we could be heroes - - chatting

A light breeze ruffles her white mane as the red tabby sits silently, observing the group from afar. The sun was starting to set, and she pictures it falling into the sundrownplace once more, like it had while they were in the mountains. Her fur twitched anxiously, wondering just how the sun was able to free itself from its watery doom each night, but somehow, someway, it always managed to crawl back into the sky above them. She wondered if perhaps that was where the rain came from...the sun shaking off the remaining water that was left after it's nightly dip.

Her thoughts were interrupted as a familiar figure approached her, several pieces of prey dangling from her jaws. "Stormywing." she greeted, offering the younger molly what smile she could muster. Her clanmate nosed a bird towards her paws, and she begrudgingly accepted the offer. It had been days since her belly had rumbled in hunger...she couldn't remember the last time she had actually ate a meal. She had felt too numb to really dwell on any aches or pains, but sitting here now, looking down at the bird...she actually began to feel hungry. The red tabby leaned down, her jaws reaching for the bird, and she felt a sting in her shoulder. The scratch from the talons of that bird that she had encountered with Orangeblossom. She stiffened slightly, but she didn't make any noise. Her wound was nothing compared to their fallen clanmate.

Flamewhisker finished off the bird in a few ravenous bites, and she licked her lips in satisfaction. Warmth filled her belly, and she felt better than she had in days. She looked around at each of the pieces of prey that Stormywing had caught, and she blinked her eyes warmly. "You have grown into quite the admirable warrior, Stormywing." her voice was soft, obviously not realizing that someone very close could potentially overhear. Perhaps if she had been more alert, she would have realized what she was doing... "It feel like only yesterday that Flycatcher brought you in. Your mother may have been a kitty pet, but I always knew there was something special in you and your siblings."
  • Thread will open after Stormywing & Lightstrike respond​
  • flamegal.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormpaw & Falconpaw
    — 25 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse
    — funny guy art by waluigipinball​

  • Wow
Reactions: Orangestar
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Lightstrike was lounging nearby when Stormywing approached, eyes lazily lifting to her tabby form before sliding over to Flamewhisker when she began to speak out softly. He had already taken his own piece of prey. After all, he would say he deserved his own cut after working to feed and lead all the other Clans as they fumbled about the undergrowth.

The tom's ear twitched, only half-listening, but his head turned towards the she-cats when the lead warrior brings up their days as a kit. "Oh yeah," he mused aloud, decidedly not nearly as quiet as Flamewhisker. It was hardly malicious; whether he was aware of his volume was debatable. "I remember when Emberstar got that collar off you all. Yours was the... blue one? Wonder what happened to them. Don't remember. Did you bury it?"

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
Stormywing has felt more at ease since entering the forest, the canopy overhead a comforting blanket that reminds her of home. It reminds her so much of home, and memories resurface too easily of her littermates, Falconpaw, Flycatcher. Soon, She reminds herself, and continues on with her hunt. By the time she's done soaring through the trees she has acquired three robins, all catches that she carries proudly back to the group with her head held high. She glances around for anyone who has not yet been fed and immediately finds her uncle's mate. With a trill, she drops one of the birds at her paws and dips her head in greeting, that typical half-smile on her face.

She's beginning to look around for Iciclefang, hoping to give her a meal, too, when the lead warrior speaks, praising the warrior the tabby has grown up to be. Her head snaps back to face her, ears pricking and cheeks warming with pride. Flamewhisker is complimenting her? She's, like, one of the top five coolest warriors in the clan, at minimum! Beaming, she quickly boasts a "Thank you," while her chest inflates, feeling the words wash over her sloping shoulders and soak into her pelt. It's not until Flamewhisker continues - too far - that Stormywing freezes up. No, She thinks quickly, eyes blowing wide. "Please stop talking," She utters as quickly and quietly as she can muster, panic evident in her expression as she leans close to the ginger she-cat.

But her friend doesn't seem to get the hint. She swings her head around to stare daggers at Lightstrike as he begins to talk about her collar. "Lightstrike, shut up," She hisses lowly, voice cracking with pressure but it's too late. Heads are already turning towards them; they'd heard. After a moon of pretending to be someone else, thriving under the facade of being born into this wonderful forested world, the truth comes crashing down on her. It had been nice while it lasted. No one knew of the soft paws she once bore or the sky-blue collar that was once clasped around her throat. It was nice to be seen as what she'd always wanted to be: a wild cat. For once, she hadn't been that former kittypet. But as eyes bore into her, she knows that facade is over. Nice while it lasted, indeed.


