╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

The blood trail had ended, scattered and confusing, when Blazestar and his warriors had tried to find Centipedepaw's corpse. The rogue's scent had become muddled by everything else that passes through a land without borders -- stray dogs, loners and rogues, lost kittypets, prey and crowfood, Twoleg stench and rubbish.

They have no trail. Blazestar would not have known where to start, looking for the former SkyClan warrior, if it hadn't been for his newly-named deputy. If he hadn't gone to Deersong and asked her, in earnest, where the skinny flame point was living now, they'd all be hopelessly lost.

She'd not been happy with his decision to bring this patrol. He knows this, and he feels regret sinking low in his belly as he leads these angry, bloodthirsty warriors into unknown waters. Deersong, forgive me, but I'm doing what I know I must.

The warriors behind him -- and Coyotepaw, Thistleback's apprentice -- follow in a fan formation that narrows single file as they meet their strange den.

But his enormous golden paws sink deep into disgusting water. They stand at the entrance of a strange tunnel with a shallow, slimy river of cold water running along the bottom. The ground beneath is metallic and hurts his ears as his claws scrape across it.

But he's confident they've found the place Vermilionsun and his companions make their nest.

"Vermilionsun." His booming voice is calm, and it echoes throughout the confines of the tunnel. "We're here to talk."

Fear rises like bile in his throat, burns the tissue, but he cannot back down now. He is the leader of SkyClan, and he has a Clanmate to avenge.

// tl;dr this patrol is from SkyClan and is looking for Vermilionsun and/or Vermilionsun's rogue companions. they've found a 'tunnel' aka an opening that runs to the sewage system these cats live in.

present: @CRIMSONBITE @ThistleBack @SQUALLMIST @REDSTORM ! @Coyotepaw

looking for: @VERMILIONSUN

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Delicate paws sink into indelicate waters as the patrol files into the stinking tunnel. The ginger king picks up one paw and flicks it in disgust, his mouth open and fangs bared in response to the stench. When he had thought of Vermillionsun as a rat bastard, he hadn't even dreamed that he would actually be living as one, living amongst trash and sewage. A very old part of his mind urges him to turn away, it squeaks that a cat of his breed and status should not hang in such vile conditions. He pushes the voice down and moves to stand beside his leader, his tail flicking in annoyance.

"If he were a smart man, he'll have drowned himself in this slop," the warrior comments drily. To think that damned cat left SkyClan for this...
✦ ★ ✦
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The shadows of the tunnels swallow them one by one, trudging in filth but the junkyard dweller didn’t so much as blink when it soaks into the fur along his muscled legs.

Vermillionsun, a man with a soft and sacred part of Deersong’s heart reserved. Something that drove hard steel nails into his nerves, recalling the day he had spotted them meeting in secret. The day he knew, knew that love was probably a mistake. Something he never sought, something that happened. Yet, he had bit down on his tongue- allowed the dust to settle. Now? Vermillionsun’s name is risen once again.

Centipedepaw’s blood and fur left in a wake of brutal injustice. Thistleback was no good man, but anyone who killed a kid? deserved a fate worse than death. This had to be one of Vermillionsun’s rogues, their latest intrusion was proof enough that the former Skyclanner had not a single ounce of control over them. No, that fool was being taken for a ride and this was his fault.

fucking pedigrees, Thistleback thinks as he watches Crimsonbite’s muzzle scrunch with disgust. The air was stagnant but pungent, as pervasive as the grey waters but it bothered the urchin-like warrior little. While he thought making this place a permanent home was foolish, he could see the potential of shelter. Silvery optics watch the orange tail in front of him, looking over his shoulder on occasion to make sure Coyotepaw was alright.

" remember. be poise, rational, follow Blazestar’s orders. " he instructs the pale flame point apprentice. Willing the boy to harness that anger, knows it was going to get ugly fast. The runaway ex-Skyclanner was a mouthy one, but now? there would be little in the way of stopping Thistleback from ripping off the man’s feet and eating them in front of him.

