Dec 21, 2023

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Running away had been a morbid daydream in Badgerstripe's mind, a manifestation of all her guilt and sorrow that has been building up for days. It started out as a mere idea, a fantasy - then built into a 'what if', then to a hope. It brought her comfort to imagine a life where she could be someone else, a cat who didn't cause the death of many others. It was never meant to be a reality.

Next thing she knows, Badgerstripe is plotting her escape. Everything was fine and normal today, well.. normal in her new standards. She completed her duties wordlessly, without complaint, and spoke to no one, not even her friends. As dusk fell upon ThunderClan's camp, she retired to her nest that she had secluded inch by inch, until she was far enough to not mind the whispers of the fellow warriors. But, unlike them, Badgerstripe wouldn't sleep that night.

Every toss and turn was orchestrated to mimic any normal night, down to the twitches of her paws as she pretended to dream. When the soft breaths and snores of her Clanmates settled in, Badgerstripe finally stood, keeping light on her paws as she weaved around stray paws and tails. The moon was high now, just below its peak, and the camp was sound asleep. So far, everything was.. perfect.

Badgerstripe was in a daze as she made her way through the territory, going from a steady and quiet walk to a sprint as she neared its heart. Every instinct to go home was willed away, and she fought back her regrets and worries as the trees began to thin. She had to do this - for the better of ThunderClan, and for herself. For her friends. She would burden them no longer as an undeserving mouth to feed. She wouldn't be an example of a 'bad warrior' anymore.

The thunderpath's stench reaches her nose before her eyes, but the fumes are stale and dormant. Monsters were few and far between at this time of night. Still, Badgerstripe slowed as she approached, taking a moment to catch her breath as she looked both ways. This is it. This thunderpath was a checkpoint - past it, she would not return. That was the promise she made herself. She would sneak through the pines, emerge free at the opposite end of ShadowClan's territory, and emerge into a land unknown. A flawless plan, she thought.

And so, the tortoiseshell took in a deep breath and trotted across the empty thunderpath. Her heart quickened as she continued her trek through the unknown territory, as grass turned to a mush of pines and moss. The marsh stench filled her head and tickled her nose - and, despite her best efforts, the she-cat let out a startled sneeze. Once, twice, three times - an unfortunate sneezing fit to mark an end to her stealth mission. In response to her noise, Badgerstripe froze in her tracks - in this very brief moment of utter silence, she realized her paws were not the only steps to be heard. Was she being.. followed?

Startled green eyes scanned her surroundings, searching for the pawsteps she heard after her own had stopped. With all her might, she prayed to StarClan that it wouldn't be a moonhigh patrol - if she was lucky, it would be a mere apprentice that she could easily trample on her way through. Even with this hope, she wouldn't let her guard down. "I-I know you're there. Stay away," Badgerstripe warned, taking a step back as she turned with squinted eyes glaring into the darkness. "I'm just.. just passing through." Now, her voice wavered and heart began to quicken. How could she defend herself in this unknown territory? With each step, she felt like she was sinking into the earth - the forest foundation of ThunderClan was nowhere to be found. No trees, no undergrowth - she was exposed, vulnerable. In anticipation for an attack, Badgerstripe unsheathed her claws, waiting for the ShadowClanner to reveal himself. She would see herself through this territory and away from the forest, no matter what.

  • badger.png
  • Badgerstripe she/her, warrior of thunderclan, 13 moons.
    a long-furred blue tortoiseshell with a notable black dorsal stripe and green eyes.
    formerly mentored by burnstorm
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


One thing he enjoyed about ShadowClan was remaining active in the night. There was nothing better than a stroll through the murky swamp, the vague twinkling of the stars the only light guiding his path. Doing just about anything was better at this time of day, hunting, patrolling, you name it.

Tonight, however? He was out alone. Not hunting, not patrolling, just running around getting lost in his own mind. Sometimes when he was alone he could pretend he held the freedom of a loner again, he could pretend his paws were free to transverse anywhere and wherever he wanted.

Ears prick up at the sound of a sneeze, not one, not two, but a whole fit. Yellow eyes narrow as his pink nose twitches, a cat was nearby but the scent was not of ShadowClan…

Lowering himself to the ground he stalks the stranger like a piece of prey. With his sights now on her he looks her up and down, claws flexing from their sheathes tempted to dig into flesh. It’s been awhile since he’s had a taste of blood, his brothers knew Snipethorn was never one to turn down a good fight.

Before he can decide for himself, he’s spotted.
That takes some of the fun of an ambush away…

Rising onto his paws he slips out from the swampland foliage to reveal himself.

