we can write our story - wildflower

Ember should have given more thought to her decision to become leader. It had been a thoughtless choice, made without any consideration of the responsibility that it would entail. She could not have imagined the sight of everyone looking to her for answers to every question or the feeling of looking them in the eye knowing they were all counting on her. All she had known was that it would help her keep everyone safe. That was the only thought that had propelled her to jump up alongside the other leaders that day.

Not to say that she regretted doing so, quite the opposite.

It was hard, stressful work, but was all paying off. Thunderclan was beginning to shape up into the place she wanted it to be. A family, like the pine group had been, before it was torn apart by grief. A place where anyone could belong. Besides, for all her crushing responsibilities, there was one in which she only took delight. Getting to know her new clanmates. A leader, after all, was basically just a really good friend, she reasoned. How else could she be the best friend she could be if she didn't even know everyone in the clan.

The loners they had met when they found the camp were a good place to get started. All the cats from the gathering she had seen before, to some degree. Those loners were the first truly fresh faces in the clan. One in particular stood out in her mind though, a young girl with energy to match her own.

It took her only a few moments to seek Wildflower out, winding between her clanmates as she made her way though the now bustling camp. She shot the other molly a bright grin as she spotted her. "Heya!" she greeted brightly. "I was just wondering if you'd wanna go hunting together? Just you and me." It was the perfect offer to make in her mind. They would both get a chance to know each other better and they'd get some more food for their friends!

@. Wildflower .
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✵ ღ ☾ LOVE WITH EVERY STRANGER - If asked what her favorite day in her life was, Flow wouldn’t hesitate to answer with “Thunderclan moving in with me and Quail, of course!”
After watching the two groups from a safe distance for so long, now being apart of one was still surreal to her- though to be frank, she was glad it was Ember’s group and not one of the scary ones. Especially now that she had grown to admire the leader and the rest of her clanmates, perhaps overly so, but everything about them had been so intriguing to Flow, and now she was one of them… it was almost too good to be true.
When Ember’s voice caught her attention, the leader would be met with wide green eyes, surprise sparkling in them. ❝ M-me? ❞ Wildflower clarified, glancing around for extra confirmation, and now excitement shone through her . ❝ Oh would I ever! Where do you want to go? ❞ She began to gush, her heart skipping a beat. Ember wanted to hunt… with her! The possibility of a new friend was the cherry on top of her fan-girling as she happily closed the gap between the two, joining Ember at her side as they would begin to gravitate towards the exit.
❝ Speech. ❞


Ember couldn't help but laugh as Wildflower glanced about, searching for someone else that she might be talking to. It was just so silly! "Of course!" she reassured with a grin. "You seemed to know the place so well when you showed us around, who better to take with me?" Though not the actual reason she had sought out the other molly, it was true. Though she had a passing familiarity with the oak forest due to its proximity to the pine forest, Ember certainly couldn't match the knowledge of someone who had lived here for so long.

She didn't miss a beat when the question of where they should hunt arose. "What about that big oak tree you showed off?" she suggested amicably. "You said you had found a lot of prey around there, but I bet if we worked together we could find even more!" Five in a day had been what she had said right? That would be easy enough to beat between the two of them!
✦ ★ ✦

✵ ღ ☾ LOVE WITH EVERY STRANGER - Wildflower was already beaming with pride as Ember noted her fantastic navigation skills- even if those were not the Molly’s exact words, Flow took them in stride.
Slipping through the exit she turns her head to Ember as she mentions a certain oak tree, and Wildflower hides her sudden anxiety with a jovial flick of her ear.
❝ That sounds perfect! It’s a scorcher today, so mice and squirrels are bound to be seeking shade. ❞ She hummed in agreement. Though, truthfully she was feeling a tad bit guilty for the exaggeration she had made that day, still though- the prey was bound to be plentiful!
The silence as they walk only lasts for a moment before Flow makes an attempt to strike up a conversation. ❝ I hope this isn’t too personal, but what made you choose the oak forest? Or… lead? ❞ She chimed curiously, the particular oak tree was only a bit of a trek, but Wildflower had never been one for small talk either way. Behind the idolization of Ember, Flow couldn’t help but want to know the thought process behind it all, to split from your group mates, and explore the unknown paws-first.
❝ Speech. ❞


"Great!" Ember chirped with an easy grin. Hunting was sure to feel like a breeze after all the weird problems she'd had to deal with as leader, especially with someone who knew the land so well at her side.

"Not personal enough, if ya ask me!" she joked with a laugh. If that was the kind of questions Wildflower thought were too personal, she'd hate to hear what kinda boring questions she normally asked! "The oak forest was an easy choice, it's pretty similar to the pine forest where I was before, and nearby to all the friends who still live there to visit! It's also right in the middle ah everything! That way if there's trouble in one of the other clans, I'll always be close enough to lend some help." She reasoned, though admittedly she hadn't thought of all of this when she made the choice. "It also helped I knew somewhere a whole lotta cats could stay here." She added.

The leader part gave her pause though. Not because she didn't have an answer, it just wasn't a very good one. "Well, uh, I'm not quite sure!" she laughed awkwardly, glancing away. "It just, felt like a way I could help. And, after everything that happened, it felt important that I did." Simple as that really. In the moment, it had seemed like the most obvious way she could make sure this clan thing worked. Because it had to work.
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