  • — Thistleback | thirty-two moons | cis-male
    — daylight warrior of Skyclan | leaves rarely
    — bisexual | fallen for Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring Coyotepaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. Wears a purple collar with brass clasp.
  • bVBPWus.png


❝ we're children playing at a game, screaming that the rules aren't fair. ❞

"Dying isn't an option when I have mouths to feed and cats to take care of."

It's a rumble of a growl, large paws soaked with grey water as the scarred tom pushes his way out of the darkness. There is no cat behind him, nobody flanking him- sound travels far in the sewers, and he's thankful for the wise decision of moving them into the maze of tunnels for their safety. Vermilionsun squints against the light, having been used to the darkness of the sewers for so long; they only ever left when they needed food. He didn't trust the loners in the area. Despite his scrawny appearance, muscles still rippled along his shoulders; fur rising on its end at the sight of Thistleback.

Though he is wise, and keeps his mouth shut- too many Warriors here for him to fight, they would make quick work of him even if he did take one or two down. If. His attention turns to Blazestar, and the tom dips his head in respect to the tom. He's unsure of what this is about, but there are rumors that bounce around the Loner Lands and twolegplace. Cats enjoyed a good rumor. "May I ask why you've traveled to this part, Blazestar?" He asks softly, casting an unsure yet irritated glance towards Crimsonbite. That stupid fucking... Smush-faced, rat-headed looking bastard. If he brought these two, there was certainly a reason. Distaste is evident on the tom's face as he looks at the two toms who Deersong blessed with her daily presence.

You don't deserve her. You never did. Neither of you. He thinks to himself coldly towards the toms, tail-tip lashing behind him.

One by one, they find themselves in the tunnels of a murderer's lair. Charcoaled paws file in behind golden ones.

Though silent, his anger is ever-present, dark tail lashing side to side with each and every step.

They're here to confront a murderer. He who was once loyal to the clan. He who took Centipedepaw's life; sent him to the stars all too soon and left nothing but an aimless trail of blood behind. He who left his own apprentice, yet killed Squallmist's in some vile sort of revenge on SkyClan. The rogue leaves the clan to grieve once more. Leaves Squallmist to grieve yet another.

He won't let Centipedepaw down again.

They creep further down their murky path. Further and further. Side chatter is held between other members of the patrol - Crimsonbite's voice sneers out a snarky remark, Thistleback reminds Coyotepaw how to act. Poise and rationality; something Squallmist was trying his best to hold onto himself, something that snaps as a voice answers back, cuts into their conversation.

Vermilionsun. The rogue arrives with a sharp quip in response to his uncle's words. He feigns innocence, asks Blazestar why they're here. As if he doesn't know. As if his own claws hadn't marred Centipedepaw, his own teeth hadn't dragged him away, hidden his body and rid him of a proper burial. His blood boils.

"You know what you did," Squallmist snarls, claws begging to unsheathe, to sink into the rogue and do to him what he did to Centipedepaw - to leave his memory as just a pool of blood, a splattered trail of vermilion. He's all alone, without reinforcements. What a terrible, terrible move.
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Blazestar acknowledged Crimsonbite's mumbled words with a flick of an ear. He knows the ginger warrior has no great love for Vermilionsun, and he knows Thistleback feels the same way. The black and white warrior only instructs his apprentice to stay in line and follow orders, but Blazestar can feel his trepidation in the ripple of his muscles, the way the water pools around all of their paws. Squallmist, too, though the silver tabby is silent, has anger radiating off of him in waves.

SkyClan is angry.

The tom in question appears, familiar handsome face wearing its battle scars. "Dying isn't an option when I have mouths to feed and cats to take care of."

