we are not shining stars ~ walking


She had set off from the camp with no certain destination in mind. Later on in the afternoon, she would be taking Cloudypaw out to train, but for now she had some free time. There was something she wanted to test by herself, without the many eyes of a patrol. She had been trying her best to hide it, but there was no doubt that her clanmates would soon be able to tell she was moving slower now. At first she had pushed it off as she was just afraid that her shoulder would hurt, so she had been unknowingly favoring it...but now as she paid close attention to how her paws were going, and didn't use the slower...more cautious pace she had been using lately, she would tell something was indeed wrong. The external wound had long healed and smoothed over. But...she still couldn't walk right.

Fear began to creep around, and grasp at her throat. Her mother had been permanently injured, to the extent that she could no longer hunt. I can still hunt...it just takes a little more thought. she reassured herself. And Sunfreckle only has three legs, and he's still fine...a limp won't kill you.. She managed to push most of the fear away, and continue on with her walk. Instead of fighting her shoulder, she allowed herself the way her body wished to walk now. It's not too bad...maybe it will go away with time...there are plenty of other warriors who have limps and function fine.. That thought seemed to ease her mind a little bit more.

As she emerged from her thoughts, she realized that her paws had carried her to the Great Sycamore. It seemed every time she let them guide her, she always ended up here. She glanced up at the branches above her, recalling her first climbing session. "Definitely not doing that again anytime soon." she would muse to herself.

Uneven footsteps thudded beyond the foliage, and Berryheart's attention was swiftly captured. What had been a simple daily chore, mundane as it was, soon turned into something with a dash of excitement... some mystery waiting to be uncovered. It was no intruder- he could tell by the scent, even through his mouthful of wood sorrel. Sunset's eponymous pelt soon caught his attention through the verdure flora. Her head was craned, olivine eyes trained upon the sky-reaching branches.

His own uneven footsteps would hopefully have alerted the lead warrior of his approach. The last thing he wished was to startle her when she was so newly recovered. "Hello," he greeted simply, cadence as polite and soft as ever, voice muffled only by the herbs he'd picked. It was not in his interest to pry why she had ended up out here alone- without a patrol, an apprentice, or even the company of her mate. Perhaps she did not wish to be bothered, beyond an acknowledgement.

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
The young warrior had gotten a taste for something almost inexplicable, the crave to learn to climb, to glide through the canopies as she had seen Snowpaw do.
That is what the tabby molly is preoccupied with when Flamewhisker would amble over, the rustling of her arrival giving Roeflame enough warning to detach from her clumsy scramble against the tree’s trunk, as it was much larger than the runtish warrior was used to.
The skin around needle-sharp claws is cracked and bleeding, but metallic hued fur brushes over it, concealing with ease as she sheathed her claws. She doesn’t need the lead warrior to know of her poor climbing skills.
"Heya!" The warrior hums in greeting shortly after Berryhearts flat-voiced hello.
She circles around the trunk of the tree in a C shaped trail, closing the distance between the two others slightly.
The severity of Flamewhiskers injuries had been no secret, but the fiery molly was proud, and Roeflame knew better than to comment on the superiors struggle. After all, she knew what her reaction would be if some nosy apprentice brought up her breathing difficulties or peculiar size.


She hadn't been at the base of the tree for long, before she heard rustling nearby. Seconds later, Berryheart emerged, his jaws carrying freshly picked herbs. Was he following me? A flash of betrayal overcame her, but she quickly forced it out of her system. She had been released from his den...surely he thought she would be fine out and about by herself. It was merely just a coincidence...The Great Sycamore was a popular spot, of course she shouldn't be surprised by other faces being here. "Hello Berryheart-"

The molly stopped as another face appeared, her mates former apprentice. "Hey Roeflame." she would respond, raising her tail in a friendly greeting. She had always been a fan of the young warrior, and she loved the name Howlingstar had given her, it was quite fitting.

