we brought our drums [open/joining]


sugar, spice, and redbull
Jul 20, 2022


It had been a problem since the day he'd learned about it- some clan, living wild out in the forest beyond twoleg place. Talented fighters and skilled hunters, cats who looked after one another and carved a life for themselves out not with the help of any twoleg, but with each other. Wildboy had no way of knowing if the rumors were true, but ever since the group had set up shop in the woods, they'd been the talk of twoleg place. Which meant it was almost impossible to not think about how much he'd like the be out there with them, living wild and free, never knowing what would come next. He wasn't so naive as to think it would be an easy or painless life, had heard enough tales retold about fox attacks, raids from other groups, and the sickness and starvation that set in during the winter, but that just made his paws itch to go even more. It wasn't something he could describe with words, and so he never really spoke about it with any of the other cats, quickly finding that they didn't share as much interest as he did when it came to the subject.

Wildboy had a habit of hyperfixating on things, after all.

He tried to put it out of his mind, tried to keep his days busy by getting up to all manner of nonsense in twoleg place, but there were only so many dogs you could terrorize through a fence and or tidbits of food to charm from passing twolegs, and with the weather still being so cool most of his other kittypet friends preferred to stay indoors. And thus, his mind always found itself wandering again, wondering.

He made his way through the would with swift, light steps. Excited anticipation thrummed through his veins as he made his way toward the spot he'd been told he'd find the border, having finally given into the call he was constantly ignoring. The forest was a strange place to be for sure. He'd prowled its edges before to chase crickets and birds, but he'd never been this deep within the towering pines. It occurred to him if all the rumors were wrong and these cats weren't the friendly sort that he could find himself in some real trouble there, but he hadn't ever heard anything about the group turning away newcomers or acting harshly toward kittypets- in fact, they were supposedly the only group that would allow them at all, which meant that if Wildboy had any chance of this going well, it was with the group known as Skyclan.

skyclan - daylight warrior - tom (afab) - 22 moons - turkish angora - homosexual - polyromantic - a cute white tom with mismatched eyes and dyed fur
"So once we've marked the border, we'll see if we can catch something on the way back to camp and then you can have the rest of the day off." Orangeblossom instructs Eveningpaw as they tread through the sparse undergrowth. The wind changes and the she-cat freezes immediately, head lifting up and jaws parting to scent the air. Cat, but too... clean to be anything but a kittypet. The overwhelming scent of the feline was vaguely familiar - maybe something she'd caught on a different SkyClanner - but Orangeblossom knows she has never seen this kittypet before. She'd definitely remember the long white fur stained with deep blue and violet as if they'd rolled in berries. Orangeblossom switches direction slightly, and makes a beeline for the stranger.

"Hey!" She calls as they near. "Are you lost? You've found the SkyClan border."

// apprentice tag @eveningpaw

His nose twitches as he scents the air, following Orangeblossom on delicate paws. His eyes gleam with his happiness for newleaf. He gets to actually enjoy being out now and as the other talks to her apprentice he starts to wander a little bit. That is still he hears something and a sudden Hey being shouted. Coming back quickly the tom stares at the stranger on their border and his eyes of pale blue widen as he looks at them. What is up with his fur? Pale blue and violet colors against a backdrop of pristine white. Interesting. A small smile pulls against his muzzle as he dips his head at the other. Seems they might have another who wishes to join them? They don't look hostile so it is a possibility. Wiggling he sits down and allows himself to take a backseat. Keeping silent till things become more apparent.


The shout from another cat stopped him in his tracks, mismatched eyes of saphire and sun searching out the source and finding that he was most definitely no longer by himself. A and orange and white shecat with a thick mane of fur around her neck was approaching him, flanked by a younger cat and brown tabby. He was quick to offer up a smile to the trio, padding forward to meet them halfway with a friendly wave of his tail.

"Hello!" he called back in greeting, ears tipping forward to catch the rest of her words, letting his relief show plainly as he replied. "Oh, good- I'm in the right place! Sorry to just drop in on you guys like this, and I'm sorry if I've got my facts mixed up, but I've been told by a lot of cats that you guys let kittypets join, so I was hoping to do that- if it's okay, of course."

He was quick to offer up a full explanation for his reason for skulking along their border, because as optimistic as he may be and as confident as he might have been in the tales he'd heard, he still didn't want to insult or upset these cats if it turned out her was wrong.

"My name's Wildboy, by the way. Sorry if I'm like, waaay off the mark here." he added with a somewhat sheepish look.

skyclan - daylight warrior - tom (afab) - 22 moons - turkish angora - homosexual - polyromantic - a cute white tom with mismatched eyes and dyed fur

she nodded to orangeblossom's instructions eagerly, the rest of the day off was music to her ears! out of everything she was brought along to do, border patrols were likely her least favorite. they could get exciting when someone was on the other side, meeting new people and all, but it was a lot of walking. like seriously, how much territory did they need?

trotting alongside the deputy, she heard her steps halt before the scent on the changed wind reached her senses. the tortie followed suit, dropping to a crouched position and glancing around. she wasn't scared, of course not, just a little surprised. before eveningpaw could realize, orangeblossom was darting off, and she was tripping over her paws trying to keep up. they stopped again, a gaze that said 'seriously?' thrown in the direction of her mentor, before she looked to the stranger. an odd looking cat, swirls of blues and purples marring an otherwise pristine white pelt. he introduced himself as wildboy, but eve was stuck on the colors. she had never seen anything like it, ever. "what's all over your fur?" she asked rather bluntly, ignoring his speech about wanting to join skyclan or whatever. the warriors could handle that nonsense, she was busy asking the real questions.



The bluntness behind the others words seemed to go right over his head- either that, or he'd heard it enough times within the question to no longer take offense to it. Instead he turned so that the group could better see the patches and swirls of color along his body, smile still as big as it was before.

"Oh, my twoleg does it!" he explained with a twitch of his tailtip. "I think she feels bad that all the other cats in our neighborhood were born with colors, so she makes sure I have some to." he explained before turning back to face the group. "She means well, but I don't think she knows what colors cats are supposed to be. It works out though, cuz I think it's pretty cool even if it's kinda weird. Makes me smell nice too- like berries!"

Yeah, twolegs were definitely weird, but Wildboys took good care of him and if she was going to go out of her way to make him feel included and handsome then who was he to be ungrateful? Besides, he did smell really good, and he wasn't the only cat that thought it was kind of cool.

skyclan - daylight warrior - tom (afab) - 22 moons - turkish angora - homosexual - polyromantic - a cute white tom with mismatched eyes and dyed fur