Blazestar's eyes narrow. "Is that your policy now? Is that why you've come back to SkyClan's territory to steal from us?" He gives a stiff nod to Vermilionsun despite the anger in his words -- the flame point dips his head to him despite it all. "May I ask why you've traveled to this part, Blazestar?"

He seems genuinely surprised to see them here, and Blazestar thinks again that it's possible Vermilionsun was not part of this. But he'll know who was, won't he?

Squallmist's response to the flame point is immediate. "You know what you did," a pointed accusation dripping venom. Blazestar brushes his tail tip against the warrior's flank in an effort to calm him, to remind him to remain in the line. He knows how Squallmist especially must be seething -- Centipedepaw had been his apprentice. No matter how difficult the young tom had been, he'd been a SkyClanner.

Blazestar turns back to Vermilionsun and struggles to maintain composure. "We want answers, Vermilionsun. A SkyClan apprentice was murdered by a rogue. His body was dragged beyond our borders." He levels the other tom with a pointed look. "It hasn't been that long since I found you and those rogues stealing our prey. I want them questioned, Vermilionsun. I want answers." His voice begins to shake -- oh, he feels so betrayed, but he also feels so --

So stupid. So trusting.

So naive.

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I won't apologize for being who I am
The invasion of so many new scents bombarding his senses took the boy by surprise. He'd never been this far from camp before, let alone this deep into the concrete jungle of twoleg place. Today had been a day of many first, yet he marched diligently beside his bristle backed mentor, Coyote takes in a breath, just one of many needed to keep himself in control of his explosive temper. He didn't know much about Centipedepaw, but he knew that the late apprentice did not deserve the fate dealt to him by the teeth and claws of a rouge. The cream colored tabby offered Thistleback a curt nod of his head as he gazed down the length of the imposing dark tunnel. "Alright..." He murmmers softly. The air is putrid, reeking of substances unknown to the boy as he steps into the cool discolored water. His tail lashes as he catches sight of the tom they were here to question and it takes every fiber within his being to make it still once more. Yet his jaw still clenches as he comes to stop beside his mentor, glaring at Vermillionsun once he catches the tom's prickling pelt.
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you
Oh boy.

He isn't sure what he is expecting to see when he peeks his head around a corner to catch sight of the source of muffled voices but it sure isn't this. He stares at the clan cats for a good beat, taking in their tense forms and angry expressions. Honestly? He has half a mind to duck his head back and pretend he hasn't seen a thing. Good luck to Vermillionsun but, ah, you see, he isn't the best fighter and he would just be in the way, that's why it might be for the best if he runs so maybeeee...?

He's rehearsing his excuses in his head as he slinks over to the other rogue's side. He's not sure if he should be displaying a false sense of confidence or if he should be acting as pathetic as possible. You never knew with clan cats, y'know? Act too cocky and it might just give them a reason to attack - act too soft and they'd use that to step all over you.

Either way he should probably say something - if worse comes worse he could just splash them with some putrid water and leave Vermilionsun to his fate. Maybe. He still needs to think of a good excuse.

"A little hasty on the accusations, don'tcha think? There's a whole 'lotta rogues in the area, 'nd some of them aren't even part of our little group here in the sewers," he starts, and while he probably should have started with condolences or apologies, there wasn't a whole lot he could do even if he did apologize. His apologies are worth nothing. "'Cause I know I haven't killed any cats lately, and I doubt it was our mutual good friend here who killed him." What would anyone gain from killing some kid from the clans?

Maybe he should say something to diffuse the situation. He really, really, should but... "Plus, no offense, but do ya really think anyone's gonna confess to a murder, just like that? Only an idiot would do that," he fixes the clan cats a deadpan stare.

