border WE COULD HAVE LOTS TO WORRY ABOUT ⁂ dumpster kitten?


Miss Brightside
Jul 13, 2024

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The girl doesn’t quite remember what drew her to the bin that help her captive now. It had been so late, and she had been so tired, the girl thinks… she had smelled something nice in it, and that had been the scent that had lured her in.

In any case, when the kitten had wriggled her way under its lid, she had been met with only a steep drop into a pile of something’s that crinkled and rustled, luckily nothing sticky like that awful stuff that had been in this things awful metallic cousin. One would think she would have learned her lesson by now, Mother would have been expecting so.

When she wakes up, it is a ratty sheet of uncomfortable fabric her mottled face is buried in. When the girl lifts her muzzle, her sky is a sheet of unnatural sapphire blue. The black lid that kept her trapped seemed much farther than it had last night, and as the girl untangles herself with rasped grumbles of effort, she cannot help but feel a pang of panic. How am I going to get out of here?

Screaming too much would likely draw negative attention, so… the kitten opts to instead begins banging her paws against the sheet of thick plastic, rolling onto her back and using her hindlegs when her forepaws begin to tire. Thump, thump, thump.

When her back legs are burning, the tortoiseshell kitten flips to her belly, squinting at the wall opposite of her by only a tail-length. THUD! The sound of her shoulder smacking against the wall of the can in an effort to tip it over only sends it vibrating, and a shooting pain through her shoulder. Exasperated, hungry, and beginning to panic, the kitten finally flops back onto her spine and letting a deep inhale fell her chest cavity. “HELPPPP! GET ME OUT OF HERE! …. HELLLP MEEEE!”

  • she’s in a trash can somewhere on the edge of the two-leg place by one of the houses on the outskirts ! (:

  • PLUMKIT she/her, kit of SkyClan, four moons.
    feathery fawn tabby and tortoiseshell chimera she-kit with vivid hazel eyes.
    mentored by N/A
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ⁂ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


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A border patrol? With each day Sorrelsong was more and more tempted to say 'no way'.
The banging caught her attention, prompting her fur to stand on end. To many things were happening on the borders these days - cats, kits, and dogs. Plus this crazy stalker Doeblaze had, not to mention her own. Needless to say the molly was quick to silence any chatter her patrol-mates were having with a soft, sharp "Hey" before attempting to find the source of the sound. Even when the unknown cat began to yell, Sorrelsong ordered her fear into submission. She pressed close to the ground, scanning everything as she moved into the mess of two-leg nests towards the gaint metal tree stump.
It was only once she processed the voice that she realized what had happened. A kit! Then she frowned. A kit?
Jumping from ground to tree stump, the molly gazed in. A kit.
"Hello, don't - don't worry we'll get you out. " She called down to the kit, scanning the surroundings for any sign of the kit's family. She tasted the air, tail flicking at the result. "Try not to yell, please, there's twolegs and dogs. Just sit tight- "
↪ OOC:
Kits, kits everywhere. Spicepurr grimaces as the voice of one echoes out of the nearby twoleg objects, as if she anticipates it will animate and gobble them whole. A childish thought, she knows, but it hardly halts the skipped beat in her heart when she watches Sorrelsong jump upwards to land squarely on the object's platform. Her tail lashes firmly behind her as she tries to hide the jump in her chest before launching upwards herself, joining Sorrelsong in peering down at the little thing.

Not Ari, not Miz, she thinks, almost pathetically, almost mournfully. A child is a child nevertheless, and though Spicepurr has no immediate attachment to the kitten, she is still a life worth saving.

"Can we heave a branch into here?" Spicepurr asks as she twists, looking towards the tree line. "She can climb it then. Unless someone thinks they're strong enough to carry her out...?" Again, she looks towards the patrol, tail twitching as if she's counting the seconds of idling.

Radio Silence ♥

Would seem that Skyclan would be plague with finding more kits at their front door. This time, one finds itself in a predicament, Sorrelsong quick to action to jump onto the giant metal thing, Spicepurr quick behind her before the cinnamon tabby joined in, peering down at the trapped kitten before the other warrior suggested they could grab a stick and hope the kitten would cling on or, see if one of them would be strong enough to carry the kitten out.

"Lets try a stick first than see if one of us can get her out" he mouthed before the mute turned his attention back to the tortoiseshell, the tip of his tail twitching while a gentle smile slipped onto his maw in attempt to be a comforting face and to allow the kit to know, everything would be okay.