”Passing through?” He echoes, ”Where to at this time? I’ve been told the other clans don’t enjoy sneaking about in the night as much as ShadowClan does.” And unless she was a medicine cat traveling to the moonstone… No- even then she was heading in the wrong direction, even Snipethorn knew that as a relatively new member to the clan. ”What are you really up to, ThunderClan cat?”
  • » Snipethorn
    » ShadowClan Warrior
    » He/him
    » A heavily-scarred chocolate tom-cat with amber eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe who uses brute strength and hits heavy.
    » Excels in taking opponents head-on.
    » Uses slow but powerful hits to bring them to the ground.
    » Fights to overpower and defeat .
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
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Reactions: ixora

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ The warrior reveals himself, and Badgerstripe's gaze falls to his paws, catching a glint of reflection off small claws. She can't blame him - she was on his territory after all, but she would hope not to fight. She looks him up and down for a moment with a hard-pressed frown. His features are youthful and lively, much like her own - if she had to guess, she'd say he's earned his own warrior name in the past few moons.

But that doesn't absolve him of being a threat. Badgerstripe's lip curls as the tom leaves the foliage he so effortless blended into. When he speaks, she holds her stance, only losing her guard when he questions her. He was right - she enjoyed nighttime as an apprentice, when she could sneak about with her friends and break rules, but now.. the shadows manifested and warped into wolves in every gap between trees, every corner and crevice. She avoided it. This was not like her.

"I'm just -.." Badgerstripe begins, but cuts herself short. Oh, how easy it could be to lie to a stranger, relieve herself from the broken rules and excuse herself without so much as a claw raised. It's a pattern of thoughts she knows all too well lately - she'd consider putting just about anything and anyone at risk if it means she won't suffer her own consequences. Of course, stars curse her empathy, she never would.

But Badgerstripe was not a good liar, as much as she always wished she was. She was a cat that doesn't think before she speaks, doesn't plan - she acts on a whim and speaks her mind. Even now, for a cat that doesn't know her, the ShadowClanner sees right through her with no effort. The molly's lip uncurls and frown returns. What good would a lie do her here, if she could not perfect it in a moment's notice? She would be seen as none other than a trespasser and thusly attacked.

"I'm.. leaving," Badgerstripe speaks again, finally. In that moment, her composure seems to break - her voice wavers and her slouch returns. She feels the tip of her tail sweeping across the swampy land behind her in a slow, mournful motion. She had given up on her attempt to lie her way out, now pondering if honesty would get her through. Why would a ShadowClan cat care about her escape enough to stop her, anyway? As long as she didn't get lost and barrel straight into his camp, of course.

"Not here. ThunderClan. I'm - I'm running away." Speaking her intent out loud had a much stronger effect than thoughtlessly moving through the motions. Badgerstripe had been moving silently, making sure not to give herself much room for regret or hesitation. Now that she was stagnant, cornered into revealing herself, the gravity of her actions was setting in, and there was nothing she could do about it. She chokes over her words as she speaks and feels a panic of desperation flood her heart and mind.

Was she really doing the right thing? Of course. You're thinking too hard. But.. was this really what she wanted? It's always about you, piece of dung. Think of your Clan. Would she.. regret it? "I.. have to do this. You're in my way." If she had to stand here and question herself any longer, the adrenaline would wear off, she would realize what she's doing, and her plan would fail. Badgerstripe's eyes meet the warrior's, with so much emotion that she feels she could drown in it. She felt.. desperate.

  • Badgerstripe she/her, warrior of thunderclan, 13 moons.
    a long-furred blue tortoiseshell with a notable black dorsal stripe and green eyes.
    formerly mentored by burnstorm
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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Of all answers Snipethorn does not expect this.

Leaving? Running away from ThunderClan?

He’s baffled, all clan cats had seemed unwaveringly loyal to him. It’s what made him feel so… insecure. It came naturally to them while the brown Tom was still fighting to feel a sense of home in ShadowClan. His heart yearns to wander past scent markers, to explore and let his paws roam free as they once had.

But… he knew why he stayed. He had kin who wanted him here, a promise he had made in order to get his warrior name. He couldn’t break his word. Surely, neither could this she-cat?

”Why are you running away?” He asks her, yellow eyes scanning her up and down. ”Don’t you… love ThunderClan?” Does he love ShadowClan? No… he knows the answer truthfully, but he was one of them now. He’d break the hearts of his brothers and father if he turned traitor now. This cat had to see she’d do the same.
  • » Snipethorn
    » ShadowClan Warrior
    » He/him
    » A heavily-scarred chocolate tom-cat with amber eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe who uses brute strength and hits heavy.
    » Excels in taking opponents head-on.
    » Uses slow but powerful hits to bring them to the ground.
    » Fights to overpower and defeat .
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
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Reactions: ixora