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after a day of battling bramble and thicket, bobbie is happy to rest. the tabby lies in a controlled sprawl of lilac limbs, half-lidded eyes fixed on no particular point in the rusting undergrowth. it's beautiful to see, really, a contrast to skyclan's perenially green pines—though the conifer-encrusted tract of territory would always be the most beautiful to her, of course. still, as she contemplates the greenery smeared with ginger and gold, she's compelled to admire the flame-dipped leaves as the forest carries out the slow dance of the transition towards leaf-fall proper.

lightstrike's careless volume pulls her from her stupor. sitting up with a taut pull of tired muscle, she catches his words by a narrow margin. emberstar.....collar? bobbie's maned head pivots sharply, wondering who else on this journey could have possible worn a collar. she'd been under the distinct impression they were all forest cats born and bred, ivy curling around their veins and hearts beating with the yowls of war.

"you're—you're joking, right?" bobbie makes no effort to disguise her shock when she finds the golden tabby to be addressing stormywing, of all cats. pale green eyes blink with uninhibited surprise. stormywing, who had expressed seemingly silent approval when bobbie's own scarlet collar had been torn violently away? stormywing, who had of all cats seemed to bother the least with disguising her distaste for bobbie's former lifestyle? shock mutes the tabby's usually automatic compassion.

"i can't believe it." the tabby shakes her head, though it's clearly more for emphasis than out of genuine confusion. nodding towards stormywing, she mews, tone oozing bittersweet shock, "you used to wear a collar?" she pauses, repeating emphatically, "you're kidding me."


  • 6TR0CBJ.png
    bobbie ; warrior of skyclan
    x. she/her ; 42 moons ; tags
    x. small, scarred lilac tabby and white she-cat with green eyes
    x. played by dejavu
    bobbie is a kittypet-born skyclan warrior who would die for her clan regardless of whose blood runs through her veins. perpetually self-assessing, she often finds herself short of who she wants to be. skyclan gossip, if it's to be believed, hints at something more than friendship between her and blazestar.


XXXXXPerhaps if Bobbie hadn’t repeated the phrase—“You used to wear a collar?—Iciclefang would not have heard it so clearly. The tortoiseshell she-cat’s belly cramps with hunger, and she’d half-hoped her tabby friend would have mercy and let her share the bird instead of a cat capable of hunting through the thick wads of forest undergrowth, but she refuses to beg. She will try again herself, after her thorough grooming. Leaf litter gets stuck to her tongue, and she sticks it out, gracefully lifting a pale paw to scrape away the bits of forest when she overhears the ThunderClan cats’ conversation.

XXXXX“Your mother was a kittypet,” Flamewhisker says, her tone soft and without derision; Lightstrike’s is merely conversational. “Which collar was yours again? The blue one?” Bobbie merely blinks, perhaps stunned that a warrior so fierce and so against the idea of Twoleg pets had once shared her background.

XXXXXIciclefang’s eyes are round, but unreadable. She focuses her pale gaze on Stormywing, remembering Ashpaw’s foot crushed in the jaws of that trap. Remembering the Twoleg who’d delivered a kick to her ribs, the Twoleg who’d shot Cicadastar dead and left him pinned to the tree. She recoils without meaning to, her lip curling with faint distaste. “I’m going to try hunting again,” she murmurs to no one in particular, slipping away from the crowd. A Twoleg pet? Her?

XXXXXIciclefang gives her a long, lingering look before she slips into the undergrowth.

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    orangeblossom | tags
    — she/her ; deputy of skyclan, mentoring eveningpaw.
    — scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi by waluigipinball
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
"Weren't you the cat so bothered when Bobbie pointed out the twoleg trap to Iciclefang?" Orangeblossom scoffs, disapproving stare falling on Stormywing. Flamewhisker and Lightstrike, the latter of whom finally has a name in her mind to match the reckless behaviour he'd exhibited in the first part of the journey, had drawn her mild curiosity; but the grey-and-white she-cat protesting so loudly for her Clanmates to stop talking had intensified it into an open eavesdrop. Bobbie, too, seems utterly flabbergasted by the admission, and Orangeblossom's expression sets stony into its usual scowl as she lingers nearby her Clanmate. Another voice, now familiar, earns a twitch of her ear.

