Jul 26, 2023
YOU SAW ALL THE WORLD WAS YOURS ✧°. ☽ ————————————
If someone was to come plodding out of the Riverclan camp in that moment, they would be greeted by quite the sight. Just off the edge of the waters is Barleybee, the tortishell twisted in ways that made her look more like a tumbleweed than anything like a cat. The warrior gnaws at her own pelt, uncharacteristic in her attempt to tame the tangled fur. This was not due to a random urge to be tidy; no, instead being caused by a stubborn burr nestled deep, directly against the skin along the center of her spine. The irony of this all and the fact it was their own doing absolutely did go over their head.

Fur slips through her teeth as they snap, revealed by a wrinkled muzzle; the thick stands muffling the agitated growls leaving Barleybee's throat. The ministrations proved to only cause the offending bur to burrow further down. It takes another few moments before her teeth finally catch, head jerking as she rips it free, unfortunately taking several strands of fur along with it. The sudden motion is not well prepped for as her head goes swinging.

The momentum sends the feline flailing, tumbling right for the water she had so carelessly decided to take on this task beside. A startled "MOUSEDU-" barely escapes before being cut off by the splash of them being submerged headfirst. It's not hard for the Riverclanner to right herself, having long become accustomed to the water; though her fur seems to float atop the gentle lapping waves. Peeking above this puddle of fur is merely the upper portion of her head, the pouting warrior flicking an ear in annoyance.

//Apologies if it's rough, I don't think I've properly roleplayed warrior cats in at least a year! Or, roleplayed at all in a year...
Feel free to have your cat just approaching or have been watching! Barley would not have been paying attention!

[penned by rexaraneo - ]
———————————— ☾ .°✧ BUT YOU DON’T HAVE THE SAME EYES
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⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ "She's beauty, she's grace," Fallinglight says with laughter in his eyes, though his voice is without any malice— it's all teasing, and he stretches out on his belly by the river to dip a paw into it. It's not as high as it once was; some places are barely a river at all, but he has to trust Cicadastar's got it covered, as much as it chafes to do nothing about it personally. At least this area's still deep enough that Barleybee didn't tumble head-first into a dirt-and-stone pile. That'd warrant a true emergency.

"Fur giving you some trouble? Sure looked that way, and that was before you fell in."

  • ooc:
  • FALLINGLIGHT / / 11 moons old / / amab and uses masculine pronouns; will be startled by the use of any others.
    — warrior of riverclan / / earned warrior name early at 10 moons / / skilled but not experienced / / mentoring [n / a].
    — npc parents / / father died in the great battle and mother left when he was apprenticed / / no contact w / siblings.
    — flirtatious & disastrous bisexual / / fairly indiscriminate (even when he should be) / / closed to long-term romance.

    a fairly trim, athletic cream tabby and black chimera with high white. fur is thick and a bit sharp, though tends to soften and curl primarily around his face and tail when wet. eyes are a bright, gleaming blue at home with the river on clear, sunny days. he is rarely without a devil-may-care grin, though despite his daring personality, has yet to accumulate noticeable scarring.
  • dear shell, watching barleybee fall into the river grooming herself was almost funny enough to make me feel better. but i'm still mad at saltsting, even if remembering barleybee's face gives me the giggles.


Though Dovethroat's sour disposition that he was renowned for for a bit of his life has since become mostly a thing of the past, a relic, he still worries that some may consider him a true curmudgeon—uncaring of the hardships of people, even those who were fellow members of his own clan. Sure, Dovethroat was not nationalistic, and he could be moody, but he would object to such characterizations.

Whether he would do that out loud or otherwise was up to be questioned, though.

"I—a-are you okay?" Dovethroat asked, his voice sounding awkward and squawkish as he rushed toward the sound of someone shouting and falling into the water. He had good ears; or at least he liked to think that he did.

( tags ) At Fallinglight's jest he can't help but chuckle alongside the younger tom. He is well aware that Fallinglight holds no malice in their playful words and if the younger tom was joking to poke fun he would reprimand him because everyone has their days. Even he had moments where he would slip and plunge into the river with a screech. I can't tell you how many times I tripped because of a large fish I caught and end up having a face full of sand. In any case he would follow Dovethroat to where they assumed Barleybee would resurface. "I think she's alright. She was probably startled, but I guess it never hurts to make sure she didn't actually hurt herself," he tells Dovethroat.
Iciclefang snorts with laughter, a near-silent but unmistakable sound. She comes to a stop beside Fallinglight, her smile small and carefully controlled. “Did you at least get the burr? What a shame it would be to be to have to tug it out of wet fur.” She flicks her tail behind her, studying the bright colors streaming away from the she-cat floating in the water. Dovethroat and Pikesplash express concern, but the tortoiseshell doesn’t see how she could’ve hurt herself to badly just falling into the river.

She pads closer to the bank, dipping a paw in the water. “Thanks for testing the water temperature.” The tortoiseshell settles, pushing her other white forepaw into the waves created by the she-cat’s burly body splashing into the river. “It is a nice day for a swim, I suppose.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white markings and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
YOU SAW ALL THE WORLD WAS YOURS ✧°. ☽ ————————————
If tumbling muzzle over tail over a but wasn't bad enough, it seemed that she had a Starclan-forsaken audience. From her place semi-submerged, she levels Fallinglight with a glare. The look lacks any heat to really sell the effect and they find herself snorting in laughter. The sound of approaching pawsteps has her head swiveling, still partially submerged. She pops her head up to relieve the concerned warrior, only for Pikesplash to get to it first. And oh, isn't this simply mortifying. Sure, it was one thing for it to be freshly made warriors like herself to witness her tomfoolery but for a warrior old enough to be her mentor to see it? Perhaps she could simply let herself float down the river until she found out how it ended.

It was only when Iciclefang came to join that an idea occurred to her. "Yeah, I did. I reckon you could probably find a clump o' fur around here somewhere if ya went lookin' she says as she gets her paws under herself, finding that with a touch of stretching they could touch the bottom. There was a split moment where perhaps a cat close enough to the warrior could catch on to the wicked grin on her face. "You're so right Iciclefang, so why don't you folk join me!" she says as she rears up in the water suddenly, flopping towards the others as she attempts to send a wave of water towards them.

[penned by rexaraneo - ]
———————————— ☾ .°✧ BUT YOU DON’T HAVE THE SAME EYES
  • Haha
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