The tom could hear his heartbeat thumping, the shapes of the nests converging into stone prisons even as he did his best to focus on the patrol. Little thought of the repetitiveness of the situation did not reach him, not when he was on a battlefield, where his enemies were things that could not be easily beaten. Silversmoke watched his clanmates congregate around the shiny trunk, lamenting at the sturdiness of this newest opponent, that it could withstand so much and give so little. With a wiggle of his haunches, the spotted tom hopped up alongside them. He looked back and forth between the SkyClanners and, when they suggested fishing, he hopped down into the shiny stump.

The earth below was uneven and black claws had to grip at even darker plastic to stand a chance to stand upright. Familiar, acrid scents flooded his nostrils, even the distant smell of something nice became scourged by experience, knowing such things to be disappointing (vital, but disappointing. Even now, he could not wash the taste of old chicken from his maw). Silversmoke's broad form leaned down, aiming to grab the stranger kitten by the scruff of its neck. When (and if) he had a good enough grip, the tom would leap up onto the edge of the trashcan and topple over it, landing shakily on squared paws and letting go of the child on impact.

There was a heave to his flank, not from the exertion of a menial task, but from where it had taken place... and who it was he had rescued from a Twoleg carrion-nest. "What in StarClan's name were you doing in there?" He asked, though dreading the answer he'd hear.


-ˋˏ ༻ ⁂ ༺ ˎˊ-
Luckily, it doesn’t take long for her prayers— or screams— to be answered. Amidst her hollering the voices of nearby cats break through the barrier of her enclosure, though just barely. Shortly after, the girls cage begins to tremble slightly, and a round-eyed, mottled face is staring down at her from where the kitten still lies on her back. Don’t worry we’ll get you out.

It had been at least a half-moon since the kitten had seen another cat, and the one the gazed down on her now could very well be an angel as far as she was concerned. “Okay..” the girl whisper-yells in return. The box trembles once, twice more. Two more pairs of eyes are looking down on her, with one suggesting they use a branch to get her out. “A branch?” The kitten squeaks, uncertain, “but what if I get a splinter?”

When her temporary home shakes once more, it actually spits a cat down, planting them right in front of her. The girl jumps to her paws with a surprised cry, “AHH-” there is little time to react, put up an instinctive fight. Sloppily, the kitten is nabbed and flying through the air in one fell swoop.

When she is dropped from the stranger’s jaws, the kitten all but tumbles away, rolling to her paws with adrenaline setting her spine on fire. Though, now that they were both removed from the unflattering light of the girl's rusted enclosure, he looked far less frightening, the sigh he heaved more akin to the one her mother used to let out when she was disappointed in the kitten. What had she been doing in there?

“I don’t know… it was cold out and something smelled nice in there. I just wanted a place to sleep.” Sheepishly, the kitten grimaces under the quizzical gazes of the four, rather large, wild cats. “What were you doing over here? You don’t look like house cats.” A petulant attempt to grab hold of the situation, the girl turns a questioning— if not near accusatory eye— on the strangers.

  • PLUMKIT she/her, kit of SkyClan, four moons.
    feathery fawn tabby and tortoiseshell chimera she-kit with vivid hazel eyes.
    mentored by N/A
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ⁂ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


His eyes blinked wider in alarm at the kitten's explanation. There was a kindred soul somewhere beneath the feathered fur and suspicious expression, but more than that, he felt a nagging guilt within his heart that so many kittens were alone so close to leafbare. His ears flicked back as if second-guessing his assumption that she was alone, before going over her words with a finer comb - 'I just wanted a place to sleep'. Silversmoke doubted a kittypet would choose to sleep in a shiny trunk, even one as young and inexperienced as the chimera.

He swiveled his head to survey his clanmates, taking stock of who was a Daylight Warrior and who was not. There was an acrid dryness to his throat as he realised he would have to explain SkyClan once more to a stranger.... a kitten stranger, no less. Empathy and confusion mixed into one and there was an awkwardness to the way he cleared his throat. "We are a part of a group out in the forest." He looked out over the child's head, the grey stripe down his spine bristling towards the sky. Within the Twolegplace, home felt too far away. The tom didn't look forward to venturing out further.

"We were checking out our borders. We have to guard them from... big, mean scary cats and... giant dogs... and..." 'You are too old for this kit-talk.... or no, wait, maybe you're not. Stars, I thought I was getting the hang of this.' It felt like another affect of the Twolegplace, the boggling of senses that were otherwise honed, the rare glimpse of nervousness he'd always been so scared to show. "Kittens who find themselves in shiny trunks. But sometimes, if the kittens are extra brave, we let them sleep in a forest... in our camp."

Though moons away from his place on the council, authority still found the tom easily when it mattered. As he spoke, he turned to Sorrelsong and the others, subtly gesturing with his tail for them to help him out. Or, at the very least, help the unnamed kitten out; she deserved a better place to stay than within the carrion nests.