"Safe hunting." She meows to Iciclefang as the tortoiseshell turns tail, her half-glance not enough to catch the wide-eyed recoil of the RiverClan warrior. She's too focused on the scene unfolding before her, the young ThunderClanner's hypocrisy on show for all the Clans to see.

Dark-mantled ears flick at the emergence of a familiar breed of discussion. Or, rather, familiar breed of 'harassment'. While Smogmaw will not put up a false front of tolerance and, dare say, compassion, the deputy's range of criticism stops at traits over which one holds no power. That is to say, neither one's heritage nor lineage. His perspective remained unchanged in the days since hauling Slate over the allegorical hot coals. Be it kittypet, loner, rogue, or a stars'-forsaken amalgam of all three, a cat is still a cat, and the only true measure of a cat's worth is said cat's own ability.

Pardon him if he couldn't give a rat's tail about Stormywing's background.

"Is what it is," the older tom speaks up, butting in where he didn't belong. Amber eyes, crowned by a crooked brow, bear down on the ThunderClan warrior. Shame is worn right into her pelt, discomfort a tangible taste in the air. He isn't capable of feigning pity for those who already wallow in it. Hence the curt follow-up, "you'll live."


Not that Greeneyes had been eavesdropping on the - rather loud - conversation, but — did he hear Flamewhisker correctly? Greeneyes lifts his head to look at the trio - specifically the gray and white molly at the center of their discussion.

Stormywing, the cat who’d almost gotten herself stuck in a twoleg trap at the start of the journey - who’d almost diverted their whole mission, set them back further - sends a sharp look to the cream-furred warrior that speaks with the ThunderClan lead, as he continues onward at a blaring volume. Greeneyes blinks at the scene, at the urgency in her demeanor.

You? A kittypet?” Greeneyes asks, hardly believing the words he echoes. He tries to imagine Stormywing as a housecat - in the lap of a twoleg, eating pellets, wearing the apparently blue collar Lightstrike describes. The SkyClanner doesn’t think he was aware that Emberstar took in kittypets while she reigned the oak forest.

An amused cackle rumbles through him as he processes the new information - a background to a cat in which he wouldn’t have cared about prior to their journey, a background he probably won’t care about after the initial shock dies down. “You know, that means you’re more of a kittypet than me!” he teasingly chirps. More of a kittypet than most of SkyClan’s party, really.

  • 70927026_mk0oT2Gc8QoWlIu.png

    Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    — AMAB; He/Him
    — A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    — Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    — "Speech"; Attack

    : * — Among SkyClan's first born, Greeneyes is a bright tom with an affinity for the world around him. Despite always seeking to be kind to others, the warrior believes he's cursed - a belief brought on by rhetoric that green is a deadly color.
Stormywing's face is already dropping with humiliation as voices rise up around her. Bobbie's repeated sentiments are sharp and painful against her ears, Orangeblossom - cat she'd come to think was pretty dang cool for a SkyClanner - joins in, even more disapproving. Every word they speak is like a claw in her chest. Her striped tail is tucking low beneath her body as her pelt burns with embarrassment. She hadn't even realized her eyes had begun to gloss over with wet tears as she looks around at them, silently pleading with them to stop. She can't take it anymore.

What had she been thinking, to pretend she was anything other than what she is? She had spent her entire apprenticeship fighting and proving she wasn't her kittypet roots. To this day, some of her clanmates still hold it against her. When the opportunity came to meet cats who didn't know where she came from, and to keep them not knowing...it had been too tempting a lie to pass up. Smogmaw's words would be comforting if she wasn't surrounded by words that were so discouraging. You know, that means you're more of a kittypet than me! His tone says he means well, but the sentiment only causes her to squeeze her eyes shut, forcing tears from her watery eyes. It stings more than it's meant to.

When she opens her eyes again and draws in a shuddering breath, she finally spots Iciclefang. Her eyes are wide, her lip curling slightly. She's disgusted with me, She realizes, and she can feel her heart shattering within her chest. Who can blame her? Who could ever think a kittypet like her was cool or interesting or special? When the tortoiseshell turns, says she's going hunting, Stormywing yanks her head away, back towards the ground with her ears pinned back against her head. Filled with shame, her wide, teary eyes dart about the cats in the clearing but she, too, turns to run off.

// out! Thank you guys for participating in this development!
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