camp we built this city - PATROL ASSIGNMENTS

Tired paws carried the fiery molly from the warmth of the warriors den, out into the clearing of the camp. It seemed Starclan's blessing of a few nice days had worn out. Where there had been bare ground yesterday, a thin blanket of snow now lay. Her pads tingled as they slowly readjusted to the bitter feeling. Greenleaf was so close...she could almost taste it. Thankfully the snow wasn't too deep, and given the warmth of the past couple days, it would probably melt during the day. She was relieved they hadn't gotten a heavy snowfall like the one that had barricaded them in the warriors den. The last thing she wanted to do was big a tunnel out again. Thunderclanners were not worms, and her claws were not made for digging.

The deputy let out a call, signaling her readiness to assign the day's patrols. She waited until everyone was gathered around her before beginning. "Wolfwind, you will be in charge of this morning's patrol to the Skyclan and Riverclan border. Please take Martenmask and Hickoryskip with you." With Skyclan undergoing leadership changes, and Riverclan's rogue issues it would be best to send some of their more level headed warriors along those borders. She trusted Wolfwind to ensure the two clans were treated fairly, but to also chase out any rogues that could have wandered over from Riverclan's territory.

Her attention then shifted to an ebony figure. "Nightbird, I would like you to lead the dawn patrol along the Shadowclan and Windclan border. Toadhop, Shinebug, you will accompany her. Keep an eye out for any rogues or trespassing hunters." The scuffle between the two apprentices hadn't been too long ago, and she didn't trust Shadowclan to not try to hunt on their territory again. Tabbies don't change their stripes after all.

"Mothfur, Acornwish, you two will join me on this evening's patrol along the Windclan and Shadowclan border." The two warriors were young, but Roeflame's former apprentice was a skilled warrior, and it would be like old times to partrol with Acornwish once more. She hadn't gotten to spend much time with her former apprentice after she had earned her full name, but that was typical with new warriors.

"Howlingstar would like to lead the dusk patrol tonight along the Riverclan and Skyclan border. Falconheart, you and Honeydapple will be joining her." She dipped her head in respect to their leader, also wishing them safe travels on their patrol. It wasn't every day that their leader lead a patrol, but she was sure that staying in camp grew boring after awhile.

"I would like Duskbird and Flycatcher to lead today's hunting patrols. Duskbird, why don't you try out hunting on the Sunningrocks today?" She hadn't sent a patrol to hunt there for a couple days. With the light snow, perhaps the prey would be enticed to the warm rocks. "Flycatcher, I would like your patrol to hunt around the Great Sycamore." Prey seemed to always be running in that area.

Freckleflame, you are in charge of today's training session. You may choose whichever skill you would like." Sunfreckle's daughter was a sturdy choice. She trusted the molly to ensure their clanmate's skills were brushed up today.

"Lastly, Leafhusk, you are to help Gentlestorm if he needs anything today." After the owl attack on the apprentices, she was sure their Medicine Cat was low on herbs. Without an apprentice of his own, he could use all the extra paws he could get.

  • Dawn River: @WOLFWIND (leading), @Martenmask , @Hickoryskip

    Dawn Shadow: @nightbird (leading), @TOADHOP , @Shinebug

    Dusk Wind: @Flamewhisker (leading), @Mothfur , @Acornpaw.

    Dusk Sky: @HOWLINGSTAR (leading), @FALCONHEART , @honeydapple

    Hunting Patrols: @DUSKBIRD , @Flycatcher

    Training Session: @FRECKLEFLAME

    Helping Gentlestorm: @leafhusk

  • IMG_1727.png

    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Deputy of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring none
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 29 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse

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⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ nightbird joined the gathered cats with heavy eyes and a yawn lodged in her throat. flamewhisker assigned out patrols, voice ringing through camp.

she would be taking the dawn patrol to shadowclan, what a stellar way to begin the day. internally, nightbird groaned. the lead warrior's gaze flicked around until it fell on palepaw first, sending her to the camp entrance with a flick of her tail. she then found toadhop and shinebug, approaching them on languid paws. "let's go, maybe if we're lucky we can miss their patrol."
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 30 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to palepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Although Flycatcher was quietly glad to have stepped back on most days, there were some days where he genuinely missed assigning patrols. He missed considering who to lead border patrols and which warriors would accompany them. Now it was due to Flamewhisker to handle all of that, and whilst he knew his mate had it handled, he would sometimes sit and listen to his mate's assignments and wonder if he would make the same choices.

At Flamewhisker's call, Flycatcher gathers with the rest of his clanmates to listen, wondering if he will be sent on a patrol today. He smiles when he is asked to lead a hunting patrol to the Great Sycamore, nodding his head to show he had listened. There are a few warriors who aren't on dawn patrol so he looks around, curious if any want to join him. "Anyone feel up for joining me?" He mewed.
the temperatures seemed to fluctuate every day now, making waking up too much of a chore. nevertheless, a warrior’s duty is never done, flamewhisker’s call serving as a needed alarm to wake the colorpoint up. she makes her way over and listens in. after a quick groom of her chest fur, she perks her ears. medic duty, huh? makes sense, the poor giant hasn’t caught a break since... well.

leafhusk disperses with the rest of the crowd to find gentlestorm, "good morning. i’m shadowing you today, per flamewhisker’s orders." she greets with a smile.​
Border patrols were important to every Clan, but they were especially important to ThunderClan, considering that they lived in the very heart of the forest, with other Clans on all sides. Martenmask had learned this far later than most of his Clanmates, considering that most of them grew up learning about territorial boundaries, but he liked to think that he would defend ThunderClan's honor and land with as much ferocity as any of them. The less glamorous side of maintaining ThunderClan's integrity was, of course, patrolling the borders, looking out for trouble and making sure the scent markings were fresh. Occasionally, it was true, they felt like a chore, but most of the time the Ragdoll was happy to be sent out into the woods with his comrades. He always spotted something that interested him, or toppled into some intriguing conversation or another; or, if absolutely nothing else, he was content in the knowledge that he had done his duty.

