no angst we feel a little warmer now Ѧ freeze tag

Nov 6, 2023
⸙͎。˚⋆ ⍋ ѧѦ ѧ⍋ ⸙͎。˚⋆

A lady of feathers and gentle smiles has opted to entertain his antics today.... paired with a little blue boy (who was growing quite fast) who demanded to join them. He was nice enough to bring his tiny baby sister or something... the Witch's daughter, Eveningkit. Valepaw wouldn't begrudge them that... besides, this game was more fun with more players involved. Turning to a dusting of tortie fur, the chimera offers her a winning smile, grateful for her sacrifice of her free time to play, "So... so... uhm...." he is already stumbling over his words, trying to swallow down his excitement enough to speak clearly. "One of us has... has to be the hunter! And... when you catch someone they gotta FREEZE!"

He hops into a wide stance, a statue of example before shaking out his heavy coat to continue his idea, "And then... but then like. Uhm. If... if one of the preys touch a frozen prey, then they rescue them." He nods with a certain stubbornness, pausing only to think it over a little longer before adding. "If.... if more wanna play we'll have'ta add hunters..."

Turning to Pebblekit and Eveningkit with honeyed emerald eyes, the tom cat points his nose at them as if ushering them to get ready to run, "She's like... really fast," he warns, flicking his tail towards Robinheart in lieu of saying her name. "So good luck!"


Robinheart feels happy to oblige Valepaw's request to join his game. Guilt gnaws at her tender heart for leaving the apprentice to fend for himself in the apprentice den since her move to the warriors' den. This may not atone for her self-appointed sins but it is a start. Plus it is a beautiful day to be out and interacting with clanmates - especially the young ones. Robinheart recalls admiring the warriors who would play games with her and her littermates when she was a kitten. Now she gets to fulfill the role she always looked up to.

It is all too easy to return Valepaw's smile as the chimera leaps into explaining the rules of the game. The tortie nods along in amused interest, keeping her brilliant yellow eyes fixated on Valepaw as he not only stumbles over his words but also provides a visual example of how to freeze should the 'hunter' tag the 'prey'. Seemed simple enough. Robinheart copies the freeze stance for a second, locking her limbs and focusing on keeping her tail still despite it wanting to flick happily behind her. It is then that she hears Valepaw playfully warn Pebblekit and Eveningkit of her speed (she wasn't planning on going too hard on them, they were just kits after all) and Robinheart flashes the youngsters a grin. "Sounds like I get to be the hunter first then," she muses, shifting from her freeze position into a crouch, tail held aloft and hips wiggling as she prepares to chase her 'prey'. "I'll give you a three second head start since my legs are longer." Mirth fills gentle eyes as front paws shift to gain better traction against the ground.



One... start running!"
Robinheart warns with a laugh, waiting for shorter limbs to scramble into action before springing forward and aiming to tap whoever was closest should they be close enough to tag, though hoping she'll fall short just to give them something to brag about for a minute.
( penned by kerms )

This has got to be one of the best days of her life - disregarding the fact that her life, so far, has not been very long. Eveningkit is swaying from side to side, shifting her weight around as she stands and waits for Valepaw to explain the rules. It's only when he exclaims the word FREEZE does she stop as if practicing already. She gets to play with the grown-ups! Even a warrior is here!

"Uh-uh." She leans in close, listening intently to Valepaw's instructions. There's a moment of stillness, but not calm; it's filled with anticipation, and Eveningkit regards the prey and hunter in question.

Robinheart is already in a stance that mimics a real hunter shifting through reeds and undergrowth in search of juicy prey. "I'm a fish," Eveningkit declares. "With really shiny scales. I'm probably very juicy too!" Perhaps taunting your hunter with how you'll taste when they catch you is not a good lesson to learn in self-preservation, but Eveningkit is determined to paint a clear picture here. Doesn't matter that she's a fish who does not yet know how to swim and will be using all four limbs to escape instead.

Three... two... one..

Eveningkit exclaims happily as the game starts, all participants a blur as they jump into action. The backdrop of camp fades into obscure lines as she bounds away from Robinheart, but all effort is in vain. The menacing hunter really IS fast.

"Nooo!" There's a brief moment where Eveningkit is sure she's about to get tagged- the first one! How embarrassing would that be? She drops to the ground, letting her limbs become something akin to a ragdoll, successfully evading Robinheart's paw by a whisker. Eveningkit really does look like a fish out of water as she scrambles back to her feet and bounds further away with a triumphant purr.

  • 3rauDdy.jpeg
  • OOC -
    DAUGHTER TO Lichentail x Hazecloud
    SISTER TO Horizonkit & Twinklekit & Snowflakekit

    ✦ Pale grey point she-cat with yellow eyes.
    ✦ Penned by ˏ 𝙠𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙚𝙣 ´