camp WE GET THROUGH THIS – physical therapy

Her leg is healing, at least that is what auntie Bonejaw had told her. The wound looks puckered, red around the edges and flaked with scabs but when she sniffs it there is no sour smell. No sign of infection. And it no longer hurts to the touch. If she was still a regular apprentice she would be ready to return to her regular old duties soon, but her aunts words weigh in her head. Her offer. The next morning, she is more certain of her decision to say yes than the night before. She wakes up in good spirits, today was going to be a good day! Her leg was on the mend, her life was taking a new direction. Things were looking up.

She walks out into sunlight, a rare sight to see these days which have mostly been overcast and gloomy. She takes it as another sign she is doing the right thing. For a moment, she stops, enjoying the sun before remembering what she has come outside for. Physical therapy. Today she needed to start strengthening her leg again, if she ever hoped to use it again like normal that was. It had been resting too long, gone weak compared to her other legs.

She feels it now as she slowly rests it on the ground, slowly puts her weight on it but she lets out a squeal when it buckles beneath her, unable to hold her up now.

Baby steps. She reminds herself as she stumbles forward a little bit, righting herself to keep from falling over.
  • Betonyfrost's eyes open only when she hears a cry. Head snapped up, ears swiveling-- was someone hurt?-- but her tensed body relaxes when she sees that it is only Starlingpaw splayed from a presumed fall in front of the medicine den. Disappointment scratches at something in Betonyfrost's chest. This had been such a nice place to take her nap, and Starlingpaw was probably going to be at this for a while, noisy all the while.

    She stands into a stretch and only then remembers that she shouldn't think things like that. Starlingpaw was injured. She was allowed to be noisy while she tried to walk once more.

    "Going well...?" Betonyfrost asks, despite the obvious. She moves as if to step closer to Starlingpaw and then, after a moment of visible deliberation, retracks the step and sits in place.​
  • Code:
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 14 moons | tags

Smogmaw recalls his little visit with Starlingpaw in the medicine den. He'd ensured that Bonejaw was somewheres else, likely off foraging for remedial berries or the like, so that his inquisition of sorts wouldn't be intruded upon. What he wanted to learn was where he may perhaps find an opossum for himself, for reasons undefined. At the time of his drop-in, the apprentice still reeled from her injuries, although it was apparent they were on an accelerated path to recovery. If someone as young as her could fend off such a creature with non life-threatening wounds, then someone of his age and stature surely wouldn't have a problem with catching one.

It is good to see Starlingpaw out and about, regardless of how strenuous it looked for her to do so. Her pained squeak is what rivets his interest, and he pads on over from his corner of camp until he comes up near Betonyfrost. "I'd say so," he adds to the other warrior's query, scrutinising the apprentice's physique. "Looks like you'll be running circles 'round us in no time, Starlingpaw," continues Smogmaw through a coerced smile. "Is this the first time you've been out of that soggy cave? Must be nice to get some fresh air."

chilledgaze had to admit that they hadn't really made too much of an effort to talk to starlingpaw after her accident. it wasn't because they hadn't wanted to but rather because they didn't know what the hell to say. what does one say to make someone feel better, especially someone so close to kit age? ( not necessarily too close, but certainly closer than chilled was ). sighing, the felidae stood beside smogmaw, offering a nod of encouragement to the young molly.

"that's right. soon enough you'll be able to face a badger all by your lonesome... but perhaps later. right now, you're doing just fine where you are."

they don't wanna be morbid and say that they did not wanna see her guts splattered everywhere, but it was the truth, wasn't it? with a twitch of their ears, they sat down and watched. they didn't think anymore could be said that wasn't already said. if starlingpaw wanted help, surely she'd ask for it, right?

Ravenpaw's eyes were on her sister the moment she stepped out into the sunlight. She didn't say a word but concern was written across her features. It was in how closely her gaze tracks Starlingpaw's movements, it was in how she almost jumps to her paws at the squeal, and it was in how her ear flicked at how her sister stumbled.

The words of her clanmates were so supportive, so optimistic. Each and every one of them seemed so certain that Starlingpaw would be good as new any day now. Ravenpaw didn't say a word, she just watched. Some part of her that she couldn't dissuade still worried that they were all wrong. her eyes couldn't help but find the red, scabbed injuring that still sat sinisterly on her sister's leg.

Ravenpaw glanced away.