAW with you to gather herbs. For those who I have mentioned, please find Beesong and speak with them. I will remind you to behave as well. If not, Beesong will have no trouble reporting to Cicadastar or the Leads and I will make you clean the ticks off the elders for at least a moon. If not more. You'll be up to your eyeballs in mouse bile by the time you'd be finished." There's humor hidden beneath her tone at the thought of them practically swimming in bile, stinking and bitter. But she was not one to make idle threats.

" @Smokethroat , I want you to lead a patrol to our actual camp. Now that it's dried up, finally, it's time we began cleaning out brush and rubble. Take your apprentice, along with @hyacinthbreath , @QUIETSTREAM. , and @GILLPAW . The sooner we get the cleaning and reinforcements done, the sooner we can go home and out of this barren hell hole." She nods to him, taking a sharp exhale as she finally finishes. She's confident that her patrols will do well and report back. With a dismissed wave of her shaded tail, the lead warrior ascends onto her paws in order to get to her own patrol.
"Get going."

THUNDERCLAN BORDER — Hound w/ @Skunkpaw and @DARKPAW

WINDCLAN BORDER — Snakeblink w/ @frogpaw
Redpath w/ @Catfishpaw

SkyClan — Willowroot w/ @Steeppaw and @ashpaw!

Hunting patrol 1 — Cicadastar w/ @Hazepaw
Oddpaw (npc mentor)

Hunting patrol 2 — Cindershade w/ @Sablepaw & @Pinepaw

Herb patrol — Beesong w/ Ravenpaw

Cleanup patrol — Smokethroat w/ @iciclepaw

  • Love
Reactions: BEESONG and Kangoo
He’s never going to get used to waking up alone, cold, not filling enough space in a nest that only scents of himself. He’s able to convince a clanmate to share their nest, some nights, but most nights he’s left to his own devices within the discomfort of a temporary-built den that feels like it’s closing in on him as the darkness of night passes overhead. All the stars in the sky, but is the only one he cares about up there anywhere? Has he joined one of the constellations? Not that Clay believes cats truly—go into the sky when they’re gone. It just makes it easier to handle his loss, thinking about Clear as though he’s still around in some capacity.

Tired white and brown limbs drag him, half-awake, to stand before Cindershade as she splits up tasks and patrols amongst the clan. She’s good at this, he thinks, her tone commanding but not sharp, not harsh. And she’s his friend, or at least a cat he considers one—he wouldn’t criticize her even if she were doing a terrible job.

That doesn’t stop him from wincing when she assigns him to a patrol along the border with SkyClan, though. It hasn’t been long enough for the anger at their idiot of a leader, someone Clay had once called an ally, a clanmate, to fizzle out. Blazestar could have helped, could have sent cats to fight off ThunderClan. But instead of repaying RiverClan’s kindnesses, Blazestar had done the same thing that Howlingstar did—he turned his back on them, used their kindness to boost his own clan and then left them in the dirt.

Unlike ThunderClan, though, none of his rage is directed toward the everyday warriors of SkyClan. Every single ThunderClanner wanted to take from RiverClan, to strike when they were weakened, to stab them in the back and twist the knife. At least one SkyClanner had defected from his clan, turned traitor in his attempt to help RiverClan. "Cool," he says, looking around for his apprentice and for the other cats on his patrol.
The calico rises from their nest at the rosetted warrior’s call, spidery limbs uncoordinated from sleep. Their entire head feels full in the way that it does most mornings, and they sniffle and snort a few times in a futile attempt to clear it. It never works, but daily rituals have become important to them over the past few months. They settle and listen intently as Cindershade organizes patrols, and for a brief moment they can see themself standing where she is, commanding a crowd of cats. A foolish wish, they remind themself—with their illness, they will be lucky to be made a regular warrior.

Crappiepaw cannot help but to look surprised when they hear their name at last—they are not on just any patrol, but one with Beesong! An herb patrol! They have spent enough time in and out of the healer’s den to know which herbs help them when they are having trouble breathing (that dark one with the spiky leaves helped once, but they do not recall seeing it growing anywhere) and which ones do not (most of them, especially that gross round one that grows all over the place). Their excitement is tempered a bit by the additions of Ravenpaw and Dovepaw, who seem closer to one another than to Crappiepaw, but maybe not having to talk very much will be nice.

