
Ferngill didn't know when he'd stopped calling him dad. Was it about the same time his eyes went green, instead of kitten-blue? Or was it when his fur grew from sandy-slush to sunset? Whenever it was, it had happened... but Ferngill hoped his father knew still how much he respected him. How much he admired him. When he'd been a tiny runt, allhe'd wanted was to be big and strong like his father- to fight as well as him, to swim like a fish, to laugh like he did. And... well, he'd managed a couple of those things, he thought. Strength would lie out of his reach forever, but Mudpelt had stuck at his side when he'd tried to peck away at something that'd never come to fruition. He hoped, dearly, that Mudpelt knew it.

"Share this fish with me?" It'd been too long since they'd spent time together, just the two of them. And Mudpelt would know how rare it was for Fengill to offer to share a meal... he often holed himself into nooks and crannies to eat, far away from prying eyes. For once, though... he could shove down that odd habit, if it meant catching up.

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Mudpelt picks up his head as he hears his son call his name, large ears pricking and eyes lighting up at the sight of that familiar ginger pelt. “Heya, Ferngill!” He greets happily, getting to his paws to meet him halfway. His eyes fall to the fat fish placed between them, a bit of shock on his face in response to the invitation. He knows how much his boy likes to eat in private, after all. But the surprise melts into a pleased smile, head cocking as he looks back up and trills, “I’d love to - I have the afternoon off, anyhow.” With a lighthearted shrug, he plops down on his rump and leans to take a bite, paw holding it down so he can tear meat away and begin to chew.

His eyes flick back up to his son, a far cry from the scrawny runt he’d once been. The kit with hairless patches and bulging blue eyes has grown into a fine young warrior, with soft, blazing fur and brilliant emerald eyes. He is one of the most skilled swimmers in the clan. And on top of all of that, he’s now a lead warrior like his sister. Mudpelt swallows, and smiles at his son, amber eyes twinkling with love. “Have I ever told you how proud I am of you?”

At Mudpelt's cheery acceptance, Ferngill beamed. The afternoon off- it was perfect! Like all the forces of the world had adjusted to give them this moment together... and Ferngill did know that was pretty impossible, but it was nice to think about. Yeah, it was a lofty opinion to think the world favoured them- but the gratefulness that glimmered in his bright emerald eye was so bright you'd think he knew for certain that fate had him and his family in their favour.

He was about to strike up small talk when his father's warm gaze sparkled with a smile, and he mumbles words that made Ferngill's ears fold backward with sheepishness. He almost choked on the chunk of fish he'd bitten free, blinking in abject surprise. "I figured you were just relieved to not have to train me anymore," Ferngill joked, tone twinkling light-heartedly, his grin gleeful and humoured. Flattered, he glanced at his paws. "That's all I ever wanted, y'know... to- to make you proud of me."

Invigorated, he found himself kneading at the sandy ground. "I mean... you never made me feel bad, n'- I figured you were just from how you acted, but- but it's nice to hear it."
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Ferngill jokes, but his father still gawks in half-feigned surprise. “You kidding? Training you was…well, it was my favorite time in the world,” He mews genuinely, staring at the warrior his son has become. Respected, honorable, kind, honest…it’s all he could have ever wanted for any child of his. He looks back on their training sessions fondly, the countless days sitting by the river waiting for fish to come along, the fun they had sparring in the beech copse, the hours upon hours splashing in the river. He still remembers the day Ferngill had dove into the river and kicked towards him, when he’d first figured out how to swim. It’s still the proudest moment of his life.

Tears seem to gather in the rather emotional warrior’s eyes as he cocks his head at the ginger tom. “You’ve always made me proud, son. I love you more than all the fish in the river.” He chuffs in laughter, as if trying to ‘man up’ but the emotional sheen is still seen clearly in his gaze. Shaking his head good-naturedly, he takes another bite of fish and opts to lighten the subject. “Tell me about being a lead warrior! I wanna hear all about it!”

Ferngill and his father had that dewy slick to their eyes, the glaze of emotion, in common. When he'd been littler, Ferngill hadn't really thought he had much in common with Mudpelt, no matter how much he wanted to be like him. In fact... he seemed the only child who hadn't gotten anything from him. Iciclefang was a ferocious fighter, just like her father- Steepsnout had been stocky and strong- Darkwhisker was brown, of course- and Lilybloom had no splash of snow on her. He was a pale orange flame, bug-eyesd and balding, dressed in oranges that brightened over time, and he'd stayed small. But he saw himself in Mudpelt's smile- and his father's boundles skindness, instead of his strength, was what Ferngill aspired to now.

"Every single one?" Ferngill asked, jokingly bewildered- but his smile grew more genuine after a moment. "I love you, too." A ginger shoulder knocked against his father's. He hoped it didn't need saying.

Onto other subjects.... Ferngill sniffed away some tears he didn't know were gathering. Stars, why did every emotion make him cry? He remembered weeping over Steepsnout, hot angry tears prickling when he had stormed away from Iciclefang, and now... now, it was happiness. But yeah- lead warrior stuff. "I still can't believe it," he told his father in a hushed, giddy whisper. "It's- a real honour. It's so weird at the gathering, 'cos- I have cats I've seen as lead warriors since I've been an apprentice come up to me and... and just talk!"
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