we feel it inside our bones — water combat training

Foxtail makes his way over to the river, ears pricking up at the peaceful current. He felt some relief in his chest— the river's current doesn't seem that bad today. The river can be... temperamental. He was probably the only cat worrying about how the current was today; he's certain that his patrol partner, Brookstorm, isn't the slightest of worrier. But the peaceful current will make it easier to give the apprentices a refresher on water combat— it would do them no good if the current was wild today. He leads the patrol to the river, before he turns to face the group of apprentices.

"A-alright! Here we are," He speaks up with a nervous swish of his tail, his olive green eyes looking over at the apprentices gathered. He steps into the river, silently reminding himself to remain calm as the water soaks his paws. Lichentail entrusted him to properly lead this training session, but it isn't easy to let go of his fear of water. He wishes his heart wouldn't race as fast as it does upon entering the water, but he tries to ignore it. "Now that the river has warmed up, today is a perfect day to freshen up on water combat." He mews as the sun shines onto his fur.

Water combat is a unique skill that only RiverClan possesses. It's entirely unique to them; and it's important that each RiverClanner learns these battle skills. Foxtail might not be the best fighter, but even he is familiarized with them. ...Perhaps Lichentail saw improvement in his battle skills since his warrior ceremony, it has been a couple moons now. He must've improved enough to be entrusted to host this training session, he can only hope he won't let Lichentail down.

"P-perhaps we could use a demonstration," He mews as he looks over at his patrol partner. ...He wasn't exactly certain on how pleased Brookstorm was to be hosting this session with him. He didn't know her very well, but she seemed a little more rough on the edges. "Brookstorm, do you mind? On m-me, of course..." Even if that means Brookstorm dives underwater and sweeps at his legs— that kind of move seems up her alley. He lets out a quiet sigh, mentally preparing for the young warrior to make a move.


  • patrol tags: @PEBBLEPAW @brookstorm @CICADAPAW @minnowpaw! @BEEPAW
  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to sixbane for the minis & tropics for the icon <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    18 moons

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I HEARD, I HEARD ACROSS THE MOONLIT SEA — Beepaw follows behind Foxtail and Brookstorm with her feathery tail sweeping behind her, she's glad that the rivers warm once more and she definitely won't be missing leaf-bare anytime soon. She doesn't appear like she is but she's pretty eager to try out water combat with the rest of the apprentices present and her cousin is here to participate with the rest of them, she watches Cicadapaw from the corner of her eye. She stands by waiting to see the demonstration by Foxtail and Brookstorm, she thinks about how the gray molly had been her denmate a few moons back. Her large ears perk forward waiting to see the lesson unfold and perhaps she'll test these lessons later on the other apprentices, she would've gone to Cicadapaw but he seemed upset at her as of late... Perhaps she'd ask Sandpaw.

  • bKn8fx1.png
    shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. all her opinions are IC only.
    10 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    sexuality unknown; currently interested in no one
    currently being mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadapaw and cricketpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Brookstorm's maw parts with a yawn as they near the water's edge. Usually she would be fine with multiple patrols throughout the day, however it seems that fatigue wears on her more terribly as of late. Her ear twitches as she finds her way into the water, a paw slipping out beneath her briefly. She catches her balance before she makes a fool of herself, however the near-accident still causes her to furrow her brow with minor frustration.

She lets Foxtail start his training session, tail flagging in the water casually. He's nearly trembling, though she doesn't know why; as much as they share a den, Brookstorm hardly knows the tom, just as the tom hardly knows her. She supposes such is just to be life. Or, maybe, she's just never been good at making friends. Her gaze falls over Beepaw, and how they shared a den for moons, but she hardly knows the white speckled girl.

"Hmm?" she hums as Foxtail finds her attention again. Oh, a demonstration. Sure. She only offers him a nod before diving into slightly deeper water. Her coat blends in with the river rocks and sand beneath them, though the watchful eye would keep well track of her. And just as the tom predicts, she goes for his legs, aiming to sweep him beneath the waves with her. Regardless of if she's successful, the she-cat would try to stand again, prepared for if he lunges back wards her.​