Her leaf hued gaze returned to the Medicine Cat, resting upon the sorrel he carried. "I see the herbs have been running well today." she brought herself to smile faintly at her poor joke. "Do you need any help? I'm not doing anything right now. Though, I can't say how much help I would be." All plants looked the same to her, but that was why she was a warrior, not a healer.

She then glanced at Roeflame, only partially wondering why the other clanmate was out here. She didn't have any room to ask, especially since she herself was out here with no real purpose. "Have you been hunting? I'm sorry if I disturbed any prey...Or were you here to climb?" she tilted her head as she waited for the she-cat to respond, before raising her gaze up to the tree's lowest branch. " I haven't climbed since I fell out! I've found my paws are sturdier on the ground! Or, well, mostly anyways."
Raccoonstripe had been solo hunting with little luck. He's scraped earth over a mouse, but it's hardly worthy of bringing back to camp without something to accompany it. His concentration is interrupted as voices spill into his space from nearby. His Clanmates. Flamewhisker, Berryheart, and Roeflame congregate at the base of the Great Sycamore.

The tabby snorts with amusement at Flamewhisker's comment. "I suppose all cats should know how to climb, but I prefer to leave the bulk of it to SkyClan." The kittypet Clan seemed more squirrel than cat to him, always lounging about in the trees and plopping down from branches. He much prefers the firmness of the earth under his paws, though he can scrabble up a tree in a pinch.

He throws a glance Berryheart and Roeflame's way. "Are you all here collecting herbs, or?" He flicks the tip of his tail. "Or is one of you going to shimmy your way up the Great Sycamore?"


Sometimes even the mere mention of SkyClan lurches her stomach. Moonpaw trots along dutifully behind Raccoonstripe, arriving onto the scene to see Flamewhisker, Berryheart and Roeflame present by the great tree, idle chatter and jokes had by all. Her expression softens into a smile seeing Flamewhisker around again, for a while she had been worried about the molly with her near death experience but it seemed it had not dampened her cheerful mood and it was warming to witness once more. Roeflame, newly made a warrior, seemed just as enthused to be able to roam on her own and she longed for the day she too would be able to do so without having to tail her mentor or another cat everywhere across the territory. The freedom of choice was so often not really thought much of until you didnt't have it.
Her time in SkyClan that she remembered as a kit was fleeting, she had not liked climbing, but she was able to. She had the skill, just the fear of being so high up and kept her from training it further than the basics.
"Awful big for a herb patrol." He mewls out curiously, Berryheart usually had only one cat with him if he took anyone at all that is, sometimes she worried for him being out and alone on the territory but he was just as capable as any warrior.
Frosted eyes watch Raccoonstripe's tail flicks, he gives a remark like a joke but rings of a challenge. Never one to turn up a chance to prove her worth, Moonpaw steps forward and without a word springs upward to latch onto the front of the tree and begin ascending it as quickly, but carefully as she could.
She remembers hearing of Flamewhisker's nasty fall, she will not be reinacting it if she can help it.


Fawny soon arrived, greeting the flame-pelted lead warrior too, and the tortoiseshell tom was almost inclined to leave it at that- though what Berryheart had not been expecting was for Sunset to offer her aid. She had seemed content in her lonesomeness- and the idea that it may have looked as if he had followed her went without consideration in his mind. Giving her a grateful blink, he shook his head- what he needed for his stock had now been gathered. There was no need for anything additional- especially not when he would have to explain what the plants he wanted looked like.

He greeted his brother and niece with a subtle smile, a twist of his crooked jaw that was barely recognisable as a pleasantry. Stony features then moved to the towering sycamore once again, and he sank to a seat, cradling his trip of paws with his dappled tail. "I have no intention of climbing," he hummed, the smallest sliver of humour in his voice. He found himself agreeing with Sunset; his paws were much more comfortable set upon the forest floor. Though- if one of them was going to try, it could certainly prove interesting to observe their technique.