❝ we're children playing at a game, screaming that the rules aren't fair. ❞

// warning for mentions of vomiting

When he was younger, he had convinced himself that he was righteous and strong because of how talented he was as a Warrior. The beginnings of SkyClan, and before that- the Pine Group. Vermilion winced at the idea of how naive he used to be, that he could have been something great- abominable, was he now. Squall speaks, anger and hurt fueled behind his irises. Vermilion tenses at the escalating tempers, though he doesn't move from his place- blocking the party from passing him. His ears brushed against the top of the sewer's tunnels, gathering grime and filth at the tips of them. He smelled horrid, but it wasn't like he had to impress anyone right now. Or at all.

Is that your policy now? Is that why you've come back to SkyClan's territory to steal from us?

"I don't remember stealing anything. I apologized back then, even offered to give you the prey we had caught. None of the sewer cats have entered SkyClan territory since then. I can assure you that, Blazestar. Not since you informed the rules have changed." Vermilion responds with cold distance, hurt in his eyes that the leader would think so low of him. He had left, but hadn't many others? None of his intentions were bad, and he was teaching these rogues to be better cats. His respect for his former Leader wavers then, as Squallmist's accusation graces his ears. What he did? He thinks in confusion, head tilting; what did they mean by that?

We want answers, Vermilionsun. A SkyClan apprentice was murdered by a rogue. His body was dragged beyond our borders.

His world stops then, and his blood runs cold with the iciest burn. He doesn't realize he's stopped breathing until he's heaving in a ragged breath, a disturbing bubble in his stomach causing him to turn his back just as Cat arrives, vomiting down a drain. A child had died? One of his homeclan's kin? "You think.. I would harm a child, Blaise?" Vermilion croaks out softly, face twisted in awful disgust at the mere idea. A little hasty on the accusations, don'tcha think? There's a whole 'lotta rogues in the area, 'nd some of them aren't even part of our little group here in the sewers. He nods along with Nameless' words, finding himself agreeing. "I teach the sewer cats never to hurt kits. Never to hurt Queens. To protect their home fiercely, but not to kill those who can't defend themselves." Ver follows through, Nameless moving to settle the fuming tension down. Vermilion was always a man of action, he always tried his best to avoid a fight if he could. Hurt, betrayal- he knew he couldn't trust those from the Clans anymore. Things had changed far too much.

Blaise has changed far too much. He thinks to himself, before he finally cools down his rumbling stomach enough to speak once more. He lifts his head, making eye contact with Blazestar; a tom who was once his friend. Someone he thought he could trust. And now he was accusing him of murder, his family of murder. "You have come to the wrong place if you seek a child murderer. I now politely ask you to leave the sewers, Blazestar. You will find your answer elsewhere, but not here. Never here." He speaks slowly, enough to properly punctuate himself to make his intentions clear. He was done talking here, done listening to accusations that had no foundation.

"If you think it is one of us sewer cats, bring back proof that they reek of the sewers. You cannot miss the scent, even if you were to attempt to wash it off." He remarks with a stoic expression, shoulders rolling; he hated this, he hated it so much it made him want to cry. But he wouldn't, these cats didn't deserve his tears. He wouldn't turn his back, however- staying in place until the toms all collectively decided to leave. Though, he made it a point to stand in front of Nameless. Even if they weren't close, the feline was apart of the sewers- and Ver was duty-bound to protect anyone who took refuge in the sewers.
"This is pointless." Comes a growl from the ginger king, though his tail is laid comfortingly on his nephew's back. His dark gaze is trained on his leader, he's doing his best to ignore the former SkyClanner. If he looks at him, he knows he won't be able to keep himself from leaping at the bastard's throat - no matter what his clanmates thought of it. He doesn't believe in Vermillionsun's innocence, doesn't want to believe it.

"Should've known better than to try to be cordial and merciful to a den of fox-hearts and sewage-drinkers." He hisses to his clanmates, so ready to place this disgusting place and its inhabitants behind him.
✦ ★ ✦

Reinforcements arrive, and two tails fall against silver fur.

As if meant to hold Squallmist back. As if to keep him from breaking - as if he's as fragile as leaf-fall's dying leaves, dried and brown, ready to crumble into nothing under the weight of a single paw.