They do not hear the rest of Cindershade’s words, the black warrior fading out of their awareness as they turn to search for Beesong. No scarred, cinnamon-striped pelt stands out immediately, so they also take into account where Ravenpaw and Dovepaw are. Their mind is racing, already thinking of all the different plants they might find on this patrol. They just hope that nothing will go horribly wrong; they would hate to get too excited and have another breathing attack like they had in the winter.
[ dancing in the panic room ]
In every situation you give me peace
With the darkening skies looking as if they'd promise rain sometime soon, Sablepaw hoped she could finish her particular patrol early before the downpour began. She could only begin to imagine how difficult it would be to hunt during a heavy rain. At the rise of Cindershade's voice, the ivory striped apprentice made her way toward the growing crowd, listening as the lead instructed her to meet by the entrance of their makeshift camp. A silent nod is given before gathering upon dark paws and meandering over toward said entrance, eyes watchful for the others that would also join them.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead

He scoffs at the assignments, the normally quiet molly speaking at length and without pause and its no wonder she goes instantly quiet once done; as though she had blurted it all out in one breath. Was she nervous about overseeing patrols? He wondered why if so-Cindershade was a cat who could command attention well enough. His lone sunset gaze scans the crowd, locates his apprentice and the others assigned his patrol and wanders over to greet them with a curt nod.
"Cindershade is putting me in charge of the cleaning patrol because I said she was filling out well the other day. I meant it as I was glad she was eating well again but of course…you know she-cats…have to take offense to everything."

Patrol link - HERE
  • Haha
Reactions: Snakeblink

Dark ears twitch at the sound of his name, a tired gaze lifting up to meet Cindershade's call.

It's been a while, hasn't it? Since Gillpaw's been able to go on a patrol, since he's been able to leave their temporary camp and stretch his legs. Maybe it hasn't, though. Maybe the days feel as long as they appear, these days. The apprentice doesn't know anymore.

And, home is their destination. RiverClan's real home, where his patrol will clean up so they can leave this tainted battleground they've been calling camp for the last few moons. The apprentice wouldn't mind the task and the distractions it brought with it, if it weren't for the dread that sits in him - for his final memories at their original camp, for the name of one chosen to complete this task.

Hyacinthbreath. The WindClanner he'd shouted at as his time of grief was only just beginning, a fault pushed onto her. He can feel the inky black rising once more. It feels like he's being punished, and Gillpaw can't understand why Cindershade chose to put him on a patrol with her.

And yet, instead of further shouts in protest, Gillpaw can only nod his head in acknowledgment to the lead warrior, a gaze turned towards Smokethroat instead as he comes to gather him. His words make it sound like he's being punished too, a more understandable offense than whatever it is that Gillpaw's done to deserve being put on the same patrol as the WindClanner that'd started all of this.

"A-At... At least we get to go h-home..." he mumbles, dark tail swaying behind him.

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
Her swollen shoulder had luckily been a minor mishap, quickly amendable with relaxation and a cold press, much to Lakemoons reluctance.
In a blink, she is back to being called forward, enlisted on a hunting patrol alongside Cindershade, Dogteeth, and two apprentices.
The blue warrior hadn’t been assigned to a patrol since their vague brush with Thunderclan, where Cinderfrost had guided her away. Lakemoon had never voiced it, but she was thankful for the mollys quick distraction, keeping her tone void of pity.
Now, she gives a small nod of acknowledgement towards the lead warrior, turning on her bent heel to silently search for Dogteeth amongst the small crowd.

The responsibilities entrusted to him should be a source of pride, lifting him up, but Snakeblink only feels the weight of them bearing down on him as Cindershade calls his name — or perhaps it’s only the rain weighing his pelt down. But he knew what he was getting into when he accepted his lead warrior position… didn’t he?

He misses the days when he only followed patrols and didn’t lead them. Misses the vague unease he felt at the time, born of simply being near another clan’s territory and aware of the consequences of potential mistakes. Now all he gets is the gnawing anxiety of an open conflict, the knots in his stomach as he remembers every cat on his patrol is waiting for his cue, all of them his responsibility, any skirmish his fault. If his patrol gets attacked, who’s to say it’s not a distraction? If it comes to choosing between standing their ground and running, how can he be sure he’ll make the right call?

(He’s always wanted to be in a leading position, but it never occurred to him that it would make him feel more powerless in the face of potential danger, not less.)

Shaking his head, he turns a stilted smile to the cats assigned to his patrol. It’s only the weather making him grumpy; nothing more. ”Let’s be swift: I don’t fancy staying out in the rain any longer than strictly necessary.”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 40 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo