we are one — eelpaw

Foxtail still feels like he's in disbelief— he has an apprentice of his own! Being entrusted with an apprentice was a huge honor, and a huge responsibility. He's responsible for little Eelpaw here, and as he glances over at her, he realizes that she'll be looking up to him for guidance. She'll learn about the ways of life in RiverClan— from traditions to battling and to hunting. For a brief moment, he thinks back to his mentor... Ashpelt. He stops himself from frowning at the thought, Foxtail didn't have the best experience with his apprenticeship. Ashpelt was a harsh teacher; he'd call the older warrior a bully at best. Mentors being tough to their apprentices can work well, but Ashpelt was impatient. Judgmental. Aggressive. Ashpelt was supposed to be a cat he looked up to, like Eelpaw looks up to him. So, in the back of his mind, Foxtail hopes he can be ten times the mentor Ashpelt was for Eelpaw.

He looks over his shoulder as he enters Beech Copse, making sure his apprentice was following behind him. He knew she wasn't familiar with the territory, so the last thing he'd want is to lose her! That would be a disaster, wouldn't it? He lightly smiles as he watches the young feline pad up to him, glad that she managed to keep up with him. Before he officially starts her training, he wants to ensure she knows the value of life— it's critical to know this to be a RiverClan warrior. Life as a clan cat wasn't easy, things aren't just handed to you like a kittypet, so it's important to keep this lesson in the back of your mind when things get tough.

He looks at Eelpaw, beckoning her to sit down. "Before we officially start your training, I have a quick lesson for you," He mews as he wraps his bushy tail around his front paws. "It's important you understand how we RiverClanners honor each other," He mews with a flick of his ear, he knows that being an apprentice can be rocky at times, fellow apprentices don't always get along. Some apprentices buttheads, and while he can't be certain Eelpaw will have 'drama' with her fellow apprentices, he wants to ensure she knows this before it's too late. "When we hunt prey for the clan, we honor the prey we hunt and give thanks to StarClan," He begins, "We are respectful to the prey that lives in our territory and honor them for the sacrifice they make for us." They only hunt to keep their bellies for, and never for sport.

"...Just like prey, we honor each other," He mews, hoping his prey analogy was working. "We rely on each other. ...Do you understand?"

  • 75033912_uBzTCX0XrUZcKqi.gif

    credit to tieirlys for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    15 moons

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