He's not. He won't.

But, the rogue. The rogue denies all. Claims he'd never hurt a kid, that he taught these sewer-rats the same. Asks for proof, as if the scent of sewer would be able to be prominent over the scent of blood they'd come across, that fateful day.

"Proof?" Squallmist hisses, stepping forward, "His body is gone. What do you want us to do? Scrape his blood off the ground and show it to you?"

He feigns innocence, Vermilionsun. Squallmist refuses to believe it.

His apprentice is gone. The likelihood of his murder being anyone else but the cats before him's fault is minuscule. Centipedepaw should be alive still. Could have been, if it weren't for Vermilionsun. The lying bastard.

"You talk a lot of shit, you know that?" he spits, pushing past his uncle, past Blazestar. He stalks towards the rogue, storm-filled eyes dark and narrowed. Poise and rationality, be damned. "For someone who left the clan without explanation, who left his apprentice without a mentor. Who decided to come strolling back to our territory to steal prey, right before my apprentice was left to nothing but a pool of blood. You, Vermilionsun, are nothing but a fraud."

Anger takes over the silver warrior, and he springs forward, claws outstretched. He aims to sink his claws into the rogue's skin, should he stick the landing, prepares to make Vermilionsun pay for the damage he's done.

He deserves to hurt as much as Squallmist does. He deserves to suffer.

❝ we're children playing at a game, screaming that the rules aren't fair. ❞

Vermilionsun's whip-like tail flicks behind him in irritation as Squallmist speaks up. He feels sorry for the man, he truly does, but he won't confess to a crime he didn't commit. Half-starved and stomach growling, Vermilion aches to end this ridiculous conversation now so he could return to Tiny and eat with him and Nameless. His body is gone. What do you want us to do? Scrape his blood off the ground and show it to you? "Watch your mouth." Vermilionsun snaps in return, his own temper flaring; and yet, he remained still. The fur along his spine and neck rises, a low, deep rumbling echoing from his chest. Squallmist was well-fed and well-trained, which would make it an issue for him if a fight broke out. One against.. Five. He couldn't compete with that, even if he was well-trained himself. "Even if the area still smelled like blood, the trail away must have had some sort of scent to it!" Vermilionsun shouts back, feeling the tension in the air shift by the second.

Make your decision now, Vermilion. You don't have much time to work with. The little voice in his head reminded him of the fellow Rogue in his presence, Vermilion looking back with his one good eye to make sure Nameless had run off. But they hadn't, and now Vermilion was stuck in a tight spot.

For someone who left the clan without explanation, who left his apprentice without a mentor. You, Vermilionsun, are nothing but a fraud

"Watch it, Squallmist!" He barked back in warning; twice now. Did he think he was some idiot? Taunting him like this? His eyes flicked to the cats present, hoping Blazestar would control this maddened beast. But he doesn't, not in time- his eyes widen as Squallmist launches himself towards him, claws outstretched. They land almost instantly, the tom turning his body enough to save his neck from being clawed up. Claws rake down his sides, Vermilionsun yowling in pain as they nick sensitive, old scars beneath them. "Get back to the others, Nameless! Don't let them leave the sewers!" He shouts through the agonizing burn of claws, half-blind with his own rage. Cosmospaw, his precious apprentice- they didn't deserve that pain. To be left behind, to fall short in their training. Deersong, her heart hurt and wounded from his disappearance- and yet she healed, found someone new to love.

He's snapped back into reality when he realizes this fight is real, that Squallmist could likely kill him right here if he so wanted to. Vermilion lifts a massive paw, claws unsheathed- aiming to slash sharpened claws across Squallmist's face. He hoped it did minimal damage, that it would hurt enough for Squallmist to back off. He had the territory advantage, he knew how to fight in such small spaces as the sewers- Squallmist was intelligent, though; would that show through his fury? Soaked with the stinking water of the sewers, Vermilion sure smelled like a dumpster. "I didn't kill your apprentice, Squallmist!" He hissed between every swipe and every grunt, agonizing betrayal bubbling beneath his skin. He hated this. Why did they have to do this to him? I was once SkyClan, too. Loyalty meant everything to me! He wanted to argue, but he knew it was worthless. "Get off, get off- get the fuck out of here! All of you!"
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Pain. Warmth. Darkness.