I can't imagine Martin the housecat having duties. Having something to protect other than his toys. Ha! Equal parts amused and self-satisfied at the thought of his past self - and how much distance now separated him from that lifestyle - Martenmask nodded amicably to Flamewhisker. Patrolling with Wolfwind and Hickoryskip, eh? The immense tom shook out his thick coat and drew near to his patrolmate and their leader, owlish blue eyes settling on their lead warrior. "Ready when you are." he meowed. It would be a pleasure to patrol near SkyClan, he felt - they were on good terms with the other woods-dwelling Clan - but he prepared himself for potentially unfriendly words if they bumped into any RiverClanners.
She wouldn't be rusty, would she? Rusty from all that time she's spent lyin' around... That didn't make a lick of sense, that she'd be rusty. It's not like she hasn't patrolled since... Not like Doepaw hasn't seen the light of day. Yes, she's been a bit careful... but who wouldn't be when there were freakish hoof - legged beasts roamin' around like some things out of a scary story? She'd fine, really. She's overthinking, which is something that Wolfwind would never do. Wolfwind would bark, " Yes'm! " with all the passion she could muster, tail giving an envigorated back and forth.

She thinks of better thinks. Things like... Lakemoon. She hasn't seen her sister in too long, now. If she's lucky, maybe she'd catch her on a patrol... She hopes she wouldn't worry. She should just be happy she's alive, right?

Martenmask saunters over quickly, sneakin' up on her bad side. Wolfwind quickly whips her head toward him, eye wide. " Eager, eh? Will you be this eager when I tell ya to fetch my breakfast? " She sits patiently then, angling an expectant look toward the warrior.

" ...I'm kiddin'. " Martenmask is grown, even if he was a kittypet, once upon a time... Doepaw on the other paw, she turns to with a lopsided smile. " As for my minion — I'm kiddin'. " She skips her morning meal these days, anyhow. " We're headin' out. Too bad you'll miss out on Freckleflame teaching you to smite your foes with lightning today. Oh well. " She lifts her head above the crowd, sunburst eye searchin' for Hickoryskip.
The pointed lilac molly wandered over as Flamewhisker's voice called them all to gather, and she mentally rolled her eyes at her own bad luck upon hearing her assignment. Of course they would be heading to Shadowclan, so soon after she'd had to pry one of their apprentices off Fallowpaw in a prey dispute. She wasn't quite done simmering over the whole situation yet, and was not at all eager to see any of their grim faces again. But she had no say in the matter, especially when she'd be going with Nightbird - she could already imagine the smack she would get from her mentor if she even so much as thought about complaining. Instead, she nodded at the lead warrior's gesture, meeting her at the camp entrance as requested. "This should be fun," she mused sarcastically under her breath.

'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — Gentlestorm had been keeping himself rather busy especially now that his den was full with injured cats again, he has to bite down a sigh as he pushes out from the fern tunnel hearing Flamewhisker assigning patrols only to give a dip of his helm in the direction of his friend and turns to Leafhusk who mentions how she'll shadowing him today. A warm chuckle slips from his maw and he tilts his head to the side looking at the molly with dark eyes that were tired "Good morning," The snowy tom glances over his shoulder to make sure not of the cats inside were stirring before turning his attention back to Leafhusk, "Perfect... I'll definitely need some help. A certain someone just won't sit still for long." His voice more hushed as he says, an exhausted sigh leaves his jaws grateful that Leafhusk would be helping him and he trusts her especially since she had gone to Skyclan with him to retrieve catmint for Berryheart. She would be plenty help, whether it was wrangling a patient, trying to find herbs, or hunting for the injured cats.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿❀❀❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ❀❀❀❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • hail.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentle is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    52 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed/not interested; mated to little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
𓍊𓋼 Patrols have been a waking nightmare since the first patrol had spotted a countless number of deer within the forest territory. Clanmates' patrols have been returning without incident ever since, but still Falconheart can't shake the thought that it's only a matter of time before someone is hurt—or killed. Will he have to carry another clanmate back to camp, limp and lifeless? What if it’s his mother or father, or even him, who gets unlucky next?

As he approaches Flamewhisker, he attempts to shake off his racing thoughts. His mother calls his name along with Howlingstar’s and Honeydapple’s, an assignment at dusk to travel along the clan’s borders. His jaw has clenched at some point, and a bolt of soreness travels up to his temple when he opens his mouth. "Alright," he agrees easily with a nod, looking to the other members of his patrol. Howlingstar has been a steady presence in his life for as long as he can remember, and Honeydapple is a reliable warrior as well. If there's anyone he should be glad to check the RiverClan and SkyClan borders with, it is both of them.