WE GET BETTER &. gathering announcement


just a quick thread to officially announce cats going to the gathering! feel free to have your cat react any way! //

chilledstar didn't even want to go to this fucking thing. they had to find out how to get those bears out of camp, and yet they've barely done anything. they can't get out of their head and it's pissing them off. but they say nothing. duller than usual, they call out to the cats that have gathered under the thunderpath.

"the gathering is this night. the cats that will be attending include spectermask, stumpyspots, needledrift, jitterpaw, and raggedpaw. if you are injured, you will stay. we are suffering enough without you tearing wounds open while walking to sit beneath the stars. if you are within the hps, then you can join ad well, unless you're injured."

they don't want to hear arguments but they're sure someone will complain. it was kind of in their nature, wasn't it? tch. still won't change my mind.

//@JITTERPAW @spectermask @Needledrift @RAGGEDPAW. @STUMPYSPOTS
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Stumpyspots is pleased to hear she will be attending this moons gathering. Then again- there hadn’t been much for options had there? Most of ShadowClan was injured or in no state to make the journey, still she inwardly vows to treat this as the honor it was. She’d represent ShadowClan well and proudly points her stubby nose into the air. She gives her leader a nod, and aside from that… what more was there to say?
Yarrowpaw could not help but feel crestfallen at the news he would not be able to attend the Gathering. Perhaps it was too much to hope for, really - he was only a new apprentice, after all - but it still stung, especially since Jitterpaw was getting to go. He was happy for his sibling - glancing around hopefully in an attempt to spot the familiar dark pelt - but he had to wonder what it was about him that had made Chilledstar unwilling to take him along. The chocolate tabby let out a soft sigh as he edged towards the leader and their party, offering a lopsided smile to Stumpyspots and the rest. He didn't want to be a downer, after all. "Have fun."
A green gaze catches Chilled, commanding and... tired looking. They announce those that are going to the gathering, and Specter nearly frowns upon hearing their name in the line-up. Naturally, they guess, but it's not really something they want to go to. To sit through god knows how long of leaders screeching at each other, a mess of a gathering? He shakes his head, slowly, enough so that he hopes Chilled wouldn't notice.

He was only going to support them, after all. He couldn't care less about the other clans, Windclan, vile, and the others just annoying.

He swishes his tail as he seeks out Eerie in the crowd, finding himself near the other in a couple of strides. "...Be safe, here, kid." he flicks an ear, but never before has he questioned Chilled's instructions, and he won't start it now. "Guard the others, okay? They need someone strong." a rare grin crosses his lips as he swishes his tail back and forth, attempting to press his nose on Eerie's head in an affectionate gesture. "I'll be back before you know it, and i'll let you know what happens."
can we leave it behind? His skull still aches with a tremor from the collision while searching for Ratwater, but otherwise Sabletuft had felt... fine. He hadn't sustained any major injuries from WindClan aside from a small slash across his muzzle. A gift to show his participation outside of destroying their leaders throat. He hadn't been truthful to Starlingheart about the conditions of his pain after a couple days rest, figuring he wouldn't be any helpful just laying around if only his head was hurting. There were cats with injuries worse than his, both inside and out, that she could sue her time better for.

The Gathering. A night he continuously opted out of for his own mental sake. A clearing surrounded by oak trees that he still saw in thrashing nightmares. Was it worth going?

Just once. He would try one night. To be present for ShadowClan while most of their ranks stayed within the tunnels. His eyes rest on the spot he and Sunnyday had shared a rabbit together and swallowed. He prayed the ThunderClanner had heard from Wolfwind's patrol that the Thunderpath was no longer vacant. That it looked like the entire camp was made beneath the pavement. He hoped Sunnyday would be smart to stay hime for the evening, and he would be sure to make himself scarce for the night just in case he did try.

"Don't go running off again." His remarked bluntly to his sister. He pressed his forehead against hers briefly before joining those ready to depart. — tags
Needledrift blinks at her name, a bit tickled that Chilledstar had thought her worthy of their party tonight. She gulps down her worry, swallowing all of her concern for the still-healing Chittertongue, the quietly traumatized Siltcloud, and the distraught little Emberkit. They would be safe with the confines of their makeshift camp while she was away. The worst that could happen would be a boring night spent inside, it's not like the bears would find their clanmates while they were away.... right?
she smells like lemongrass and sleep

The gathering is impending, and Eeriepaw wants nothing more than to get away from the tunnels that ShadowClan has seeked refuge under. All too cramped, all too grey - Eeriepaw wants to stretch his legs, wants to sit under the moonlight for longer than just a moment. He doesn't care much to mingle with the other clans. He just wants to be outside.

So, when Chilledstar announces their small list of gathering-goers and Spectermask is upon it, of course, Eeriepaw thinks he will be able to go too. Why wouldn't he? He's Spectermask's apprentice - he usually gets to tag along wherever the black-and-white warrior goes.

Spindly limbs head over to his mentor as he's waved over, dark eyes meeting his green gaze as he awaits instructions. He expects something along the lines of 'stay close.' He doesn't expect the 'be safe, here' that he receives. Eeriepaw blinks in confusion, his heart sinking at the thought of having to stay here.

"I want to go." Other apprentices are going, ones younger than him. He's almost a warrior - he's more capable of defending himself than Raggedpaw and Jitterpaw were. Shouldn't he get to go? "I want --"

His protests are pointless, this he knows. Even if he knows how to defend himself, the clan needs someone here to defend them, should something go wrong.

They need someone strong, Spectermask tells him with a smile. Eeriepaw isn't sure the last time he'd seen his mentor smile, but it doesn't stop the feeling of defeat from sinking in as he nods his head. He'll hear about the gathering later, Spectermask promises to tell him all about it. Though his want to be at this gathering wasn't for the news aspect, he supposes it's something to look forward to - something to mark his mentor's safe return.

"Okay," he mumbles with a flick of the tail as a nose is pressed against his head. "Be safe, there."
Ey's a bit taken aback when ey hears er name announced alongside the others, but ey certainly is not going to complain. With the bears around, nobody has been in the highest of spirits, and it makes for terrible conversation and even more terrible relaxation time. Ey knows ey can't completely let er guard down, but it's something, at least. More than ey's had in a little while, now. Jitterpaw comes over to bump er shoulder against Yarrowpaw's; ey doesn't feel bad for being chosen over him, but that doesn't mean ey has to make it worse for him. Er teeth click together harshly a few times as ey takes a seat next to er brother. Ey gives a small nod towards Chilledstar, acknowledging their decision.​