It clouds his vision as a large paw strikes his face. Charcoaled paws stagger back at the blow. Sides heave. The scent of his own blood fills his nose, and crimson trickles down his face. It's all so quick, so painful. Panic rises within him, nearly quells his fury.

He can't see. He can't see.

Was he dying, about to reunite with Rain and Haze? With Centipedepaw? Would stars trace his stripes, as they did his father's?

He couldn't die. Not here. Not in this sewer, this wretched place - a rogue's death. Most definitely not in front of his uncle - Squallmist couldn't pass on the curse he bears to Crimsonbite. Couldn't leave him watching more family begin their journeys to the stars.

The warrior's anger reignites, rampant like wildfire. Vermilionsun couldn't win this battle. Squallmist wouldn't be yet another of the rogue's victims. No, Centipedepaw deserved justice, and if no one else would give it to him, the silver tom would.

Blindly, silver paws strike, claws aiming to rake down the former SkyClanner's sides, his face. The warrior does not know if he causes damage, but he does know one thing: he can't leave this battle worse off than Vermilionsun. Absolutely not.

"I didn't kill your apprentice, Squallmist!" the rogue shouts, urgency in his voice, as if he's desperate for Squallmist to listen. He doesn't.

Squallmist doesn't believe him. He will never believe him.

"Liar!" he snarls in between swipes. Sharp teeth begin to gnash at the rogue - as if striking with fangs would be a more accurate tactic than striking with claws - in this sightless fight Squallmist finds himself in.

Vermilionsun must pay for what he did. He must pay for all of it.
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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

A brown tomcat Blazestar doesn't recognize comes to flank Vermilionsun, hesitantly offering his voice. Blazestar stares at him frostily, expression unchanging. "A little hasty on the accusations, don'tcha think? There's a whole lotta rogues in the area, 'nd some of them aren't even part of our little group here in the sewers."

Blazestar responds, voice cold, "SkyClan has scented and seen rogues at our borders only once. It was Vermilionsun and the cats with him." He dismisses the brown cat with a flick of a golden ear.

Vermilionsun himself seems devastated by the accusation. Blazestar's hesitance comes again in waves, and he looks away from the other flame point's disbelief. "We all know that we can't make every cat in our Clans obey us. You may have taught your sewer cats not to hurt kits, but that does not mean it didn't happen. Centipedepaw is proof that it did."

Vermilionsun asks Blazestar to leave. Says the answers he seeks aren't here in the sewers. Crimsonbite's remark is stinging, but Blazestar is interrupted by Squallmist. The silver tabby's eyes are sparking with fury, and he spits, "Proof? His body is gone. What do you want us to do? Scrape his blood off the ground and show it to you?"

It seems a matter of seconds go by, and Squallmist and Vermilionsun are locked in battle. Claws swipe at faces, injure eyes. Blood begins to fly in rainstorms. Blazestar is too stunned to stop the fighting for several heartbeats, wondering just what he's wrought by coming here. Hoarsely, he yowls, "Enough! Thistleback, Crimsonbite, secure the rogue! We can't talk here!" Wildly, he realizes it was a mistake to come here, but it's too late now. Squallmist has blood dripping down one eye. Vermilionsun is injured, bleeding from his own wounds.

Blazestar says, voice wavering, "We will bring him back to camp. Perhaps as a prisoner, he will tell us what we want to know." He is shaking, shaking from the show of violence from Squallmist, the retaliation. "And now we'll need to see Dawnglare..."

- ,,