camp we are young || snowball fight

( ) The previous afternoon, it had began to snow. It hadn’t amounted to much, and it didn’t begin to stick until overnight. By the time the sun started to rise, there was a reasonable amount of powder coated along the camp’s surface.

Flamewhisker was awoken by the excitement spurring from her clanmates outside. She blinked the sleepiness from her eyes, then stretched before making her way into the clearing. The young tabby gasped with delight as she too saw what the sky had blessed them with overnight. She hopped out of the warrior’s den, and landed face first into the snow. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to entertain her.

She stood up, and shook out her thick pelt. There was no doubt clanmates watching her, and probably some judging by now but she didn’t care. She wasn’t due for any patrols now so it wouldn’t hurt to have some fun! Her green gaze began to sparkle with mischief as an idea came. Now she just had to wait for a victim.

// @. Roepaw .
  • Haha
Reactions: Flycatcher

From the outskirts of camp, Roepaw had bundled herself up. Resting on her stomach, and her chin perched on the ground, she glared with curiosity at the snow. The snow she had seen before had been crystalline, almost… beady. This seemed to be a mix of both, with the crystals at the bottom while a soft powder rested at the top.
Slowly, she lifted a paw before quickly tapping it against the ground. Hm.
Well, now she was bored. Rising to her paws, she begins to make her trek across camp towards the nursery, she didn’t think she was due for anything today, so maybe the kits wouldn’t mind a visit from her.
Too focused on her journey through the snow, she was the perfect unsuspecting victim as Flamewhisker would spot her from nearby, right before launching her first attack.


Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

A few NPC warriors were sitting nearby, deep in a conversation about their apprentices. The red tabby considered launching her attack on them, but at the last minute decided not to. The two NPCs were known for their sharp tongues, so they probably wouldn't find her plan humorous. She waited for a little while longer, but luckily it didn't take long for her to set her sights on an unsuspecting Roepaw. The apprentice didn't seem to be doing any particular duties, and perhaps she found the snow just as fun as she did!

The warrior lowered herself into a silly, kit like crouch, attempting to sneak her way closer to the younger Molly. She wasn't trying too hard, so she wouldn't be surprised if Roepaw heard her. Then, she would spin around and cast her head over her shoulder. "This is for scaring us on our patrol!" she would call out, before using her back legs to kick the ground, attempting to pelt the apprentice with snow. Flamewhisker then burst out into a fit of laughter, her eyes glittering with challenge. Hopefully Roepaw wouldn't be too upset, and she would catch on to the game she was trying to play.

anyone is open to respond now! feel free to join in (:

Mischief brewed in the cold. He remembered the snow spinning through the air, flying in every direction it could when his children would get into play-fights. As soon as they found that the cold of snow lingered but the mess did not, they had flung it all about the place! He and Marigold had joined in, he was sure... though as the moons went by, he found his memories of such fondness began to fade. Oh, how horrid that the suffering was what took precedent. How wonderful that he was destined to relieve ThunderClan of it, though!

A chuckle left his maw, raspy but hearty, as the snowball made contact with poor Roepaw's face. His bones were old, aged by the frigid air- but frivolity gave him energy, he had to admit! So to lanky legs he sprung, striking the ground as if sweeping a cat's legs from beneath them, sending a flurry spinning right toward Flamewhisker. A taste of her own medicine, perhaps- but he doubted she minded, having started the standoff!
{ } "Beautiful and disgusting," the blonde femme muses as she watches the flat expanse of snow gracing the grounds of their quaint camp. It's gorgeous because of the downy, sparkling tiny jewels of nature and disgusting because duh, it's cold. Freezing or not, it's definitely a glow up on this hovel and she feels calmed just looking over the sea of crystalized water. That is, until it's interrupted by her clanmates destroying it all with their big galumphing paws. Clovers scoffs and turns her head away in a thespian-level swing of her wavy locks. Look at em'. Like swine to filth with wasted pearls sprinkled on top!

Starclan, sometimes she wishes she were a Riverclan cat. Sure they might sell like gross fish but at least they know how to accessorize. What else separates cats from the slimy toads and cock-eyed lizards of the dirt but having good taste? Yet clearly, it's not distributed equally. Messing up a bunch of stupid leaves is one thing but this... "Urgh..." It's already ruined so why not put it to use? Flamewhisker started this but Roepaw and Trufflepelt are in her wrath regardless as she draws her tail back and slaps it across the snow. Clover attempts to launch a wave of powder at anyone she can hit, even innocent bystanders.


Last edited: Nov 21, 2022

Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

As she waited for Roepaw's reaction, she completely missed Trufflepet springing over. Her head would whip around as she felt cold, wet snow pelt her side. She drew her head back in laughter, and she spun around to meet the older tom head on. The red tabby lowered her front half, stuck her rear end in the air, and flick her tail mischievously. With a burst of energy being fueled by excitement, she would leap forward, and swipe at the ground, attempting to spray the cinnamon tom.

She would then leap back, and meet his gaze challengingly, before hopping side to side. "Betcha can't hit me" she would tease, hoping some more clanmates would join them. She spotted Cloverfield nearby joining in, spraying another clanmate with snow. This was definitely her favorite part about leaf-bare...she loved the snow even more than leaves!